#••the prince of darkness is a gentleman•• raymon musing
nightlyvisitor · 8 months
Muse is gonna be a menace today, I don’t make the rules 😉
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nightlyvisitor · 2 years
To Ray (medieval verse ALSO V CHEESY im sorry lmao) - Chris turns a corner toward a cliffside he'd thought desolate - the wind hard on his back, his armour a clatter of metal as he approaches slow. A figure in the distance, a shadow said to be the beast but one that looks more akin to a man. Despite it, his blade is drawn. "I am the Knight, Redfield, of the Spencer Kingdom and I have come to kill you."
For a moment the cloaked person doesn’t speak, weighing this traveller’s words. So they finally send the royalty after him ? Fine…
With graceful steps, the man before Chris finally turns around. Everything about him seemed hidden under the midnight black cloak, expect those piercing amber eyes, that gazed deeply…almost trying to predict the knight’s moves.
“You are either foolish or brave to have come here dear knight…do you not know your fate ?” He scoffed, a few strings of black smoke escaping from the corners of his mouth. All these fighters had a desire for fame and glory…feeding off the blood and pain of creatures alike him.
“You have a choice here, sir Redfield. You can calmly leave this place and never to return back….or follow your king’s ugly wishes until the bitter end. What has value for you ? Your life and any remaining family out there waiting for you ?….or the praises and riches of the royal family ?”
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nightlyvisitor · 2 years
test and some tags 
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