#π•π„π‘π‹π€πˆππ„ : LINES OF CODE / IC
nonhumen Β· 10 months
@chaosbled : "be honest, are you & Rimbaud, yknow~” Chuuya makes an extremely crude gesture with his hands to his older brother. β€œIt’s okay if you are, I’m just curious! I mean… he basically split his ability in half to keep you alive, if that’s not gay I dunno what is.” He woke up today and chose to be a MENACE.
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okay, he definitely did not need to see that. and he definitely does not need his brother asking him about whatever it is that he has with arthur rimbaud. " of all the things you could ask me and that's what's most pressing to you? " he sighs heavily, shaking his head. " no, we're not-- " another heavy sigh. " it's complicated. "
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nonhumen Β· 1 year
anonymous : Verlaine were you in love with Rimbaud?
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hand raises to rest over his heart. he can feel its steady beat against his chest. every day, at least once, verlaine makes this same motion so he knows it's still there. his final present. his final wish. i'm glad you were born. he is here with him. in his heart, in his name, in the gentle smile whenever he closes his eyes. if an inhuman thing like him can ever feel love, then it is for him.
" no. " head bows with such a heavy melancholy. " i still am. "
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nonhumen Β· 9 months
@chaosbled : { Text } Albatross bet me Β₯2,937 I wouldn’t chug as many Monster Energy Drinks as I could manage in 5 minutes.
{ Text } My heartbeat feels like a hummingbird and I think I can taste colours.
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verlaine stares at the messages for a solid five minutes regretting ever (one) getting a phone and (two) giving his number to chuuya. it was supposed to be for emergencies only. the assassin slowly sets the device on the table with the screen down. he'll be fine... right?
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nonhumen Β· 1 year
@chaosbled : Chuuya had been quietly agonizing about this day for weeks. He and Verlaine had only recently grown close, thanks in no small part to the Flags encouraging him to reach out. He’d been angry at the older man for… a long time. But he could see that Verlaine was making an effort to understand Chuuya, & respect their differences. The last few months had been… painful, & Chuuya had found himself venturing down to visit the blond more & more. It was the first time he’d ever really felt like he had an older brother; the only bond he had he could compare it to was Anesan. It made him want to give him something meaningful β€” but what could he give Verlaine that the man couldn’t buy for himself if he truly desired it… He’d tried asking Rimbaud for ideas but the man had simply told him to follow his heart… which was probably French cryptid for β€˜I have no idea’. It wasn’t as though Verlaine had any family besides the two of them he could ask. Wait… family… that was it.
He went down to the subterranean floor of the Mafia HQ & greeted Verlaine the same way he often did. Still unsure if he wanted to give Verlaine something so embarrassingly personal. The redhead was nearly finished his cup of tea when he felt a sudden burst of courage & grasped onto it tightly. β€œI know it’s your birthday.” He blurred out, internally cringing at how fucking awkward he sounded. β€œI-I mean, Rimbaud mentioned it a few months back… I’ve got something for you, but you have to promise to be honest with me if you don’t like it so I can take it back & get you something better.” He remembered a time when he had little to his name & all his gifts were handmade… the Sheep had never been particularly enthusiastic about a handwritten poem or a jar of cool seashells he’d collected. So he was a bit conflicted now; what if Verlaine hated it?
To my dear older brother, the cover page said in the corner. Inside the book was… well, it was almost a collage, of sorts. Images of Yokohama, random locations β€” no, actually. Images of places significant to them. The bridge, Yamashita park, Old World, the clearing where Guivre had been summoned… with little sentences written under each in calligraphy. You were the reason it all began… the second page had a picture of France, near the city where Verlaine was created. …& the reason I’m here at all. The third was a picture of the freshly created crater in Suribachi, long before the settlement started being rebuilt. It seemed to tell a story as he flipped through it.
You weren’t always here, & that really is a shame… but those that matter most in our lives sometimes take a long time to appear. Battered photographs of Chuuya, ages eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve & on, various stages of his life, from a blank-eyed scraggly little boy to a fierce, lost teenager. Salvaged from the stray Sheep he’d managed to keep in touch with & his own personal possessions. I had to grow without your guidance, & maybe sometimes I wonder what might have been if things were different. But I don’t regret meeting you when I did. Beneath that was a snapshot one subordinate had taken of one of their training sessions, when he was 16. Because despite everything…
A photo of Chuuya on his wedding day, when he’d dragged Verlaine in front of the camera because β€˜if I have to take these cheesy ass family of the groom photos so do you!’ The text beneath it read: you were there for me during the most important moments. That’s why… Close to the end, a photo of the two of them, taken by Dazai of all people when Chuuya convinced Verlaine to show him how he braided his hair, & snapped the photo to both of their surprise, his husband could even sneak up on assassin spies, apparently.
I cannot regret what was never meant to be. We might not share blood or DNA, but our existences are forever intertwined. None of us ask to be born, but I don’t want you to mourn the fact that we were, or what opportunities were lost, I just want you to be AMAZED any of us ever got to be here at all. β€” Love, your little brother, Chuuya.
On the final page was a very official looking documents, belonging to the redhead, one of which he had to do a lot of digging to even find in the first place. It was his birth certificate, his legal one. The one beside it… a certificate of adult adoption.
β€œI don’t need parents.” Chuuya said, ever so softly. β€œI haven’t in a very long time, but…” You freed me from a date worse than death. You taught me everything I know about combat. You protect me & are there when I need it most. β€œJapan allows anyone to adopt individuals older than fifteen so long as both parties consent, & that the adoptee is at least one day younger. The Mafia also follows the tradition that the one who mentors you is, essentially, your guardian. So… if you wanted to…” This would make us truly family, regardless of circumstances of birth.
He clasped his hands together anxiously, & waited.
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the days blend together down in the sublevels of the mafia headquarters. not that verlaine really pays much attention to the date of march 30th, for he is an inhuman thing created to be a weapon. he was not born, he does not have a birthday. and yet... i know it's your birthday. the older man pauses mid-sip of his tea at the words. icy eyes glance towards his brother to watch his expression and see how he seems to shuffle in place like a child. this means something to him, just as it means something to rimbaud.
birthday; the anniversary of the day one is born. verlaine was not born screaming into this world. he does not remember the day he was created, only remembers that one day he simply started existing. but that was no. 12, that pitiful thing meant for destruction. verlaine, paul verlaine, was given a birthday. the day he was given a name, given an identity beyond a number. the day he took his freedom. today is the anniversary of the day verlaine came into existence. " of course arthur would tell you. " the former assassin sets down his cup to give chuuya his full attention.
he has no idea what to expect for a birthday present. rimbaud had given him a hat but that had a purpose; it had been a tool for his protection. verlaine does not want for much now, not with the mafia on the rise and his release from his self-exile. when the book is initially set in front of him, verlaine doesn't know quite what to think. well, the first thing he thinks is how nice chuuya's handwriting has gotten.
a scrap book? verlaine flips to the first page and recognizes the locations instantly. meaningful locations. places where he made memories with chuuya -- both good and bad. he turns the page. france, a place of heartache. he knows those trees well; the details of the scenery the only thing he could fixate on while his body moved on its own like a puppet on strings. he remembers autumn, wishing to fall dead like those leaves.
the third page depicts the aftermath of arahabaki. it's a night he still remembers most vividly. chuuya had been so frail when the two spies had extracted him from the facility. verlaine remembers putting his coat around him to keep him warm, remembers how small he had been as he carried the child on his shoulders. something had sparked in him that night, something fierce and defensive. the idea of such a small, innocent child growing up to be like him made him sick. verlaine realizes now that it's the same feeling he gets when he sees chuuya in danger, when he sees him broken and in pain. the desire to protect.
the next set of pictures are new to him. it's chuuya growing up. he couldn't protect him, he couldn't whisk him away to some secret countryside where he would never know his origins. he's lonely and lost. he's like verlaine. he never wanted chuuya to be like him. the next photo makes the blond pause. it's a picture when he was training chuuya. the teenager is serious, concentrating on flattening his opponent with all of his strength. and verlaine is smiling with something light and lively in his eyes. this is when he had found is love for teaching.
chuuya's wedding at had been a special day. even if he didn't trust dazai -- as no smart person would -- verlaine could not deny the happiness he gave chuuya. he remembers talking to the boss after the two had gotten engaged, demanding answers and making mild threats because chuuya's heart must be protected. and that brilliant, cunning bastard dazai had said the one thing he had needed to say to make verlaine understand: chuuya is a lot like rimbaud, isn't he? verlaine stares down at the picture, at the way chuuya has his arm hooked around his brother so he cannot flee from the photo. he's grinning; they both are now. even if his initial plan had failed so steal a258 had failed, chuuya still ended up happy.
the last photo is one verlaine has never seen before and yet it is of him and chuuya. sneaky dazai, he is the only one capable of taking a photo of someone as paranoid as verlaine. he's in the middle of braiding his hair with chuuya looking up at him with fingers messily trying to copy him with his own fiery locks. it's so terribly mundane for a port mafia executive and the former king of assassin's. but isn't that the point? to have something gentle and boring and brotherly in their lives?
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verlaine catches the documents as they begin to slip out. he looks at them curiously before realization of what they are slowly melts onto his face. " chuuya. " these emotions within him, swirling like a storm, how could someone ever write code for what he is experiencing? when verlaine had pulled chuuya from that black liquid into the world, when he found the conviction to save him from this life of pain, part of verlaine had wanted to stay with chuuya in that quiet village. even then he had felt the connection between them; the same connection that had verlaine calling chuuya brother when they met again nine years later. all this time, that fierceness in his heart, had it been a longing? a longing for a family? a longing now held in his grasp in the form of adoption papers?
family, not only in feeling, but in right. family, despite verlaine's inhumanness. family, despite them both know what they truly are. he reacts before he can think, pulling chuuya into a hug and holding the young man against his chest. he isn't frail or small anymore -- chuuya has grown up and has found a life for himself. one that is still full of bloodshed but can also be real and true. a life he now invites verlaine to be a part of. what a beautiful birthday present: to have a place to belong.
" merci, mon frΓ¨re. je serai heureuse d’Γͺtre ta famille. "
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nonhumen Β· 1 year
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" they've sent me a strange one this time. what is your name, mon apprenti? " / @fogdweller
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nonhumen Β· 1 year
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" what makes you think you are fit to be an assassin? " / @selfnss
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nonhumen Β· 1 year
πŸ‘ͺ Dazai or Verlaine ! Or both.
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" chuuya is the only one i consider family. he is my brother, the one i would sacrifice everything for. or rather, i did sacrifice everything for him. and in return he gave me a home. " though verlaine has to chuckle, gesturing to his surroundings. " it is objectively worse than what the french government gave me but it is mine just as my brother is mine. i'm glad he accepted it in the end, being my brother; i would have understood if he never wanted to see me again. but he did and i will always be grateful for that. "
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" mori-san is... " no, he's never going to say it. he won't give the boss the satisfaction of the title. " well, he was the only one capable of raising me. he was the first person i could ever understand; ironically he's hardly even a person at all. " villain. monster. demon. all words to describe dazai as well. " for a child terrified of humans, the logic in which he saw the world was... it's what i needed. " dazai smiles brightly. " so he should have known i would run away when i no longer had a use for him!~ "
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nonhumen Β· 1 year
anonymous : Verlaine is it true you taught Chuuya how to fight?
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" that is correct. " legs cross as the former assassin leans back in his chair. " he already has a lot of raw talent but it needed to be refined. i could have killed him multiple times because he lacked training but i taught him what he needed to know like the good big brother that i am. chuuya is the best martial artist in the port mafia for a reason. " he pauses, his expression becoming wistful as his gaze falls to some unknown time. " that is when i realized that i liked being a teacher. like he was. "
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nonhumen Β· 1 year
anonymous : Verlaine. Poor, lonely, pathetic creature. This is the face of the King of Assassins himself? The perfect killing machine? Look at you. Pitiful. You drove away the only person that ever cared about you and, in the end, he died while desperately trying to remember whether or not you were okay.
To think you are the man who murdered my father with such cruel indifference. Did you think I’d forgotten your face, Verlaine? You made a grave mistake when you let the orphan you created live with the pain of watching a monster cut down his only family. I’ve spent years waiting for the chance to pay you back. But how does one inflict the same sort of suffering they endured on the lone wolf who despises the world?
That’s when I realized. The boy. The one you gave up everything for. What’s his name again, Chuuya? He’s the reason you hide in the bowels of the Port Mafia, isn’t he? You’ve no one else after all, after killing your β€˜father’ and shooting your only friend in the back. So, he will be my revenge. Killing children isn’t something I can say does anything for me. And he’s so young too, sixteen? Seventeen? It hardly matters. Cutting someone up is an art, and I’ll be sure you have lots of fun locating each and every piece of him when I’m finished. I can’t promise his death will be quick.
But I will promise this: when he breaks and cries and begs to know why I’m doing it, I’ll be sure to tell him, pourquoi ne pas vous demande Γ  ton grand frΓ¨re?
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there was once a time when verlaine would have immediately killed someone who had the audacity to approach him like this. not because of any sort of threats -- that came with the territory -- but because they saw his face. if someone held enough of a grudge to find him then it was simply cleaner to expunge them from the earth.
but things are different now. everything is different now. the once-king of assassins simply does not have it in him to care about threats or grudges from the past. especially from some random kid of some random guy he killed some time ago.
chuuya's name changes everything. steely eyes flick towards the owner of the voice who dared to speak his brother's name. clearly this person has done their research. probably infiltrated the mafia to find him and came across all sorts of secrets in the process. but not the one that matters; the reason why his heart still beats.
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" you made a very grave mistake. " verlaine stands from where he had been at his writing desk. " you came to gloat before even committing the act. all of that planning out the window because emotions got the better of you. " he approaches calmly towards his target. " even if you had decided to go after chuuya first, the likes of you would not be able to kill him. i'm sure my brother would have given you a more exciting death though. "
he stops, the calm demeanor never changing -- it's like being on the job again. " but you came to me because... what, you thought my exile has made me docile? even if that were true, you just threatened the only thing i have left in this world. "
and when he moves; he is fast. his powers may dwindled but they are still enough for verlaine to manipulate the very basics of gravity. which he now uses to close the gap between them in the blink of an eye. all he needs is a single touch, a light tap on the shoulder will suffice. " ciao, nameless fool. no one will remember you just as no one will remember your father. " every bone is crushed instantly.
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nonhumen Β· 1 year
anonymous : Verlaine, were you and Rimbaud more than just work partners and friends?
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he sips his tea with a straight face despite having almost choked on it. " yes, we were also enemies at one point too. "
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nonhumen Β· 1 year
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" hmm... an unfamiliar face, does this mean dazai sent you? " / @aethericals
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nonhumen Β· 1 year
i just finished storm bringer which means more mistakes are being made (chuuyas come get yalls juice)
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