#永 the first word on the first page ( starter )
aurorxaeternitatis · 10 months
       The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue across the sprawling landscape of Alhazaria. Domínico stood atop the parapets of the Royal Alcazar of Zahran, his keen gaze sweeping over the kingdom he ruled. From this vantage point, he could see the diversity of his realm unfold before him — the rugged coastline stretching out along the Sapphire Sea, the rolling hills adorned with vineyards and olive groves, the majestic mountains towering in the distance, and the vast desert to the south with its shimmering sand dunes. It was a kingdom at the crossroads of two worlds, a place where the beauty of the sea met the allure of exotic landscapes.
       As he looked out, Domínico's mind drifted back through the pages of history, tracing the footsteps of those who had come before him. Alhazaria was not just a kingdom; it was a living tapestry woven with the threads of generations past. The legacy of his ancestors, their triumphs and struggles, was etched into every stone and grain of sand that made up this land. He recalled the stories of King Rashid and Queen Amira, rulers who had guided Alhazaria through turbulent times, and he felt a weight of responsibility that came with his position as the current monarch.
       The city below hummed with activity — the markets bustling, the distant cries of vendors, the murmurs of the people. It was a symphony of order, orchestrated by his meticulous rule. Domínico knew his subjects looked to him and relied on his intellect and stratagem to navigate the complexities of their world. He was a descendant of their gods, after all.
       Yet, as the sun's glow deepened, his thoughts turned to the shifting currents beyond Alhazaria's borders. The impending union of Nunally Ambly des Ayvelles and Leopold von Furchtlos was more than a marriage alliance; it was a doorway, an opportunity—a chance for war and expansion. The tension of religious disparities, the discord of ambitions — Domínico dissected these elements with the precision of a strategist, his mind a whirlwind of calculations.
       The clash of faiths, he pondered. The implications of an alliance forged on differences. He considered potential catalysts — a skirmish on the fringes of Ambly des Ayvelles' domain involving displaced polytheists seeking shelter. It was a thread he could pull, a seam he could unravel. A spark to ignite the flames of a calculated war, a war he desired for his own gain.
       His fingers traced the carvings on the parapet as he imagined various scenarios. The board was set, the pieces poised, and he played with them in his mind. The reasons for war — he could conjure them as easily as he breathed. The consequences, the strategies, the victory — all painted with the strokes of his ambition.
       As the sun sank lower, Domínico's thoughts turned to Ángel, his younger brother. The brother he saw potential in, an uncut gem that could be honed and shaped to serve the kingdom's ambitions. In which way he was yet to decide, but just like with anyone in the kingdom, Domínico would find a purpose for him.
       " Your Grace, " Thoughts were brought to a halt and he was greeted by a familiar face — his loyal friend and confidant, Luciano. Luciano bowed slightly before meeting Dominico's gaze. " You seem preoccupied. "
       " Luciano, " Domínico greeted with a nod, his eyes fixated on the kingdom sprawled below, a land ripe with potential. " You've seen the shifts in the alliances, the brewing tensions at our borders. The marriage between prince Leopold and princess Nunally — it's an opening. "
       Luciano's brow furrowed as he studied Domínico's expression. " An opening for what, Your Grace? "
       Domínico's lips curved into a shrewd smile, a glint of determination in his eyes. " For expansion, my friend. Our realm has stood strong for generations, our history is etched with resilience. But the time has come to seize the moment, to grow beyond our current borders. "
       Luciano's gaze held a mix of understanding and concern. " Are we prepared for the consequences, Your Grace? War, bloodshed — those are not easy paths to tread. "
       Domínico's eyes remained unwavering, his voice resolute. " Every great ruler in history has faced such choices. The world bows to power, my friend. Our military is strong, our alliances won't fail us — I've made sure of that, and our people are loyal. "
       Luciano nodded slowly, his gaze distant as if contemplating the implications. " Even if they're loyal, will they stand with you in war after so many years of peace? I can imagine some being against it, and internal conflict will make us vulnerable — if it comes to it. "
       Domínico's expression softened, his tone carrying a hint of empathy. " Change is never easy, Luciano. But our realm's progress, its advancement—that will be our legacy. We will lay the foundations for a future that resonates through the ages. That is something the people will fight for, and they will if I'm the one doing the talking. "
       Luciano's lips quirked into a thoughtful smile. " You've always had a gift for turning adversity into advantage. "
       Domínico chuckled, a mixture of pride and amusement in his eyes. " It's what makes a ruler. We must adapt, evolve, and master the art of the unexpected. "
       " And what do you propose, Your Grace? " Luciano inquired, his curiosity piqued.
       Domínico's gaze grew intense, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the parapets. " We must explore every avenue, seek out weaknesses in our potential foes, and build a case for our actions. Political moves, diplomatic gambits, calculated alliances—all leading to a unified front. "
       Luciano nodded, a renewed determination gleaming in his eyes. " It shall be done as you wish. I'll send the word to those that need to hear it. You have my unwavering support, as always. "
       Domínico's smile seemed genuine, but even with their bond of trust and shared purpose, Luciano had always been someone Domínico used. " I'd be grievously wounded if I didn't, " he quipped.
       As night descended upon the kingdom, Domínico retreated into the depths of the palace, his mind a tempest of thoughts and plans. The future awaited, a tapestry waiting to be woven — one where faith, alliance, and ambition would converge in ways neither he nor the realm could predict. However, that didn't mean he couldn't control all of it. / @lured-into-wonderland
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aurorxaeternitatis · 7 months
        Malcolm liked to walk. He enjoyed the feeling of safety from the unyielding pavement under his feet. He liked the sound of the leaves crunching beneath him as the wind blew them into his path. Most of all he liked the silence that came from being by himself. Sometimes, the memories stuck in never-ending winter invaded his mind, the what-ifs played themselves one after the other until all was diluted with a few shots of whiskey. Sometimes, he merely walked down the streets with his work in mind, eyes focused on others.
        He took a seat on one of the wooden benches in the park and, more out of habit than anything else, he found himself observing those around him. The mother pushing her child on the swing, the lady walking her dog, the man jogging, the two teenagers smoking on another bench; each in their own world. He imagined pushing his own daughter on a swing, his wife shouting to both to look into the camera as she took a picture, the trip to a pizzeria afterward. A simple, joyful, purposeful life that had been stolen from him on that day. It created an unbridgeable chasm, separating him from a life he could never have.
        Now he was lost, wandering, trying to keep the wolves from devouring him in the dark forest of emotions he had found himself in. A forest he had been stuck in for so long, he was beginning to call it home. The only thing he had left was an untameable beast that had emerged from grief and hurt, his need for vengeance. For someone to pay for the lives that were unrightfully taken away.
        The mother left with her child, the teenagers rushed back to school after checking the time, two ladies jogged together and quickly passed by. Malcolm pulled out his notebook, a notebook with notes and information related to the unfortunate events many years ago, and went over it for the hundredth time since he bought it. Names, images of those possibly involved, those of notable names that were in Spain that year, the current criminals whom the law couldn't put behind bars. Anger prickled beneath his skin, snuck into his heart and clawed until it would burst free. Each passing name, each event, fueled the monster growing inside.
        Only when Malcolm heard someone's breathing beside him did he close the notebook and lift his gaze. " Wonderful day, isn't it? " He hadn't heard the stranger arrive at all, hadn't heard his footsteps crunching against the leaves, nor the moment when his weight rested against the bench. Perhaps he was simply too occupied with his thoughts to notice, or his senses were getting duller as years caught on. / @remauriel
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aurorxaeternitatis · 10 months
      Nestled within the very fabric of the city's heart, the grand opera house stood as a symphony of architectural marvel. Its exterior offered a harmonious blend of neoclassical elegance and intricate detailing, a mere prelude to the enchanting world that unfolded within its embrace.
      Upon crossing the threshold of its arched entrance, one was swiftly transported into a realm where the whispers of history echoed along the corridors. Gilded chandeliers, resembling celestial constellations, hung suspended from the ceiling, their brilliance dancing upon frescoes that adorned the expanse—depictions of muses and melodies that seemed to capture the essence of creative inspiration itself. A faint scent, reminiscent of aged wood and anticipation, lingered in the air, casting an aura that was both nostalgic and exhilarating.
      A cascade of plush velvet seats curved in ascending tiers, embracing the stage in a symmetrical ballet of opulence and comfort. Each seat held the promise of an unparalleled view. The stage, a canvas upon which dreams and narratives were painted, lay framed by luxurious curtains that flowed like ethereal veils. This boundary separated the realm of the audience from the world of the performers, a tantalizing divide between reality and the universe of the imagination. And at the base of the stage lay the orchestra pit, a haven where harmonies soared and crescendos ignited; an aural heartbeat that underscored every emotion that was to be unveiled.
      As attendees took their places, a symphony of hushed conversations and rustling fabrics filled the air. The anticipation, almost palpable, reverberated like a cadence yet unplayed; a prelude to the melodies that awaited. And then, as the lights gracefully dimmed and the first notes wafted through the air, the opera house transformed into a timeless sanctuary where the bounds of time seemed to waver.
      The tendrils of the opera's melodies wrapped around the space, yet it was the gilded atmosphere in the booths that seemed to clothe the audience in an intimacy that defied the grandeur of the surroundings. A moment suspended in the cadence of the music, Domínico's gaze turned toward the lady beside him; a calculated curiosity glistening within his eyes. A smile graced his lips, a deliberate yet unassuming expression that held a charm of its own. The lady before him seemed to catch his gaze. " For me, an opera is a blend of those on the stage and those watching. Sometimes, it's hard to discern which is more enchanting. I couldn't help but notice your eyes lingering on the crowd—did you seek the same sentiments this opus stirs within your heart? "
      His words, crafted with a blend of seduction and intrigue, hung between them like a silken thread of invitation, tempting her to share her thoughts while leaving room for the dance of conversation to ensue. He leaned back slightly, the dim lighting casting a play of shadows that added to the mystique of the moment, his eyes holding hers with an intent that was both inviting and enigmatic.
      In this shared booth, they were not mere spectators; they were performers in their own symphony. Each word woven into the fabric of their conversation would be a carefully orchestrated note. As Turandot's aria continued its ascent, the opera house would seem to fade, leaving only them; a duet in the darkness, where every pause and inflection held the promise of the unknown. / @vulpesse
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aurorxaeternitatis · 10 months
      Once, long time ago, the sound of an alarm brought the spirit back from the realm of dreams into the corporeal body for the most important daily event: school. Now; it wasn't the sound of an alarm that opened heavy eyelids, or the angry steps of a mother aware her child would be late to class; it was the buzzing of his phone – like a storm inside his head wreaking havoc, that disturbed the closest semblance of peace Ghost had. His eyelids refused to open. The weight of the heavens was on them, and the eyelids were Atlas' hands, carrying the lightness of being and peace so desired, yet so out of reach. Even when they opened, the lightness was gone in an instant, like a breeze on a hot summer day.
      A message. Few instructions (one of them being to capture the man and bring him alive), locations, sightings. Few pictures.
      Light hair, average height, glasses, formal wear. Office worker, perhaps? The man was nothing but ordinary in his looks, but Ghost was more than aware that the most ordinary men were the most dangerous. Their aura of fragility and kindness nothing but a veil hiding the worst intentions, a sickness hungry for power and control they themselves cannot tame.
      The phone buzzed again, indicating an anonymous message. I'm giving you a head start because I love you. Make me proud. - Your stepfather.
      Kafka. Between him and Nikolai, Ghost couldn't decide which man he disliked more. The only good thing about both was the money they paid for jobs. Equally provocative, equally rotten to the core. An exhale from lips was the way of letting things go, stretches were a way to set mind to focus. A head start could've been anything from a few minutes to a few hours. He wouldn't count on it too much, having experienced bounty hunts offered for mere entertainment.
      He drove around the streets of New York, albeit slowly. It wasn't uncommon for the traffic jam to occur as there were simply too many cars in the morn. His eyes would flicker to his phone occasionally, even if only to soothe the anxiety rising with a new informative message. Time was of the essence, and while he would've taken his were he the only hitman on the job, the knowledge of there being a competition soon only pushed he steeled his nerves faster.
      Half an hour later, the information he was given prior was released on Eden's hidden channels. Those who wished for five million dollars in their pockets would be on the move. An informant under the alias of Cupcake gave a sighting of the man in the picture. In a taxi, they wrote. The location was very close to where Ghost was. He parked his vehicle for swapping cars when needed and jogged to where the taxi was. Part of the traffic jam and moving slowly. Slowly enough for him to walk over and get the driver's attention.
      He hated how unplanned and rash the situation was. How it exposed him to witnesses and put him in danger.
      " You have someone I want. " The car doors were opened then, and the man he was supposed to kidnap seemed to pay no attention to it. Ghost yanked him out of the seat, pushed him onto the car, and cuffed his hands. " You, sir, are under arrest for money laundering, hacking into government facilities, and partaking in criminal acts against the State. " Improvised fake cop on the spot with the knowledge he possessed. Some of it was improvisation too. " You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say will be used against you in court. You have the right to a lawyer and if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you." Feet directed him towards the street where the car was parked and waiting, all in hopes an actual cop doesn't appear out of nowhere. Whatever protests the taxi driver and other people may have had have been put to rest once Ghost started reciting Miranda rights.
      The cuffed man was put into his car, doors were locked, and he slowly retracted from where he came from. So far, no one was in their tracks, but that could change at any moment. Notifications were buzzing in his pocket, which very well may be regarding the target's current location. Ghost still couldn't figure out why the man wasn't requested killed. Kidnapping wasn't his forte, but money was money.
      Blue hues rested on the man for a moment, his demeanor telling how unordinary he really was. It piqued his interest, even if it shouldn't have. " What have you done to have a five million bounty on your head? " / @distopea
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