a-fading-light · 2 years
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a ghost or ghostlike image of someone, especially one seen shortly before or after their death.
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a-fading-light · 3 years
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“Oh so all the robot fuckers just conveniently don’t exist in MY world. That explains a lot.”
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a-fading-light · 3 years
“Sometimes, I hear about things happenin’ in the multiverse an’ think to myself: that’s some sci-fi bullshit.”
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“...an’ then I remember I’m some sci-fi bullshit.” 
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a-fading-light · 3 years
"But that brings up the question-- What other drinks, uh... That aren't alcohol... Do you like?"
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"Well I can't taste most things. If the flavor is subtle it doesn't do much for me." A small shrug.
"...so mostly, I tend t' like uh, I guess stuff most people would say are too strong? Anythin' "overly" sweet, bitter, spicy, whatever." He's thoughtful but doesn’t say more.
Which is to say, Rock is that guy that enjoys the sorts of beverages most people consider caustic.
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a-fading-light · 3 years
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“I wasn't laughing at you, I was …uh, admiring your... determination.”
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"Ziel? I'm goin' t' make ya a lot fuckin' shorter than me if ya don't come up with a better lie in the next five seconds."
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a-fading-light · 3 years
Oh man that sucks. Not being able to have any regular drinks..? "... Okay... Follow up question... My sister runs a cafe and coffee bar..." Do you see where he's going with this? Are we gonna give Lyra a heart attack with the orders? Potentially.
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It sucks big time but it does have some benefits. Mostly bewildering and concerning onlookers. Which might just be a factor in what's said next: "Oh does she? Well, maybe we should pay her a visit sometime." If only to watch the sheer confusion that would come from the poor barista forced to make whatever monstrosity they come up with.
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a-fading-light · 3 years
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“...what in the ever-livin’-fuck is a furry?” 
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a-fading-light · 3 years
[continued from x with @the-broken-variable !]
Seems the tables have turned, given the General’s taunting is currently being flipped on him. Rock’s kick sweeps past his taller opponent, only the rush of air grazing the blond’s frame. 
SON OF A BITCH. You let him get to you. AGAIN.
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a-fading-light · 3 years
@not-the-usual-suspects (continued x)
She usually entertains herself by walking the streets when curfew isn't in effect, as it gives her time to think. It isn't until she notices the hot, dry and lit streets of her own world suddenly blinks into a more muggy and neon-lit environment that she realizes she's not home anymore. But the one thing she does know how to do, is to blend in.
And it works, until she's found out. Her introduction didn't seem to smoothe things over, either, which only makes her more nervous. Her hands quickly move in front of her, an unconscious habit from her past.
I'm sorry, I-- No, that would seem like she's taking blame. Try to think of something else.
I just thought that--
I figured I was--
I didn't realize--
... well. She can't think of anything to say in her defense, and he certainly doesn't look friendly. It's times like this she wishes she had convinced Mikah to come along with her; he would know what to say to diffuse tension in these scenarios. She makes a mental note to never leave the house again if she's forced to go alone.
She stands there in complete silence for a few seconds, hands wringing nervously in front of her. Not that she's afraid of him, necessarily. But afraid of being locked up in an unfamiliar world that's simultaneously so much like her own.
"Am I going to be detained for questioning, or...?" She trails off, almost unsure if she wants to know what the other options for her are.
Almost expected you to run.
Compliance is a different symptom of fear, but in this atmosphere it might let her live a few minutes longer. Most humans found it preferable, however little, to a bloodier fate.
Unease festers between them. 
Every second of silence makes his metaphorical trigger finger itch. Easy to see the scenarios running through this girl’s mind, evident in the nervous fidgeting of her hands. What to say, what to do, to keep from having the life crushed out of her. 
She knows she shouldn’t be here. Knows that a misstep can and will end... unfavorably. Certainly, she is no stranger to the iron fist of a cruel leader, or the ruthlessness of those who enforced such regimes. 
So it is that her question is straightforward, despite the internal cowering that kept her feet planted firmly in place. 
“That depends,“ Rock’s glare narrows, the ever present neon glow of his optics bearing into her. “I’m not in a charitable mood tonight. Don’t piss me off further, an’ you might be rewarded with detainment.” An unspoken ‘but’ is there in his tone, implying a far more violent end to this conversation in the cards.
“You already know what I’m goin’ t’ ask.“ Apparent in her abject horror and familiarity with the oppressive city around them, though it isn’t quite like her own. “So start fuckin’ talkin’.“
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a-fading-light · 3 years
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Venom to keep yourself safe.
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a-fading-light · 3 years
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...wait are we being sarcastic about the knifeplay or-- 
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a-fading-light · 3 years
@sundialhunter​ (continued from x)
“Pffft–ahaha!” Man, he sure is a funny little tin man, ain’t he? Maybe Yoomtah’s made her just a tad positively biased towards those of a mechanical nature, maybe it was Rock’s own trademark wit. It gets a laugh out of her either way, because unbeknownst to the General, he didn’t even know how square on the mark he was.
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“Maybe. Maybe nawt! What d’yew think, hm?” All sunny smiles once again, it seems, though her question seems to be genuine. As if she wanted to know what he thought. “Ah’m serious! Toss a guess at me, Ah’ve heard’em all anyway.”
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“Aww, what’s th’ matter? Sad that ya can’t punch mah pretty face?” Of course once Rock even MENTIONS the notion of her goading him on, she opens fire, guns blazing. “If ya want mah HONEST answer, though–well, Ah’ don’t git t’ meet many o’ yer kind, so t’ speak. Thought if Ah’d poked ya hard enough, yew’d be somethin’ of a decent challenge! Still debatin’, though–Ah’ REALLY do want that outfit.”
So she’ll play nice, for the moment.
“That’s th’ point o’ this, ain’t it? 20 Questions or whatever th’ name o’ that game goes.”
Be a decent challenge? This lady really does think she can take on the entire world all by her lonesome. Rock isn’t entirely sure if that’s charming or irritating. Maybe both? “Yeah well, if I cause trouble here than I’m the only one gettin’ the consequences later, ain’t I?” 
Would rather not... deal with the boss.
So he shrugs, shifting back to her earlier comments. 
“Hmm, let’s see. A lady like you? Ya could be on the lamb for any reason.” He’d have made a show of pretending to think about-- it if it weren’t for that damn helmet. Ah, well. 
“Maybe it’s a revenge story,” he adds offhandedly, not that he actually spent much time trying to figure her out, or completely cared to. Humoring her just to get more of that authentic western flair is reward enough. “Just a normal every day rancher before someone stole your favorite cow, now you’re an outlaw an account of the ruckus ya made when the Sheriff wouldn’t help. Tracking down cattle thieves under the law’s nose.” It’s almost definitely not that, but he’s sure there’s a movie with that plot-- or there probably was. Banned now. Shame. 
....Should probably be asking her PROPER questions, but outlandish backstory crafting is way more fun than doing his job. 
“Course ya could also be an outlaw for the thrill of it. You’re only followin’ the rules here cause it fits some moral code of yours. One of them steal from the rich give t’ the poor types.“
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a-fading-light · 3 years
C1 and E3!
[[I wasn't sure if I should post these pre or post being added to icons but!!! Here are some idiots. I decided to divide the prompts on this account between the twins since I need more art of EVERYONE anyway <3]]
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a-fading-light · 3 years
what’s your role in a found family dynamic?
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the silent sufferer
you love your friends, but the truth is, you go through most of the real things alone. it’s better that no one sees you like this. you’ll be fine, really, because you’re used to feeling this way. it’ll pass. it always does. that’s what you believe, anyway. you’re more likely to give someone advice on a lesson you’ve learned without telling them how you learned it. you’ve come to realize that, if they’re coming to you for advice, they’ll be too preoccupied to ask. it stings, but it’s… that’s just the way feelings work sometimes. when you’re around others, most of these problems seem to vanish, and you’re better able to love the person you are. only on the worst days do you continue to hear that insistent whisper that it’s, “all a lie because they don’t know what’s *really* going on.” it’s not a lie. you are loved. those moments together are real. there are times when you can afford not to be so strong.
tagged by: @dripblood​ tagging: STEAL IT.
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a-fading-light · 3 years
"...I suppose if it's a date you're wanting so badly, I could fill that spot." Better than some human anyhow.
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"I... wha... huh..?" Well he's gone from annoyed to completely flabbergasted. Nice? Work?
"MZ I don't-- I don't think that word means what ya think it does."
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a-fading-light · 4 years
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“Hey-- what’s the most pissed off animal in the animal kingdom? I need to know. For science.”
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