#「 r. pretty and pink like sweet champagne ( mammon ; kiwa ) 」
xamassed · 8 months
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⟬ meme / @lovedlace ⟭
👻 decorate the house for Halloween for mammon!!!
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"A'ight, ya wanna hand me that one right there? No, not that one. Babe, I'm pointin' at the — oh, yeah. Nah, you were right the first time. My bad." The responsibility of decorating the manor's foyer had sounded like a right pain in the backside, until he learned with a rush of glee and relief that Kiwa would be the one helping him.
Tasks that had been a drag, tasks that made him feel numb with boredom and dread, were significantly more fun now that she was there beside him.
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"This place is gonna look dope as hell once we're done," bragged the Avatar, "especially with all'a the stuff ya painted! Dunno how ya managed t'do it all in time, but everythin' looks awesome."
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @kissespink ⟭
“Mammon… ya know you’re my first love, right? Like… i’ve never loved someone this much before you. I never even held hands or kissed anyone before you. You’re my first in a lot of ways and… I’d like for ya to be my last, too, y’know..?” she was randomly in a mood— nostalgia, thinking back on how they’d first got along, and hopeful for things to come. She wasn’t sure where the thoughts came from, but they were here— and she felt a need to voice them.
“I want Duchess to be the maid of honor at our eventual wedding, by the way,” she says like they’ve ever seriously discussed marriage or even actually agreed to it. She says this like it’s a very casual thing to bring up after saying she wants Mammon to be her first and last love. Yeah.
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She knew he would end up flustered after hearing marshmallow-sweet words like that, but for once he didn't bat them aside to preserve his pride or because they didn't feel deserved. He snatched them from the air and pulled them in close, right against his heart where they resonated with feelings that were deeply, irrevocably mutual.
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"I feel lame sayin' it this way, but ya ain't the only one feelin' it." He didn't look into her eyes and swoon her, but peered lovingly down at the hand he held in both of his. "I mean, ya. . . ya ain't my first for some things, and I hate that. I wish I could go back and not be a dumbass about a lotta stuff."
She wasn't his first kiss or his first intimate moment, but she was the first person that he had done either with that mattered the next day. She was the first to make him come back wanting more, and the first to make it feel worthwhile.
She was the first to change him, but she was also the first to accept him for all of his many, glaring flaws. Time had snagged some of his firsts from her, but she was his first love, and he would make sure that she was his last.
"We'll have the whole damn crew there." He let out a laugh and pulled her in, a firm kiss pressed to her temple. The notion of a wedding did spring up out of seemingly nowhere, but it didn't feel out of place to think that he might wake up one day with a ring on his finger and his wife beside him.
But as he pulled away from the kiss, he let out an amused huff. "So, are we skippin' the whole askin' part and just admittin' we're gettin' married some day?"
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ meme / @kissespink ⟭
✘ “Mammon, what do you like most about me…? there’s plenty of other people you could have been with, why did you pick me?” / she is curious.
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"See, that ain't fair. It's like you're askin' me to pick one thing about ya that's best, but I'm startin' t'think that ain't how it works." Her drove his fingers through his hair and clicked his tongue. "Pretty sure that's two questions, but. . ."
He growled behind his teeth and continued to ruffle at his own hair as he thought through her questions.
"I guess the thing I notice the most, especially around us dumbasses, is that ya got the patience of a damn saint. I dunno how ya do it. We're constantly at each other's throats, but ya ain't really gotten mad at us. Not in any way that's made ya wanna leave. 'Least, I don't think ya've wanted to. Wouldn't blame ya if ya did."
His frustration eased up now that he had a decent answer. "Ain't said it much, but I appreciate ya stickin' it out when ya didn't have to." ( mammon 8 / 10 )
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @casketcat​ ⟭
“So…. You’re Kiwa’s boyfriend, huh?” The boy in front of Mammon was short, clothed in a baggy sweatshirt that seemed to be from some anime, and clearly suspicious of the demon. He and Kiwa may not have been related by blood — but they did share one thing! His eyes were piercing and showed his emotions clearly — this was an interrogation. Shion had to make sure the guy his sister was involved with was good to her!!!
“She talks about you a lot. So, are you serious about her?” Way to get straight to the point, Shion!
// Shion & Mammon u_u I was randomly thinking abt them meeting somehow LMFAO
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There were two ways he could handle this.
He could slip into the comfort of defaulting to aggressive denial, as he often did, but that would only made him look bad. Mammon knew who this boy was, and he knew how important he was to Kiwa. They were bonded at the hip, as good siblings were known to be, and it would do him no favors if he slipped up now.
Or — he could be open and honest and finally admit to another living being that he adored her with his whole heart. That wasn’t saying much, considering his kind weren’t meant to have honest and pure hearts, but that made the sentiment no less true. She owned all of him, completely and totally, and her brother had no reason to worry that it was a fleeting, nonsensical feeling.
But that would make him look soft and vulnerable, and people had a habit of kicking him at those precise moments. His brothers did it, the witches did it, his ‘ friends ’ back home did.
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“She does?” Color touched at his cheeks as thin fingers rubbed at the back of his neck. “Look, kid, I wouldn’t be here if she wasn’t important t’me. Time’s precious t’me, almost as precious as money, but I’m here ‘cause I knew it meant a lot to her for me t’meet ya. As much as she’s talked about me, she’s talked a lot about you too.”
He dropped his hand, and with it a shrug. “Ya don’t gotta believe me. I know ya humans put a lot’a stock in what family says, but it only really matters t’me that she cares. Ya don’t gotta like me. She does, and that’s all that matters.”
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @kissespink ⟭
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"What about 'em? If ya wanna get a better look at 'em, ya gotta pay up." He rubbed his thumb and forefinger together, the gesture stating that he wanted a few loose bills between them. "If ya ain't got the money, I guess I'll accept a few hundred kisses right here, right now."
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ meme / @kissespink ⟭
Smash or Pass Kiwa for anita and mammon? uwu
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"Kiwa's super smashable, right? Ever since she showed me that cute little piece she bought, I can't get it out of my head. It's super annoying, but. . ." She let the thought trail away with the knowledge that she may have said enough.
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"Ain't no way in any layer'a hell that I'd pass up the chance t'smash my favorite girl. Gotta show her any way I can that I love 'er!"
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ meme / @kissespink ⟭
💪 Pick my muse up / KIWA PRINCESS CARRYING MAMMON !!!!!
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"What are ya — oi!" He was firm on his feet one second and swept clean off them the next, and it seemed not a single bead of sweat was shed over it. Kiwa was impressively tall, that would be hard to overlook, but Mammon tended to forget from time to time that she wasn't weak.
She was broad and strong and, damn — did she have any idea what it did to him when she showed off like this?
"What's the big deal? My legs ain't broken, I can walk on my own!" He squirmed in her arms and griped as loudly as he could, but he made no real attempt to remove himself from her hold. He seemed to enjoy it, in fact, if the way he leaned against her chest and subtly snuggled in didn't give that away. "Ya must got it real bad for me if ya wanna have me this close while we're walkin'."
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ meme / @kissespink ⟭
[ 📲 sms: ]  you look so good right now. i can’t actually see you, but i assume you look good because you always do. / for mammon!
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Her timing was impeccable. The ding of his DDD caught him at the start of his break, device slipped from his back pocket and quickly thumbed at. After a long day of constantly serving customers, it was a wonderful pick-me-up to see a message from Kiwa.
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎[ kiwa 💛 ]
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‎Ya keep that up, I'm gonna bring the uniform home. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎Might do it anyway, since ya like it so much. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‎Be a good girl 'til I get back, and I'll put on ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‎a show for ya!
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @kissespink ⟭
“Hey, Mammon— have you ever thought about getting married? Do demons do that?” The question came out of absolutely nowhere. Like, they’d been talking about birds all of two seconds ago. Now she was asking about marriage. Truth be told, it was really only on her mind at the moment because she’d heard one of her friends back in the human realm was getting married and it occurred to her she’d never thought about if demons get married. Especially considering their lifespans.
Was that context given at all, though? Absolutely not, because it was Kiwa, and she never really thought too hard about those sorts of things. Nonchalantly asking your long term boyfriend what he thinks about marriage and if he wants to? Totally normal. He definitely wouldn’t assume she meant to her. Didn’t even occur to Kiwa.
/ hope it’s okay to send this random little thing in LOL i was thinking about them today !!
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"M—Married? Like, t'someone I love? I, uh——!" He had, on more than one occasion. In fact, some days he daydreamed about it more than once.
All it took was a breeze rolling past, the smell of it touched with the sweet scent of flowers and it made him wonder what they would request from the florist. Then he would wonder about the cake, how many tiers it would have and what the flavors would be. But once he started thinking about food, his mind would wander to his brothers. Catering would be a pain with Beelzebub around, but it wasn't as if he couldn't have a wedding without them.
He pictured what it might look like to have his brothers there, watching as he and Kiwa made their vows and became bonded for the remainder of her days.
"Ain't th—thought of it much, but — y'know. I have thought about it." He coughed once around the knot in his throat, but it remained lodged in place.
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"Demons, we don't do that. Marriage up where you're from, even if ya ain't got faith or anythin', is full'a holy suggestions. It ain't for us, but we got our own things that we do here. It's a little deeper than human marriage, though. 'Cause, y'know, we're old as all hell down here. If we get bonded with another demon, it's cause we're serious about it.
Up there, ya got divorce, ya put physical distance, ya just drop those feelings like it's nothin'. All ya gotta do is take the ring off, take back all'a what ya said durin' the weddin', get it annulled. If two demons get bound, it stays forever. It's permanent. Thing is, if ya weren't serious about it from the start, ya regret it. The magic gets real stingy, so we don't screw around with that sort'a thing.
That was a while ago, though. I think, maybe, if someone wanted t'get married t'me, I wouldn't mind doin' it the human way." Another cough, this time meant to hide the crack in his voice. "Don't totally hate the idea. I'd at least stick to it. Ain't married anyone before, not for real, so if there was a certain, bone-headed human that really wanted t'be with me like that, I wouldn't dent 'er. Just sayin'. I'd make that promise a thousand times, and I'd keep it."
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @kissespink ⟭
“Hey, hey! Mammon! Guess what?” Kiwa’d run up to the demon in the hall, hands behind her back and clearly hiding something from him. She seemed really excited about whatever it was, though! “Okay, honestly I can’t wait for you to guess. Here,” she removed her hands from behind her back and placed a small, golden gift box in his hands. Inside of the box was a necklace— beaded for the most part, but at the center a small metal charm that resembled a sun. “I was testing some metalworking, it’s kinda clunky, but I thought it would look cute on you! Yknow, cause you’re my sunshine and stuff!”
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He couldn't help it — the moment she swooped in, hands behind her back, he hoped there was a surprise. It was the unshakable greed that made him want to ask, but it was her overabundance of excitement that beat him to it.
"Ya got me somethin'? Ya didn't have t'do that, precious!" The way he snickered and protectively cradled the little box in his hands, it was obvious he appreciated the thought. She didn't have to gift him a single thing, but he loved that she did.
The little charm was clunky, clearly made by inexperienced hands, yet each lump and bump told a story. They told him of her love for him, about the passion and effort she had put into the tiny piece meant just for him.
She hadn't bought him a gift to surprise him with. She had made one with her own two hands and all of what she had to offer from her heart.
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"Ya made this for me. . . ?" Spoken on an awed whisper, heart so full and so near to bursting that it made speaking almost impossible.
Rather than stumble and stammer over his words, he flung his arms around her. Mammon yanked his darling human into a tight hug, face buried into her chest despite the fact that it always meant nearly suffocating. He nuzzled and groaned into her, gratitude coming in rolling waves that urged him to hold onto her a little while longer.
"I'mma wear it, and everyone's gonna be jealous as hell! Got me another one-of-a-kind piece from the best human in all'a the realms!"
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @casketcat​ ⟭
It was decently early by Devildom standards — and as much as Kiwa wasn’t a morning person — she didn’t mind waking up early on this particular day. Why? Because it gave her time to admire Mammon still asleep next to her. The smile on her face as she watched him was so blissfully in love. This demon was the most amazing thing in the world to her.
Admiring came with it’s downsides, though. Now… she just really wanted to kiss him. So much for letting Mammon sleep in! Kisses are more important! She shuffled, moving to start placing a flurry of quick kisses to his upper chest and neck — then to his cheeks, nose, and finally lips.
// missed the softies <3
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He felt the mattress shift, sink. He rolled slightly, drawing closer to his beloved human as she lessened the space between them. It didn’t fully wake him, but it did help spurn his dreams into a softer, more pleasant direction. Where there had been dark and loss and sadness, he now felt pinks and kisses and happiness.
Mammon dreamed of her and how kind she was. He dreamed about the first time she smiled at him, the first time her hand touched his and it wasn’t pulled away that same second. He dreamed about the first time she said his name with pure adoration.
He dreamed, and then — the kisses began to feel too real.
They tickled against his skin, rousing him from his cotton candy dreams. One eye peeled open, but all he saw were wild strands of pink hair filling every part of his vision. He smelled her shampoo, and that alone almost put him back into a half-dozing state.
Her kisses moved to his face, and he couldn’t bring himself to fall asleep. The tip of his tongue rolled against his lips, wetting the dry and making words easier to form.
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“Baby. . .” He croaked and pulled himself even closer, drowsy smile grazing the apple of her cheek. “I’m not gonna wanna get out of bed if you keep that up.”
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ meme / @casketcat​ ⟭
💬 + kiwa (for mammon & Anita and mayyyyybe beel if you’re up to it?)
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“She called me ‘ bird dad ’ but, like. . . all I keep hearin’ in my head is the ‘ dad ’ part.
Ya don’t think she meant anythin’ by it, do ya? Demons can have kids, but it ain’t really ever been somethin’ I’ve thought about. We ain’t even been datin’ that long. Don’t humans gotta be t’gether for a long-ass times before they even think about goin’ that way? I mean, imagine it! Seriously, just think about it for a second.
There’s some lil’ snot-nosed brat runnin’ up and down the halls, probably got her pink hair and my eyes. They’d gotta be some weird, half-demon thing, right? What if they had my horns, or my wings? We’d have t’teach ‘em how t’fly, and how t’use magic.
And can ya imagine my brothers with ‘em? Lucifer would probably try t’fill their head with all sorts’a responsible bullshit, and Levi would wanna turn ‘em into a dork. Beel would feed ‘em too much.
. . .
And they’d call me dad. Or papa. Or whatever they want. And they’d call her mama. And they’d come home from school and tell us what they learned, and if they made any friends. I’d hope they could make friends. Real friends, not — not the fake ones like I’ve got. I mean someone that’ll actually listen to ‘em and hang out with ‘em, even if they ain’t got any money on ‘em.”
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“Oooh, listen — I love her, but I’m gonna kick her ass when school’s over.
You wanna know what she did? We’re headed towards our usual spot in the cafeteria, right? I’m about to sit in my chair, except she’s gone and stolen it. She stole my chair! I’m alright with her hogging the sofa, and I’m alright with her hogging my bed, but if you steal my seat when it’s time to eat, I’m gonna retaliate.
So I sat on her.
I didn’t know one of the freakin’ professors would be behind us. I’m the one who sat on her, so I’m the one that got in trouble. And because I was trying to defend myself, they considered me ‘ belligerent ’ and ‘ uncooperative ’ so guess who’s got detention?!
I’mma get her. As soon as I’m out of there, I’m gonna go to her place, and I’m gonna make her pay.” In the most loving, harmless way possible, of course.
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“She’s really good in the kitchen, and she’s generous too. She always gives me a lot to eat when she bakes, and it makes me feel a little better about my brothers getting some of what she’s made.
And I don’t think anyone’s said it, but she’s been good for Mammon.
I’ve seen the look on his face when he looks at grimm, and even that’s not as bright a look as when he’s looking at her. She makes him really happy, and it’s nice to see they’ve got each other. They don’t need my approval, but they’ve got it. I hope they can stay together a long time.
. . . Mostly because I want more of her cupcakes.”
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ @casketcat​ ⟭
It was so gentle, the way Kiwa grabbed Mammon’s hand as they walked through town, blissful grin spread across her face as she moved again to this time softly bump her shoulder to his. “We should go on dates to just walk around more often, sunshine! This is so fun! Maybe we should take the ferrets for a walk with us next time~” while now Kiwa intended the ferret idea to be a joke, something silly just to fill the quiet space, but there was no doubt she’d ask about it for real at some point. Cause Mammon walking a ferret on a sparkly pink leash was something Kiwa absolutely would have to see.
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Being alone with her, away from prying eyes and teasing quips, made it all the easier for him to spoil her with small, gentle affections. The hand she had taken was brought to his lips, kisses grazing across her nicked and sometimes bandages fingers. “Ain’t as excitin’ as poppin’ into a casino and seein’ what we can win, but if it makes my babygirl happy, we can do this whenever ya want!”
The image she painted across his mind was a baffling one. He blinked a small handful of times before their hands dropped and began to swing between them. “Wait, can ya even walks ferrets? I thought that was just a dog thing.” A pause, then a wrinkle of confusion formed between his brows. “Wait, no. Satan’s showed me videos of cats gettin’ walked too. Pretty sure I saw one of a rabbit too.”
He looked to her and offered a shrug. “Guess we could try it! At least the little shits would be in a harness and couldn’t run off. Can ya imagine tryin’ t’find those things in a whole damn city? S’hard enough tryin’ t’get ’em outta my room when they get loose. . .”
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xamassed · 2 years
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⟬ meme / @yutukiss​​ ⟭    
“i’m gonna fuckin’ die.” (xv) //drama queen kiwa to mammon SKSHDKAJ
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“Baby, ya ain’t gonna die. I know ya humans are as weak an’ feeble as they come, but I kind’a thought ya’d be tougher than this.” He was wrong. So, so wrong.
Talk like that would have worried him because she was human, but he had been reassured by his brothers that this was nothing more than a cold. It would come and go in no time, given she was taken care of. Seeing as how he was her boyfriend, Mammon took it upon himself to be the one to do the caring. Solomon searched for the medicine, and Satan told him the doses, but he was the one that holed himself up in her room while she was sniffling and coughing.
“I’ll get ya through this, promise. I ain’t gonna leave your side for nothin’!”
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xamassed · 8 months
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⟬ meme / @kissespink ⟭
can i paint your nails? / for mammon!!!
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"Yeah, sure thing. Was gettin' tired of this color, anyway." He didn't want to tell her that his brother had painted them only a day or two ago, not when it meant spending a little more time with her. He also didn't want Asmodeus to know that he had just insulted his hard work — luckily, the fifth-born was nowhere near being within earshot.
Curious and a mite eager, he moved from his spot on the floor and onto her bed. Sprawled out on his side, he began to rifle through her supply of colors. "What did ya have in mind? Ya got so many here, how do ya know what'll look good on me?"
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xamassed · 9 months
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⟬ @kissespink — Mammon’s Birthday 9 • 10 ⟭
“Soooo…. it’s your special day, so pick which hand you want the gift from!”
Kiwa stood in front of Mammon with the goofiest, most lovestruck grin and two hands extended. She kept the hands closed in a fist, hiding what was within them from sight. Admittedly, she wasn’t sure if this was the best idea— but… her heart told her to follow through today! It was important!
Whichever hand Mammon chose— he’d get basically the same thing. A clever little trick.. within both hands was one handmade ring each. Perfectly made to Mammon’s size, (she had totally not measured him in his sleep to be extra sure) but in two slightly different styles. While both gold, one had a small gemstone set into what looked like bird wings, and the other had a small gemstone in the center and their names carefully engraved in the inside ring.
As soon as he made his selection, Kiwa moved to place the other in her pocket— she’d show it to him later and let him swap if wanted— and settled down on one knee to reveal the ring in her palm in a bit of a grander fashion. “Okay, s-so, this is maybe a bad birthday present, I dunno… but, uh..” she cleared her throat awkwardly, color rushing to her cheeks as she mustered up the rest of her sentence,
“Mammon, will ya marry me?”
/ let’s pretend i’m not late!! 😭
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"Oooh, you're lettin' Lady Luck decide how my birthday's gonna go? Ya must be real confident I'll want what'cha got in your hands, treasure." Kiwa's confidence proved to win him over time and time again, whether it was quiet conviction or something more boisterous. It always lured him in, and he rarely regretted letting it do so.
On his birthday, he was twice as inclined to play along. Greed made him want his gift on the spot, but there was no fun in that. There was a game to be played, and he was determined to win regardless the fact that it was entirely based on luck.
"Lemmie see. . ." He tried to work a little magic, but the moment to saw thick wisps of pure gold twirling away from both of her hands, he realized with a start that there was immense value in both. No matter which he picked, he was bound to be satisfied, so — quick as he could — he poked at one of her clenched fists. "That one!"
Where he stood, he bounced in place. Gimmie, gimmie! He waited with baited breath to see his gift, only to have that same breath taken from his chest the moment she sunk onto her one knee and flashed the ring she had hidden from him.
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"Babe, what are ya. . . ?" He sounded breathless, and he felt it burn in his lungs. She wouldn't — or would she? They were in love, he was sure of it after all this time spent together, but he didn't know that she was as deeply in love as he was. Because if she hadn't asked, he would have. It wouldn't have been as subtle an occasion as this, but how and where it happened didn't matter more than the fact that it happened.
And it did happen!
She asked, and there was only one way for him to answer: with a pounce and a kiss so deep it almost made their front teeth click together. The ring remained in her hand, his own keeping her fingers clamped around it for the time being.
Pretty as it was sure to be, she was prettier. Sweeter, kinder and more forgiving too.
"I dunno if ya caught that, but I'm sayin' yes. 'Course I'm gonna marry ya, and I'm gonna make sure everyone knows it!"
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