#๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ๐™š: ๐˜ฎ๐˜ข๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ง๐˜ฆ; ๐˜ฎ๐˜ถ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด
beastbitten ยท 7 months
Open starter:
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"So, uh... turns out I got a twin brother."
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beastbitten ยท 9 months
@helreginn โˆฃ ๐Ÿบ
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"There's... somethin' 'bout you. Your scent, it's... it's kinda confusin'."
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beastbitten ยท 4 months
@detectivewoof โˆฃ ๐Ÿบ
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Ethan tried his best not to bother the older werewolf at his work, though as he'd been on his way through to make head over to his brother's place, he'd thought he'd drop by with something that he'd made for both Manny and Hicks. Shyly inching his way up to the front desk, the tall timid creature needed a moment to gather himself together before holding out a plastic bag with a cylindrical container and a good amount of thick orange liquid inside it. "I, uh... I jus' wanted to drop this off for Detective Morales, it's... it's carrot and coriander soup. Um... homemade." He admitted with each word at a time, already feeling the back of his throat running dry just from talking. "I wasn't sure when his lunch'd be, so, I... I figured I'd leave it off for him anyways."
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beastbitten ยท 4 months
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@rvndrkhlme asked: "I thought for sure you were dead."
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"Yeah, I... I've heard that before." It certainly wasn't the first time he'd been found away from home the morning after a full moon. Ethan tried his best to secure his wolf in his basement, chains, locked door, but there were still times when it just wasn't enough to hold it back. It seemed the previous night had been one of them, the wolf particularly riled up and rampaging all over only for Ethan to wake up in clothes that were now more like rags and feeling like death after his transformation. It wasn't much of a surprise that being found in his unconscious state worried people, even to the point of thinking he might be dead. He knew that he probably looked close to it -- - he certainly didn't feel good either. "I... I'm fine, thank you. I jus'... was, uh... a rough night, I guess."
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beastbitten ยท 1 year
Open starter: ( post-transformation )
He had no idea where he'd ended up -- - all he could remember was that terrifying moment when one of his chains snapped off the wall as his skin was torn through by the monster that had been waiting just below, his fears swept aside by its own instincts.
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Where had he gone? What had he done? There was little more than snippets in his head, a few flashing before his eyes as he lay on the ground, what little clothing was still on him all ripped and shredded, eyes slowly opening, a hand reaching up to cower from the sunlight only to realise a figure standing just a few feet away looking down at him.
"Was, uh... a rough night." Ethan murmured as he weakly pushed himself into a seated position, his body seeming frail as though almost every last drop of energy had been lost. Which, in some ways, it had. "Y'couldn't tell me where I am, could you? Seems my sense of direction slipped right through my fingers last night. And my pants... by the looks of things."
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beastbitten ยท 1 year
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@detectivewoof asked: โ take a deep breath, okay ? you need to calm down. โž
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It was just another trigger that could so easily lure out the side of himself that he detested most of all -- - being injured. Though at least it wasn't guaranteed, even if it did take every last ounce of the werewolf's willpower to try and fend it off and stay as calm as possible. "I'm tryin' my best, goddammit..." Ethan just about managed through gritted teeth, not meaning to speak so harshly to Manny, it wasn't usually his thing, but between the pain radiating down his bloody leg and attempting to keep himself from losing control entirely, manners weren't quite at the top of the list.
"What the hell kinda trap was that, anyways?" Blue eyes tightly closed as he sat himself down on his rather tattered sofa, a hand rubbing at his face as he tried to keep himself together. "Wasn't no bear trap I ever seen..." His fingers gripped at his face, dragging in each breath as deeply and slowly as he could. "'less they gettin' creative." He groaned at the feeling of his heart hammering beneath his chest, his throat running dry.
"I say the word, you need to run like hell. I don't... I don't wanna hurt you." Though maybe that shouldn't be his biggest worry. "Or get my ass handed to me."
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beastbitten ยท 6 months
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@luposcainus asked: โ€œ so .. when can I see your wolf self ? โ€œ
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The question was enough to make Ethan's gentle blue eyes suddenly widen, half wondering whether he'd heard him correctly. Though given his canine senses, he had a bad feeling that he'd heard him all too clearly. "You... you wanna meet my, uh... my wolf?" He could already feel the back of his throat dry almost instantly, blinking a little more rapidly as he tried to think, weighing the pros and cons in his head.
They were familiar with each other, visually and scent-wise, and with Caspian able to change into his wolf form too, at least it made for a more even playing field if something went wrong. Wouldn't it? "I mean... if..." Was he really tempted to accept? "If we do this, you gotta be on high alert, yeah? I... I dunno what'd happen if I bit you." The more he leaned into the idea, the tighter his chest felt. "Next full moon, if... if you're serious 'bout this, y'could come to my place. I'll be chained up, so... uh, should be fine. But I get loose, you get outta there, okay? I... I don't wanna hurt you. It ain't me in there anymore... it's jus'... it's mostly jus' him."
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beastbitten ยท 1 month
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@hcartsleeved asked: โ€œI got turned around in the darkโ€ฆโ€ย 
Late Night Wanderings Sentence Starters
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The last thing Ethan had expected to find in the woods had been a person. Or more to the point, the last thing he'd hoped to find given that the full moon would be creeping in that night. "You... you've been wanderin' alone out here?" The Texan asked with genuine concern for her wellbeing, he'd been out making his last checks that everything was secured before he'd be out for the count until morning. "It, uh... it ain't safe out here. There's, um... there's coyote's runnin' around 'n', y'know... other stuff." That sounded reasonable enough, didn't it? "C'mon, I... I got a place close by. I can... I can give you a ride wherever you gotta be."
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beastbitten ยท 7 months
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@irrwicht asked: "We all need to be touched." From Hiro
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"Yeah... I... I guess we do." The older werewolf agreed with a small nod of his head, letting out a heavy sigh in thought. "Human, werewolf... s'pose we're all s'posed to be social creatures at the end of the day." He'd always tried to tell himself that he didn't need anyone, it was safer that way, less to worry about, but there was no escaping from the fact that, either way, people weren't built to be completely alone, they needed interactions, companionship, some kind of tether to the world around them and the people in it.
Maybe even more so with werewolves if packs were a real thing in their circles.
"You ever told anyone? 'bout what you are?" Ethan found himself asking out of genuine curiosity, looking back at Hiro as the thought began to furrow at his brow. "I, uh... I ain't given one in a while, but, um... if y'ever wanna hug or somethin', jus' say the word." There was no hiding the wash of colour that spread to his cheeks. "If you want one, I mean... I... uh, y'know what I mean, right?"
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beastbitten ยท 9 months
@hxllblazer โˆฃ ๐Ÿบ
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"Y'talk 'bout all this Heaven 'n' Hell mumbo jumbo like it's the real deal."
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beastbitten ยท 1 month
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@hacker-codeq asked: โ itโ€™s late, you might as well just stay here. โž - Ella @curseoffrell
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The werewolf hadn't even noticed the time until Ella had mentioned it, suddenly sliding up the sleeve of his sweater to look down at his watch. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd stayed at someone else's house or apartment that wasn't his brother's, even then, it was mostly Hicks that stayed at Ethan's place rather than the other way around. Full moons especially, though that was for good reason. "I... I don't wanna be no bother now." He quickly admitted, not wanting to get in the way, the last thing he intended was to get under her feet, or anyone's feet, really. "Are... are you sure that's alright? I... I'll go soon as the sun's up. I... I promise. I don't need no food or nothin' either."
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beastbitten ยท 1 month
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@hacker-codeq asked: โ€œYou look awfully serious. Is everything okay?โ€ - Elliot @curseoffrell
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"Huh? Oh, uh... n... no, I mean, yeah... I jus'..." He needed a moment to catch his breath as the panic ran through him, seeming more like a deer caught in headlights as he stared wide-eyed at the other. Ethan's mind had been elsewhere, just -- - thinking. Curling up a little, he pulled his bent knee closer to his chest, half hiding behind it as he rested the side of his face up against it. "You... you ever afraid you're jus'... bein' a burden?" Maybe it seemed out of nowhere, but it was a thought that cropped up every so often, always terrified that he was nothing but a bother to his brother. He knew Elliot and Hicks had been dating, or whatever it was that his twin got up to, and knew that he had a twin too, maybe he'd understand in some way?
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beastbitten ยท 1 year
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starter call
If you'd like a little something from Ethan, could you give this post a wee like and I'll type something up either late ( Sunday ) or on Monday at the latest. If you have something in mind, let me know and multi's please specify who it's for.
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beastbitten ยท 9 months
@badassxbirdy โˆฃ ๐Ÿบ
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"I... I dunno what you are, but I ain't lookin' for no trouble."
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beastbitten ยท 9 months
@irrwicht โˆฃ ๐Ÿบ
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"You're welcome to stay the night if you don't got nowhere to go. It ain't the Four Seasons or nothin', but it's... it's home, I guess."
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beastbitten ยท 4 months
@fiirstnephalem โˆฃ ๐Ÿบ
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"I, uh... I got a lot of questions for you." A nervous huff of air left him as he practically huddled himself away back into his jacket like a turtle. If he could disappear into it entirely he probably would whenever he wasn't at home, his nerves getting to him and the sheer lack of social contact he'd forced himself into over the last two decades. Though things were getting better, he was trying to push himself little by little, get out into the world, talk to people. He was a slow process, but he was trying his best. Maybe talking to someone who Ethan had thought impossible hadn't been the first idea to come to mind, but as unexpected as it was, what was normal for a werewolf? "So, it's... it's true? Mean... the... y'know, heaven 'n' hell stuff? They're... they're really real?"
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