#† 𝓜emes ● Mʋƞɗɑʮ ● Answered」
priwenshallprevail · 5 months
Does knowing the other mun make writing threads easier or harder?
Meme : Anxious Munday Meme!
It can honestly go either way depending on our muses themselves. I suppose it does hold a more easier aspect of getting things out, because I'm comfortable with you in some aspect. Getting to know the mun puts any doubts that I may have about their interest in my character to the very back of my mind. Eases my doubts as a writer overall, maybe emboldens me ? I'm not sure. Definitely makes it easier for me to bombard them with memes and or storm their dms to plot. Which in truth, my confidence issues is one of many things I desperately try to work on. I will openly admit to having it. I sometimes slip. .. That yes, it sometimes poisons my mind. Getting to know the mun better, provides a better understanding all around. Not just for our muses. I kind of went in circles here, I apologize. Long story short -- easier ??
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