#★ ( v: post endgame )
shieldretired · 10 months
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@storyofwhoiam in response to setting Amy up
[text: Amy ✌️] It's definitely an insult because you're a goddamn nuisance about spices [text: Amy ✌️] Hey, these hands have SAVED THE WORLD, appreciate them more [text: Amy ✌️] Also, how can a blind date be a blind date if you know what the person looks like?
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freyayuki · 11 months
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Dorgann Klauser and Celes Chere Banner
The Guardian of the Crystals event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 1 banner.
Guardian of the Crystals Banner
The Guardian of the Crystals banner features the following chars and their weapons:
Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI - Burst or BT only
Dorgann Klauser from Final Fantasy V - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Force or FR
Galuf Halm Baldesion from Final Fantasy V - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Lyse Hext from Final Fantasy XIV - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Have everything on this banner except for Dorgann’s weapons. Dorgann is the latest playable char to be introduced in DFFOO so have nothing for him.
Thoughts about Dorgann Klauser from Final Fantasy V
I like Dorgann Klauser from Final Fantasy V (#ad) well enough, I suppose, although definitely wouldn’t call him a fave or anything.
It might be more accurate to say that my feelings towards him are neutral. I neither like nor dislike him. Don’t really know much about him.
Dorgann’s pretty good but I don’t think he’s meta or all that necessary. I mean, I don’t think I really need to pull for him.
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He’s a pretty good wind elemental DPS who deals decent enough damage. He also has this gimmick of doing a follow-up attack every time a char breaks an enemy.
Because of this, he has pretty good synergy with Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. That’s because one of the effects of Seph’s BT+ is that it will set the BRV of all enemies to 1 for 4 turns.
Sephiroth is actually the main reason why I’m interested in Dorgann. I talk more about this in other posts, but I’ve been using Sephiroth for Lufenia (level 200), Lufenia+ (level 250), and Shinryu (level 300) quests basically ever since I got his LD and BT.
My Sephiroth is as fully built and maxed out as he can possibly be. He is Level 90 and Crystal Level 90. His 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT are fully MLB. His Ex is at Ex+ 3/3 or Purple. His Burst weapon has been upgraded to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Seph’s currently equipped with a Level 5 of 5 Greatsword Ultima Weapon. His High Armor’s been upgraded to Blue. His Summon Boards, Character Enhancement Boards, and Force Enhancements have been completed. He has his Bloom Stone.
Sephi has 3 Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 Artifacts and 3 Attack 108 with One-Winged Angel Boost★★ (Raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% if HP is MAX at start of last wave) Artifacts.
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Sephiroth is equipped with the following real A Spheres:
Edgar Roni Figaro’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Debuff Power
Increases BRV damage dealt by 10% while an enemy is debuffed
Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Critical Power
Raises BRV damage dealt with critical hits by 10%
Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Broken Power
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Increases BRV damage dealt by 10%
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Sadly, it’s been a while since Sephi last got updated so he’s been kinda powercrept by now. He still works well enough, and I have been able to keep on bringing him to endgame content but still.
He could definitely use another rework and upgrade. Heck, he doesn’t even have a Force weapon yet, not even in the Japanese version of Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia.
Really looking forward to the time wherein he’ll finally get his own FR. I hope he gets a good one.
Anyway, I was thinking about pulling for Dorgann so I can use him with Sephiroth.
But I don’t know if I really want to spend the resources needed to build Dorgann. I don’t know if it’ll be worth it to do so.
Ahh, if these resources weren’t so scarce, I’d readily build and max out all my chars in this game. As it is, really have to be selective in who to build.
Guardian of the Crystals Banner Free First Multi-Draw Results
As part of the Black Friday campaign, we get a free multi-draw on the Guardian of the Crystals banner.
Wasn’t really expecting to get anything good from the free pull. I thought I’d just end up with a dupe or 2. So imagine my surprise when a Burst orb actually showed up.
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OMFG! Totally wasn’t expecting this at all. Didn’t think I’d actually get a Burst orb from this free draw. Wow! This is great!
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I’m pretty sure this isn’t the first Burst weapon I ever got from a free pull. But at the moment, can’t remember which BT I got for free and when such an incident happened.
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I’m pleased to see this Burst orb and Celes’s BT. It’s just that - well, it’s just too bad that I already have a copy of Celes’s Burst so the one I got just now was nothing more than a dupe.
Ah, well. At least dupe Bursts can be sold for 5 BT Tokens. You can then use 50 Tokens to exchange for a Burst weapon of your choice.
Anyway, this was still a really good free draw. Aside from Celes’s BT, this pull also gave me a dupe of Lyse’s 15cp.
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Guardian of the Crystals Banner Tickets Pulls Results
Still not sure if I want to fully build Dorgann or not. For now, decided to see if I can get all of his weapons using my tickets. Don’t want to gem this banner since I’m not even sure if I’ll bother to max out Dorgann even if I get all of his gear.
Currently have 219 tickets on hand.
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Aside from the usual bronze and silver trash, including 10-draws with not a single gold, and 15cp and 35cp gold dupes, also got the following:
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2/10, came from a gold orb - dupes of Lyse’s Ex and Galuf’s 15cp
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To my surprise, it wasn’t long before a Force orb showed up. Nice.
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Super pleased to have gotten my very first copy of Dorgann’s FR.
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This is the first weapon I ever got for Dorgann since I decided to pull on the Guardian of the Crystals banner first before playing through the story event that came with this banner.
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So getting this weapon also automatically recruited Dorgann and added him to my chars or allies list.
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As if getting Dorgann’s FR from this 10-draw wasn’t already more than enough, this pull also gave me my very first copy of his LD.
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Hell, yes! Awesome pull is awesome. Now I just need Dorgann’s Ex then I can be done with this banner.
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We’ll get a free copy of Dorgann’s 15cp just by playing through his event. Then I can just use my Weapon Tokens to exchange for a copy of Dorgann’s 35cp.
Was down to 199 tickets when Dorgann’s FR and LD came home.
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1/10, came from a gold orb - dupe of Galuf’s LD
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Meh. Wish that had been a dupe of Dorgann’s LD instead so I could have used it to limit break the copy I already have.
Also got 10-draws that gave me copies of Dorgann’s 15cp. Have yet to see his 35cp or Ex though.
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4/10, came from a gold orb - dupes of Lyse’s 15cp, Dorgann’s 15cp, Lyse’s Ex, and Dorgann’s 15cp
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2/10, came from a gold orb - dupes of Galuf’s Ex and Lyse’s 15cp
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Ugh. Wish that Galuf Ex had been Dorgann’s instead so I can be done with this banner already. Dorgann Ex, doko da?
As my ticket count started dwindling, I began to lose hope of ever seeing Dorgann’s Ex.
Thankfully, Dorgann’s Ex eventually showed up. It came from a gold orb.
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Really pleased to see this weapon. Now I can finally be done with this banner. Still don’t have Dorgann’s 35cp but it’s fine. I’ll just Token it.
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This 10-draw also gave me a dupe of Lyse’s 35cp.
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Was down to 89 tickets when Dorgann’s LD came home. So glad I was able to get Dorgann’s EX, LD, and FR before running out of tickets.
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Dorgann Klauser from Final Fantasy V
Had enough dupes of Dorgann’s 15cp to be able to fully MLB my first copy without having to use a single Power Stone.
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Haven’t even played through the Guardian of the Crystals story event yet so still haven’t gotten the free Dorgann 15cp.
Have 1473 Weapon Tokens or Power Tokens, so I readily spent the 100 I needed in order to get 4 copies of Dorgann’s 35cp. This way, wouldn’t need to spend a single Power Stone in order to MLB said weapon.
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After limit breaking Dorgann’s 15cp and 35cp, I eyed the rest of his weapons, wondering if I should go ahead and spend the resources needed to fully MLB them.
After thinking about it some more, I spent the 12 Power Stones needed to MLB Dorgann’s LD.
Then I spent 12 more Power Stones to MLB his Ex. Also spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to Purple Dorgann’s Ex or get it to Ex+ 3/3.
I equipped Dorgann with his Force weapon but couldn’t bring myself to spend the High Power Stones needed to fully MLB it. At least not yet and not right now. Still need to think about this some more.
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I got all of Dorgann’s armors and spent the resources needed to MLB all of them. Also got his High Armor and spent the Book needed to Realize it to 0/3. For now, opted not to Blue his High Armor.
Got Dorgann to Level 90 and Crystal Level 90. Bought his Bloom Stone. Completed all of his Summon Boards but didn’t get any of his Force Enhancements yet.
Unlocked parts of his Character Enhancement Boards, particularly the tiles that would give me his LD extension passive.
Equipped Dorgann with the following RF Spheres: Seven’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) RF A Sphere, Edgar Roni Figaro’s (from Final Fantasy VI) RF A Sphere, and Seymour Guado’s (from Final Fantasy X) RF E Sphere.
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Started farming for Dorgann’s Artifacts but I’m having trouble getting him triple of his preferred Arts which is 3 ATK 108 with Warrior Protecting the Seal Up★★ (While With Precious Memories active: raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 5%).
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I keep getting crappy and useless Arts. Also somehow ended up with a few ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330 and MAX BRV 330 with Warrior Protecting the Seal Up★★ Artifacts.
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Well, the Guardian of the Crystals event is still ongoing so gonna keep on farming the co-op quest so I can get more of Dorgann’s Eidojas. Hopefully, I can get his perfect Artifacts soon.
In the meanwhile, also need to think about what I’m gonna do about Dorgann. Should I max him out and fully build him? Doing so is gonna cost me a lot.
I’m not even sure how useful he’s gonna be. I mean, I know he comboes well with Sephiroth but right now I already have other chars that I’m using with Sephi, and these chars are really freaking good.
I’m talking about Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII and Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII. They’re my current main DPS. I just switch between the 2 depending on what the fight needs or who I feel like using.
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So my team is usually either Tifa or Rinoa, Sephiroth, and the third is almost always a support like Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII or Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV.
This kind of team works pretty well. Yeah, I wouldn’t say that Sephiroth has much synergy with Tifa or Rinoa. In fact, Tifa and Rinoa would do even better if I dropped Sephi and brought in another support char or a char who can deal off-turn or counter damage or something.
But still. Even if Seph’s the weak link in this team, said team still works well enough. This team can get the job done.
And actually Sephiroth’s damage isn’t that bad since aside from being fully built and maxed out, he’s also wielding a Level 5 of 5 Ultima Weapon. This really helps to boost his damage output, and he gets to deal respectable enough damage.
It’s just that Tifa and Rinoa are so meta that they easily outdamage him. It doesn’t help that my Tifa and Rinoa are also fully built and maxed out. They already have their Force weapons. And they’re carrying their own Level 5 of 5 Ultima Weapon.
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Anyway, the point is, I’m not sure about adding Dorgann to my team. I mean, who am I gonna drop so I can make use of Dorgann?
Obviously, I can’t drop Sephi. So I suppose it’s between my DPS and support but - yeah, I don’t know.
Dorgann doesn’t even have a Burst weapon of his own yet so I don’t think he’s gonna be able to hit harder than either Tifa or Rinoa.
Just took Dorgann to a battle and you know what? He is pretty good. Well, it was an easy quest but still. His playstyle’s pretty interesting.
Seeing him doing his follow-up attacks every time a char breaks an enemy had me seriously considering fully building him.
I started looking up videos of Dorgann in action. Found a lot that showcased him fighting against the boss in his own event’s Shinryu quest. There were lots of vids that included Sephiroth too.
But I couldn’t seem to find much of other videos that showed Dorgann in other Shinryu quests.
After trying to search for more information about Dorgann, I found out that he’s apparently gonna be resisted in a lot of the upcoming Shinryu quests after his event. I suppose that’s the reason why I hardly saw any videos about him that weren’t about his own event’s Shinryu fight.
When I saw that info about Dorgann being resisted for a lot of upcoming Shinryu fights, I lost all interest in fully building him. Now I’m fine with just leaving him like this.
I don’t regret Purpling Dorgann’s Ex or fully limit breaking his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD but that’s all I’m gonna do for him for now. Not gonna bother to spend any more resources on him. If I’m not gonna be able to use him anyway, then what’s the point?
Update: continued farming for Dorgann’s Artifacts. Must have fused hundreds of Dorgann’s Artifacts by now but have yet to get a single ATK 108 with Warrior Protecting the Seal Up★★.
Instead I just keep getting crap and more crap. Also somehow ended up getting  more copies of MAX BRV 330 with Warrior Protecting the Seal Up★★ to the point wherein I eventually managed to get 3 that only cost 5 CP each.
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After what felt like forever, I finally got 1 of Dorgann’s perfect Artifacts. Thankfully, it didn’t take long before I got more copies. Even managed to get 2 perfect Artifacts at once.
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One of them costs 15 CP though. At least I didn’t need to keep this one since I also managed to get another ATK 108 with Warrior Protecting the Seal Up★★ that has a lower CP cost.
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So glad to finally have triple of Dorgann’s perfect Artifacts. Now I can finally stop farming this event’s co-op quest. Already got all the items I want from the Guardian of the Crystals event exchange shop so have no more reason to farm this co-op.
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So, what about you? Did you pull on the Guardian of the Crystals banner? What do you think about Celes Chere, Dorgann Klauser, and all the other chars featured on this banner? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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redmagedovei · 1 year
Final Fantasy V: Red Mage SCC (Post Run Review)
Version Played: SFC/SNES (RPGe Translation)
Rules: Only Red Mage can be used. From Wind Shrine, all four characters MUST be on the Red Mage job (a code was used to get Red Mage at the Wind Shrine). No extra abilities from any other job may be used.
Goal: Any%
Challenge Rating: ★★★✩✩ Fun Rating: ★★★★✩
Overview: Not too bad overall. Kind of a difficulty sandwich. The early game is pretty easy, since all four party members can be offensive and defensive with magic. Even though Red Mage is squishy, they can do some decent physical damage, depending on the situation. Late World 1 requires a bit of creativity or grinding to survive certain bosses, but it's manageable. The big thing is making sure to buy enough rods to break (or just 4 of each if one does a "No750" style run) and grab enough Elixirs from Wind Shrine grinding before leaving for World 2. The game starts showing its fangs around here, but since it's an SCC, depending on grinding, one would be decently close to getting Dualcast/X-Magic before the end. I very -very- strongly recommend getting Red Mage mastered before Moore Forest's boss. (I didn't, but it would be a massive help in terms of surviving.) Once in World 3 with the Airship, it just sort of becomes a matter of grinding up to survive Almagest at the very end. (Lv 44/45 minimum, I was 47). A lot of Red Mage's strengths here come down to status ailments, oddly enough. Sleep, Toad and Charm (and Size to a lesser extent) make a lot of random battles a lot more manageable, and a surprising number of bosses are also not immune to Sleep. Notably, Atomos, Wendigo/Stalker, etc. The biggest challenge an all Red Mage party faces is any battle where you have to deal high damage in a short amount of time. For example, any timed sequences (Karnak escape) or burst damage (Crystals at Moore Forest) are rough, but otherwise, battles can come down to patience. I was expecting this one to be harder, but ultimately the biggest walls are the Moore Crystals and Archeoaevis. Everything else can come down to patterns, luck and patience. Do some homework, don't leave World 1 without enough rods/elixirs to get by, and be ready for an endgame grind, and this one isn't too bad.
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shieldretired · 11 months
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@defectivexfragmented ;;  text prompts (still accepting) Clint wrote: [TEXT] - you’re gonna laugh, but can you pick me up at the police station? [TEXT] - are you seriously leaving me on read right now?!
[text: Clint 🧝‍♂️] sorry I had to laugh. Also, had to get the bread out of the oven [text: Clint 🧝‍♂️] what the hell happened and why can you still text?
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@defectivexfragmented ;; social media and texting prompts (still accepting) Matt gets an 😳+💋+🍷 an embarrassing flirty drunk text
[text: Matt ❤] MATTYYU [text: Matt ❤] my friend bucky sayas i amde you up because there is no wavy min hell sexy lawyers exist and wnanna kiss me too [text: Matt ❤] but mby boyfriend his ia very sexy lawyer and i wanna kiss you really badly becauhse you are cqute
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@w1nterwolf liked the texting starter call (still accepting)
[text: Bucky 🦾] (picture attached: Alpine rolled up in Steve's lap)
[text: Bucky 🦾] your cat loves me more than you
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@hellceo ;; they're creepy and they're kooky (still accepting) Crowley said: “For some reason I cannot fathom or indulge, you seem to like me.”
                             "I THINK IT'S ALL THESE DELICIOUS COCKTAILS YOU'RE BUYING ME," STEVE SAYS. He's been in Manhattan today to get some paints his regular art store in Scarsdale doesn't have and realized he's close to The Hotel, so he texted Crowley to tell him he's in the neighborhood (wink-wink). This might be the first time they haven't gotten some sort of alcoholic beverage before tumbling into bed together, though.
                             It's summer, and the sun is still high up in the sky. It looks spectacular from the top of a skyscraper. Steve appreciates the view for a second before he stretches languidly, then swings his legs off the bed and grabs his underwear off the floor. A grin is tossed over his shoulder. "Or maybe it's because you popped my cherry, and I'm having some sort of Stockholm syndrome now." He didn't tell Crowley back then (embarrassing, you know, and he's always been good at just winging it), but since they're regularly hooking up now, there's no need to sugarcoat or hide it. 
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@hellceo ;; spending the night prompts (still accepting) [ storm ] Crowley sees the awful weather conditions outside and insists Steve stay the night and ride it out / in his fancy ass hotel
                             CROWLEY DEFINITELY IS SOME STINKING RICH WALL STREET GUY. They met to try out a new cocktail bar in Manhattan and, as usual, decided to get some dessert after, but it would have taken forever to get to Steve's little house (and the bedroom) and the weather had started to get really terrible, so Steve suggested they go to Crowley's place instead, only Crowley's place turned out to be a fucking hotel suit in the Pendry Manhattan West. The towels alone might be worth more than Steve's entire bathroom furniture. 
                              Now he's standing in front of the head-high windows, naked (up here, nobody would see him anyway), and rubbing his hair dry with one of the unbelievably soft towels, looking out at the rain that had turned into a thunderstorm while they'd been busy in bed. Now and then, hail crashes against the glass, and deep down, Steve sees gale-force winds tug at the trees. "Are you sure?" he asks, turning around to look at Crowley slouching on the bed. The soft light from the bedside lamp washes over him, and Steve is briefly distracted by his tattoos. "Well, I won't say no to that. This weather looks horrible. But–" And now he grins as he puts the towel on an armchair and walks over to sit on the bed and pull Crowley in for a quick kiss. "I'm definitely gonna order expensive room service in the morning. Get this whole Pretty Woman vibe."
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@somewherebetweenrage ;; spending the night prompts (still accepting) [ storm ] Steve sees the awful weather conditions outside and insists Erik stay the night and ride it out (because what better way to cement the fake dating rumours than Erik staying over)
                            "THERE'S A GODDAMN BLIZZARD OUT THERE, ERIK," Steve says when the mutant gets up from the couch at around 10 PM. Thunder crashes above the house every other minute, which is why Steve has his lap full of a terrified dog — a dog that is about the size of a newborn elephant, so it's hard to peer around him at Erik. Steve gets a mouth full of fur when he says his next words: "C'mon, your daughter would curse me if you get struck by lightning on your way home. I got a guest room you can use. And I'll also lend you some pajamas." 
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@samhlaiocht in response to Frank being a dick
                            STEVE DEFINITELY DID NOT EXPECT FRANK CASTLE TO TURN UP ON HIS BACK PORCH THIS FINE SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Honestly, he might have missed it entirely, absorbed as he was in his little art studio, but his dog kept barking like crazy, so he had to check, and lo and behold: The Punisher in all his glory. Now there's blood on his floor, and Steve itches to get a goddamn mop. The dog is hiding in the kitchen, probably afraid of Castle. "He has manners," Steve says in put-on shock. "Wonders never cease." Then he gets his first aid kit because he might be an asshole but a helpful one. The little case is placed on the table next to Castle. "Now, where are you bleeding the most? I can't see shit with all that dirt and blood."
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@samhlaiocht in response to the goddamn lawn
                               STEVE PUFFS UP IMMEDIATELY — to deny it, to complain some more about the dirt, to defend every wife out there that rightfully reams her husband out, who the hell knows. But then Castle gets out a knife (see, that box is so filthy you can't even open it anymore without wedging a blade under the rim, Steve wants to get out his most aggressive cleanser and scrub it until it's shining, or, preferably, make Castle do it while he's watching) and produces a bottle of… fertilizer. For the lawn. Steve squints at the shiny label of a perfect English park. "But the fertilizer will make it grow quicker, right? That's the opposite of what I want because then I have to mow it even more often."
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@bornbreathless ;; they're creepy and they're kooky (still accepting)
                               CHELSEA PIERS FITNESS IS A VERY MODERN GYM WITH AN EXCELLENT INDOOR POOL. Steve is there every Thursday morning. He can't go on morning runs anymore because of his knee, but swimming is good for his joints, so that's what he does, doing his lengths for about half an hour. The disadvantage of a modern gym is that there's a whole side of the building dedicated to floor-to-ceiling windows. Steve figures that's on purpose, so all the gym bros pumping weights can do so in front of an audience and feel cool about it. The audience today, however, is a whole flock of crows. It kinda looks pretty eerie. Or like a death omen, as one of the men said. 
                             "You can find death omens anywhere you want to," a lady who's been doing her lengths next to Steve for quite some time now says. Steve looks over to her, treading water. "Now you sound like that crazy professor of Harry Potter," he says. "You know — The Grim?"
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@defectivexfragmented moved for beta editor
                               "I DON'T KNOW. MAYBE. He already had the name when I adopted him from the shelter. It's kinda hilarious, really, because he's a big dog, and people expect a chihuahua or something when I holler his name in the dog park." He smiles as he watches Matt lean down to pet Cookie. It sounds like a second date is more than possible, which is nice. The lawyer is very attractive and definitely gets bonus points for liking Steve's dog (and Cookie seems to like him, which surely says something –– dogs are an excellent judge of character, right?). "You can give him something, yes. He'd like that a lot."
                               The waiter comes over to hand them menus, then disappears again. Steve ponders the idea of getting a strawberry milkshake and a coffee when Matt suddenly addresses his disability. "Uh," Steve makes, rather unintelligently. Then he kicks himself inwardly. "No, she never mentioned it. I don't really care, though? I mean –– it's who you are. It's a part of you. Why would it bother me? A former colleague is hard of hearing, and I polished up my ASL for him. Well, it was a bit easier because I used to be hard of hearing, too, before the serum, so I kinda knew what to pay attention to. I never interacted with a blind person though, so as I said: I might put my foot in unintentionally. And I'd rather like you to tell me what you might want help with. Like with the menu? Should I tell you what pastries and sundaes they offer?"
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@peacereflected ;; spending the night prompts (still accepting) Bucky said: "Bad news. The room's only got one bed."
                                 STEVE GRABS THEIR DUFFEL BAGS FROM THE TRUNK WHEN BUCKY JOGS OVER. This motel is one of the nicer ones — the pool looks clean, at least, and there are pots with flowers all over the parking lot. It would only be for one night, anyway; the Grand Canyon is a two-day ride away, and Steve can feel that Bucky's itching to get there. It has always been his dream to see it, and well, now they have the time and money for a road trip, right? "Well, I guess we gotta bunk, then," Steve says, thrusting Bucky's duffel bag into his waiting arms. "As long as you don't kick me, we're golden. If you kick me, I'm gonna kick back."
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@storyofwhoiam moved for beta editor
                            STEVE HAS TO MUSTER ALL HIS STRENGTH not to follow Justino's hands with his eyes and sneak a glance at his hips and, you know, the general area below the belt. This guy really knows no shame. It's kind of impressive to feel so at ease in your own body: Steve gets queasy just thinking about posing naked for an art class. "I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be allowed inside a bar like that," he informs the vet. If they even come that far – he can already envision a throng of curious people following him and the hot, half-naked guy. "Besides, it's cold out there. I wouldn't want you to get frostbite where no man ever wants to have frostbite."
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@samhlaiocht ;; final destination sentence starters (still accepting) Frank said: "You don’t have to prove how big your balls are!"
                                   "OH, I THOUGHT THAT WOULD IMPRESS SOMEONE LIKE THE PUNISHER since he doesn't listen to reason," Steve says airily. Then he points sternly at the couch. "You can walk over there and sit the fuck down on your own, or we'll wait until the blood loss makes you faint like a damsel in distress, and then I'll drag your unconscious ass over there. I'll also paint a dick on your face with a Sharpie because you're acting like one right now." Dear Lord give him enough strength to handle Frank fucking Castle. This man is getting on Steve's last nerves. "If you got a safe house somewhere, fine, I'll drive you there. But you're not walking out of here and then die on the sidewalk. The neighbors would talk."
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