#𝟎𝟎𝟏 β € . β € β € of masks and paints β € β € οΉ• β € β € βͺ voicestm ❫
echoestm Β· 4 months
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Word had trickled to him through the usual means. The masked members of his society had been approached openly on neutral streets by her clown goons. No violence occurred. No threats issued. Just a message. Their princess wanted a meeting with their boss. Funny as it might have been to Sparta-kick one of those bastards down into an open sewer to feed Croc, decorum had ruled. Roman had chewed on the request for a whole night before returning a reply, having an emissary chauffered into her territory to tell the first clown they came across a time and location.
Amusement Mile was her turf and what she did there? He had no idea, so rarely did their businesses cross over. It used to be her love nest with The Joker, yet rumor had it she ran with the Sirens more often than not these days. Sometimes just Ivy. Word was those two were the new item. Still, regardless of the association, the only time they caught sight of each other was when they were socializing in the private digs that catered to their type Gotham-style. She could often be found curled up on a piano, belting out tunes and putting on a show. His own place tended to be much further back, shadowy tables, a perch from which to observe and do a little discreet networking.
Beyond that, everyone knew doing business with the Clowns was a bad idea. They were snakes to the core, remorseless traitors, thieves among their own kind, and worse. Noisy. Flashy. A little too interested in Gotham's legendary verminβ€” too desirous of his attention. They made jobs go south on purpose just to play with him. Even when she was solo, she was known to be weak to him. Easy to turn on a dime and get deputized for a night or three, much to the frustration of everyone whose secrets she knew.
Still, he awaits her with a bottle on ice and a couple of flutes set out for politeness sake. It'd be as stupid to trigger one of her temper-tantrums as it would be to actually go into any kind of business with her. This is one meeting he intends on handling quite carefully.
"Miss Quinn," he greets when she's escorted into his office, seated behind desk, black masked head dipping in acknowledgement. "You wanted to see me?"
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