#「👤」 breaching surface 〔ooc〕
ravensirens · 3 years
I’m going to archive this blog and see if I can get my other one up and running. I’ll continue the threads I left here.
I’ll still pair my oc’s with addisonsmuses’ muses. They are a very dear friend, and hope they’ll come back. I love writing with them and many others do as well.
As I move forward, I’d like to get over past experiences over the years and improve as a writer and a roleplayer. I’d like to reach out more and figure out more ideas. I’m going to take small steps to do so!
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ravensirens · 3 years
Addison’s account was terminated by tumblr.  I’m hoping it was the flaw in tumblr’s coding.
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ravensirens · 3 years
I’m going over to my aunts’ home.  8o So, i’ll be a tad busier.  Their dog has an infection so I think we’ll be inside for most of the time.  C: it’s a change of scenery.  The closer you get to NYC, the stress sets in.  Farther away, that stress subsides… At least, I think it does.  More stars come peeking out c:
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ravensirens · 3 years
name: real name starts with a ‘m’. nickname/s: Mage or whatever you want to call me. height: 5′1″ nationality: American sexuality: fluid, really depends on the person I’m with or fall in love with I guess? pronouns: she/her (been told i have big feminine energy) guys or girls: both last time i cried: October 3 hair color: brown what i should be doing: cleaning my room, replies, clearing my bed sheets off
favorite fruit: cantaloupe favorite season: winter  favorite scents: vanilla, cinnamon, rose, lavender, violet favorite colour/s: teal/silver/black favorite animals: cats favorite food:  pasta and noodles  tv shows: don’t really have one favorite movie: don’t really have one favorite vine: I don’t go on vine.  favorite videogames/s: Final Fantasy XIV, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne (Lucifer’s Call) favorite subject:  Art, foreign language tea, coffee, or hot chocolate: Tea or hot chocolate mostly, coffee when I’m in the mood  average hours of sleep: 8-10 when my blog was created: 2020?  number of followers: 41  random fact: I screw up my sleep cycle often. :D;  I don’t have a cat at the moment, but I wish I have one.  :o I’d give it lots of pets and cuddles. favorite fandoms: Sailor Moon, One Piece, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Obey Me
tagged by: Stole it from @viciousbite
tagging: everyone who finds it.
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ravensirens · 3 years
What are some of your favorite ships to write?
I mostly write f/f and m/f. With m/m, I have to be really comfortable with playing male characters around you. I have a shit ton. :D;  I have more! OC x OC
Anayuki MiraCrim RocketteShakti
my OC x canon
Please don't judge me ;-; ...
Obey Me (Where she's a MC/Protagonist character) Uh... everyone. Though, Mostly... Miyuki x Mammon (gets into loadssss of trouble) Miyuki x Satan (cats, and more cats. Just... cats.) Miyuki x Beelzebub (8I Another tale of "he ate all my fries ;-;"...)
One Piece
Aceyuki (Ace x Miyuki) Saboyuki (Sabo x Miyuki) Koalayuki (Koala x Miyuki) Lamyuki (survivor au!Lami x Miyuki) Banana Fish Ashyuki (Ash x Miyuki, polyamory with Asheiji or before Asheiji) Shortyuki (Shorter x Miyuki)
AnaMarco (8I .... )
One Piece
Banana Fish
GriffCrim (for the lolz and just to make Ash and Miyuki uncomfortable.) CainCrim (u /// u power couple...I use her as a slight link between BF and Yasha? Where she's basically one of the prototypes to the next evolution of humans?)
None yet... I pair him with his pillow as a joke. Rockette Not really sure. She's usually paired with Shakti. It'll be fun to figure out something. Shakti Not really sure either. She's usually paired with Rockette. It'll be fun to figure out something.
Marie Not really sure. Marquis Not really sure. Meteorologist Not really sure. (Meteorolgist/Storms) Nerissa She's over 7 foot Fishwoman with the misfortune to find humans attractive... She's also the only strictly heterosexual on the ship.
canon x canon
Banana Fish
Asheiji Shorasheiji Shoreiji Singeiji (Sing crushing on Eiji is cute, okay?) crack: Ibe/Max Jessica/Max Yut-Lung/Wine
Obey Me
Diavolo x Lucifer (they both act like parents to the demon bros.) Solomon x Asmodeus (sorta?) Everyone x MC/Protagonist
One Piece
I'm picking up Nami, Vivi, and Robin so...
Nami x Vivi (slowburn only/pen pals-lovers timeskip) Nami x Sanji Nami x Robin (slowburn only) (Nami is very much into badass women.) Nami x Tashigi (8I she doesn't think all marines are bad because her mother was one.) Nami x Law (I can see it, but she has more chemistry with Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp. Can see Law with an unrequited crush on her.) Nami x Usopp (I can see it, but I see these two as platonic lifemates more? You'll see these two hide together for the most part.)
Sabo x Koala (two peas in a pod? Except, Koala probably wants to kill him.) Rouge x Roger (two peas in a pod) Robin x Koala (these two are adorable. I can't.) Robin x Franky (Ship Mom and Dad. 'Nuff said.) Robin x Crocodile (very toxic relationship, that I can't help but want to delve in because psychological reasons.) Robin x Law (Can see them together. Robin's more Persephone and Law is Hades in this pair, in comparison to oc/canon Miralawi. Law isn't that picky, but I see him more into intellectuals. I may joke about LawxLuffy, but Luffy is too silly for him. And Luffy... Luffy's in another dimension 8I)
Vivi x Sabo (timeskip only: they can work I think. Vivi can show Sabo that not all nobles are bad. That some are actually good and try to do good because of their position and responsibility. Sabo may inspire Vivi to rebel more against her position.)
Vivi x Kouta (sp?) (her childhood revolutionary friend) I think they'd do great things as a ruling couple.
(I have my guilty pleasure otp's but I rather not get into those. One of them I can get into and that's SmoAce.)
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ravensirens · 3 years
(Insert picture of Gilgamesh being angsty here)
I haven’t been feeling too well because of a fight I got into with a friend from offline.  Been mostly sleeping it off that my schedule is pretty screwed up.  Really been trying to keep to myself, so I don’t dampen the mood.  In effect, i’ve only been isolating myself.
Going to get back into the replies I still owe.  Albeit, slowly.  So, I’m lifting my thread rule a bit. The one that says three month deadline for unanswered replies.
PS. Even though I don’t like many ooc stuff, I still read them so I’m in the know.  Sometimes, I just don’t see it on the dashboard.  If I ask something which has been answered in ooc, i’m sorry ahead of time. ))
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ravensirens · 3 years
happy birthday, Satan (obey me) I have no Satan to interact with at the moment.  So, this is the best I can do.  ;-;
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ravensirens · 3 years
I’m probably going to sound pretty ungrateful, but I just can’t anymore and need to vent.
So, I’m slowly working towards getting myself out there.  Embarrassingly enough fear and anxiety has paralyzed me for more than five years?  My friend has been offering to drive me over to vocational training, but it’s mostly on their schedule and at their convenience.  Honestly, I told them I was not ready and I was working on something else to get me to the same destination.
Wednesday was an intervention and I felt really ambushed.  I just didn’t know how to respond.  You know your friend cares and wants the best for you, but you’re not entirely sure they’re going about it the right way and you’re kind of sick to your stomach because of it type deals.
They imed me today around the mid-afternoon when I was asleep to say ‘are we going to the vocational training building tomorrow?  What documents do you need and I need you to call them.  I know they’re off Wednesdays, but still I needed some thinking on it and to calm down from being ambushed on Wednesday.
I told them this, and they said ‘I’m done. Good luck.”
I just... I need a friend, not another mother.  You don’t check with me or talk to me much.  You don’t see how I’m doing.  You’re not interested in what I am working on.  You just tell me what I have to do and don’t listen to a word I say.  It was simply radio silence when my mother died.  Am I that much of an embarrassment to you and your other friends?  Is that the reason?
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ravensirens · 3 years
My writing mood dropped.  So, I’m going to pull back for a bit.
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ravensirens · 3 years
Me: Where's all my credibility?
Me: It went out the window.
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ravensirens · 3 years
title00  uploaded by naiitokun
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure illustration by Hirohiko Araki (writer/illustrator for JJBA)
Araki’s process.
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ravensirens · 3 years
Drafts: 8 Inbox: 2
Updated Miyuki’s Thread tracker, and onto the ask tracker for the last three months.
I was way behind on various posts and replies on obcreru, and while I plan on getting the inbox cleared out for that.  I will be concentrating on threads from June 2021 onwards.
Hopefully around November and December I’d clean my desk off for my desktop so I could play FFXIV again and make it to Endwalker.  Just hope I have enough specs for that.  May become a 2022 new year’s resolution, cause I need to feel more content and confident with myself taking care of a space of my own.  I’d also like to fit a printer and scanner, because I feel like I should do a bit of traditional media pieces.
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ravensirens · 3 years
Slowly working on a thread tracker o 3 o /  for Miyuki.
If you don’t see your thread, I haven’t gotten up to it yet. ))
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ravensirens · 3 years
My mood has been down for some days.  I’ll work on replies and stuff, but I really need to self-isolate.
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ravensirens · 3 years
8I I’m awake, but... there’s a fly or mosquito flying around my room at the moment.  And I think it landed in my hair x_x... It flew off thankfully, but I just...
I’ll try some more of my drafts and see if I have enough brain juice to continue my profiles.  ._. 
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ravensirens · 3 years
I’m awake after a fashion.  Reblogged a couple of rp memes earlier today, and will slowly work my way with drafts.  I’m mostly on discord, just @ me on there.  
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