#·∴∵✷ you’re worth more than what you sacrifice  [ roguesenses ]
detonizing · 1 year
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@roguesenses asked:
[  WARMTH  ]  *  your muse moves snuggles up to my muse for warmth.
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The 'meeting' was a farce to begin with. Someone had brought up how they should go over the plan one last time, as if they haven't drilled it into each other's heads a million times already. As if they haven't been preparing for this war since the moment the first one ended. No, they didn't need another recap of the plans, but here they all sat anyways, with just a flimsy excuse to gather and linger as a class, despite how all of them should be getting proper rest instead.
And Katsuki was no different. Having seen through the ruse from the start, but still sitting his ass down on the couch with the rest of the idiots. Knowing the clock was ticking well into the night, and most of the talking had long since ended, but still scrolling mindlessly on his phone as if he was doing anything of importance that warranted his continued presence in the common room. There was truly no reason for him to still be down here with the rest of the bunch.
( if he was honest. there was just one reason he continued to dawdle anyways, despite how he usually despises wasting time. if he was honest, he'd admit how he wasn't even sure what was on his phone, too preoccupied with watching deku slowly nod off more and more. ) The nerd was clearly exhausted, but didn't want to head up to his room despite half the class having tried to convince him. Stubborn asshole.
He was seconds away from deciding to just drag the nerd up the stairs himself, when he felt Deku shift, sliding until he was stopped by Katsuki's own shoulder. His first instinct was to blow up, as he was so prone to do, but it was quickly suppressed with just a glance at how tired Deku looked. So, he simply shifted till he could better support Izuku's weight, knowing just how ridiculous it was how unbothered he truly was by this. He set his phone down, giving up on all pretense that he was doing anything besides just being there for Izuku. ( it was a pretense that everyone saw through anyways. the looks his classmates has been giving him since he first woke from the hospital had only increased since they succeeded in bringing deku back. ) He ignored them, as he always did. No longer in denial, and long since past trying to pretend what was obvious to everyone except the idiot leaning on his shoulder, but also knowing full well such a thing was trivial in the face of all that they had going on. It was hardly a time to worry about something as stupid as feelings, something he had made clear to the class and refused to be swayed on. ( and really, it would hardly be fair to izuku. if katsuki tried to push his feelings onto him after everything they've been through. izuku, the idiot who felt far too much for others, who was trying to carry far too many burdens as it was. katsuki refuses to place yet another thing onto the nerd. not when it was katsuki's own problem to deal with )
Which was exactly why he just had to get the nerd up to his room for an actual night's rest. But just before he could, one of their idiot classmates had opened the front door, causing a cold breeze to blow in. Despite it being well into spring, the cool air was out of place in the warmth of the common room. And it seemed unconscious Deku agreed, because Katsuki found himself freezing as Izuku shifts even closer in response to the cold air, tucking his big nerd head right into Katsuki's neck. The chatter of his classmates grew, because even though they were all going out to fight another war tomorrow, they were still a bunch of idiots. Katsuki simply gave them the finger before miming them to shut it. The last thing they needed to do was wake Izuku up and jolt all sleepiness away by getting him flustered like the awkward fuck he is, not when the shit nerd needed his rest. And that was the only reason, he'd insist. Or at least, it was the most important one. ( a minor, far less important reason, would be how the weight of izuku against him settled something in his chest. ) Somehow, the feeling that the nerd was truly here, after so many weeks out looking for him, still not feeling real. ( the feeling of izuku being so far out of reach, having long since become katsuki's new reality )
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But Izuku feels impossibly close now. Even though Katsuki knew it was only for this moment. Knew it could only be for this moment. And he wasn't one to allow himself to indulge for very long. ( even as a part of him wished he could. could just let them stay like this for a bit longer, izuku by his side in a way that felt just right ) But he still needed to get the nerd to bed so he can rest properly.
He gives himself three seconds. To really feel Izuku's weight, receiving comfort from it despite knowing it was hardly fair. To count Izuku's steady breaths, each one reassurance that the shit nerd hasn't gotten himself killed ( yet ). To swear to himself, that he will never let Deku fight alone again. ( an oath he already made weeks before when they first cornered deku. with rain in his eyes and the throbbing of his shoulder and stomach. but somehow, it felt right. making the promise again, outside of urgency and desperation. ) Because it wasn't a promise just for in the midst of battle. Because he knew Izuku had been fighting alone in every part of his life for far too long, since way before he received a flashy quick ( and he could picture tiny middle school izuku. having time and time again gotten up to fight for what he believed in. despite the world, despite katsuki himself, telling him he had no right ) But NEVER again.
And with that, his three seconds was up, so he shifted to get Deku onto his back in a piggyback carry, trying to move smoothly enough to not wake the other. He could feel the busybody assholes around them staring blatantly. ( surely an unfortunate amount of teasing would be awaiting him, but he'd deal with those bunch of idiots later. when he wasn't at risk for waking deku up ) Feeling Deku shift into semi-conciousness, he glares at the far too noisy idiots before muttering softly for Deku to go back to sleep.
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detonizing · 1 year
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graphic for @roguesenses !
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