#☽ | what lies ahead? ★ (TAKEN AU.)
lunarspearedarchive · 3 years
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               “The worst influence in your children’s lives, Delaney, is you. Have you considered that? The only reason they continue to be taken from each other and from you is that you try to take them away from their true purpose.” Bradford shook his head. “They’ll be happier if you swallow your pride and admit you’ve been wrong to fight against us.” (Taken AU) / @tunnagan​ | FUCKING UNCALLED FOR
▬▬▬ ☾☆      His words hit her  hard.  Deep  down,  she  knew  this  was  a  manipulation  tactic.  This  was  what  she’d  been  dealing  with  from  the  Director  for  more  than  half  of  her  life.  She’d  been  fighting  constantly  to  get  her  kids  out  of  FOWL,  to  even  just  see  her  kids  more  than  she  was  currently  able  too.  If  Della  was  being  honest,  she  was  tired.  Tired  of  fighting,  tired  of  seeing  her  kids  unhappy,  tired  of  everything.  
            Maybe Bradford was right.  Maybe  things  would  be  easier  &&  the  boys  would  be  happier  if  she  just  stopped  fighting  against  FOWL.  All  she  wanted  was  to  see  her  boys,  to  be  the  mother  they  deserved  to  have.  She  had  already  failed  them  in  so  many  ways.  She  was  tired  of  failing  them.
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                                  ❛  You’re right.  ❜
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