#﹙ Vᴇʀsᴇ ﹚ A ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴀʀʀᴏᴡ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ
The quick green fox jumps over the lazy bumblebee; @abuzzingofbumblebees
As soon as Bumblebee lowers his servo down, Minimus gives it a loving nip and tugs on it some before releasing it. He darts between his legs and waits for him, front paws resting before him while his rear end sticks up. The kitsune wags his many tails, happy to see Bumblebee wanting him to catch him... If he can.
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@abuzzingofbumblebees​ stated; A warm blanket is wrapped around Minimus and Bumblebees arms come next. The small exscout presses a kiss to his lovers cheek. “...I’m glad you’re okay my love...you had me worried..”
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Minimus slowly raises his helm, peering at Bumblebee with a vacant expression at first before it dissipates and he smiles some, “Greetings, Bumblebee.. There’s no need to worry. I’m here.”
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@abuzzingofbumblebees​ stated; “..Okay that was just too cute.”
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“Oooooh don’t you start, Bumblebee.”
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Of your milk and honey ; @abuzzingofbumblebees​
Ultra Magnus becomes immensely aware of the temperature as his own habsuite was usually cool. Making his way towards Bumblebee, he peers around him with skepticism before focusing that gaze upon the other mech once he’s in front of him, “You’re in that.. odd stage again?” He inquires, brows furrowing together, “I was not aware. I don’t need anything, but when you did not show up for work, I became worried.”
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He sits on the edge of the berth, folding his servos in his lap, “Is there.. anything I can do to help alleviate your condition? Do you need something cool and refreshing to drink? I’m here now.. Please allow me to assist you, Bumblebee.”
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The flowers are full of honey, but only the bee finds out the sweetness; @abuzzingofbumblebees​
Minimus momentarily flails as he’s practically yanked into the berth with Bumblebee, but after a moment, he settles with a soft huff, “I see. Is this the same issue you spoke of before? Your.. spark?”
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He glances down, his mustache giving a faint twitch, “Is there anything I can do to help with this besides the obvious? There must be something-- Have you thought about perhaps speaking to medic about this and getting dampeners for it? I mean, I have something similar for.. other reasons.”
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@abuzzingofbumblebees​ stated; Bumblebee is just gonna miserably climb into berth with Ultra Magnus, sniffling softly to himself. He hopes the other won’t mind him being here.. he didn’t want to be alone tonight.
Ultra Magnus wasn’t able to sleep as usual, so he was merely trying to distract himself with a small game on his datapad when he feels something press against him. Lifting the datapad, he peers quietly at Bumblebee, wondering why he was visiting him so late in the night but... from the sounds he was making, perhaps it was not ideally the best time to ask.
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He sets the datapad to the side and curls an arm around the other mech, bringing him closer and further up his frame, “...It’s okay. I’m here.”
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It is now Ultra Magrab ; @abuzzingofbumblebees​
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“Brave or crafty? Perhaps you’re merely getting sloppy? If that is the case, don’t blame me for such.” Ultra Magnus smirks down at Bumblebee as he raises a servo and boops him gently on the nose.
“How are you fairing today, Bumblebee? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen you. I thought I should remedy that.” He leans over slightly, chuckling some.
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@abuzzingofbumblebees​ stated; 🗣 :3
Send 🗣 for my muse to blurt out the first thing... meme.
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“For every time you refer to me as 'Ultra Daddy' or anything close to such, I will call you Winnie-the-Pooh and in fact, I will even go through the halls of the Lost Light and begin to sing that song I know by spark for all to hear... Just remember that.”
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@abuzzingofbumblebees​ stated; 🖤 for deh beeeeeee
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🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse.
I... I want to make him happy. I want to make him feel appreciated and loved. I want to replace all his horrible memories with good ones, let him feel good for once.. Let him smile. I know such things are impossible or perhaps unrealistic, but I want to at least try. He deserves that much at least and if I can help him achieve those things, then I want to.
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