#༣ taydecor
ushiko · 2 years
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☽ personal tags
♥︎ taywrites - my own fics that i wrote or at least tempted to write
✧ tay fic rec - fics that made me feel a certain type of way and written by amazing people
∞ tayrambles - when i need to rant about my love for 2D men and women and life
♡queue reblog - when i reblog my own fics over and over till yall get annoyed with it
ʚ tayreblogs - companion of tay fic rec so they are besties when i reblog fics from others
༣ taydecor - pretty pics and art of beautiful people mostly 2D men and women
☽ interaction tags
ఌ taymoots - when i talk to my people who are my besties on here
✮ anontalks - chit chats with anons
೫ tayanswers - im gonna answer your questions or attempt to
✿ ushiko inc. all rights reserved. do not copy, steal, repost on any social media, or plagiarize
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