#♕ ⭒ headcanon
nobodydeviates · 2 months
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tsareviich · 3 months
vasily isn't a good person. he's selfish and an asshole and spoiled and lazy. but he is capable of doing good things. but the good things he does often doesn't erase the... not great person he is.
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avanturis · 1 year
Dominik always carries this small picture of Nikolai in one of his pockets
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stormbcrn · 2 months
just dropping in to say modern dany's karaoke song is "...baby one more time"
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bullyberry · 2 months
Stella enjoys taking photographs. She likes capturing moments in life just as they are and keeping them forever. She prefers to capture moments in life as they are rather then photos that are staged. Surprisingly she isn't one for selfies, most photos are taken on her phone and are of either of wild pokemon or shots of BB Academy.
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loveindomitable · 25 days
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𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍: 𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑥 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑡-𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑧
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Alex gets diagnosed with ADHD after Henry insists that he should get it checked out, out of concern for him.
He wears glasses most of the time by the time he turns 25, he learned that he couldn't see as well as he thought while he's in college.
He ends up going to college for law and becomes a top lawyer in his state a few years after graduation.
He and Henry eventually end up settling down in Texas. Since his parents eventually had passed on the family home to him, they renovate it some and live there.
Depending on the verse, Alex goes on to be one of the youngest elected for s.enator. Zahra and Ellen had run numbers on him when she was in office and they were very good, given if he would've run back then. by the time he's thirty, he fully follows in his mothers footsteps entirely.
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zcrayas · 5 months
Variety of trait related headcanons
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heat-resistance. When others are sweating to cool down in heat, Rya doesn't sweat. She can't sweat. She is at home at the volcano. She can grab burning coals, hand you a torch while holding the burning end... shocking everyone around her. Bath in scalding water... heck she could walk through fire and lava and the only things suffering would be her clothes. So naturally, she would take off her clothes. Man-serpents are like that. Fire-proof. cold-blooded. When others feel bit of chill, Rya doesn't shiver, she just starts to slow down, feel drowsy, and eventually hibernate. She would have to dress more layers than others even in decent temperatures, just to keep the warmth in.
shedding. She seems to have reached physical maturity considering she is height of the other man-serpents, so she wouldn't be growing too much (unless her relation to demi-god would have her grow even bigger!). She sheds her skin about 2 to 4 times a year. When she was younger, it used to be far more frequent.
illusion. Animals seem to sense her true form, prey animals fleeing from her - also the illusion can be broken by certain incantations! She is not immune to those. So, if muse can sense illusions, has high intuition or can break them - it is possible. Her bad posture reflects a bit who she truly is, but it also resembles what she would look like if she was pure human.
habits. Rya was taught to live like a human. Lady Tanith raised her from very young age to a noble household. She understands humans by speech, expressions and mannerisms, she speaks human languages. She would know how to behave at a royal court and what spoons and forks are used at which order. However, there is balancing between instincts and learnt habits. She is a serpent. She can swallow crab a whole - she can hunt prey when her instincts kick in - some things cannot disappear.
pacifist. She is not a fighter, nor ever was taught to be one. Lady Tanith raised her sheltered and withheld details of her work and secrets. Rya's kind nature and positive view towards the World made her focus on teaching her daughter to be a lady. Hopefully one day to represent the family of the great lord, perhaps marry... However she thought the girl would handle the truth later and carry her work in future, no one knows, she probably had no plan either. At least Rya was given tasks to lure champions in, to be fed to the great serpent.
Still, Rya would protect in need - especially if her friend requires that. She is strong, and can inflict poison with the twin fangs. But mostly, she is very docile, rather fleeing or covering under attack. And my, she is very agile when it comes to fleeing!
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feylived · 3 months
modern day nesta lives in an apartment on her own, with rarely visitors ( unless it's gwyn and emerie, mostly ) but also with her big ass doberman rottweiler dog
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survivingpierce · 3 months
tell us more about the languages katherine learned! why did she decide to learn those languages specifically? did she have any trouble with any of them? which ones did she find easy and which ones did she find harder to learn? did she have any help when she was learning them? how did she deal with shedding her accent?
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(sent in probably in addition to this headcanon)
first of all, i want to thank you for your questions (your interest means a lot). i also want to apologize for the late response. ♥
i portray my katherine as someone who is descended from a wealthy and noble family (see headcanon here) which means she already had received an appropriate education. by 1490, she could already read and write bulgarian (and they have the cyrillic alphabet). since noble children usually learn more than one language, she was capable of speaking bits of other languages as well (probably english / french / russian?). the show tells us that she quickly became 'english' once she was banished & lived in england which is why i think she already knew a few basics of this language but perfected it during her stay. i think perfecting an entirely new language (and alphabet) in less than two years is a peak output, especially considering her (emotional) stressful situation. when she talked to the mikaelsons, there was no audible accent and she was capable of communicating with them in perfect english.
there’s also a cut scene in 3x15 of the originals in which katherine sent a letter to elijah asking him if he allowed her to read him the poem 'farai chansoneta nueva' which is in french. which means that katherine spoke and was able to read at least three languages by 1492.
katherine is incredibly smart but she's not really a patient learner. she could never visit a language school or use a vocabulary book. i think she picks up a lot by listening to others whereby she will memorize the usual phrases beforehand to not stand out if she visits a new country with a new language. i can also imagine her having a compelled 'teacher' (or more like a tutor) that helps her translate and learn things.
katherine speaks bulgarian, english, french, german, russian, spanish, italian, and a little bit of czech & latin. while i think she already had (at least) a basic education in bulgarian, english, french, and russian while growing up, she learned the other languages during her flight as soon as it was necessary for her to learn them (mostly whenever she traveled to a new country). she had long stays in france, italy, russia, spain, switzerland, and germany/austria and during this time she either completely learned these languages or perfected her existing knowledge. to her (and her safety) it is necessary to learn the language of the country you hide in. and simply learning is not good enough, one needs to master it, otherwise, you'll stand out and won't be able to blend in. she didn't learn swedish or finnish, for example, because she's not interested in staying in these countries (as they are too cold for her liking).
of all the languages she learned completely new, german was the hardest and this language is still an issue if she has to use it again after a longer time has passed because german has a tricky grammar. the easiest foreign language was russian because it's similar to bulgarian.
she understands bits of czech but didn't bother to master it because she doesn't really like the language (and it also has tricky grammar). she knows a few bits because of her traveler heritage (and traveler spells are in czech which is also the reason why she doesn't like the language). she also only knows a bit of latin because she wants to understand spells in case she requires one (because she doesn't want to be tricked by witches). she doesn't bother to master latin because it's difficult for her to learn as it is a 'dead' language (and therefore she cannot pick it up by listening to others), it's also not really useful to her (apart from understanding certain spells).
shedding her accent is an interesting topic because she had a bulgarian accent in the beginning. but the longer she stayed in countries with another language (and the more she mastered different languages), the unrecognizable became her accent simply because she has so many 'base'-languages. if she would learn swedish now, for example, she wouldn't have a bulgarian accent. i think she definitely would have some kind of accent but i don't think one could pin it down to a certain region. nonetheless, she does recognize if she has an accent (and she will ask her teacher/tutor) and she will train the pronunciation as long as it's gone. again, she is a perfectionist and it's also not safe (as she would stand out and not blend in) if she's on the run and hides in an area where one would easily detect that she is foreign.
another thing that is interesting when it comes to languages is that while katherine might be able to speak the language perfectly, she isn't necessarily capable of also writing it perfectly (reading is usually no problem). for example, she cannot perfectly write in spanish but she can perfectly write in french because there was a time in which a lot of correspondences were in french (especially because she spent a lot of time among the aristocrats).
thank you so much for the interesting questions and i hope i have answered them all ♥
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tsareviich · 2 months
do i even need to tell you that vasily would look straight at the sun without glasses? he got lucky that nothing happened but yes he is that dumb
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queenoftheboard · 4 months
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I know I have not been active on Eirene but I play PtN daily and am still so damn invested in this game and the lore - I finally got to play through Raging Sands since this was the only event that I missed out and I loved the tidbits on Eirene and Quinn here. These are just some screenshots, but they do validate some of my own headcanons (particularly the one where charities are upheld and funded by Quinn), as well as the fact that Eirene's reach outside DisCity is likely not comparable to her competitors. The final chapter with Eirene herself appearing ties in nicely with her role in Dreamy Bubble - between Raging Sands and the subsequent event, she has found out about the shackles, the way Black Rings operate, lucid dreaming and so many interesting things - there is no way she won't play a more relevant role in the canon story because she is setting up a long game and she allows herself to get arrested - plans on it, even. She knew she would be shackled. Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed my usual ramblings about my favorite queen and are equally excited to pull for the next disaster sinner (I am so excited for Don that I skipped both Eleven and Eve, I have wanted his gremlin ass since November).
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stormbcrn · 3 months
daenerys targaryen wearing dragon glass jewelry like if you agree
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bullyberry · 2 months
I do think Stella takes a lot of her hatred for her parents out on the other students around her. Cause this girl REALLY despises her parents and desperately wants to do something to hurt them. But NOTHING she does gets them to even notice her so she just takes out her desire to hurt them out on others. Though recently she has been thinking more long term on how she could get back at her parents.
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wonderhevrts · 7 months
new muse added!
soooooo i've been thinking about adding this muse for a while now, but never have until now, so.. here's Tho.rin Oake.nshield! i gave him a H0bbit verse and a modern verse, so y'all can pick which you'd prefer to rp with! his bio is HERE so check it out and then feel free to throw stuff at him!
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also, tag drop
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zcrayas · 2 months
Rya wants to meet true love. She has set her mind to it. She requires deep feelings for anyone to even spare a thought to anything more intimate. A mere crush or finding someone attractive wouldn't be enough.
She was, of course, raised to be a proper lady according to set ideals. She is raised to be a successor to her family. Now, if the both of her parents were around (in some happy AU tho Rykard wouldn't do exactly happy things...). It is clear Lord and Lady for sure would have given their opinion on any suitor - it is their legacy to be carried on, after all. Who is to stand by their daughter, are they after wealth or would they truly take care of her - accept who she is and love her none the less?
For the most, that choice she has made, is inspiration from Lady Tanith and Lord Rykard's love, she wishes to experience one day herself.
Parents may have their own ideals - but I think Lady Tanith wouldn't deny Rya true love. Even if someone she chooses is... not exactly traditional candidate. She was also once a dancer, and now one of the most powerful women.
After Manor collapsed... well, Rya wouldn't have an authority over her... so much she would desire to show her happiness to her mother... ;;
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clvrtacctcs · 8 months
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