#“but we already saw Bo-Katan get the darksaber why are they repeating storylines”
icecreambeach · 1 year
"Why did Din mansplain manipulate malewife his way into giving Bo the Darksaber when he wouldn't give it to Paz?" 1) Paz Vizsla—who up to that point had solely been presented by the narrative as a loyal Mandalorian and Professional Din Djarin Hater (we love him for it)—rolled up to my man Din like "maybe you suck at the Darksaber because it belongs to me because my ancestor made it." (tBoBF, S1E5.) Then he directly challenged Din to a duel. If you think Din wouldn't respond to that with "hell yes let's fucking go," then you don't understand Din.
2) Bo-Katan had already refused to accept the Darksaber from Din and did NOT challenge Din to duel for it even though she had ample opportunities to do so. She could've challenged Din in her own throne room. It certainly would've helped her get her squad back so she could retake Mandalore! But she'd given up. She lost faith.
3) By the time Din and Bo are before Axe and the fleet, Bo has proven herself a capable leader many times over. She's had a genuine come-to-Mythosaur moment, she rescued Din, she's performed the highest of Mandalorian services by rescuing a child, AND she's been honored by the covert's leader (Din's leader) to work to bring other Mandalorians back to the Way. Also she was literally trained as a leader from birth (not JUST born to it, which Mandalorians *SHOULD not care about.)
4) Din cares about two things: Grogu, and being a good Mandalorian. Being a good Mandalorian in that instance meant following his alor's word and ensuring that Bo-Katan be successful in her appointed mission to bring Mandalorians together. It didn't matter to him up until that point because the Darksaber ONLY matters to the people who believe it matters. "Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!"
5) So my boy (who demonstrated throughout that episode—and even before—that he's very good at sussing out the reasoning methods of an individual/group and utilizing those methods to further his own goals,) thought about it for 5 seconds and figured out a way to convince Axe and the others (and Bo, for that matter) that, actually, this stupid shit I mean super important symbol belongs to Bo. He used the group's own programming (lol droids) against them.
6) "But using that logic it would ACKCHULEE belong to—" Great, you've figured out how stupid the Darksaber bylaws are. That's the whole point.
*There are some Mandalorians who do care about bloodlines but they suck and it goes against OG Mandalorian culture.
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