#𝐕𝐈. [ . . . ] answered
gemkun · 27 days
what flavor is your soul ?
      ⸻       vanilla
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  oh   heart   of   ice   and   mind   of   gold   ,   what   am   I   to   do   with   you   ?   you   are   only   good   in   small   amounts   ,   bittersweet   fledgling   ,   you   are   hard   for   most   to   swallow.   your   spirit   is   strong   ,   your   wit   is   potent   ,   your   biting   essence   drives   even   the   most   daring   away.   but   why   are   you   hiding   your   sweetness   ?   I   know   within   you   ,   you   are   soft   ,   but   humanity   has   made   you   bitter.   you   mask   your   pain   and   sorrow   with   spite   and   sensibility.   you   say   you   do   not   care   about   trivial   things   ,   but   don't   you   ?   sweetheart   relax.   you   can   let   down   your   drawbridge   ,   the   waters   are   not   poisoned.   I   know   you   have   looked   monsters   in   between   the   eyes   and   scoffed   at   them   ,   but   please   ,   relax.   you   think   your   armor   protects   you   but   it   is   smothering   you   slowly.   little   owlet   ,   when   will   you   learn   ,   words   can   only   get   you   so   far   ?   feelings   are   what   makes   this   world   pulse.   do   not   suppress   your   feelings.   your   heart   can   still   thaw   my   dear.   trust.
      ⸻       rosemary
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  ah   ,   the   old   soul   ,   nice   to   meet   again.   the   time   of   ages   is   etched   into   your   bones   ,   you   see   clearly.   you've   watched   the   heartache   in   this   realm   and   sworn   to   solve   it.   but   kindness   without   limits   is   self   destruction.   oh   little   leaf   ,   strong   and   wise   ,   you   seek   to   bring   peace   with   your   presence.   I'd   be   wrong   to   say   you   fail   at   this   effort   ,   but   you   mustn't   set   yourself   on   fire   to   keep   others   warm.   you   wish   to   please   everyone   ,   to   protect   them   all.   but   if   you   shield   the   saplings   from   the   sunlight   they   will   never   grow   ,   and   you   one   day   will   wither.   protect   yourself   too.   you   know   there   are   no   happy   heroes   ,   so   don't   be   one.   be   a   friend.   your   loved   ones   will   not   forsake   you   for   not   being   perseus   slaying   all   their   demons.   you   have   your   own   monsters   ,   why   not   meet   them   first   before   you   conquer   anyone   else's   nightmares.   oh   true   —   hearted   paladin   you   are   brave   ,   and   you   are   good   enough.   you   know   that   right   ?   be   true   to   yourself   ,   one   cannot   do   anything   saintly   if   they   did   not   tend   to   their   own   wounds   first.
tagged by : @luckquartzed & @finalism ( pleading face ) tagging : @duelmarks , @oneireth ( caelus ) , @tavustlik , @basbousah , @kushtibokt , @defiedlife , @fortifice , @protcg , @kafkaisms , @wingspiked , @eldkitch , @apocryphis , @destisea & go ahead and steal it especially if the tagging system fails smh
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wingspiked · 2 months
Why do people hate Sunday so much!!
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GOOD QUESTION NONNIE. i'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's because aven is well liked by a lot of the fandom and sunday effectively psychologically tortured him. the problem is a lot of hsr fans are victims of the herrscher of media illiteracy, and have a really hard time grasping the reasoning behind a characters actions. while they may be morally reprehensible, they should be understandable - as is the case with sunday, who did all those things likely for the sake of robin. i don't think A LOT of people dislike him (because to be frank he is a very pretty character and very interesting and compelling) but the ones that do are unfortunately rather loud because thats the way it always is right. i am also extremely biased though because sunday is perfect and flawless and has done nothing wrong in his life ever.
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khrused · 4 months
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you are a character in a story, what kiss trope is destined to be in your narrative? ────── 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙺𝙸𝚂𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝙳𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙷. the primary instincts of all creatures — sex and death. if you can combine the two they become a bigger selling point. though not exactly graphic, the kiss of death is still sensual, seductive, and very, very deadly. the kiss of death comes in many varieties, including: hypnosis, narcotic effect, and sucking out the soul of the victim, which may or may not result in death, depending on the story. crucially it can also be a symbolic gesture — the kiss itself does not bring death or harm, but the person who receives it knows that his days are numbered.
tagged by: @kaerinio tagging: @beltraised , @lykosog , @harringtontm / @musecraft , @ghosttsar , @devi1lute / @riselazarus !!
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hellhoundr · 6 months
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@kangai: hiding his jacket for funsies
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           we know why you hid the jacket. don't lie, ayato.
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aeongazed · 9 months
@cloudhymn - " read through this. " there's a tablet shoved where once caelus' phone had been, tossed to the side as soon as he'd finished the game's level. dan heng at least had the decency to wait until he'd hit a save point to put the archive article in front of him. these were some of akivili's records left behind on the train about the luofu, automatons or sealife, or something. the vidyadhara had had trouble paying attention, now moving to take advantage of the fact caelus had not dressed for the day yet. languidly placing himself between his legs, one hand flat over the waistband of stellaron's boxer brief's to keep his hips down, as soon as caelus began reading he started lavishing the strong muscle there with kisses and bites, leaving mark after mark, soothing over the skin with tongue as an unrepentant apology before moving over to the next one. should caelus pause, dan heng would look up from where he'd been painting a picture of incessant love bites, bright, intense seafoam eyes watching, lips curling into a mischievous smirk until he continued reading. " it's not too hard for you, is it ? " gentle tease, followed by the scrape of draconic teeth, and another playful nip.
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         𝐚   𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐲   𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠   𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫   𝐡𝐚𝐬   𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭   caelus   has   yet   to   bother   crawling   from   dan   heng's   bed   (   or   as   he   has   affectionately   begun   referring   to   it:   the   dragon's   nest   ),   instead   having   woken   in   the   vidyadhara's   warm   embrace   -   to   the   tranquil   and   intense   stare   of   jade   eyes,   to   that   sleepy   smile   that   dusts   upon   beautiful   features.   he'd   like   to   spend   the   day   here,   he   thought   in   that   moment,   and   fully   plans   on   committing   to   that   bit   -   especially   as   hours   had   drug   on   and   he'd   simply   remained   at   dan   heng's   side   or   in   his   embrace,   garbed   in   nothing   but   dark   boxer   briefs   with   the   muted   glow   of   his   mobile   device   illuminating   bird-like   features.   it   was   a   cozy   routine,   the   stellaron   lounging   about   his   lover's   domain   with   space-pale   skin   bare   to   the   world,   teeth   sunk   into   his   lower   lip   as   thumbs   flying   over   his   phone   and   he   fights   to   win,   win,   win-   the   flash   of   'LEVEL   COMPLETE'   blitzes   across   the   screen   before   his   device   is   yanked   away.
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         ❝   hey!   ❞   the   stellaron   doth   protest,   but   it   is   a   weak   one   -   especially   when   his   grasp   is   filled   with   something   new   to   consume   -   something   new   to   learn.   the   pout   that   flutters   over   his   features...   lasts   but   a   millisecond,   because   he   is   so   damn   obedient   sometimes   for   dan   heng   alone,   it   could   be   comical   were   it   not   for   the   times   that   he,   well...   wasn't.   so   caelus   reads.   akivili   has   a   way   of   speaking   about   things   anyway   -   a   little   dry,   but   humorous,   and   it   stirs   something   in   the   back   of   his   brain   -   this   article   about   vidyadhara...   moonstrucked-ness?
         he   doesn't   realize   what   dan   heng   is   doing   until   the   second   paragraph,   and   at   that   point   -   gilded   eyes   fixate   upon   the   being   between   his   legs,   regarding   him   with   a   luminous   glow   of   the   scars   upon   his   chest   and   surprised   part   of   his   lips.   ❝   uh   -   ❞   back   and   forth   he   glances   between   text   and   dan   heng,   and   soon   enough   the   stellaron   finds   it   impossible   to   focus   on   the   words   at   all   -   especially   when   fangs   come   into   play   and   caelus   is   letting   his   breath   hitch,   strong   legs   spreading   wide   in   invitation   and   flexing   in   the   archivist's   grasp.   the   tablet   has   all   but   lowered   now   -   a   golden   flush   painting   across   stellaron's   cheeks   as   a   wrinkle   knits   it's   way   between   silvery   brows.   thighs   quiver,   and   he's   biting   his   lip   in   the   wake   of   such   sultry   words.   ❝   oh   something   is   getting   hard   alright.   ❞   he   half   whines,   one   hand   settling   in   the   silk   of   his   lover's   dark   hair.   
         ❝   what   has   gotten   into   you   ?   ❞   but   it's   said   with   affection,   followed   by   a   low   hiss,   as   gold   blooms   beneath   the   flesh   where   he's   been   bitten   -   and   caelus   is   arching   his   hips   down   towards   the   vidyadhara.   ❝   so   bitey...   mm,   dan   heng.   ❞
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eisiramdeus · 2 years
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✯ Favorite type, looks and personality wise?
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❝Hot n’ ready t’ be fucked. Like a pizza, really.❞ Don’t ask him about this one, Steve. Little Caesar’s is nothing that a New Yorker ought to concern himself with.
✯ Get up and shower after or bask in the afterglow all sticky and wet?
❝Git up an’ shower? Darlin’ I’m fuckin’ you t’ sleep.❞
✯ Kinks your character would not participate in?
❝None o’ the strange shit. Also, no feet. Mine are beat as hell.❞
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memokept · 2 months
tag dump!
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odewinds · 4 months
tag dump
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eonadrift · 5 months
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@rikyos: you think me more naive than i am.
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ㅤㅤㅤ𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧   𝐡𝐞   𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬   𝐚𝐭   𝐡𝐢𝐦   -   he   sees   painful   familiarities   -   agonizing   instances   of   memories   that   flit   through   the   vestiges   of   his   mind   like   petals   on   the   wind.   at   times   -   the   handsome   face   of   the   swordsman   blends   with   the   rivers   of   time,   so   quickly   becoming   the   ghost   of   niwa   that   hachi   finds   himself   back   in   tatarasuna   -   hammer   in   hand   and   laughter   on   his   tongue.   and   yet   as   quick   as   the   resemblance   is   there   -   it's   gone,   replaced   by   carmine   eyes   and   a   sonorous   but   firm   voice   that   quells   even   the   riotous   song   of   ire   in   his   veins.   
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ㅤㅤㅤ❝   aren't   you?   ❞   he   echoes,   but   naive   is   not   the   right   word.   perhaps   he   is   simply   idealistic   -   as   so   many   humans   tend   to   be.   regardless,   kazuha   is   made   of   many   things   that   even   the   wanderer   cannot   turn   away   from   -   the   stark   resemblance   to   his   own   past,   the   touch   of   wind   at   his   fingertips,   and   the   denial   with   which   he'd   deflected   divinity.   some   humans   were   fascinating,   even   more   so   than   the   god's   many   of   them   worshipped.   indigo   eyes   do   not   remove   themselves   from   the   other's   visage,   and   instead   he   grabs   the   pitcher   between   them,   warm   rice   wine   poured   into   the   saucer   before   he   passes   it   to   his   companion.   rare   -   for   hachidori   to   pour   anyone's   drinks   but   his   own,   yet   he   supposes   kazuha   has   earned   just   one.   
ㅤㅤㅤkasa   sat   aside,   the   puppet   watches,   and   waits   a   moment   -   chewing   his   words   slowly   as   he   always   seems   to:   the   meticulous   nature   of   immortality   lending   him   all   the   time   in   the   world   to   do   so.   ❝   fine   then.   you're   not   naive,   just   idealistic.   ❞   he   murmurs   wryly,   before   uttering   his   next   course:   ❝   you   know,   i've   been   wondering.   how   does   it   feel   to   stand   face   to   face   with   such   a   wretch   of   a   god   and   win?   ❞
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gemkun · 1 month
anonymous said : Ratio, do you have any thoughts on how the IPC handled the Avgin-Katican extinction event?
      ⸻       the   initial   silence   is   all   —   encompassing   ,   as   if   his   answer   were   written   in   the   absence   of   sound.   quietude   is   not   necessarily   without   weight   ,   for   his   demeanour   and   his   stance   ,   speak   volumes.   though   ,   perhaps   it   is   out   of   respect   ,   for   the   dreadful   event   that   had   occurred.   coordinated   under   meticulous   operations.
  ❝   when   the   ipc   wants   something   swept   under   the   rug   ,   their   enterprise   is   inexorable.   ❞   he   states   it   ,   matter   —   of   —   factly   ,   retaining   that   unyielding   neutrality   of   his.   if   not   for   alabaster   ,   dawn   might   exhibit   defeat   ,   were   he   to   linger   on   the   workings   any   longer.   ❝   scarce   and   limited   are   the   resources   surrounding   this   travesty.   even   the   intelligentsia   guild   ,   with   its   abundance   of   resources   and   papers   ,   has   a   conveniently   lacking   amount   of   information   regarding   the   avgin   —   katican   extinction   event.   ❞
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  he   recalls   ,   those   moments   when   he   had   sought   reports   out   of   personal   interest   —   to   fulfil   that   insatiable   urge   of   contributing   to   his   wealth   of   knowledge.   how   disappointing   to   have   been   met   with   clearly   biased   and   tampered   accounts   ,   illustrating   blatantly   ,   calculated   approaches.   with   a   flagrant   dearth   that   outlined   a   single   perspective.
  but   the   ipc   are   skilled   in   holding   tongues   ,   including   his.   for   now.
  ❝   what   i   have   gathered   ,   well   ,   regrettably   ,   i   am   not   authorised   to   comment   on   the   specifics   of   the   carnage   ,   however   ,   it   is   no   mystery   that   it   was   managed   poorly.   unfortunately   ,   reading   the   fine   print   of   the   sigonian   sovereignty   was   never   in   the   cards   for   the   avgins.   ❞   as   broadcasts   and   journalistic   endeavours   had   undertaken   ,   this   was   apparent.   thus   ,   an   announcement   without   consequence.   ❝   i   will   say   in   hindsight   ,   an   operation   led   by   someone   as   contemptuous   as   oswaldo   schneider   ,   was   expected   to   produce   this   tragic   outcome.   he   possesses   great   notoriety   ,   among   even   the   genius’   ,   for   his   turbulence   and   volatility.   ❞
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wingspiked · 16 days
???: “We were supposed to fly into the sky together..”
???: -choked up- “If only… I could…”
Is this another canon hint that Sunday is disabled / can’t fly?
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correct! there are numerous hints outlining sunday being 'unable to fly.' whether this is entirely rhetorical or not it's hard to say. neither of them... quite literally fly ( probably ), but there is A LOT of evidence pointing towards sunday having a clipped/damaged 'wing:'
sunday's 'wings' are wrapped around his waist somewhat like a vest - and while the outer one lays properly, the one beneath is shaped a bit differently - blunt at the edges suggesting feathers were clipped.
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( we know these are 'wings' because robin as a similar pair on her dress that unfold during her gameplay )
in harmony trailblazer's splash art - the crow atop the robin in the cage is very likely to be sunday. sunday has had NUMEROUS crow motifs throughout the game - from the dreammaster's ravens following him around, this splash art, the death of a crow poem, and his own black wings. this particular crow also has a clipped wing.
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lastly - it is very likely sunday may become a stellaron hunter. i'm not going to get into that here because i've already made a fat post about it - but in the jepella rebellion trailer there are crows, and one of them looks like it may also have a clipped wing.
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again - this clipped wing could very well just be an allusion to sunday's mentality - but regardless it is very much part of the reason he is saying 'i can't.' we don't know if sunday was born this way, sustained an injury, or the dreammaster did this to him (physical or mental it doesn't matter - the effect is the same. he cannot proverbially fly), but when sunday references the 'weak' in all of his speeches - there is a chance he's lumping himself in there, because of this wing clipping - but that's hard to say until we really know the extent of it i think.
anyways - it's too many times to be a coincidence. it's very obviously incorporated into his design, and i suspect we will see it in his playability as well. i personally do agree with the take of him be physically disabled, and am leaning in that direction.
to summarize - yes, it's a big ole fat hint!
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khrused · 22 days
𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙲𝙰𝙻  𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁  𝙰𝙽𝙰𝙻𝚈𝚂𝙸𝚂 : take the linked quiz from the perspective of your character, then select 5-10 results from the ' complete matches ' list that you feel resonate with your character the most.
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one. shelly johnson (twin peaks) , 88%.
two. tyra collette (friday night lights) , 86%.
three. claire littleton (lost) , 85%.
four. xiomara villanueva (jane the virgin) , 85%.
five. kate austen (lost) , 84%.
six. ian gallagher (shamless) , 84%.
seven. izzie stevens (grey's anatomy) , 83%.
eight. jack twist (brokeback mountain) , 83%.
nine. penny (the big bang theory), 82%.
ten. kara "starbuck" thrace (battlestar galactica), 82%.
tagged by: @sandmark <33 tagging: @killerharvey , @beltraised, @altrxisme, @fatalhymn, @kaerinio !!
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hellhoundr · 4 months
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@sourcewater: it has only been a week since then, and neuvillette’s thoughts wander more frequently as a result. an occasional glance at the ruby ring around his finger relieved him of all stress in this ever - changing world; lifts the burdens now shouldered in newfound position. their visits to one another became … different, but more profound. deeper did their yearning grow on days spent apart, and more intimate the hours went. it was everything he could ask for. the hydro sovereign slides his hand into wriothesley’s, quietly admiring how utterly perfect their rings look nestled next to one another. a slow lift of hand towards his face, then hydro - infused lips press to the duke’s finger —— lilac gaze burning with an intensity that compelled him to hold his beloved’s gaze. mine. mine. mine.
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ㅤㅤㅤ𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞   𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥   𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬   𝐨𝐟   the   ring   that   adorns   his   finger   -   wriothesley   feels   a   weight   with   it   -   the   impossible   heaviness   of   holding   the   heart   of   the   hydro   sovereign   and   great   iudex   of   fontaine   within   his   hand.   yet   the   duke   does   not   view   it   as   a   burden   -   nay,   it   is   a   blessing,   a   gift,   that   neuvillette   has   chosen   him   -   him   -   to   spend   the   rest   of   wriothesley's   life   with.   few   occasions   have   truly   filled   the   fortress   administrator   with   glee   -   but   that?   neuvillette's   acceptance   of   his   proposal   was   a   sort   of   elation   that   he   could   not   possibly   begin   to   describe,   or   fathom.   or   understand.   all   he   could   do   was   feel   -   and   for   once,   wriothesley   was   not   frightened   of   it.   
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ㅤㅤㅤmad   wolf   as   he   was,   the   warden   bares   no   teeth   for   neuvillette,   only   watches   him   with   those   lunar   orbs,   a   ghost   of   a   smile   playing   across   his   lips   and   a   man   made   of   ice   softens   -   warm,   content,   loved.
ㅤㅤㅤ❝   is   it   true-   ❞   he   finds   himself   teasing,   reaching   forward   with   his   free   hand   to   tuck   a   bit   of   the   iudex's   perfect   hair   behind   the   shell   of   a   pointed   ear.   the   act   is   so   domestic   -   so   tender.   oh,   wriothesley   wants   to   take   care   of   neuvillette   until   the   world   shatters   to   pieces   around   them,   ❝   that   dragons   like   to   hoard   shiny   things?   should   i   bring   you   more   rings?   or   does   this   -   ❞   a   squeeze   of   neuvillette's   hand,   at   the   same   time   wriothesley   leans   forward   -   to   align   his   lips   with   that   ear,   husking   out   his   devotion,   ❝   convey   my   love   appropriately   enough   for   all   the   world   to   see?   ❞
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aeongazed · 8 months
"You are going to break your promise. I understand." There is no condemnation in the Navigator's voice, simply a gentle acceptance. Ember eyes remain aglow with an warm understanding, almost as if Himeko had seen the moment they must all draw away from the very moment.
"There is no harm in that, all paths must diverge. None of you need to walk along mine and I would never wish it for you."
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         𝐡𝐢𝐬   𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭   𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐭   𝐢𝐬   𝐭𝐨   𝐫𝐞𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭   such   a   statement   -   to   declare   his   vehement   no   with   laughter   and   conviction   like   he   is   so   won't   to   do.   but   something   about   himeko's   gaze   gives   him   pause,   the   burnished   gold   bright   against   his   own   ichor   -   a   warm   and   guiding   implication   that   stirs   something   deep,   deep   inside   him.   he   thinks   perhaps   it's   the   stellaron   pulsing:   bright,   unforgiving,   all   consuming.   but   caelus   digs   deeper,   sinking   his   claws   into   the   vestiges   of   his   own   mind   and   hearing   the   softest,   most   forlorn   whisper   of   something   else   entirely.   something   powerful,   something   deep.   
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         ❝   ⸻   don't   be   silly,   himeko.   ❞   it's   a   hand,   that   lowers   itself   to   her   shoulder,   a   gentle   pat   and   ever   affable   smile   that   splits   playful   features.   but   something   glows   -   deep   within   the   vestiges   of   his   gaze,   burning   bright   like   the   hottest   rays   of   the   sun,   warmer   than   any   planet   they'd   seen,   and   with   a   spirit   of   freedom   so   like   what   they   sought.   ❝   your   path   and   mine...   ❞   that   same   hand   seeks   his   own   chest,   the   warm   glow   of   gold   pulsing   once   beneath   the   white   of   his   shirt,   ❝   are,   after   all,   one   in   the   same.   ❞
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eisiramdeus · 2 years
7. Did they ever had sex when people were around? // asking to get you on a public indecency charge <3
✯ Amore, he’s going to invite his friends to come watch him fuck you if you’re not a coward or anything like that 😭 they’re not only around, they’re actively cheering you on and calling you endearing nicknames as a team building exercise 😊!
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shougun · 9 months
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tag dump.
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