#☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐈 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐀 𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒 [ dash game ]
opalscave-moved · 2 years
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nene || susie || mipha
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opalscave-moved · 2 years
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judging you but im brutally honest
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no bitches? you’re literally the funniest person ive ever met and we probably have the same humor, you’re mentally ill but that’s okay. Other people think you’re annoying tho.
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crippling loneliness you’re a chill person but probably antisocial, please get some therapy too, plus having a new hyper fixation every week isn’t healthy
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10/10 would smash /j youre very cool and probably have actual hobbies like baking or horse riding iykwim, your music taste is elite!! Youre probably touched starved tho and should maybe stop creating fake scenarios in your head about your crush
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opalscave-moved · 2 years
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blaze || strawberry || sonic
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opalscave-moved · 2 years
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What overly specific Starbucks order are you??
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Venti Blonde Doubleshot on ice, sub white mocha and coconut milk You've been working for hours and you still have more to do today. Sometimes, you really need 5 shots of espresso and listen. That's fine. Life is so hard and you're so tired. If you're gonna suffer through Starbucks espresso (it tastes like motor oil after all), it's only fair you get a load of sugar in your drink. Hey, it's gonna be okay. Maybe take a nap?
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opalscave-moved · 2 years
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i diagnose you with hot
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person on the train reading a book hot you're totally their type. well, you're not. but that's what the passenger across from you is thinking as you sit there, completely oblivious. you're mysterious, and serene, and look so natural sitting there on the train they think your feet might be bolted to the floor the way the chairs and safety rails are. you're in your own world, you're reading something with an intriguing title, and without even knowing it passengers are praying for some reason that you'll look up and ask for their number. you don't, of course. and they don't ask for yours, either. how could they disturb such a peaceful moment? but despite the fact that nothing was said, they managed to fall in love with you for 15 minutes. for the rest of the day they think about what your voice might've sounded like, what your interests might've been, how you might've smiled at them like they were your whole world if they'd managed to make you feel that way. you have that effect on people, in case you didn't know.
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drunk girl in the bathroom hot you're both wasted, she just somehow does it so much better. you're crying, about something your stupid ex did or said. and suddenly she appears, looking like an angel aside from the slight sway in her step. she's helping you our of your slump on the floor when you grow pale and catastrophy strikes. you're the most disgusting you've ever been, and still, this stranger holds your hair and rubs soothing circles in your back. gives you a breath mint and sits you back against the wall, asking what happened. you tell her, and her glittery, perfectly made face turns sour. with her heels in hand, she loops your arm around her shoulders so she can help you walk to an uber she called for you. your ex says something snarky to you in passing on the way out, and for her it's the final straw. she whirls around, fire in her eyes and a set in her brow and she slaps him hard across the face. calls him a jerk or a dick or something like that, you can't remember, you were busy smiling at the stunned look on his face as she drags you both outside. before you get home, she gives you a hug and kind words in a bubbling voice and you're thankful for her. thankful there are people out there who look out for people like you, who stand up for people even when they might have trouble standing themselves.
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opalscave-moved · 2 years
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a    —    age : 18
b    —    birthplace :  indiana (hell)
c    —    current  time :  10:44 PM
d    —    drink  you  had  last :  dr. pepper cream soda
e    —    easiest  person ( s )  to  talk  to :  my friends/some of my family
f    —    favourite  song ( s ) : mostly anything except country
g    —    ghosts ;    are  they  real ? : I like to think so!
h    —    horror  yes ,   or  horror  no ? :  100000% horror yes
i    —    in  love  ? : no
j    —    jealous  of  people ? : no
k    —    killed  someone ? : almost!
l    —    love  at  first  sight ,   or  should  i  walk  by  again ? : probably get your eyes checked before walking by again
m    —    middle  name ( s ) :  rose
n    —    number  of  siblings :   5 ; 3 brothers + 1 sister are half siblings
o    —    one  wish :  experience everything I want to see before I die
p    —    person  you  last  called   /   texted :  my mother
q    —    question  you’re  always  asked :  am I doing enough?
r    —    reasons  to  smile : life's little things, hobbies I enjoy, being able to go through the human experience
s    —    song  you  listened to  last : x
t    —    top  three to four fictional  characters : sonic the hedgehog, the plague/adiris, ana amari, gustave ‘doc’ kateb
u    —    underwear  colour :   right now? black w/ a cherry pattern
v    —    vacation :  usually ohio to see fam, but I would love to travel to Japan or SK one day
w    —    when’s  your  birthday ? : march 29th
x    —    x - rays :  I’m an extremely healthy person physically, so I think I had an x-ray once and that was before my tonsil removal around grade school
y    —    your  favourite  food : chile colorado or japanese curry
z    —    zodiac  sign :   aries
tagged by : no one, I robbed yall blind tagging : the person reading this ♥
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opalscave-moved · 2 years
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what poisonous flowering plant are you?
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Oleander This is the poison of stagnation. You grow drowsy. Your heart rate slows, and when you do move you can't seem to stop shaking. It may seem to others that you're lazy, or reticent. Like you avoid hard work on purpose, like you always take the easy way out. But you know deep down that it wouldn't be like this if you weren't so tired, so deeply tired. If you weren't crushed under the weight of sorrow like a mile of water over your head. Nothing brings you peace, except rest and-- though you can hardly dare to ask-- having someone tend to you gently and sweetly. A good gardener speaks to their plants, sings to them, waters them, fertilizes their soil, prunes the dead parts, nurtures the new growth. You yearn to be cared for like that, even though you feel you don't deserve it. The secret is that you do. You always have. And someday, you'll learn that, and receive that care, and the exhaustion won't keep you from growing strong and lovely anymore. You were never the problem. These are simply poor growing conditions for you.
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Doll's Eyes This is the poison of unchecked vices. You slip into hallucinations. You are wracked with convulsions. The delirium threatens to overwhelm you. What are you running from? You look in every direction, wild-eyed at every turn, seeking some reprieve from what torments you. Each vice brings new consequences, and the price of escape seems too great, and yet you cannot seem to face things head on. If you aren't running from yourself, I hope you find a true way to freedom soon. And if you are running from yourself, perhaps you would do well to realize your pain is not something you can simply escape by avoidance. You deserve healing just as much as the ones you love. Someday, soon I hope, you will know this and feel it and reach inward to grant yourself all the kindnesses you offer others. That is the only true way to peace for ones like us. Oh, and if the pain of it seems too great? I hope that you realize you don't have to do it alone.
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Lily Of The Valley This is the poison of giving too much. You feel yourself emptying out, dizzying, discoloring-- until you fear you will fade entirely and wither away. You have always had to give. You never had a choice before. They pluck your flowers for their beauty, they trample your leaves carelessly, they pull out your roots by the fistful and berate you for daring to grow. And now that you have a grove to spread out in, your rhizomes tangle and curl in on themselves. When cruelty is all you've ever known, thriving seems impossible. But the answer is not to make yourself small and offer every lovely thing you are to the world in the hopes it will have mercy on you. The answer is to let yourself dare to thrive for thriving's sake, to grow in the wild ways you wish to-- and to do that for yourself for once.
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