#“Why doesn't this post about N!Juste's design have any pictures of it?” bc it physically pains me to look at ok
hypermascbishounen · 5 months
Ok so old man N!Juste's design is pretty bad. Mostly it's just kind of boring and lazy. Being charitable, they maybe were just trying to avoid an old white-haired man with facial hair looking too much like game Dracula, so they opted for a fuller style. Unfortunately it ended up looking glued on.
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It's admittedly very hard to sell new old man pussy in this franchise, when we have had this man serving us cunt for hundreds of years.
In addition, they seem to have kept his shirt as the main tie to his original design, but it backfires and makes it look like he's just been wearing the same shirt for decades(Esp when game Juste's outfit was so incredibley vibrant). Even N!Juste's eyes lack the hint of white lashes from the games, which now that he is old enough for white hair to seem expected, fails to communicate he's always had white hair, which in the game made him stand out (among other Belmont's at least).
So, to fix these issues, if I were to design an old man Juste, I would personally go in one of two directions:
Option one: If had to give Juste a beard, I'd want it to distinguish him as a character, and preserve the original intent of his white hair to communicate he's got magical abilities with visual shorthand. So I would go all in and give him a fucking awesome wizard beard.
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I think he could slay the Myles Pinkley gender wizards look. This would be appropriately fantastic.
Unfortunately, N!Juste is not allowed to have nice things, which is why his current beard is likely only meant to communicate that he's a drunk and let himself go, similar to N!Trevor's stubble. Rocking wizard beard Juste could only exist, if you're trying to actually have a character be cool.
Option two: But admittedly, I personally wouldn't have given Juste a beard at all. I don't really think it would bring anything to his design, and imo I think some people give a character facial hair just to convey mature male-ness, and not much else. My personal idea for what an older Juste would look like, is probably something similar to Pope Sage (or his twin brother Altar Hakurei), from Lost Canvas.
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"So there's this senior citizen..."
Admittedly, it's hard to tell exactly how old Sage is meant to look, when he's 270 and using magic to extend his lifespan. But he's a good example of an aging white-haired prettyboy type, in a shounen known for its beautiful young men. He is also a mentor character, who has specifically personally raised his hot-headed and brash student, and taught him everything he knows - which is mostly wicked goth death powers.
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Cool old man and his even cooler son
Obviously, Sage is an unrelated character from his own property. But I feel like he's the best illustration of the sort of design archetype an older Juste could have been in. Maybe if nfcv had a better understanding of other Japanese media, and shounen anime in particular, they might have been able to figure out how to translate a character like Juste to animation better.
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