#♫ The Angel Of Music Is Very Strict — (psa and rules)
twistedcveryway · 1 year
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{ By the way, I just want to put this out there, since I know godmodding is something most people in the rpc take seriously:
Erik's voice holds sway over Christine. This can be seen in the original novel ("he began to sing...and I listened, and I stayed!") and the ALW musical (in several scenes but most notably the graveyard). And in Kay's novel, it's a notable character trait that Erik's voice has an almost supernatural ability to entrance people.
I will not consider it godmodding if an Erik muse uses his voice on Christine in this way (especially if it's a Kay-based or influenced portrayal, because I don't want you to have to disregard your muse's canon). If I feel like the mun is taking things too far, I'll pop into IMs and say something, but from what I've seen from my mutuals on my dash, everyone is pretty respectful, so I don't think this will be a problem.
But since it's more or less across-the-board canon that Christine can be caught up in the "spell", for lack of a better word, of Erik's voice, I want Erik muns to know I'm comfortable with that popping up in threads }
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twistedcveryway · 1 year
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