#菩薩(pusa) means generally female buddhists why everyone asking Zhou zishu would be 菩薩? not Buddha?
shaguagua · 1 year
世間蠢人 恒河沙數
All the stupid, The countless sands of the Ganges
Generally means there are so many fools in this world. It's from 金剛般若波羅蜜經(Jīngāng Bōrě-bōluómìduō Jīng ; Diamond Sutra or Vajra Sūtra) shortened as 金剛經 (Jīngāng Jīng). The style of the sutra is a dialogue between Buddha and his diciple, Subhūti(須菩提). General story line is Subhuti asking Buddha, how to live, to practice and to resist temptation of evil.
The phrase is from 無爲福勝分(wú wéi fú shèng fēn; 無爲 wins over everything). 無爲(wú wéi) means "state of perfect knowledge of the reality of the situation, perfect efficaciousness and the realization of a perfect economy of energy" its literal meaning is doing nothing, just flowing with the nature flows, and do not defy against the nature. The Buddha is saying,
以七寶 滿爾所恒河沙數三千大千世界 以用布施
if we try to fill the countless sands of the Ganges with the Seven Treasures (gold, silver, lapis, crystal, coral, agate, pearl), how many of our supererogation would be?
Buddha is saying there are countless people who doesn't know the realisation, if he and his disciples help them, the world would follow 無爲 naturally.
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I don't know where he got this quote from but it is also rather common phrase, even though the river name can be a bit different by countries. I have heard of a small grain of sands being countless. Mocking 江湖 (jianghu) people are all stupid and he is the stupidest. Unfortunately it seems he is the only one who is being stupid. Conversation and transparency of relationship are the best scheme for preventing conflict. Most of the time it lacks in 江湖(jianghu). Greed is indeed a human nature.
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