#♡. aryin.ic ⁄ ⁄ the forsaken dreamer .
stellarhistoria · 7 months
@earthwilled ft aryin because therapy time
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"It's a bad habit,"  the young soldier wearily chuckles at the words spoken, half in show of faith and half in belief that perhaps he could change.  "I know, I shouldn't hold things in, but at the end of the day, I need to get through what I'm doing in order to have a moment to breathe and feel..."  he reaches up with his claws and gently takes off the new hat he had gotten from his aunt and his little brother. a cowboy hat with a single plume of a red chocobo's feathers. it looked barren, compared to the rest of him.  "Do you... do you think it's wrong of me? To not want to feel angry with the world that hurt me, and those that I love?"
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
@cosmicdreamt here
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"You say that from the perspective of someone who has not lost everything, who has seen the world's end four times over and yet kept walking."
There's a pause at the end of the words; hesitation.
"I appreciate, Nefeloma, your... sympathy," word choice is everything. "but please understand... that I have lost everything, so many times. I have ran when I should have stayed. I have stayed when I should have ran. I have screamed when I should have stayed silent, stayed silent when I should have screamed... I have done everything in my life wrong... and when I finally made the right choice, I still did not. I am so afraid of losing it all. Again."
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"War... it forces you to make choices. They will not always be the best choices. But they will be yours. And most of them you will regret."
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stellarhistoria · 6 months
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"Momma, momma, guess what Dad and Auntie gave me?" multicolored eyes glitter with joy and sadness both - an electric sort of melancholy bliss, charged with love and lingering with grief. "Dad and Auntie gave me a new hat! It's- It's technically Dad's, but um, I- I want to make it more like me." and she curls a grinning smile across her lips as she takes off the hat she's wearing and proceeds to hold it out to fenix - a very simply campaign hat with a single red chocobo plume that is nigh comical. but otherwise, barren. rather, new.
@breathofcosmos ♥ fenix dahana
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stellarhistoria · 8 months
@cosmicdreamt. / from here. / aryin & neff.
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"I am so sorry about him!" the familiar voice of an old acquaintance breathlessly apologizes as they come stumbling into the cafe, obviously having been chasing the poor fox kit through the city just to wind up here, in front of the poor woman. "He's gotten it into his head that he goes to people he thinks I need to see here and he's just... ahhh, I am so sorry."
even so, their smile is warm and bright as they walk over to nefeloma, reaching over to gently pet the young kit in the cafe owner's arms. "He seems to like you quite a bit. Consider it a mage's blessing, I suppose."
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stellarhistoria · 8 months
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"Hey, Aryin. I'm done watching Noire for the day." a slight smirk crosses his features. "I left him with Jet. So we should be hearing screaming in the next ten minutes."
the rogue pauses.
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"What are you doing, by the way? This is Viv's office."
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"I am actually really glad you are here. Can you help set this up? And also, like-- if anyone wants to talk to you, just ignore how there is suddenly a voice in your head. I have gotten used to it."
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"... Like Gwen's 'ghosts'. Got it. Everything makes sense and nothing matters."
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"Hahah! That is the spirit, Cayde! I will be back shortly."
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stellarhistoria · 9 months
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i need this cute and so do you // @zodiac--muses. // aryin & gwen.
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aryin was nothing if not intuitive when it came to other people. sometimes, yes, sometimes he found himself ... unaware of how to respond to it, but he always NOTICES. and maybe that's why he's always so sad and yet does his damnedest to hide it from those who find themselves caring about him, because they deserve a little sunshine in their life.
vivian would have something to say about that. smoker wouldn't like it. grey... well, he knows what dad would say.
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"I'm sure they are, but how could they ever compare to you?" for most, it would sound like a cheesy pick up line, but aryin has always been the sort of person to speak his mind. and this is no different. "I'll walk with you, but I can't guarantee keeping my eyes off of you, my galaxy."
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stellarhistoria · 9 months
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sure is a meme? // @zodiac--muses. // gwen & aryin.
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it's a bit of a surprise that crosses the ex prince's features at the offer of going to dance. and, perhaps, it wasn't the offer that made him sad, rather than thinking of all the times that he had tried to enjoy a ball like this, only to realize that he, perhaps, just... maybe he wasn't... meant... for this sort of life. the parties, the excitement, the vibrancy.
it made him believe that his story would end in the same tragedy that haunted him all his life. it made him believe, truly, that, things that were golden and glittering were not made for him.
he's a dragon, and in stories, dragons are evil, are monsters, end up dead.
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"I'm sorry, my love, I... I'm not feeling up to dancing."
he felt like a horrible person for not being able to keep up his normal presentation, but as far as he was concerned, he was terribly out of place. someone who felt like that they were... an outsider looking in. and, in a way, both of them were. they did not belong in this scene anymore.
but his eyes trail over to his brother, easily conversing, easily living in the moment, easily going through person to person and complimenting them, laughing with them, indulging their stories... as if charm and wit were a part of his daily routine. maybe it is, for him. "Could we just sit outside for a bit? I want to enjoy the calmness while we can."
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he wants good memories, not sad moments.
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stellarhistoria · 10 months
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there's a harsh swallow from the ex prince. it has been, some time for him since he's been anywhere near a gala or a ball without the aid of someone he knows - and in reality, luka is probably off already mingling with someone else that has arrived. a deep breath, and he softens his features from the harshness ─
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only for someone to stun him into sputtering as they speak. "Pardon? Sorry, eh, the processing was bad. What did you say your name was? I am Aryin C- Ashland. Aryin Ashland. Apologies, fumbling quite a bit."
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stellarhistoria · 10 months
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"I have not been a part of something like this in a very long time. Lusha, do you think I still belong among ──"
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"Of course you belong at regal events. You are a prince yourself, Aryin. We both got invitations; relax a little."
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stellarhistoria · 10 months
@nerdynanny ♥ ── XEHANORT & ARYIN.
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"You are... Master Xehanort, yes?" the ex-knight would of course recognize the man plastered across the history books. while most would cower in fear, or brandish a weapon, the only tone that the young man holds is a... keen eyed curiosity. "I've heard much about you, sir."
it was a sort of quiet respect that the ex-knight held in this moment, despite all the horrible things he's read of the past that happened due to this man before himself. "Your reputation precedes you. It's a pleasure to meet you." when there is less of a danger (at least that gwen and addam would believe) to introduce himself, he would.
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stellarhistoria · 10 months
this is going to be funny / / @lichthey. / / spencer & aryin.
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"Oh, no, I am quite aware, thank you!" chirped with a bit of absentminded delight, "You see, I'm trying to see how the people who can't play fair manage to win, so I have ways of getting around it with the people who cheat on bigger scales. You understand the premise of learning from experience, yes?"
the knight giggles and takes out another pouch of mixed types of pieces. "I am not actually broke. I left half of my funds with my partner in crime, so to speak. Gambler he is, he will not spend what is not his."
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
“If you don’t come back, I’m going to be very, very upset.” percy @ aryin!
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Aryin is halfway out of the room by the time he speaks up, and it brings them to pause. It's become a normal routine for them to dismiss themselves when they feel that familiar tug to go home, back to the place whence they came, but this time it's softer. Less than a funeral dirge than they're used to and more like they still have time to sit and wait and talk. They're just used to running, used to leaving, because people tend to not want them around.
After all, they're more beast than beauty, aren't they?
Even so, they can't help but turn to face the lord of Whitestone with a brimming, though lightly cautious sort of enthusiasm, not sure if he's welcoming to their bubbly nature that they're slowly trying to show to people once more in wake of rebellion against their father.
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"Why, Lord de Rolo, you humble this young Prince! Dare I say you enjoy my company?" They chuckle, then blink, turning nervous once more as they realize ── they're not sure if they've ever told him that he's a prince of anything. Talk less, smile more. "I do not plan on going anywhere permanently anytime soon, you know. You will see me again... and, well, I do have some more time, I suppose. I guess I can stay a little longer. Just, no touchy the glass shards. Request from my acquaintance; Miss Highwind."
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stellarhistoria · 1 year
@cosmicdreamt [ aryin and neff ]
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A bit of a start makes her jump as she suddenly hears the voice come from beside and a little bit behind her, making her move from in front of the mirror in this little establishment she's shopping in to a little bit off from the raised platform. Her heart is racing; she doesn't look good in this, and she knows it, and now someone else knows it, oh stars.
"Ehm... If you want to help me out with this, then that's fine... this is... this is new to me. I've just been noticing a need for new clothes recently." Aryin frowns slightly, looking a bit sad. "Things aren't fitting the way they used to."
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stellarhistoria · 5 months
Hey... Aryin? Do you know what you are?
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like a quilt made of so many different types of cloth that it's no longer the one you started with. like a dream that you've grafted so many others onto that it feels like it's become tangled. like a ship rebuilt, remade, redone until it's no longer what it used to be.
instead, something new.
something rotten.
"I am... a patchwork."
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stellarhistoria · 6 months
"Learning to love yourself takes practice" Gwen, very softly and gently, to Aryin
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"I know." he shakily chokes out, the new hat he's gotten to remind him of the things he's truly fighting for in this seemingly ENDLESS war. he feels so small, so useless, even if he's supposed to be some grand hero. and he's so scared of being that. he doesn't want to be the hero! heroes don't get to see their happy ending!
( name one hero that was happy. you can't. )
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"I know it's a practice, I know. But it feels so much more than that. It feels like drowning while I'm fire. It feels like I've got my feet in the depths of hell and I'm choking on a halo. It feels like I'm dying, and all I want to do is live. Truly live. I want a life where I'm not scared of the next day not coming, the sun not rising ─ I don't want to run, my love, but I don't know how to stay."
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@zodiac--muses ♥ gwennen gawain
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stellarhistoria · 6 months
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"I am cursed to always understand every perspective told to me and never know if I have my own to share."
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