#〈 koda headcanons. ★ 〉
attroxx · 3 months
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if you follow koda on instagram this is the sort of content you’re getting
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rawbin-but-mha · 2 years
↳ Genres: fluff, comedy, gen ↰
↳ Warnings: I’m a bit mean to some of them as a joke, mild swearing ↰
↳ Notes: Bakugou is at the very bottom of this list purely out of pettiness and also I think it’s funny (also Mineta isn’t here because I don’t write for him) ↰
Likes to send GIFs to show that he thinks something is funny, but if that’s not an option in whatever app he’s using, he’ll go for the “😂” emoji, or the “🤣” one if he thinks it’s really funny
Yes I know it’s a tragedy. But he’s still cute so it’s ok he can be a bit cringe sometimes. As a treat 
“That was funny. (ᗒ ᗨᗕ) I laughed. (^ц^ )”
As you can see, he uses a horrible mix of overly expressive emoticons and proper language. He gets the emoticons from Izuku. (The overly expressive emoticons from Izuku headcanon is completely stolen btw but I don’t know where I first read it, I’m so sorry about that jdjhsdiuh)
Sometimes he says “Haha.” and he means it as in he actually laughed but it always seems like he’s being sarcastic because of the period after 😭😭
Uses “pfffff” and “hahahaha!!!” with an overly expressive emoticon such as ( ≧艸≦*) (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀) ٩̋(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)
Will also instead send stickers of animals laughing if he can
Keyboard smashes. Will retype a keyboard smash if it just “doesn’t feel right”
Uses ”💀” or “😭” as well
If what the person he’s texting said was REALLY funny, he’ll send a voice clip of him just laughing so whoever said it can have proof he thought it was funny
Also uses keyboard smashes and the “💀” and “😭” emoji
Will also use phrases like “I-“ or “GIRL I CAN’T”
Occasionally says “LMAOOO”
Just plain old “haha”
“I confess, what you just said was humorous.” or some other stupidly formal variation of just admitting he found a joke funny
Very rarely says anything else, but may say “LMAO” if she does
Mainly “💀”, but does keyboard smashes sometimes as well
If he’s feeling spicy he’ll send a reaction pic of someone or something laughing
You might get some “😂”s from her as well because she doesn’t know it’s cringe since she’s never really on social media sites
I have no idea why so many people in this fucking class can’t just be normal, but he’s another one to say a goddamn sentence
“You have excellent taste in humour, I laughed(★ ̄∀ ̄★)”
Very average, as usual 🙄 /j
…….. /hj
Might give you a GIF of a cute animated character (most likely an animal) if the texting service has a built-in gallery of them to send, like discord for example
Very minimal
“Haha” or “Lol”
Uses reaction pictures or GIFs of animals looking happy/like they’re laughing
Will not use any app that doesn’t have the option for him to send these GIFs unless he absolutely has to
Doesn’t ever laugh through text. He doesn’t want to admit anybody made him laugh
Closest to a laugh you’ll get is “SHUT UP”
↳ Masterlist link ↰
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attroxx · 5 months
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whenever koda gets really angry, which doesn't happen often, his southern accent comes out a bit. he did grow up in southern georgia for most of his life and while he doesn't really have an accent normally, if he gets angry enough it slips out. and he finds it really embarrassing lol
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attroxx · 6 months
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koda is a very private person despite being an idol / actor. during his idol days, at the peak of his groups popularity he had to deal with stalkers which made koda very anxious & upset. it caused him a lot of stress so, for those reasons he now really focuses on making sure he has a private life. this doesn’t mean he’s closed off or rude but, he just really had a bad experience & would like to prevent that from happening again.
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attroxx · 2 months
How does Koda deal with the darker side of stardom ? Has he ever had his own uncomfortable encounters with outlandish rumors or unhinged fans ? What sort of toll does it take on him and how does he address and handle these sorts of things ? (i.e. publicly addressing it or taking time away for himself. )
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when koda was an idol he had a few run ins with unhinged and unruly fans. at one point he had a stalker and ended up having to move. it was an entire ordeal and it really got to him. koda ended up taking a tiny hiatus from the group in between their comebacks. koda is super thankful for what his company and what being an idol has done for his career but, he probably would never go back to being an idol ever again.
when it comes to hollywood and traditional movies and acting he's had some uncomfortable meetings but overall he's pretty strict and overprotective of his own peace. his manager is also a godsend, she actually really cares about koda and always makes sure never to send him into bad situations when it comes to auditions or what not. luckily he's never really needed to address much but he'd be as professional and honest as possible if he had to.
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unprompted asks. — always accepting.
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attroxx · 4 months
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koda will do anything to make sure people he knows don't see videos of him when he was in ' matchst1ck '. koda used to be super fanservicy due to what his company wanted from him so . . . it's all very cringe and he wishes all the interviews could be deleted from the internet.
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attroxx · 5 months
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the funniest thing about koda's k - pop days is that they always branded him as some bad boy and put him in ' bad boy ' aesthetic fits, probably because of his deeper voice but in real life he's just . . . soft. and nothing like that at all. people at fan meets being shocked when he doesn't come off like that at all.
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attroxx · 5 months
does your muse stay up to date with the latest fashion trends? describe their style. where do they typically buy their clothes?
who was their first celebrity crush?
– for koda !
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because koda used to be a k-pop idol and is now shifting gears toward acting, he is pretty up to date with fashion trends and what not. he actually enjoys fashion a lot. when he was an idol he would often work with the company to come up with outfits for him and his group. now that he isn't in that world anymore he can be a bit more free with what he wears but of course, living in LA he tries to stay on trend as much as possible.
koda's first celebrity crush ? hm. i'm gonna have to say anne hathaway. he probably saw princess diaries as a kid and was smitten from then on. he watched it over and over just for her LOL.
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headcanons meme. ― accepting.
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attroxx · 5 months
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because of the contract with his company during his idol days, koda wasn't allowed to date for a majority of his time in 'matchst1ck', about five years. these were during the prime years of his early twenties and it's left koda feeling . . . behind his peers in terms of dating and experience. often times koda just feels unsure and awkward when it comes to dating and relationships because he never got that experience. koda has only really ever dated once and that relationship didn't last long.
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attroxx · 6 months
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during koda's idol days in the group ' matchst1ck ' he was the lead rapper. which usually threw new fans off but he quickly became one of the more popular members of the group, often depicted as a badass in music videos but . . . outside of those he was quite the opposite. that has spilled into his acting career, often being cast in villain roles despite his kind and sweet demeanor.
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