#♕ ┊ v. regency ┊ ❛ heirs have the responsibility ❜
tsareviich · 1 year
♕ ┊ v. young prince ┊ ❛ all grown ups were once children ❜ ♕ ┊ v. trilogy ┊ ❛ the crown prince of ravka ❜ ♕ ┊ v. kos ┊ ❛ you are my most trusted advisor ❜ ♕ ┊ v. ketterdam ┊ ❛ no mourners ; no funerals ❜ ♕ ┊ v. privateers ┊ ❛ and we could be pirates ❜ ♕ ┊ v. nichevo'ya ┊ ❛ a creature wrought from shadow ❜
♕ ┊ v. modern ┊ ❛ don't you know that the kids aren't all right? ❜ ♕ ┊ v. alt. modern ┊ ❛ i don't like violence. i'm a businessman. ❜ ♕ ┊ v. immortal ┊ ❛ we could stay young forever ❜ ♕ ┊ v. football ┊ ❛ famous for being almost famous ❜ ♕ ┊ v. regency ┊ ❛ heirs have the responsibility ❜ ♕ ┊ v. demigod ┊ ❛ you take what you can get ; and you make the most of it ❜ ♕ ┊ v. opposites attract ┊ ❛ a rat and his prince ❜ ♕ ┊ v. modern royal ┊ ❛ let me be your ruler ❜ ♕ ┊ v. pirates ┊ ❛ it's the age of princes and pirate ships ❜ ♕ ┊ v. vampire ┊ ❛ ordinary people who just happen to consume blood ❜ ♕ ┊ v. pirates ┊ ❛ it's the age of princes and pirate ships ❜ ♕ ┊ v. mermaid ┊ ❛ walking is just like swimming ❜ ♕ ┊ v. hollywood ┊ ❛ i once was poison ivy; but now i'm your daisy ❜
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lantsovheir · 1 year
@pizzatheif liked
sometimes vasily really hated the social season. it was long and, most of the time, not very fun. he could hear his parents telling him how important is it for him to find a wife but... he didn't want to. he wasn't ready for marriage. maybe one day but definitely not... this season. maybe next season. he grabs a glass of lemonade, ignoring the eyes following him, and moves to stand next to hugo.
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he doesn't say anything, at first, instead humming softly as he watches everyone. "i've been told, specially, to stay away from you," he turns to him with a raised eyebrow. "any reason why?" vasily knew why, of course, he'd be told many times to make sure he avoided the other man. but vasily, unfortunately for them, didn't like to be told what to do.
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tsareviich · 1 year
continued from [x] || @vicioushope
for someone in her position, a prince is a tempting offer. but there must be more he isn’t telling her. he could have anyone in this ballroom –– she is not unaware to the hordes of women prowling in the shadows, waiting for his attention to pounce –– and yet he has approached her with this arrangement. she isn’t foolish –– there must be something he isn’t telling her, something that he would gain from this that would make this deal make sense. 
nothing is free. no one is this charitable. if they appear to be, it’s only for show. 
he offers his arm but she ignores it, choosing instead to cross her’s across her chest. “ that does not answer my question, your highness, ” she says pointedly, unsatisfied with what he’s given her. “ if you truly wanted to remove yourself from the season, then surely there are more . . . suitable partners who would be more agreeable to this arrangement. ” 
but that doesn’t mean she isn’t thinking about it, though she is not without stipulations of her own. what happens when the season has run its course or he grows bored of her ? she knows the fickleness of rich men like him. “ i would expect proper compensation. as you may have heard, my familial estate is not well off. ” it’s the only reason she’d agreed to participate in this ridiculous farce of high society. “ if i am believed to be courting you for most of the season, then i will not have adequate time to find a partner before it ends. ” and she might not even have the chance, especially when considering just how the prince plans to end their courtship. her reputation is poor now but in a few weeks, it could very well be even worse.
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when she doesn't take his arm, vasily puts his arms back to his side. he doesn't cross them like she does, instead wanting to see open and not closed off. he cannot deny that she isn't wrong. there are more suitable partners for this plan. but none of them interested him just like jyn did. she was closed off, almost seemed out of place at the ton. it was a wonder why she was even here. and it was that reason vasily found himself drawn to her.
he thinks for a bit, letting out a soft hum. "none of the rest would be willing to go through with it. they would want to marry the marry and become my bride. you do not seem like the type. unless that is what you'd like and this is, in fact, a way to catch my attention. i can very much say you've succeeded." he winks at her, unable to hide his grin. he knows that is untrue, but he couldn't help but pointing fun at her.
her words cause him to pause, wondering if this arrangement was mostly in his benefit and would give her no benefits. he considers his last offer, proposing an actual courting. could he marry her? his parents would throw a fit but did it really matter? "maybe you won't need to find another partner. what better way of helping your family then to marry a prince?" it was a stupid, stupid idea. and yet... vasily couldn't stop himself from thinking about it.
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lantsovheir · 2 years
@dreamwaited​ : 💋💋💋 get kisses from the boy | accepting.
he’s heard rumors of men having relations with other men, relations that only woman and men were allowed to have. but vasily had never thought it would ever happen to him. he was a prince, the crown prince, no less. and his job was to marry and produce heirs to further the lantsov linage. and were he to have relations with a man, he wouldn’t be able to properly produce heirs to secure his linage. despite knowing this, however, vasily wouldn’t stop his secret meetings with eugene. he doesn’t care that it means he’s not courting a nice young lady. he doesn’t want a nice young lady. he wants eugene.
he still is unsure how to express what he wants. eugene knows so much and he knows... almost nothing. but vasily knew how to kiss him. and he may or not be good at that since eugene seems to like kissing him. they’re alone, for once, having slipped away from edmund to walk along the gardens. vasily guides him into the gazebo, gently pushing him against the wall and kisses him.  “ i’ve been waiting to do that all day. ”  soft words spoken against the other’s lips. he kisses him again, harder this time.  “ i think i’ve become quite addicted to them. ”  another kiss, this time softer as a smile overtakes his features.
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lantsovheir · 2 years
vasily doesn’t believe in ‘love matches,’ thinking of them as something of fairy tales and for people beneath him. he understands that they can happen, yes. but as a prince, he understands that he doesn’t have the luxury of being able to find one for himself.
his own parents weren’t a love match, having been arranged between their fathers. he was able to convince his parents that he can find his own wife, thankfully. but he doesn’t expect to fall in love during the social season. maybe, if he’s lucky, he can find someone he actually likes and doesn’t mind being around for the rest of his life.
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lantsovheir · 2 years
@kcrclrezni​ ❤️’d
another season, another ball. and yet, vasily didn't find himself enthralled with any of the young ladies that were in attendance. he'd dance with a few, of course. he couldn't not, what on earth would whistledown say? surely, she'd have words about how one of the 'young princes have yet to dance with anyone.' and he didn't need word about that getting around, especially not to his parents. he envies his brother, he doesn't nearly have the stress put on his shoulders. he can actually enjoy these balls.
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he watches his brother dance with some young lady. he wonders if this will be the woman for him. vasily very much doubts it. he'd be surprised if this is the woman he chooses as his princess. of course, he supposes anything could happen. the song ends and he smiles as nikolai heads over to him. "she was quiet pretty, brother."
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lantsovheir · 2 years
@shekindness ❤️’d
grabbing a glass of lemonade, vasily makes his way to the back of the room. to, what seemed like the one woman at this party that wasn't throwing themselves into the waiting arms of the prince. they were all the same and none of them interested him in the slightest. but the woman in the back? to say his interest has been piqued would be an understatement. he gives her a smile, still holding the glass. "hello," he smiles, "drink?" he doesn't want to force her to take it, but he still holds it out for her anyway.
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lantsovheir · 2 years
@dreamwaited ❤️’d
he could feel eugene's eyes on him as he danced with the third, fourth? young lady of the night. he wonders if he'd have a hole in his suit from the intensity of his stares. he knows why, of course, he always knows. for once, vasily wasn't trying to make eugene jealous. he was just--- doing his part. dancing with the ladies, trying to find his bride. but that was the thing, wasn't it? he didn't want to find a bride anymore. he found the one he wanted to marry. and it wasn't any of the ladies nearly throwing themselves at him to dance. but instead that man, standing off to the side, boring a hole in his back.
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he thanks the woman, giving her a small bow and he excuses him from the dance floor, making his way over to him. he grabs a few drinks on his way over, handing one to him immediately. "enjoying yourself? i haven't seen you dance with anyone tonight. surely there must be someone you'd fancy yourself a dance with?"
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lantsovheir · 2 years
@pistolslinger : " there's no hard feelings, i hope, " jesper isn't sure if this constitutes as a kidnap. not when kaz gave them orders to keep their, uh, guest, in comfort for the duration of his . . . time with them. the crows are not usually in the business of abducting, though, so perhaps they're all a bit out of practice — there's never been any witnesses to their creeping about the ton before, or ever. jesper offers him another glass of champagne, and eyes the door matthias is guarding. the masks they're wearing are ridiculous, and probably adding another weird flavour to this already bizarre night.
" for the whole kidnapping you thing. it's not personal. not really. you'll go free when we're sure you can keep your mouth shut, " jesper pauses to shrug and crack a few knuckles restlessly. " which you can, right? a bloke like you has such an awful lot to live for. "
a part of him wonders if this was just... part of the ton. it didn’t seem like it, but he was new to these things and maybe it was? but the guy ( the voice was definitely masculine, that vasily was sure of ) seemed to act like it... wasn’t normal. he raises an eyebrow as he accepts the glass of champagne. he supposes it could be worse. at least he has alcohol. he doesn’t answer any of the man’s questions, just watches him as he takes a sip. “ are you asking if i can keep quiet about being kidnapped or just in general? because with enough alcohol, the answer can be both. ” 
he sips off his mask, placing it next to him. “ then again, i like to talk too. ” he crosses his legs, leaning forward, glass still in his hands. “ so what exactly is going on here? are you trying too... steal the queen’s jewels? ” he takes another sips, almost excited at the thought. “ this is exci-- you’re not to kill me, right? i would rather hate the thought. ” a pause, as he takes another sip. “ though, then i wouldn’t have to return to the ball. or marry. ” he glances at the man, rolling his eyes. “ my father really thinks i’m to find a wife in a few months, can you believe it? ” he points at him with the hand holding the glass. “ you have it much easier than me, sir. kidnap a prince, get whatever you’re stealing, and then go home. ”
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lantsovheir · 2 years
-- verses
♕ ┊ v. main ┊ ❛ the crown prince of ravka ❜
♕ ┊ v. post rar ┊ ❛ you are my most trusted advisor ❜
♕ ┊ v. ketterdam ┊ ❛ no mourners ; no funerals ❜
♕ ┊ v. privateers ┊ ❛ and we could be pirates ❜
♕ ┊ v. nichevo'ya ┊ ❛ a creature wrought from shadow ❜
♕ ┊ v. modern ┊ ❛ don't you know that the kids aren't all right? ❜
♕ ┊ v. alt. modern ┊ ❛ i don't like violence. i'm a businessman. ❜
♕ ┊ v. immortal ┊ ❛ we could stay young forever ❜
♕ ┊ v. football ┊ ❛ famous for being almost famous ❜
♕ ┊ v. regency ┊ ❛ heirs have the responsibility ❜
♕ ┊ v. pjato ┊ ❛ you take what you can get ; and you make the most of it ❜
♕ ┊ v. opposites attract ┊ ❛ got a broken ego ; broken heart ❜
♕ ┊ v. modern royal ┊ ❛ let me be your ruler ❜
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