#🌸゚・。 * 。 ☆ * : can you tell me what happens when fantasy meets reality ? : (crossover )
ovrtersballad · 1 month
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Why are you talking about oral ?
What's so good about speaking ?
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ovrtersballad · 1 month
//He can't drown :P And she deserves a good time dammit (—‸—)
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Would he like to hear some folk tales and see the really nice reef she used to fish at !
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ovrtersballad · 1 month
Yiska looks like someone who would like the Plumerian tradition of giving plumeria flowers with handmade jewelry to loved ones. :)
Love head cannons // always accepting
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She couldn't return to deeper waters, her body much to sickly but her elder had been kind enough to help her adjust. And adjust she has.
It had been a good few weeks since she had been saved and her elder showed her such an amazing thing. The feeling of twine and ribbon on her hands was fascinating.
Giving your love gifts ?
It reminds her of the elders hunting for their life partners in acts of devotions and the late night moon hunts.
" I can....make what ever i want ? "
Her words are soft, only a little hesitant for this felt to new....to fragile.
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ovrtersballad · 1 month
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She sat in front of her new....roommate ? Was that what humans called sleeping in the same space ? The siren couldn't help but watch him as silence fell between them.
@aegirborne // starter
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ovrtersballad · 1 month
👀 Yes absolutely he would! So much to learn!
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Yiska will gladly share all the stories ! Its important for oral traditions and stories to be remembered !
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ovrtersballad · 1 month
@liroyalty "You can make anything you want." A smile came from the Dominant, presenting Yiska with the stable of the tradition, a plumeria flower, white at the edges of it's petals, while the center was yellow. "Handmade crafts show our love & devotion to each other by putting our time & effort to gather the materials & create them. And it always starts with this flower, we call it Leviathan's Favorite & the Symbol of a Sea-Farer's Love."
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The slow yet lulling role of the waves and song of the sea is ever present as her elder speaks. She listens with relish. Its always a treat to learn and to hear about the joys the others have and are able to experience.
The small hobbies and traditions make her feel connected even if she's only been here for a short period of time.
" Thank you "
Her voice was warm as she spoke , gaze soft and genuine as she looks down at the items like they are gifts.
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ovrtersballad · 1 month
"It's okay."
The scene looked like the opposite of okay really. It's more akin to a flash flood had swept through the place, claiming no short amount of people's lives. A creature of the sea, bound up like this, like a piece of entertainment, & treated less like gum off the bottom of one's shoe. Unaccusable for even a land dweller to be treat this way, but one of her own seas?! Suzanne would never let it stand. Leviathan wouldn't let it stand
"It's okay." And that woman, who but moments ago spoke when venom towards the humans, she spoke to Yiska more ccalmly. Voice but still distorted slightly from her semi-prime, but the difference was still clear. Raven dark hair had certain locks that glowed a deep blue, eyes once dark as oxyn had the same deep blue glow, lips once pale now were a sea green, gills present on her neck, & colorful scales of a mixing blue & pink color were there to her arms & just under her shirt. This woman was less of a human now, much more of the sea.
"Yiska..." She spoke the other's name, & it was like being summoned by a god, or a parent calling out to their child. Slowly her arm extended forward, a quite offering.
"Your name, it is Yiska, remember?"
Unprompted asks // always accepting
She did not know how many moons had passed since she was stolen, did not know what her elders or siblings thought about her kidnapping yet each day she prayed. Prayed for the ability to return home, to be freed. She missed the sea, missed the smell of salt and feeling of her siblings beside her. It was because of that that she had gone agents orders.
When she had seen the other woman all she could think about was home, was family. This woman was safety and comfort. Everything in her screamed out to the other. The water lapped at her feet through the rags she wore for she was in her "owners" care, but this was not enough. Even with the feeling of home being dragged to her it felt like she was still so far away.
"It's okay."
It wasn't, no..it hadn't been okay. She had all but lost hope, her name was all but forgotten and hope had almost left her.
"It's okay."
Again the woman spoke and this time she understood that it would be okay.
A sob left her lips as she held the woman's hands in her own, head bowed much like she would with an elder. With family, and how could she not be her family ? How could this woman not be her elder ?
Leviathan, father, mother, creature , ancestor. She had heard tales of their father , their creation from his actions. All her youth was filled with stories of their ancestors existence and respect was given. She may not know this woman but she was family.
"Your name, it is Yiska, remember?"
Yiska felt another sob leave her as she was finally free, as the pain stopped and the music of the sea was finally loud enough to hear. Her voice no longer hurt yet the pain was not gone completely.
She was free but all she longed for was comfort, was the warm embrace of home.
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" Elder please....take me home....I want to go home...."
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ovrtersballad · 1 month
👍 - my brain tank empty, but hey if you got one, shoot :)
Send 👍 for a random headcanon I have about our muses // accepting
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The first meeting was not a nice one, yiska was ordered to not say anything and if she did she would have been in a lot of pain. The magic she was under was old and very very very brutal.
But yiska felt the sea with sue, felt the gentle pull and lull of tides. Sue felt like home, the sent of salt and coolness of the waves gave her strength and courage to ask for help.....and in doing so she may have caused sue to semi-priming.
I would like to think these events happened after the game or depending before. Either way their was a drowned privet island, one less noble and a very free siren that would not leave the leviathan alone anytime soon.
IN fact , yiska is very quick to pick up some very sue habbits and this only gets worse after she meets the others.
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ovrtersballad · 1 month
🌸゚・。 * 。 ☆ * 🌸゚・。 * 。 ☆ *🌸゚・。 * 。 ☆ *🌸゚・。 * 。 ☆ *🌸゚Tag's
🌸゚・。 * 。 ☆ * : Love is a luxury that i have no right to but it doesn't mean i can't love : ( Current )
🌸゚・。 * 。 ☆ * : happily ever after is more then just words on a page : ( Future )
🌸゚・。 * 。 ☆ * : Can you tell me what happens when fantasy meets reality ? : (Crossover )
🌸゚・。 * 。 ☆ * : An endless dream that seems to continue : ( Verse tag pending)
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