#◟shinjou ( TYRANT KING )◝  ic.
beastreign · 5 years
Unconsciously drags her fingers through pale fur, between and over his ears and across his snout. Eventually under his chin, and down his belly where the rubs became more concentrated. [ o 3o ]
( @skyhunted )
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          a quiet noise, mixture of  contentness and surprise,  resonated from within his throat;  the kind of sound one would expect from a  cat  being suddenly woken.  still groggy, he barely recognized the hand petting him —  but he found the gesture  pleasant,  front paws stretching out, back arching a little, maw opening wide with a long  yawn.  he’d wished to return to his slumber right away, but the further attention to his body eventually had him unconsciously roll over,  exposing his belly  to the blonde, with quiet purrs, and the faintest of tail wags.
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beastreign · 5 years
stares at jou and wiggles her little fingers
( @resisther )
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     ❝ bitch, don’cha dare. ❞     in response, there’s electricity dancing ‘tween his ears.
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beastreign · 5 years
He feels the snap crackle of lightening reacting to like as snaps head around, eight glamour hidden tails drawn in tight and ears flatten atop skull, visible to those able to see other. A moment to figure out if he's kin or foe, relaxing as aura flares as yako. "Huh, samesies." Kami laughs, the nogitsune holding a hand up for a high five. (kami & jou?)
( @heavensforbid )
          the storm had been caused by nothing else but the fox overflowing with energy.  every now and then, he’d had to come out to let those wild sparks out —  and if anything were to be damaged in the process…  well, more entertainment for him.
          the relief he felt from releasing the pressure felt almost cathartic, so much so that he hadn’t even notice another standing nearby —  and when he did, ears perked up only to promptly fall back threateningly.  eyes narrowed into a sharp scowl, the tyrant ready to fight the fellow fox —  only to be caught off guard by his attitude.
          it didn’t matter to him whether or not they were of the same kind, same element.  to him, another kitsune was  just another threat.  still, rather than fighting, he’d choose to simply  disregard  the male —  glancing at the gesture offered with a disgusted expression.
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     ❝ fuck off, ❞     a gruff snarl, violet hues averting from the outstretched hand  —  leaving him hanging  —  and swiftly walking past the other.
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beastreign · 5 years
[ sms; jerry ] 01001001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01110011 01110100 01100001 01111001 00100000 01100001 01110111 01100001 01111001 00101110
( @skyhunted )
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  [ txt :: lisa ]     01101101 01111001 00100000 01110000 01101100 01100001 01100011 01100101 00100000 01101111 01110010 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 01110011 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01101110 00111111
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beastreign · 5 years
crimson eyes were kept low for a moment, lamenting over the previous battle with saber. clear hint of concern was presented in her gaze when she looked at her servant. fingertips barely brushing over the wounds berserker had attained at his shoulder, a blow he had taken for her. " sorry i hesitated. i knew that saber, he saved me eight years ago. my hesitation caused you to get hurt. " she thinned her lips, letting her mana heal his injury slowly. " it won't happen again, that's a promise. "
( @lunaetis )
          he could fight on.  of course he could,  and if anyone were to say otherwise, he’d just  destroy them  in his path aswell.  such thoughts filled his mind —  and yet, every move hurt, muscles tired and wounded from the fight that they’d just emerged from.  hard to say whether or not they were actually  victorious,  given how the  rage  clouded his vision —  but at least they were alive, both of them.
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          at last, he dropped to the ground with a rather  defeatist attitude,  growling stubbornly as he felt his  master’s  fingertips brush ‘gainist his deepest wounds.  feral eyes turned towards her, the  lust for battle  still lingering within.  a sharp  bark  was given as misaya admitted her shortcomings.  at first, there was nothing but  anger.  betrayal, perhaps.
          but the longer he stared into those rubies, the less of that  fury  would he feel.  it was strange, that he felt like he could be at  peace  ‘round her, for once.  fangs bared, he looked ready to  strike.  but instead, he only managed a rather  pathetic headbutt,  though…  affectionate.  appreciative.  an uncommon gesture for berserker;  yet, it was genuine.  a low rumble echoed from the depths of his chest, giving a small nod —  one of the few  humane  responses he could manage.
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beastreign · 5 years
( @skyhunted​ )
     ❝ ah, t’ hell wit’ yer bitchin’, ❞     he barked, violet hues rolling sharply, clawed hands pushing lean frame away from the desk he’s been sitting at.  whatever system he’s been trying to  breach  was left forgotten.  he’s had enough.  heard enough, seen enough.  for a brief moment, he caught himself wondering just  how  could he have allowed her to take such reign over his life.  how come she’s began  leaving her belongings  at his place.  how could have he been so  stupid,  letting his walls down like that.  for a woman, no less.
          with determined steps, he crossed the room’s width only to shove the blonde ‘gainist nearest wall;  tattooed forearm at her neck, sharp fangs bared in her face.  free hand reached up to  rip off  the mask she’s been perpetually wearing.  he wasn’t in the mood for lies,  no matter how personal, trivial.  as the cloth touched floor, talons caught ‘round her scarred jaw;  fearless, but also without judgement.
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     ❝ think a’m gonna have t’ tighten yer  leash. ❞
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beastreign · 5 years
you know, you’re far too interesting to let you die. || zafir and jou
( lucifer sentences  /  ACCEPTING  /  @univentorem )
          he didn’t  need  his help.  of course he didn’t;  he didn’t need  anyone  in his life.  claws dug into the ground, a gruff  grunt  slipping past parted lips as he picked himself up.  a simple glance o’er the battlefield gave him a good enough idea that he  dog  had interfered.     ❝ keep tha’ up ‘n a’m gonna start thinkin’ yer in  love  wit’ me. ❞
     ❝ anyway.  s’ppose a’ll...  let y’live tha’ fantasy, ❞     the kitsune sneered, tattooed arms crossing o’er chest as he regained his composure.     ❝ tha’ll yer  ‘lettin’’  me live. ❞
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     ❝ but th’ truth is  gods can’t die. ❞
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beastreign · 5 years
' truth be told, i find you repulsive. ' [ @ jou ]
( lucifer sentences  /  ACCEPTING  /  @skyhunted )
          a quirk of a brow, a twitch of pierced lips.  was she being  serious?  a quiet  chortle  rolled free of the demon’s throat at his  lover’s  constant attempts to deny any sort of attraction.
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     ❝ tha’ so? ❞     claws rose to trace  feather-light  paths down the curve of his neck, poiting out the  hickeys  she’s left behind.     ❝ last night says otherwise. ❞
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beastreign · 5 years
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anyway even tho i haven’t been writing on here, i have been active on discord w/ some ppl and!!  i’ve also been inspired to write some drabbles about the twins.  i’m gonna post some of them, not all of them since some of them are relevant to my ongoing threads and would be too out of context, but.  some of them are from the twins’ past or just some good fuzzy twin feels that my heart desires since alas no one’s gonna do that with me but me.
also since this was first posted on discord it has basic formatting that i’m not gonna bother with editing and making  ““tumblr quality.””  this one’s an excerpt from when jou was young n travelling with his dad!
" again. "
a dull hit of a staff againist the dummy, weak enough to not break it, but strong enough to shake it at its base.  quiet, spent breaths filled the silence of the room aside from the strikes and the elder fox's instructions.
" again. "
he striked again, trying to improve both speed and technique with this try.
" again. "
" again. "
knees have begun to tremble, but he'd push that uncertainty away the moment he'd notice it.  there was no time for hesitating, for succumbing to weakness, or exhaustion.  he'll fight, for as long as his enemy lives ---  or for as long as his father wishes it.
moves became more fluid despite the kit's tiredness, the repetition of the sequence mind-numbing.  but with each new attempt, every new  ' again, '  it appeared more and more effective.  more and more...  dangerous.  deadly.  lethal.
" enough. "
the young heir ended his session by giving a sharp sweep at the dummy's head, managing to behead it.  he thought he'd earn bonus points that way, and he already felt rather proud of himself, turning to his father with a bright grin that lasted for all but a second.
" unneccessary.  tha' was brash 'n foolish, "     ren criticized.  his son's ears drooped in disappointment, as did his entire body, for a moment, before spine straightened again with a heavy sigh, the little fox regaining his composure.
" yes, sir. "
the elder fox then sat down, pouring sake into a set of masu, offering one to his son.  by human standards, he was too young to drink still ---  but they've never adhered to those laws.  shinjou would accept, of course, setting the weapon aside before joining his father.
" yer young, still.  lots t' learn. "
" yes, sir. "
" no one out in th' real world's gonna 'ppreciate showmanship.  we kill swiftly 'n efficiently.  we don' play wit' our prey 'cuz they ain't worth our precious time. "
" understood, sir. "
" good.  take a walk.  stretch.  then, begin anew.  in fact...  a'll be yer opponent next. "
the youth's ears perked up at that, violet hues glancing up at the much taller male.  he's never fought his father before...  not seriously, like this, anyway.     " i-- it'll be an honor, sir, "     he stammered out, pink creeping up his cheeks over how he was unable to form a proper sentence, bowing deep in both gratitude and apology.  then, he swiftly picked himself up from the floor, collecting the sake set and setting it aside, before proceeding to carry on with his earlier instructions.
he was extraordinarily quiet while fighting.  no abrupt and unneccessary battlecries, no over-exaggerated grunts.  he moved swiftly like a shadow ---  and yet, it wasn't enough to match the elder.  be it the age difference, or the actual skill, all that he's been taught so far seemed so inferior to ren's techniques.  the older could clearly see his son's determination, however, knowing he was doing his best ---  and acknowledged it, not feeling disappointed in the slightest...  simply determining that he still had a lot to learn.
not too long into the fight, and shinjou would've been swept off his feet, with the blunt end of his opponent's staff pressed to his throat.
" yer learnin' fast, but it ain't good enough.  y'ain't ready t' rule. "
the fox kit had to fight the most violent of urges to scowl, to snarl back in response.  to present the other with a childish, undisciplined response.  it could easily be seen in his eyes, the way pupils narrowed, and then ---  dilated once more, as he'd relax.     not good enough, not good enough, not good enough.     he took a deep breath and nodded, looking up at his master's silent approval to stand.
" a'll try better, sir.  a'll be better, "     he added quickly, before his father could correct him once more,     " a'll train 'til a'm worthy, 'til a'm able t' surpass ya. "
" good.  good boy.  --- again. "
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beastreign · 5 years
' Gotta warn you, I'm feeling punchy today. ' /jou
( SPIDERMAN  /  ACCEPTING  /  @skyhunted )
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          a blink —  then a second, then a third one.  he wanted to ask;  when aren’t you feeling punchy?  but instead, his lips found themselves forming  different words:     ❝ oh, please,  do  punch me. ❞          and make it  hurt.
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beastreign · 5 years
❝ Your suit is awesome! Can we talk design details? ❞ @ shinjou
( SPIDERMAN  /  ACCEPTING  / @wizinary )
          he’d smile, but exorting even the  little muscles  needed for his lips to quirk upwards seemed like  too much  effort;  all he’d offer was a curious loft of a brow.  not often had he met people to make a  good enough  first impression for him to not  outright  want to murder them…  just so he wouldn’t have to deal with them.
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     ❝ glad we can agree.  keep me interested fer more tha’ five minutes ‘n a’ll consider it. ❞
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beastreign · 5 years
( @skyhunted  /  continued )
          he felt tired, for once.  so much so that he’d almost prefer the bed over coffee ---  but the more rational part of him knew that wouldn’t happen.  maybe it was the alcohol to blame.  medusa’s words were slurred together for him, though he could hear the...  frustration.  the anger.  he squinted, ears falling back in his confusion.  she was often angry with him ---  but usually, she also had a reason.
     ❝ wha’re y’on ‘bout? ❞     he murmurred, one hand coming to brush his hair back, voice tired and heavy.  only when he’d been shoved, and she barked out her next complaints, would he wake up properly.  he wasn’t having it.
          pupils narrowed to slits, fangs bared and the fox snarling;  hands snatching her wrists to try and keep her at least relatively in one place.  his grip was not at all gentle;  it was strong and squeezing, enough to leave marks.
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     ❝ calm yer fuckin’ tits ‘n tell me wha’re ya bein’ hysterical ‘bout. ❞
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beastreign · 5 years
Presses her head into the back of his shoulder with a sigh, arms circling his bare torso and lacing over his abdomen. ' Don't- don't go, this time. Tonight. ' she mumbled, biting down on her lip at the confession, of sorts. The weakness. Still, tonight, she felt lonely.
( @skyhunted )
          his  spoiled and arrogant  nature had him complaining internally about every night he spent at her place —  being the one who  had to leave,  had to  travel  across the city to get back into his  own bed.  staying the night with her still felt so…  uncalled for.  prohibited,  almost, as both of them valued their privacy, nigh  anonymity.
               but every now and then, one of them would  reach out.
          it was moreso him than her, given  he  was the one having troubles sleeping —  alone, no less.  he’d never admit it, not out loud, but he’d rather spend the night with the blonde than with the  shadows.
          so the way she stopped him from going further than simply throwing his legs over the edge of the bed was…  surprising, to say the least.  he wouldn’t voice it, he wouldn’t  show  it —  aside from the brief  flick  of his ears.  if one really wanted to understand his  body language,  it’d be the  top of his head  that they’d look at.  listening to her  pleas  had him sighing, with one hand eventually curling o’er hers.
          there was that  cheeky side  of him that wanted to say something —  and he almost did, a quiet  rumble  reverberating from within his throat, but it wouldn’t go past that.  knowing himself, he’d either say something  unneccessarily aggressive,  or something to be  misunderstood,  given his usual,  gruff tone.  so instead, he played off that grumble into a  sigh,  and shifted in his seat to instead end up facing her, sitting on his heels.
          violet hues gazed into her own, easily reading that  uncharacteristic sadness  within.  head tilted, almost akin to how a  curious dog  would, despite keeping the stoic visage.  he could ask  why.  in fact, it ate at him from the inside,  not knowing.  but, he knew  her  well enough to know that admitting a reason would be a  sign of weakness.  something despised by the demon, himself, aswell.
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          a claw rose to catch under her chin to slowly, gently guide her into a  kiss.  it was so unlike their standards;  fleeting and soft…  understanding.
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beastreign · 5 years
Fingers clutched tightly at the wrapped box in his hands, almost nervous; within were a beautiful set of sketching pencils, expensive paints, and a high quality book for his love. In addition to the gift, he'd intended to cook Shinzou's favorite meal that evening, though well after the paper lanterns- he cleared his throat, offering the box to his lover.
( twins’ birthday!!!!!! / @skyhunted )
          he was in the middle of his and his mother’s tradition, so enthralled by the activity that he didn’t even hear his mate enter  ( but then again, he was often silent in his movements ).  he wasn’t alone, for just this once, his twin would share the studio with him ---  helping him with the tast of making paper lanterns for the evening.  only the small rumble of his throat caught his attention, head snapping to look at the witch, lips stretched into a grin.
          the fox was oddly modest when it came to his birthday ---  he might’ve mentioned the date once, maybe twice, when asked, but other than that he wouldn’t make a fuss about it.  nowadays, it almost felt like a memory day for his mama, rather than something to celebrate for  himself.  the elder brother knew this wasn’t meant for him, and simply nudged his twin encouragingly to go and accept the present.  for him, save for the evening in memory of their parents, this day meant very little;  even less than it did to shinzou.
          but it was always nice, flattering and delightful, when someone would remember and go through the trouble of getting him something for this very day.  for a fleeting moment, he wondered just how long it would take him until he’d stop counting ---  perhaps once they both had all nine tails, then there would be no more reason to keep track of their age.
          so while shinjou kept his attention on the thin papers and calligraphy brushes, his other half picked himself up from the floor to immediatelly grab his mate by his waist, lift him and spin ‘round, before actually acknowledging the box he was holding.  a firm kiss was pressed to smooth cheek, nose nudging at his glasses a little, skewing them, with the words:     ❝ aw, babe, y’shouldn’ have. ❞     but he wouldn’t refuse it either.
          he opened the present excitedly, eyes brightening noticeably ‘pon realizing they were art supplies.     ❝ these look amazin’!! ❞     and cue an irritably high-pitched squeal, enough that it had his twin turning around and tossing one of the brushes aimed at his ears to get him to shut up.  it was met with a muted giggle from the younger.
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     ❝ we’re makin’ paper lanterns fer th’ evenin’.  our mama would always take us t’ th’ river t’ send ‘em along, ❞     he explained, voice a bit more mellow, for the sake of his brother.
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     ❝ he can come wit’, ❞     shinjou mused in, an eerie smile ‘pon pale features,  teasing  more than anything.     ❝ a’ll allow it. ❞     no matter the situation, he enjoyed  tormeting  the blond.
     ❝ yea’!  y’should come.  ‘s a really pretty sight.  wanna make yer own?? ❞     without even waiting for a reply, his free hand caught hold of ignis’, dragging him towards the pile of paper and ink.     ❝ jou, wha’ ‘bout yer girl? ❞     a nosy little fox, whose query would be graced with nothing but a slight  quirk  of the elder’s head.
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beastreign · 5 years
' birthday, soon, randy~. ' 8D
( @skyhunted )
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     ❝ not wit’ ya, helen. ❞
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beastreign · 5 years
She would have responded in kind to his teasing about the couch, but the abrupt and feral way he changed was nearly alarming. Hues trained on his tense, animalistic movements, before he spoke and she pursed lips. ' Tch, a death wish? Probably. ' a roll of her eyes; she didn't quite know the tattoos significance, but she'd seen it on his bare back, and the wrists of his followers enough, to understand. ' You don't like it? ' a teasing smirk.
( @skyhunted )
          a snarl and a quirk of his lips —  he hated,  despised  just how lightly she was taking this.  a hand darted out to grab one of hers, yanking and  forcing  her to sit up.     ❝ sit properly when speakin’ t’ me, ❞     he demanded, letting go as soon as he’d get what he wanted.
     ❝ this ain’t ‘bout me  likin’ it.  this,  my dear,  ‘s th’ equivalent of, as y’humans would say,  marryin’ me, ❞     a simple explanation, albeit he’d wondered how exactly did she…  manage to get the spot  just right.  was it coincidence?  hardly…  he doubted such possibility.  eyes narrowed, pupils contracting to nothing but  slits.  his voice had seemed to have gotten  deeper,  more feral as he’d go on, body subtly  twitching  as if ready to  pounce.
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     ❝ a lotus on yer neck’s wha’ makes fer th’ king’s  queen. ❞
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