#˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ navina speaks!
navxry · 26 days
Oh. Oh I. Oh!
Oh that's. Not fun to get. /gen
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navxry · 10 days
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These leaves are heart shaped and for my mutuals to see
Yes, that means you.
I love you (/p) 🫶
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navxry · 25 days
Somewhat hilarious (to me) question:
When EBG ends, would y'all be interested to see a story explained when I'm done with Ruler of Love?
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navxry · 26 days
Okay genuine question but what is it about the mikman that people seem to go gaga over..???
(^ seen him in the game and doesn't even think he's hot)
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navxry · 1 month
New blog theme <3
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navxry · 22 days
ITEM:: A mysterious letter bearing the official seal of the Church of Fontaine. The name of the sender is familiar.
“Tell me, Navina, why did you leave the Church? Are my sermons no longer to your liking? Or have I overestimated your faith?
Whatever your reasons, God will always welcome his children back into his arms. And so will I, once your little game is over.”
Yours, Father Arlecchino
Reading through the letter over and over, the former church goer had to return to the place they once left. Sure, there were still unfinished business, but they have a few things they needed to cover.
Looking at the gift they received from her, they turned to the door, pausing. They didn't want to enter yet, as something felt... Wrong. It was like they're stepping into a trap.
But it'll be fine, right? They trusted Arlecchino. She wouldn't do anything to them.
With deep breaths, they walked towards the door, opening it to take a look inside. It's still the same they remember it, but they can tell that something is most definitely wrong. They couldn't put their finger on it, especially when the last priest has died due to... Unfortunate circumstances.
I must be overthinking this, they thought. I need to relax. She won't—
The door slams behind them.
Ah, drats.
Seems like they won't be getting out anytime soon.
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navxry · 26 days
I want to pummel Sunday
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navxry · 23 days
Setting up a server AS I got home a few hours ago is something I didn't knew I would do, but here we are
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navxry · 24 days
Thanks to @harmonysanreads and for that anon, now I can't stop thinking about Kafka and Himeko fighting over HSR! Navi who probably is associated with the astral express.
(blurb, putting this under a read more because it's very indulgent, and I might not make this reader based HSIDHDIEJE ignore me I'm just being a little shit lmao)
HSR! Navi who used to be tied up to some bad companies/groups before leaving to join the express, mostly because of the Nameless Trio and the trailblazer managing to get them to join. They're not much of a talker and prefer to keep things to themselves, but it didn't mean that the express welcomed them to their open arms, Himeko included.
Himeko and Welt probably discussed how things will go with the new recruit, mostly due to the previous passengers and meetings with visitors being... Eventful so to speak. Although she's welcoming to new faces, Himeko feels like she's met HSR! Navi before and Welt expresses that concern to be akin to deja vu.
Himeko and HSR! Navi who most likely hits it off well, with her brewing the two coffee as they chat about how their life is like. They'd inform her of their issue that the world the trio saved them had been riddled with corruption, something akin to the stellaron going haywire and affecting their livelihood—they even stated that they weren't able to get a stable grip themselves as it affected them.
Himeko, being the caring individual she is, offers to try and remedy with the effects of the stellaron. She coined it as simply giving them exposure therapy— "it'll be good for you," she says, and it was a relief to her when they agree to it.
Cut to when the group decide to go to the next planet to check, and Himeko noticed that the Stellaron Hunters have decided to pay them a visit once more. Though she expressed to HSR! Navi to hide back in their room (that she, of course, assigned next to hers), Kafka steps in and seemingly cuts her off from what she plans to do.
Kafka who recognizes HSR! Navi from the previous planet she and the other went, and instead of being displeased or anything of the sort, she seem to greet them like they're old friends and gave Himeko that look. To make it clear to the woman she has her hands on them first, she even pulls them to her side and whispers something to their ear—
—and of course, Himeko doesn't like that in the slightest.
The matter is dealt with as the individual tied between them tries to resolve the issue, but it was simply delaying the inevitable. After all, they were roped into the web of strings by the spider, and breaking free only meant being drawn to the comforting (and dangerous) flames to their side.
A dangerous combo... And even worse when they decide to head to Penacony, where they get to meet Black Swan; someone who advises them to break free from the two as both are dangerous to their degree.
Kafka's possessive, and Himeko's protective— both sides are nice in its niche, but obsessing over one person was bound to cause issues. Indeed, they both clash, but HSR! Navi never meant to have these two women to get even worse when they're involved.
Black Swan gave them advice to try and deal with the matter— simply leave the Express and cease contact, she says. It was the only way to resolve the matter between both sides, but HSR Navi couldn't even figure out another place where they'd be safe without the Express OR the Hunters getting them.
Such a shame that, just like a bird who's been trapped in a cage, there were eyes peering over them and their every move.
Time will only tell if they can even get out of it themselves, for these eyes never sleep when their darling is amok.
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navxry · 24 days
Okay since that's already over—
Dear Navina,
Been a while! I was a bit busy and couldn't participate as much, so I had my editor [you know Veritas, don't you?] help me out.
You might've received letters from someone named "judge" cause... Hmm... I don't know why he chose that moniker. Maybe it's because he's incredibly judgemental.
As for "witness"... I just asked Dimitri what would he have told Sothis and the conspirators who killed his father and stepmother and used some of his words as a basis.
Don't worry! The house is alright. I'm sure Madame Arlecchino already knows who was behind the letters to begin with. And perhaps you as well. You're both incredibly keen individuals, so I hope you had fun reading your deranged batchmates from another world's rambling :)
— Brynlee ♥︎
You might've received letters from someone named "judge" cause... Hmm... I don't know why he chose that moniker. Maybe it's because he's incredibly judgemental.
Tell Veritas that he's about to get a gavel straight up to his mouth and down his goddamn throat right nOW—
Anyways, I'm aware the House is fine, I've LITERALLY informed Arlecchino about me joining the game (she jokes that I can't handle leaving her but jokes on her, I have stories to entertain myself for a week) and now I can safely go back to get my wife and tell her about the shit I gotta endure.
Though, do me a favor, Brynn.
Tell Dimitri to never look at the mirror from now on. I hate to have him be taken by a doppleganger.
Okay, thanks! :D
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navxry · 29 days
Hiii, a heads up that day 3's fic for Ruler of Love may be delayed to tomorrow because I'm swamped with stuff rn (but when I got time, I'll write it!)
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navxry · 1 month
(sees ebg bias list) *sweats* k. kitty..... please don't harm the kitty...... /silly /lh
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navxry · 13 days
So I decided (against all odds /silly) to go and play AK
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navxry · 15 days
Not me remembering the one time I listened to someone tell me the plot of Haunting Adeline and going "oh, God, why the fuck is that a thing"
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navxry · 20 days
Sometimes treating yourself after enduring the worst is the sweetest reward anyone can ask for.
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navxry · 25 days
I gotchu fam 🫡
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