foolwife · 5 months
i don't think bobby is actually opposed to saying swears around friends but it's really funny to be like Goodness Gracious!!! about everything and then throw an occasional "aw, fuck" in there to throw everyone off guard
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8n53 · 1 year
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every time i close my AA5 art book they kiss btw
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foolwife · 8 months
do you think with his whole Expresses his feelings Loudly thing he is totally unable to play it cool around people he thinks are attractive . blushes easily . awkwardly laughs even louder than usual . tries to show off and fucks it up royally
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foolwife · 8 months
thinking about the Better Timeline where phantom kidnaps bobby for a few days maximum instead of killing him and how he would be so miserable not because of him getting kidnapped but because of simons execution date and him not being able to even say goodbye to him... and how when they reunite they would both go "oh, thank god, youre alive" to each other ohh its too bittersweet ohhhhhhhhhhh
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foolwife · 8 months
you just know he's the kinda guy who if you ask about his family he will show you the obnoxious amount of pictures of his partner and kids that he keeps in his wallet
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foolwife · 9 months
wbatever. this is a cartoon man this is a little silly guy they didnt think i was going to think about the horrors he's exposed to or how horribly tragic his deal is . this is the funny lawyer game. dont think about it too hard
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foolwife · 9 months
i want to see him at his worst dude . theres no way this dude investigates murders regularly and doesnt at least start to question the justice thing a little
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foolwife · 10 months
bobby fulbright date pov he arrives half an hour late soaking wet because he jumped into a river to save a dog that fell in and you have to force him to go home and get out of his clothes so he doesn't catch a cold
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foolwife · 10 months
bobby is unfazed by horror movies and the like. he is (hypothetically) happily bffs with a big goth ronin who did time for murder after all. Phantom by contrast can't Stand them
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foolwife · 11 months
i think bobby tries to text fairly properly. however he does not take his gloves off. so it all comes out totally incomprehensible.
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8n53 · 1 year
i should have sent high school AU as a prompt to blackbright week they have the cutest "disciplinarian committee member and delinquent" shit going on and nobody draws it
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8n53 · 1 year
phoenix meeting bobby for the first time: haha, what a weirdo that guy is
bobby meeting phoenix for the first time, who had just showed up to the crime scene of an accidental death caused by an animal and decided he was going to treat it as a murder trial and defend a whale in court: haha! what a weirdo that guy is!
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8n53 · 1 year
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tongariatama-kun..... mr pointy head
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8n53 · 1 year
those dedicated pixiv artists fucked me up by drawing this weird guy as the most beautiful man on earth. you guys have to understand when i see this character i see a handsome BL guy and thats why im like this
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8n53 · 1 year
capcom please please tell me what bobby fulbrights day to day fashion sense is like please please tell me does he know how to dress himself . i think he puts a lot of care into his appearance, he's so showy, but he also seems to not wear socks (?) and probably wears the cheesiest t shirts ever with absolute pride
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8n53 · 1 year
#aa5 spoilers #ace attorney spoilers // i have a not at all secret confession i love phantombright . he could have fixed them
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