#{ The Koi Fish Blog Is Back In Town! }
thek0ifish · 8 months
❏: Koi fish
❏: Personal Writer blog
❏: Friendly Writer And RPer
❏: 21+ Years Of experience
❏: Absolute meme lord
❏: Tokusatsu Yakuza Fan
❏: Stfu and Enjoy my stuff
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gtenvs3000w24 · 5 months
01: My relationship with nature.
Hi everyone! I’m a 4th year zoology student at the University of Guelph, and welcome to my blog! For this first blog I’ll be talking about my relationship with nature and how it has evolved. 
Since I was a kid I have always had a large interest in nature, especially with animals. Growing up in Milton, a very fast-growing city, I took every chance I could get to go outside and be more connected with nature. I think my earliest memory of this is when I would go for walks with my parents and my Grandad when I was about four years old. There was a very short walking trail near my house that had an apple tree, and we would walk there every week to pick apples. While it was a very short and simple experience, I remember really enjoying just going outside and spending time with my family.
As I got a little bit older, me and my family would frequently drive to local conservation areas a lot of the time to go for walks in the forests. Most of the time I would spend those walks looking for any animals I could find. My favourite time of year to do these walks was in the winter because I found the snow-covered trees very pretty and peaceful. Winter was always my favourite season as a kid, and I spent a lot of time playing outside in the snow with my brother. 
One place that has always been special to me is Crawford Lake. This is the conservation area that me and my family went to most of the time, and it is still one of my favourite places to go for walks. I always found the boardwalk around the lake to be very peaceful and fun to walk along as a kid. I would frequently stop to look over the railings for snapping turtles in the water below me, and while I only got to see them one time, it was something I won’t forget. I also went there for many school field trips. I remember our tour guide telling us ghost stories about things that had happened at the lake, and while those stories scared me as a kid, I think they helped me feel more connected to the place.
Another place that I have always had a strong connection to is the pond my Grandma has in her backyard. Since I was little I remember it being one of my favourite places to be. I spent a lot of time there with my brother and cousins just looking for frogs, and looking at the koi fish that lived in the pond. I now have three cousins who are all under the age of ten on that side of my family, and so I love to go look for frogs and fish with them like I did when I was their age.
I think one of my favourite places I have been is Nova Scotia. This is where my uncle and his family live, and I have gone there twice to visit them. Being there feels so much different from living in the fast-paced city that I’m used to, as it is much more peaceful and laid back. I spent two weeks there this summer living at my uncle's house near Lunenburg, and it was an experience that really stuck with me. My uncle lives in a house that he built, in a forest by a river. It was such a relaxing experience to be there, and to take little day trips out to the ocean everyday. Hearing the history behind the sites such as Peggy’s Cove and the town of Lunenburg really stuck with me too. I have always loved being by the ocean, and sometimes I think about moving there one day because of how amazing it was to be there. Even though I have only spent about 3 weeks in total there, I think it offered me that “sense of place.” (I’ve included some pictures I took in Nova Scotia below!)
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I could talk about many other experiences that have connected me to nature, but these are just a few that have shaped my relationship with it today. Overall, especially being a zoology student, nature is a very important part of my life!
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friendlybowlofsoup · 4 years
hi mei, i saw this ask on another blog and really loved it so: for mermay, what type of merpeople would the ros be and what would they look like? (btw the updated demo was so amazing omg. every interaction with big sister tugs at my heartstrings but in a very good, angsty way if that makes sense) hope you're taking care of yourself!
oh no, was this sent to me back in May? I’m so, so sorry Anon QQ And thank you so much for the feedback!! I’m so glad you like the updated demo! (and I hope to release the next update soon!)
For mermaids (bonus with Big Sis!). Though a disclaimer: I really don’t know fish or merpeople types at all so this might be a little vague.
Qiu has fins extending from his forearms that are flashy and colorful like betafish fins. He does not migrate and prefers his warm reef, in which he has always lived. He is fiercely protective of his stretch of sea, and always keeps an eye out for unwanted intruders.
An has billowy, lofty fins that shimmers in whites, pinks and pearl. She has the voice of a siren, but she can be as kind as she is cruel. On the surface, there are many rumors of her, most of them probably true.
Min He has long, kelp-like hair that usually obscures her face. She brings rain wherever she goes, and to unlucky sailors, sometimes a storm. She is worshiped in some port towns as the goddess of the seas, and many offerings are given in her name.
Kaski has a shark’s dorsal fin, and the smooth skin of his fins have been shredded by many fishermen hooks. He wields a trident and often patrols his waters as a warning, though he is not always an aggressor.
Xinyi wants to be where the people are. He has a long koi lower half, with shimmering scales that others might covet. He is perhaps too curious for his own good, and wanders often to dangerous depths.
Hiemi lives in the deep sea, with skin that is iridescent and tempting to lost swimmers. She has no interest in trapping fools, but she does find it interesting that they can be so desperate for her help.
Go Ro has wide, gold fins that glint boldly among the rest of those who surround him. His sheer power makes others wary of him, and his diplomatic skill is enough to control the crowd of merpeople around him. For now.
Chun has dappled fins, meant to camouflage her against the seafloor, and some of those patterns bleed into her torso and up her neck, mingling with her freckles. She works hard to be as unassuming as possible, watching warily for those who might bother her.
Spider is a crab. has a slim, eel-like body that lets him squeeze out of just about every situation. He is able to emit shockwaves when he really needs to get out of danger, which is probably more often that he’d like.
Big Sister would have an octopus’s body, so to have multiple arms to hug you with!
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emmalovesu · 4 years
Destination Article : Japan
By Emma Angela Cayton
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Fasten your seatbelt, because for today using 1,500 words I am going to let you have a glimpse of how beautiful Japan is. I am not one of those kids who consider themselves as an otaku (An otaku is defined by Wikipedia as a Japanese term for people with consuming interests, particularly in anime and manga.) but I love some of them. In this destination article I will be presenting 10 reasons why I wanted to travel in Japan. But first let us know something about Japan. "Japan is an archipelago of almost 7,000 islands found between the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan in East Asia." (Jean Folger, 2020). Now let us be mesmerized by the 10 reasons why I wanted to visit Japan.
The first reason why I wanted to travel in Japan is, I want to visit the places that was involved in the movie Your Name. I never really liked anime before because I think Kdramas are still the best but after watching Your Name my impression about anime changed. During one of our discussion. Our teacher told us to watch an anime movie named 'Your Name' or 'Kimi No Nawa'. Ofcourse I don't have any idea about this film. But I was astonished by how it was beautifully written. So going back, I would consider this as one of the reasons why I wanted to travel to Japan. As we all know, some places that was involved in the film was actually real. Just like the town Hida in Gifu. This town was actually the basis of some places in Itomori where Mitsuha (the main character) lives and ofcourse Tokyo where Taki lives.
Second, I wanted visit Japan because it was "considered to be the greenest, cleanest and most beautiful country in the world." (Phanthang, 2018). I have also seen alot of images of how clean their surroundings was. In Emma Taggart's article she presented that Japan's drainage canals have colorful Koi in it. "In the city of Shimabara on Japan’s Kyushu island, the street’s gutters are so clean they are home to hundreds of koi carp." Emma Tagart explained. Amazing right?
Third, I have been deeply inlove with felines. I even adopted 4 stray kittens (3 of them are actually siblings) because of my obsession with cats. During one of those moments when I just sat down and scroll through my feed, I have found out that Japan have a village where cats are outnumbered. It was Aoshima Island. It is an island in Ehime Prefecture, Japan. So for those people who are inlove with felines just like me. What are you waiting for let us all travel in Japan!
Fourth, I have been amused by the beauty of Mount Fuji, that is obviously found in Japan. Japan have a lot of beautiful places to go to. Although many people associate Japan to be highly modern because of its shopping malls and high end stores, there are still a bunch of reason why nature lovers would love this place. Aside from Mount Fuji, I am inlove with Mifuneyama Rakuen it is a park in Saga Prefecture and covers 150,000 squares meters. This is basically one of those places where you can actually have a really romantic (ofcourse it is just my preference) moment with the love of your life. It was also said that it was better to travel there during Spring where cherry blossoms and azaleas are in full bloom.
Fifth, one of the things that a foreigner must consider in traveling is ofcourse a country's traditions. One of the best ways to connect with Japan's traditions is visiting their shrines. Rhonda Krause (2020), have listed her 8 favorite shines to visit. I specifically picked 2 of them, that I loved the most. Meiji Shrine- Tokyo is the first shrine that I chose because it is one of the most famous shrines in Japan. Also Meiji Shrine in Tokyo was described by Rhonda Krause, to be where you "can witness age-old rituals and discover beliefs that are the foundation of many Japanese customs." Lastly, Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto. It is also one of the most famous shrines in Japan. I picked this shrine because it was described by Rhonda Krause to have a "tunnel of torii gates that shade the 4 km path up Mount Inari."
Sixth, I am very interested in the food they serve in Japan. Here are the list of food that I wanted to try;
Tempura (Tempura are pieces or slices of meat, fish, and/or vegetables that have been covered in a special tempura batter and deep fried until they become crunchy and pale gold in colour.) Sushi (the word ‘sushi’ refers to any dish made with Japanese rice that has been seasoned with rice vinegar.) Donburi (is a Japanese "rice-bowl dish" consisting of fish, meat, vegetables or other ingredients simmered together and served over rice.) and Sukiyaki hot pots. If I would be given a chance to go there I knew there are still alot of food that I would love to try. Do you have any suggestions?
Seventh, this reason really amused me. As a little girl, I have always wondered how a beautiful a castle could be. I have been a fan of disney princesses and all that classic fairytale. Well if you have been really interested in finding a real castle, then what are you waiting for! Let us all visit Japan! One of the best features in Japan is its best architecture. As what I've said in the previous reasons, you as a foreigner, you should also consider the country's culture. To be able to dig deeper unto Japanese culture you should try to visit their castles. One of the castles thay I know in Japan is Hikonejo castle. According to the Agency for Cultural Affairs - Government of Japan, 'castle architecture of Japan was established in the mid-sixteenth century. Hikonejo belongs to the golden age of castle architecture of the early seventeenth century. It has retained well the entire form of the castle, including its defensive sections and the lord's residential area.' It was also described to be the 'highest designation for cultural properties in Japan'. Another castle that I knew was Himeji castle (was built in the year 1609). It was said that it was 'one of the most higly regarded castles in Japan'. It was also amusing that Himeji castle had survived natural disasters and wars.
Eighth, aside from cats, castles and anime I have been also into science. I have always loved this subject and Japan has actually a museum for geeks like me. The robotics exhibitions at Miraikan is one of the places that you need to consider in visiting Japan. 'Miraikan:National Museum of Emerging Science (日本科学未来館) is a museum created by Japan’s Science and Technology Agency, located in Odaiba area in Tokyo. The museum’s some of highlights include the demonstration of ASIMO, the Humanoid Robot created by Honda and the Geo-Cosmos, a giant globe-like display which shows the condition and movement of the earth in high resolution with 10,362 OLED panels.' (Naho, 2020) I know the 8 reasons that I presented already blew your mind. But wait there are still 2 more!
Let all welcome the ninth reason to visit Japan! Safety is a must in any circumstances. If you wanted to travel to a country who is considered to be 'safe' then let us all pack our things and visit Japan. 'Japan is one of the safest countries in the world, but you should never let your guard down. Japan is generally safe for visitors. The crime rate is low, but petty theft could happen at crowded tourist attractions. Common sense travel safety advice applies here, just like anywhere else. Any stares from people on the street or on public transport are of the curious kind, and the people are some of the friendliest you could meet. Although they might tell you to be quiet on the train if you're talking too loud' Pasqualina Perone, 2020 explained.
Lastly, I know some of us might consider in visiting a certain place is the Wi-Fi availability. Japan is defined by Marcus Loffredo as 'a nation who prides itself on being one of the most "tech-savvy" in the world, does indeed have a lot of free WiFi available.' This could be a really great help especially for those people who wanted to post all the pictures they have taken.
In conclusion, I am fascinated by the 10 reasons that I have presented and I know there are still more. Even Roman Coppola said that "it’s the travel experience that has moved me the most.” From the beautiful scenery, food, and even those things that I personally love (cats, Your Name and science) Japan is a really good place to visit. In this part I wanted to leave you a question, after reading this article do you consider visiting there or nah?
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gaiacostella · 4 years
Traveling Around The World Is One Of Life's Most Rewarding Experiences
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Traveling around the world and visiting different states may be among the most rewarding things someone can do in life. A tremendous amount of excitement and pleasure can be obtained by travel to a remote nation.
Getting on a plane and flying a few hours to another continent can be an experience in itself! Maybe you wish to discover the scenery of a foreign land; a train journey would make it possible for you to find a stunning view of the local landscape and town. It is also possible to travel by boat, which is equally magnificent if not even more so. Imagining boarding a boat by sea which will sail through the vent of a significant metropolis passing by historic landmarks.
Exposing yourself to new cultures and people is such an enriching experience. Assimilating with the natives of a foreign land and studying their customs and traditions will expose you to intriguing ideals and expand your horizons. You can occupy a new language, eat delicious cuisine that you never knew existed and immerse yourself into the culture.
Traveling overseas and experiencing the wonders of the world can teach you more than what you could ever read from a book, but much more so, it can teach you about yourself. To have the ability to step foot on the soil of each continent is really a special achievement that few can claim the rights to. Being able to talk about your adventures with your family and friends recounting all your journeys is among life's most gratifying and priceless feelings.
Travelling Around the World and Back Again - A List of Places to Revisit
I'm one of the lucky ones. I've already been around the world and while I did not quite manage it in 80 days such as Phileas Fogg, I did manage to spend five months with my beloved hubby visiting amazing states, meeting new friends, trying new foods, and sampling lots of fresh wines, so all in all it was quite a trip!
Travelling around the world has never been easier than it is now. A RTW flight ticket may cost as little as 900, and based on the degree of accommodation you choose, you can make your way around the planet for less than you may think. We, on the other hand, blew our budget entirely, but the memories of the four month trip doing everything and nothing, is worth more than any amount of"printed paper" as my other half calls dinero, and I would not hesitate in packing my bag and doing it all again tomorrow.
Our round the world flight ticket comprised the following flights: London - Hong Kong - Macau - Bangkok - Singapore - Perth - Sydney - Christchurch - Auckland - Fiji - Los Angles - London, and apart from the odd boat ride or short flight, we travelled across Thailand and Malaysia over property.
Thailand has its own highs and lows (like most countries) and while I possibly would not rush back to Bangkok, Phuket or Koi Samui, I'd certainly love to revisit the charming city of Chiang Mai in the north.
We seemed to consume our way through Malaysia! Delicious food on every corner, together with friendly locals and tropical warmth, made this one of our favorite Asian destinations. Penang, the Cameron Highlands and Kuala Lumpur are on the'revisit' list.
Singapore is Singapore, and as one of the cleanest, safest, friendliest nations in Asia, I can definitely see myself arriving one day... Orchard road is still calling!
Our second destination - Australia, took us into the magnificent west coast of Perth and the Coral Coast. We spent weeks finding new beaches, visiting wineries and counting Kangaroos - before heading off to discover the rest of the nation. Stopping off in places like Melbourne, Sydney, Cairns, and the Whitsunday's across the way, our seven-week remain in Australia was extremely costly, but very worth it, and if I ever win the lottery - I will return!
New Zealand is a really special place and the moment we landed in Christchurch we felt at home. Combining beautiful scenery with terrific people, and delicious fish with excellent wines, New Zealand has it all, and yes, it's already on the revisit list.
Next stop - Fiji! As I have written in previous blogs, I never dreamed I'd get to see the Fiji Islands, but see them - and they're more amazing that you could ever imagine. Waking up to the sounds of gentle waves, walking along the white sandy beaches, and snorkelling with reef sharks... I can not wait to return!
Flying over the Pacific Ocean is a strange experience. With the changing time zones, you actually arrive until you've taken off! From Fiji we headed around to Los Angeles in the good old US of A, and after a few days in Cali, we jumped onto a cruise boat.
Following a week cruising across the Mexican Riviera, we headed off to Las Vegas for our final week of insanity before return home and back to reality. We make almost an yearly pilgrimage to Vegas, so that's definitely on the revisit list (oh yes, and so is Mexico!) .
Two or three year previous to our round the world tour we spent 10 weeks traveling South America, and lived nearly two years in South Africa, so we've seen enormous amounts of this gorgeous world, but now I find my'revisit' list is nearly as long as my'to see' list.
Well, I'm not quite 40 yet, and they say that is when life actually starts, so perhaps this was only a practice run? Around the World and back again - I suppose I'd better get on with it!
Wendy Kaufmann is the owner of Equatours Limited. A family owned and family run business specialising in unique travel experiences to nations under the equator.
Fully bonded tour operator, our packages are inclusive of all travel arrangements, accommodation, insurance and a personal travel guide is with you every step along the way to be certain that your trip with us is a vacation of a lifetime.
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kny-winterwishes · 5 years
Winter Wishes Festival.
Welcome to the Winter wishes Festival !
The winter wishes festival is a wonderful festival ~ With games and attractions galore. The Festival is supposed to make you feel a warm and fuzzy feeling inside of you ~ Whether that is from the comfort you gain from feeling at home, or the specialty Hot chocolate that keeps your warm until the new year, is up to you do decide ! But no matter what you decide, I hope you will have the most wonderful time till the new year's dawn rises, Fufufu ~ ♪
Winter wishes: Countdown.
Countdown to the dawn of the new year in Koi ~ In the town square around the incredible Clocktower, there lays a rather large Plaza set up just for the Festivities ~ ♪ Plenty of food carts riddle the area, as well as a stage where dancers and other sorts of performers are going be per ~ form ~ ing all throughout the festival! The plaza is well lit as well, so there are no worries about the lack of sun in the sky ~ Fufufu...
Winter wishes: Maze of Mysteries!
The wondrous Maze of Mysteries ! If you are able to overcome the maze that is made of snow and ice then you may win some rather magical prizes ~ ♪ Of course, if you lose you will get some prizes, just not so magical. Just make sure not to slip ~ ♪ (To participate in the Maze, you must send and ask to the blog with something along the lines of “Hi, I want to try the maze of Mysteries !” and once you do, you will get your results shortly afterward.) (All prizes and results will be decided randomly with a generator, barring the grand prize.)
Winter wishes: Snowball tournament! 
Who doesn’t love a good snowball fight ~ ? Well, what about a snowball tournament ? Well if throwing snowballs at unfortunate souls appeals to you, then Sign up for the tournament starts on december 1st, Fufufu ~ ♪ The tournament itself will happen on the 15th of this month ! So please sign up if you want to participate (By sending a ask to the inbox with the muse you wish to participate, only one muse per mun so pick carefully.) ~ There will be prizes for first, second and third place ! As well as a participation award for everyone involved, Fufufu ♪
Winter Wishes: Firework show.
The grand final ! We go off with a bit of a bang ~ ♪ The Winter wishes firework show is the way to close out the year in Koi and open up a new dawn on the new year. It starts on the 31 and along with the firework show a light show will happen all through the day before the fireworks go off ! 
Winter wishes: Ice Rink.
Wisteria Square has placed up barriers around the fountain and surrounding area, allowing a layer of synthetic ice to take place, with the help of some magic ♪ Thus, an ice rink has been made! Within view of the major attractions, you can flee to somewhere a bit quieter and enjoy the sights ~ Enjoy some time with your friends and loved ones, or try some fancy tricks around the rink, Though please avoid hurting yourself or others ! Ufufu ... This is suppose to be fun after all ~ There’s plenty of space and enough walls for people to grab onto for those newbies.
Winter Wishes: Fancy Goldfish Scooping!
Commonly seen in festivals, a pool of goldfish awaits you -- No no, Not for eating ~ ♪ For catching! You are free to participate as many times as you like but any of the goldfish you catch must be put back into the pool, Fufufu ~ By catching one of these regular goldfish, you will be rewarded with a goldfish plushie that blows bubbles when squeezed! If you wish to keep a goldfish and are up for a chaaaaallenge ... you can try the ice-fish challenge ♪ In the same pool, there are goldfish very much alive yet entirely made out of ice ! Fufufu, If you can manage to see and successfully capture one, you’ll have a new best friend to enjoy the upcoming new year with ~ ♪
Winter Wishes: Snowman Family Building.
Do you wanna build a snowman? Maybe even give him a snow family ~ ?  ♪ There’s plenty of snow, so do your best to roll it up into a ball ~ ♪ You will find that once you place two or even three balls of snow together and thrown on a couple of adornments, the snowmen will come to life ! ♪ Just like magic ~ Complete a family of two parents and two children, and you will be rewarded with a blue ticket! If you can only manage one, the snowman will let you have his carrot which you can feed to one of the wandering reindeer for a flying joyride! If you hurt any of them, you will find that you have terrible, unfortunate luck for all of next year. (-- By completing a drabble or thread revolving the completed construction of the snow family, your muse will receive an item (of your choosing) that makes them feel warm on the inside, as well as one blue ticket.)
Winter wishes: Sled riding.
Thanks largely to the hills and slopes around Mystic Falls (and worry not, there are cushions and borders in place so no one goes tumbling into the icy waterfall), the city has decided to set-up shop here for a sled-racing good time ~ ♪ There’s plenty of snow to go around, so, enjoy yourselves to your hearts contents, ufufufu ♪
Winter wishes: Snow sculpting.
Begonia Meadows has become snow-filled, so, why not live a little~? Might you have any artistic talent ~ ? ♪ Want to build something other than a snowman? Then this is the competition for you ~ Go wild and be creative, construct something from your home, a favorite, beloved pet, perhaps even someone that you wish were here ♪ Just get the creative sweet juices flowing and you’ll be rewarded for your efforts, Fufufu ♪   (-- By completing a drabble or thread revolving the completed construction of the snow family, your muse will receive an item (of your choosing) that makes them feel warm on the inside, as well as one blue ticket. .)
Winter wishes: Gingerbread house making.
Who doesn’t want to make a cute little gingerbread house or family with their friends ? ♪ While now you can ~ With a group of up to 4 people, you are allowed to come in, free of charge, to make a gingerbread house together with all the sweet delights your heart can take ! ♪
Winter wishes: Fruit cake eating contest
A winter-y spin on the traditional pie-eating contest ~ ♪ If you can eat the most fruit cakes before the time runs out, you will win a lifetime supply of fruit cake! (and some stomach medicine) ((Winter wishes is not responsible for any sickness that occurs afterward))
Winter wishes: Trolley into lights.
Hop on one of the Local Trolleys and ride it into a beautiful display of lights and fluttering snow ♪ With sights meant to amaze and mesmerize the senses, the display is of only the finest lights and creations. The whole ride takes a little over an hour so remember to bring along some hot chocolate ~ ♪
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Head to the Woods: 13 Airbnb Cabins Just a Short Drive Away
With everyone getting a little stir crazy these days, you might want to head to a cabin in the woods so your family can enjoy some time in nature. These Northern California cabins are just a short drive from the Bay Area and will take you to some of our favorite spots where you’ll feel totally away from it all. Out list has over a dozen options including Lake Tahoe cabins and cabins near Yosemite and Big Sur. Combat the cabin fever with an Airbnb cabin rental today!
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photo: Airbnb
Mid-Century Modern Cabin on Tahoe's West Shore—Homewood, CA
This recently-renovated A-frame is perfect for your next trip to Tahoe. There are three sleeping areas and two bathrooms, plus a massive deck with a hot tub waiting for you to come back from your winter adventures. 
Sleeps: 6 Cost: $458/night Online: airbnb.com
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photo: Airbnb
Cozy Log Cabin Near Lassen National Park—Shingletown, CA
You'll love this little log cabin in the woods as a winter retreat for your family. It has a wood stove to keep you cozy at night and plenty of woods to explore nearby. Head to Lassen Volcanic National Park if you want some additional hiking options or check out the trails nearby. 
Sleeps: 4 Cost: $187/night Online: airbnb.com
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photo: Airbnb
Quiet A-Frame Cabin in the Twain Harte Woods—Twain Harte, CA
We totally love this adorable cabin that's only a 30-minute drive from Dodge Ridge Ski Resort. You'll love the kid-friendly amenities like puzzles, board games, toys, a high chair and a Pack and Play. A five-minute drive will get you to the quaint town of Twain Harte and you'll also have access to two private lakes (Upper Crystal Falls and Lower Crystal Falls Lakes).
Sleeps: 6 Cost: $157/night Online: airbnb.com
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photo: Airbnb
Cathedral in the Redwoods—Guernville, CA
This is a tranquil escape is located in a quiet grove of Redwood trees, but just 2 miles from the town of Guerneville and minutes away from all that the Russian River has to offer. The cabin has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. In the backyard, there's a grill, firepit, a 6-person hot tub, picnic table and a hammock. There's also a koi pond with 7 koi and 3 goldfish that the kids can feed. 
Sleeps: 6 Cost: $300/night Online: airbnb.com
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photo: Airbnb
The Nest at Big Trees—Arnold, CA
A visit to this cabin in Arnold will have your thinking of vacations past in the best sort of way. Right next door to Calaveras Big Trees State Park, a large, wood burning fireplace;  a modern and well-supplied kitchen; a comfortable living space for the family to spread out; front and back decks; as well as a chest stocked with games, puzzles and toys.
Sleeps: 9 Cost: $184/night Online: airbnb.com
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photo: Airbnb
The Navarro House—Albion, CA
The Navarro House is situated on the Mendocino coast with an unobstructed view where the Navarro River reaches the Pacific Ocean. This extraordinary cabin has been recently updated featuring an expansive deck and access to a hot tub and BBQ/ Fire pit area shared with the guest house. Dogs are welcome!
Sleeps: 6 Cost: $349/ngith Online: airbnb.com
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photo: Airbnb
Yosemite A-Frame Cabin—Groveland, CA
The fresh mountain air welcomes you immediately upon arrival at this gorgeous cabin just 25 minutes from Yosemite's Big Oak Flat entrance. With three bedrooms and two bathrooms, your whole crew will have plenty of space to spread out. Spend the day hiking nearby and enjoy the hot tub at night.
Sleeps: 8 Cost: $249/night Online: airbnb.com
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photo: Airbnb
Carmel-by-the-Sea Cabin—Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA
If your ideal cabin includes easy access to a nearby beach, this is the spot for you. Just a 10-minute drive will get you to beach from this cute cabin. You'll have a BBQ to grill up some fish after your busy day and plenty of beds to sleep 6. 
Sleeps: 6 Cost: $341/night Online: airbnb.com
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photo: Airbnb
Cabin in the Redwoods—Felton, CA
This cozy little cabin is the perfect Bay Area escape without much of a drive. Located just two miles from downtown Felton, you'll love enjoying your coffee on the deck and cozying up by the fire at night. There's even a mini gym in the basement.
Sleeps: 4 Cost: $390/night Online: airbnb.com
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photo: Airbnb
Dog-Friendly Cabin in South Lake Tahoe—South Lake Tahoe, CA
You'll love this log cabin that's perfectly located near the South Lake Tahoe action. It comes with a Pack n' Play and highchair for the kids, plus a private hot tub for relaxing after a busy day. Bring your pup as there's a fenced back yard. 
Sleeps: 6 Cost: $274/night Online: airbnb.com
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photo: Airbnb
Tahoe Donner Basecamp—Truckee, CA
You will love the hygge vibe at this cozy cabin in the Tahoe Donner community. You'll find tons of spots for everyone to sleep and a fire pit for nights under the stars. The kitchen has everything you'll need to cook for your crew and there's even extra winter clothes if you've forgotten something. The kids will especially love the game room in the basement. 
Sleeps: 10 Cost: $281/night Online: airbnb.com/rooms/41313879
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photo: Airbnb
Gold Country Round House with Waterfall—Grass Valley, CA
This brand-new house is going to be your new favorite family destination. It's unique round shape provides views for miles of the five acres property. You'll find a rushing creek, a pond and waterfall, plus a hot tub on the deck. Cook up a meal in the gourmet kitchen and enjoy all the Gold Country beauty.
Sleeps: 11 Cost: $221/night Online: airbnb.com/rooms/24100121
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photo: Airbnb
Arnold House in the Trees—Arnold, CA
This spot would be a great option to bring your whole crew as it comfortably sleeps up to 14 people. The two-story deck will be everyone's favorite and the newly renovated kitchen has everything you need. Nearby attractions include the Stanislaus River, quirky town of Murphys, Bear Valley ski area and Big Trees State Park. There are tons of tubing spots nearby in the winter and the cabin has gear you can borrow. 
Sleeps: 11 Cost: $232/night Online: airbnb.com/rooms/43972806
—Kate Loweth
Editor’s note: Rental prices were accurate at time of posting but they do fluctuate. Check cancelation policies before you book. Photos courtesy of Airbnb. 
16 Spots for Your Next Airbnb Stay Near the Bay Area
30 Luxurious Glamping Spots & Cabins Close to the Bay Area
Explore Yosemite National Park (and Stay at Some Brand-New Cabins!)
Pitch a Tent at These Ten Bay Area Camping Spots
The Ultimate Guide to Kayaking with Kids
Hook, Line and Sinker: Kid-Friendly Fishing Spots
The post Head to the Woods: 13 Airbnb Cabins Just a Short Drive Away appeared first on Red Tricycle.
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/head-to-the-woods-13-airbnb-cabins-just-a-short-drive-away
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trungtamtiengnhathn · 4 years
Kanji tiếng Nhật cần nắm - phần 2
Kiến thức Kanji phần 1 mình chia sẻ với các bạn ở bài viết trước đó trong blog này các bạn đã nắm được chưa ạ. Bài viết này chúng ta tiếp tục học Kanji tiếng Nhật cần nắm - phần 2 các bạn nhé. Hãy cùng xem các từ vựng dưới đây và lưu về học tập chăm nào các bạn. Chúc các bạn luôn học tập và sớm đạt được mục tiêu đã đặt ra với Nhật ngữ.
Đọc thêm:
>>Học tiếng Nhật kính ngữ sử dụng khi đi làm.
>>Giáo trình Minna no Nihongo 1 tiếng Việt.
Kanji tiếng Nhật cần nắm - phần 2
Cùng học từ vựng Kanji tiếng Nhật qua một số hình ảnh dưới đây các bạn nhé:
後(うし(ろ)) ushi(ro) Sau/ back.
何(なに) nani Cái gì/what.
学(まな(ぶ)) mana(bu) học/ study.
味(あじ) aji gia vị/ taste.
方(ほう)  hou Phương hướng/ direction.
品(しな)  shina hàng hóa/goods.
間(あいだ)  aida giữa/between.
別(べつ) betsu phân biệt /separate
魚(さかな)  sakana cá/fish.
正(ただ(しい)) tada(shī) chính xác/correct.
習(なら(う)) nara(u) học tập/learn.
白(しろ)  shiro Màu trắng/white
町(まち) machi Thị trấn /town.
丸(まる) maru Vòng tròn/circle
寺(てら) tera chùa/ temple.
夜(よる) yoru tối, đêm/night
星(ほし) hoshi Sao/ star.
黄(き(いろ)) ki(iro) màu vàng/yellow
親(おや) oya bố mẹ/ parent.
虫(むし) mushi côn  trùng/insect.
宝(たから) takara kho báu/treasure.
Bạn mới bắt đầu học, bạn muốn học tiếng Nhật từ cơ bản đến giao tiếp thành thạo, bắt đầu với kiến thức tiếng Nhật N5, tiếng Nhật N4, và tiếng Nhật N3, luyện thi JLPT tiếng Nhật, luyện nghe nói với giáo viên người Nhật, luyện biên dịch tiếng Nhật, luyện phiên dịch tiếng Nhật ở một trung tâm đào tạo tiếng Nhật uy tín, chất lượng và tốt nhất tại Hà Nội. 
Ngay đây, mình chia sẻ với các bạn một đường dẫn sau, với đầy đủ chi tiết các khóa học bạn muốn học ở trên tại trung tâm dạy tiếng Nhật ở Hà Nội, các bạn hãy xem và sớm đăng ký một khóa học phù hợp với trình độ hiện tại của mình nhé:
本(ほん) hon Sách/ book.
滝(たき) taki thác nước/waterfall.
倉(くら) kura nhà kho/ warehouse
西(にし) nishi hướng tây/ west.
花(はな)  hana Hoa/ flower
富(とみ) tomi của cải/rich.
肩(かた) kata vai/ shoulder
心(こころ) kokoro tim/ heart.
耳(みみ) mimi cái tai/ear
館(やかた) yakata lâu đài/ mansion.
百(ひゃく)  hyaku một trăm/ hundred
春(はる) haru mùa xuân/spring.
新(あたら(しい)) atara(shī) mới/new
東(ひがし) higashi Hướng Đông/east.
若(わか(い)) waka(i) trẻ/young
兄(あに) ani Anh trai/brother(older).
旅(たび) tabi Chuyến đi/trip
門(もん) mon cổng/gate.
南(みなみ) minami Phía Nam/south
北(きた) kita Phía Bắc/ north.
妹(いもうと) imouto Em gái/sister(younger)
安(やす(い)) yasu(i) rẻ/ cheap.
歌(うた) uta bài hát/ song
空(そら) sora bầu trời/sky.
友(とも) tomo bạn bè/ friend.
駅(えき) eki Nhà ga/station.
夢(ゆめ) yume chiêm bao, mơ/dream.
近(ちか(い)) chika(i) gần/near.
食(た(べる)) ta(beru) ăn/ eat.
雪(ゆき) yuki tuyết/snow.
石(いし) ishi đá /stone.
音(おと) oto âm thanh/sound.
氷(こおり) koori đá (ăn)/ice.
足(あし) ashi chân/foot.
目(め) me mắt/eye.
森(もり) mori   rừng /forest.
円(えん) en đồng yên, vòng trong/ yen, circle
光(ひかり) hikari Ánh sáng/light.
今(いま) ima bây giờ /now.
川(かわ) kawa sông/river.
千(せん) sen nghìn/ thousand.
低(ひく(い)) hiku(i) thấp/low.
顔(かお) kao khuôn mặt /face.
高(たか(い)) taka(i) Cao; đắt/high expensive.
古(ふる(い)) furu(i) Cũ/old.
昼(ひる) hiru buổi trưa/noon.
湖(みずうみ) mizuumi hồ/ lake.
寒(さむ(い)) samu(i) Lạnh/cold.
冷(つめ(たい)) tsume(tai) lành lạnh/cold.
頭(あた���) atama cái đầu/head .
馬(うま) uma ngựa/horse.
売(う(る))  u(ru) bán hàng/sale.
買(か(う)) ka(u) Mua/buy.
肉(にく) niku thịt/meat.
池(いけ) ike ao/pond.
足(あし) ashi Chân/foot.
船(ふね) fune Tàu/ship
中(なか) naka Bên trong, Giữa/ middle/inside.
車(くるま) kuruma Ô tô/ car.
前(まえ) mae đằng trước/ front/before.
紙(かみ) kami giấy/ paper.
黒(くろ) kuro màu đen/black.
姉(あね) ane chị/sister.
海(うみ) umi Biển/ocean
林(はやし) hayashi rừng/ woods.
青(あお) ao Màu xanh/blue
赤(あか) aka màu đỏ/ red.
私(わたし) watashi tôi/ I/me
羽(はね) hane cánh/wings.
娘(むすめ) musume Con gái/daughter.
乗(の(る)) no(ru) cưỡi/ride.
歯(は) ha răng/teeth.
恋(こい) koi tình yêu/ love.
舞(ま(う)) ma(u) Nhảy múa/dance.
絵(え) e bức tranh/drawing.
米(こめ) kome Gạo/rice.
大(おお(きい)) big lớn/oo(kii).
体(からだ) karada cơ thể/body.
服(ふく) fuku quần áo/clothes.
忙(いそが(しい)) isoga(shii) bận/busy.
右(みぎ) migi bên phải/ right.
言(い(う)) i(u) nói/ speak.
茶(ちゃ) cha chè, trà/ tea.
昔(むかし) mukashi cổ / in the past.
種(たね) tane hạt /seed.
横(よこ) yoko bên, bề  ngang/side.
数(かず) kazu số/number.
縦(たて) tate bề dọc/vertical
仲(なか) naka quan hệ/relationship.
丸(まる) maru vòng tròn/a circle.
速(はや(い)) haya(i) Nhanh; sớm/fast.
戸(と) to Cửa/door.
布(ぬの) nuno vải /fabric.
別(べつ) betsu đặc biệt/ separate.
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Hình ảnh: Từ vựng Kanji tiếng Nhật
Mình mong rằng kiến thức Kanji tiếng Nhật cần nắm - phần 2 ở trên đây các bạn sẽ sớm nắm được và trau dồi được nhiều chủ đề tiếng Nhật các bạn nhé. Hẹn gặp lại các bạn ở chủ đề tiếp theo.
Nguồn bài viết: trungtamtiengnhathn.tumblr.com
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vannahinjapan · 7 years
Hiatus, Mt. Minobu
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I don’t even know where to begin....
As life here starts to feel more and more like normal daily routine, I stop feeling like everything I do is something to blog about. 
I’ll try to re-account all the things that have happened since what obviously was a minor mental breakdown. 
After that minor depressive episode the biggest turning point was when I decided “Screw it, I’ll just do stuff on my own.” and drove all the way to Mt. Minobu by myself and went hiking. It was a great day, a beautiful hike (3~4 hours) and a scenic view of Mount Fuji at the top.
*A side-note: I love that in Japanese the suffix Mt. is -san. It’s the same pronunciation at the suffix you use for people so it feels like you’re referring to the mountain as a person.
Ironically, after that day I started making a lot of friends and becoming closer with both the other ALTs and my coworkers. 
But let’s go back to Mt. Minobu.
It was about an hour’s drive to get there, which was significant at the time because it was my first time driving that far anywhere in Japan. But honestly looking back I can’t believe I was so nervous about it because I drive everywhere now. It’s not any different from driving in the states.
The drive there was gorgeous. Long strips along country towns surrounded by snowy peaked mountains, which at that time were all changing colors because of the fall leaves. And there was a beautiful river, too. 
I got to Kuonji temple around noon. It was a really beautiful temple with several buildings and a pagoda. The insides were decorated with huge gold chandelier-like things and several statues of Buddha and kannons. Shrines with persimmons and other fruits on them, and some monks reading out of prayer books. No pictures allowed inside the temples so I can’t show any of that.
(Pictures at the tempe aren’t the greatest quality since I was there at noon, the worst time of day for lighting. And I haven’t edited them either. Sorry you guys, I’m busy.)
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The outside of the temple was beautiful, too. There were little ponds with koi fish and well-tended japanese-style gardens. 
And then I started the 3-ish hour trek up the mountain. There were several small little temples along the way. Completely devoid of people (at least that day). And there were some grave-sites, too. It was really heavily forested and beautiful, but one thing that I didn’t like was that the whole way up was either paved with concrete or gravel. I thought that was dumb and unnecessary and took away from the natural experience. 
The view at the top was unbelievable. I could clearly see Mt. Fuji, and a giant river flowing through the mountains. Gorgeous.
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At the top of the mountain I was famished and I was thinking, “Oh god now I have to hike all the way back down the mountain just to get something to eat.” 
But, it turns out there is a little cafe at the top of the mountain. So I got some curry there while looking at at the beautiful view (from a dirty window). 
Then I hiked back down to the temple, and from there I hiked down a different route that went down an enormous flight of stairs. I ran into two of the other ALTs there by coincidence and we ended up walking around a bit together and getting some food at a cafe. 
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The really significant thing about this experience was not just that I did something on my own so far out of my comfort zone, but that since I did it alone there were no people to distract me from appreciating it. I didn’t have to worry about being social or tending to other people’s needs. I just appreciated the natural beauty of Mt. Minobu and the cultural and historic beauty of the temple. I’m pretty sure I got about an 80% more enriching experience just by being alone. 
It may not sound like a big deal, but when I was in Japan last time I was almost always with someone else. I only traveled alone once, and I was hopelessly dependent at that time. 
There’s more to recount but I’ll put it in the next post. 
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New Zealand Traveling As Well As Visa Applications
New Zealand will launch their brand-new ETA visa. This is an online traveling visa for any person who wishes to go to the country as a vacationer. Ensure you comprehend specifically just how to obtain your ETA visa prior to you take a trip to this country.
Nz is really popular holiday destination that attracts numerous vacationers every year. The area country sporting activities the most effective coastlines globally, the foods as well as special society that draws in bunches of tourists. In addition, the pristine environments established eta New Zealand a precedence of unwinding time while holidaying in New Zealand.
Here is the exact same collection of believed that you should certainly have when talking when it come to vacation in Picton New Zealand. The little port town inside the South Island is flawlessly established to present you the very best ambience and also setting to loosen up. Having nearly best climate as well as exceptionally long shoreline, there is none running except kicking back points you can do in this certain town.
As explained over, Picton has unbelievably long coastline that includes many remote bays. These kind of shallow ocean water offers the best environments for countless sorts of fish. Subsequently, this tropical island has some of the finest sporting activity fishing grounds inside the whole of the most recent Zealand. The premium waters will certainly also be fascinating to fish in, additionally strengthening the adventure of angling in Picton New Zealand.
Water-based Tasks
Must you be a water sporting activities lover, you will certainly be right in your home in Picton. The remote bays offer some the suitable premises to take part in water-based activities such as kayaking and canoeing. There are also numerous water-based family members activities that do not entail the sea, such as water slides, swimming within the pool location amongst a variety of various other activities.
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For that curious and daring, you have the use diving. Diving is among one of the most popular activities to take part in since there are numerous diving tourist attractions. Picton hosts several of the finest fish habitat where you might dive to take satisfaction from the serenity of undersea marine life. Popular dive sites variety from the Long Island Marine Reserve, Fish Reserve, the koi Wreck and likewise the Mikhail Lermontov shipwreck, possibly the most preferred of all diving websites.
However as a result of deepness and also nature of a few of the dive sites, diving guides will be needed.
Swimming With Dolphins
Dolphins have an exceptional affinity to humankind. They often tend to be interested by humans, and also therefore, Picton has actually attracted a good selection of dolphins. Around five different spices of dolphins can be acquired near Picton. Swimming with dolphins has actually become incredibly preferred activity as there are very few other areas where this can be done.
Moving free from sea-based activities, there are a lot more tourist attractions as well as tasks to take part in throughout land, including
Guided Walks And Also Hiking
Ecological environments around Picton is rather welcoming, and maybe this sort of waste to not discover it. Treking as well as selecting guided strolls is just one of the standards on just how to discover the planet around this attractive town.
Biking As well as Biking
Ending up being uneven community, Picton is every mountain biker's desire. There are many trails to find out with bike. There are several gently sloping trails for normal cycling providing you with the chance to appreciate outdoors in the special manner.
Other https://www.storeboard.com/blogs/general/what-to-do-in-new-zealand-as-a-vacationer/1047145 pursuits include seabird watching, sightseeing and cruise excursions.
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Artists & Illustrators Paint a Mural
From April to June, myself and two other artists and illustrators, have been assisting amazing artist, Melodee Strong, paint a colorful mural on the wall of Treehouse Records for the well-attended, annual Lyndale OpenStreet neighborhood festival which took place on June 4th, earlier this month. The wall is located at the corner of Lyndale and 26th street.
I couldn’t resist sharing images of the final artwork. The mural’s delicious bright candy color palette really livens up the entire space. Whether they were walking, biking or driving, whether they were residents or just passing through, people yelled their delight [sometimes screaming from their speeding vehicles] : “Awesome work!” Really beautiful!” “Thanks for doing this!”
Neighborhood-Painted, Colorful, Candy-Colored Public Artwork
Little did they know that, on the day of the event, about 170 creative souls, from 3 yrs-olds to the young-at-heart, volunteered and went to town on the mural, painting whatever base color they liked from the options we gave them.
Seeing random individuals who didn’t know each other create something wonderful together at such a scale, just in the space of a few hours, was eye-opening. A few days later, we came back in, polished, refined, corrected and cleaned up the final design with a highlight here, some details there, a few shadows and magic touch everywhere.  I don’t think I’ll ever forget this experience…
Although the mural’s scrumptious colors would probably not appeal to everyone, the wave of appreciation made us all feel 20 feet tall. After all, our role as artist is to uplift, delight and inspire.
Between you and me, however, I’ll text the universe to give us strictly cloudy days and a cool 70-degree breeze next time. I don’t think I can survive another version of Minnesotan hot weather: sticky 90 degrees – in the shade mind you!
Feel ready to tackle a sad wall or a blah door…  Hint, hint: Well, you could go wild with your brushes.
Some of the preliminary sketched that inspired the mural
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
        Check out other murals I’ve worked in Turkey and Guatemala!
Deep dive into the other illustration projects I’ve worked on in my Portfolio pages
For help with illustration, design or art projects, contact me here.
Coup de Coeur: Treehouse Records OpenStreet Festival Mural Artists & Illustrators Paint a Mural From April to June, myself and two other artists and illustrators, have been assisting amazing artist, Melodee Strong, paint a colorful mural on the wall of Treehouse Records for the well-attended, annual Lyndale OpenStreet neighborhood festival which took place on June 4th, earlier this month.
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gaijinginger · 7 years
Days 10-11: Okutama & T-Shirt Redemption
Yesterday morning I got up at around 9, and took full advantage of my hotel’s complimentary breakfast. After that, I got on a train out to the Studio Ghibli Museum in Western Tokyo, hopeful to secure a visit the second time around. Unfortunately, I overestimated the museum’s ease of access yet again- evidently tickets need to be secured online ahead of time. Not only was the museum sold out with a line out the gate yesterday, but upon further inspection later, I found that tickets are sold out online through July. Oof. Given that Hayao Miyazaki is basically the Japanese Walt Disney, that’s not a huge surprise though. I probably should have done my research a bit more in retrospect. Oh well. Something for next time.
Since I was already about an hour outside downtown Tokyo, I decided to press on as far as I could go; with the possibility of going to the museum exhausted, I got back on the subway and rode all the way to the end of the line I took out to the museum. The JR Chuo subway line terminates a further hour west of central Tokyo in Okutama, a small mountainside village 40 miles (a 2.5 hour series of train rides) away from my hotel. What’s absolutely mind-blowing to me is that despite this distance, it’s still technically part of the Tokyo metro area.
To say Okutama is picturesque is an understatement. Built into the sides of an awe inspiring valley straddling a babbling river with a rocky bed where locals go fishing, protected on all sides by dizzyingly steep hills coated in towering trees, it looks like the kind of Japanese countryside town you’d see on a travel agency poster with the caption “find your inner tranquility in the Far East” or something similarly inane/banal. I’ll post pictures after this, but it’s really worth the additional googling to see it (and get a sense of the location in relation to the rest of Tokyo).
I was one of dozens of sightseers who rode the subway out to the village, although I had the unique distinction of being the only westerner. Once off the subway, I’d bet money I was the only gaijin for 10 miles in any direction. At the very least, it certainly felt that way, and the reactions I got from the locals seemed in keeping with that assessment. My rarity was emphasized by one of my fellow subway passengers sneaking several photos of me on his smartphone. Some people might be weirded out by this, but I was pretty flattered. I even seemed to make it into several of his nature shots once we were off the subway.
Once I got off the subway I headed down the nearest hiking trail, which led down to the riverbed below the village. On the way down to the riverbed, I saw several local teenage boys sitting on a bench by the side of the road, crowding over some sort of magazine that sat between them. When they saw me, they looked super embarrassed. When I emerged from the riverbed 10-15 minutes later, the bench they were occupying was empty. However, they left their magazine: an erotic anime cartoon compilation book as thick as a farmer’s almanac, the sort you’d find at one of Akihabara’s more risqué shops (or at any old Japanese convenience store beside the regular porn magazines). I hope they were merely sharing in laughter at its weirdness, but their looks said otherwise. This country never fails to be strange in little ways.
On the way back into town, I watched an elderly, distinguished-looking law enforcement officer I took to be the town’s sheriff (or equivalent head honcho) walk into the local police office and strike up a conversation with two men I took to be his deputies. I could almost hear their conversation from the street, and can only assume it ran something like “any problems we need to see to, boys?” “Of course not, sir!” It’s the sort of community where you can almost feel that everyone knows everyone, and no one locks their doors. If Japan ever gets a “Make Japan Great Again” movement, places like this will be evoked heavily. It’s the kind of place you could see retreating to for the rest of your life, spending your days honing your skill at poetry or pottery or swordplay to a soundtrack of minimalistic zither music.
After walking around the village for another 20 minutes or so, I ducked into a local eatery for lunch of a pork cutlet with rice, a salad, miso soup and a beer. Sitting at a window seat overlooking the picturesque mountains and river, a local Japanese show quietly humming on an old TV by the bar, I felt a moment of stereotypical white-guy-in-Asia “namaste.” With my backpack, hiking shoes and burgeoning man bun, I’m sure I looked the part to the two other customers in the restaurant, a pair of elderly local gentlemen who sat on the other side of the room playing dominoes for about half of my meal. The restaurant’s sole waitress brought them over two drinks pro bono, which they seemed to feign refusal of before graciously accepting, suggesting their status as regulars. Quite the place to be a regular.
After lunch, I walked around for another hour or so before catching the subway back into town. During my 2.5 hour commute back home I witnessed some pretty funny examples of Japanese xenophobia (A.K.A. Having an open seat next to me on the train which no locals wanted to take, for fear of catching gaijin). I ended up giving up my seat several times despite having a perfectly open seat next to me; only then did the locals sit (after graciously making thankful body language and gestures towards me). Once back in town I got some ramen (the fifth or sixth variety I’ve tried now, by my count) and then called it an early night, exhausted.
This morning I again utilized my hotel’s complimentary breakfast to its full extent, then went out to right one of the great wrongs of this trip so far: not buying a particularly iconic shirt I saw at a store on my first full day in Tokyo. The shirt in question, featuring a stock photo of a golden retriever with the caption “BOSS of our house” (with only “BOSS” in Latin text, and the rest in Japanese), is amazing in ways I can’t even begin to articulate. I found out it ultimately was sold at a store that does custom shirt printing, and the one that hung outside was only an example of the sort of work the store can do. The store’s attendants seemed somewhat baffled when I went in explicitly in search of the example shirt, but were happy to comply. They didn’t have it in the original blue, but it’s still the best souvenir I’ll have of this trip. Before that I also got some seriously amazing beef and rice at a little hole-in-the-ground (a two-story walk-down off street level) across the street from Senso-Ji, the temple I visited on day one. Pics will follow. Was absolutely amazing.
After that, I returned to my hotel for a few hours and took a slow afternoon, watching a few episodes of “Legend of the Galactic Heroes,” a Japanese anime from the 80s that’s three parts “Star Wars,” two parts “Dune,” and one part “Neon Genesis Evangelion.” I’m not becoming a weeb here, I promise. I just like a good space opera, animated or not. After going on 10 days of near-constant motion, it was nice to take a break for a while and stretch out (as best I could) in my cube.
Around 5:30 I headed over to Uenoonshi Park, where I took in yet another excellent Japanese sunset overlooking the biggest koi pond I’ve seen thus far. After that I got some more ramen (variant 6 or 7 depending on how loose your definition of ramen is), then made my way back to my cube. I’m back there now, getting ready for my final two days. The next blog post will probably come when I’m back home; expect it by the end of the week.
If this ends up being my final opportunity to have thoughts on Japan while physically being in Japan, I’ll sum it up with three words:
Wow. Wow. Wow.
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boysl-ve · 6 years
Tag Index
*** [ 12.06.2018 ] I set up a new blog and transferred the username over after purging out anything NSFW to avoid deletion due to Tumblr’s new “no nsfw content” policy. Most of my posts —nsfw or not, and they were actually pretty tame since my 18+ content was on another blog— were getting flagged. We’ll see if this blog is still here by the 17th of this month (the deadline for nsfw blogs to get their shit together.) *fingers crossed*
** [ 05.14.2018 ] Blog got terminated for some unknown reason. Super pissed off about it (since I tagged my NSFW posts correctly, and even had my blog set to “adult.”) Working on building it back up again. :’(
* [ 06.23.2017 ] I accidentally deleted my blog and lost everything, so I have to rebuild this list back up again. :( Please be patient with me while I go through the list to reorganize and relabel.
18p - Nsfw/‘18 plus’ content (prn). No longer allowed.
boyslv - Gifs I’ve made.
favs - My favourites.
gifs - Gifs I’ve reblogged (usually not mine.)
imgs - Pictures, of course.
insta - Instagram posts, BL actors + real life couple accounts.
pnd - Prn I reblogged yet to watch. No longer allowed.
q - Queued posts.
vids - Videos (mostly trailers.)
boyslvc - My comments (often this tag will be followed with ’-’ and then my 2 cents. I usually just add my 2 cents in the tags section.)
(Movies and shows are below the cut.)
Bolded = Titles are flicks that feature a happy ending (for the BL couple.) Italicized = Visible kiss scenes (I mean on the mouth and without a cut-away.) * [Stars] = My favourites. @ = Anime/Yaoi (Animated) m = Minimal BL content MV = Music video x = Triggers (Those tagged as such may contain rape, suicide and/or violence. Proceed w/ caution.) — = Pending (I haven’t seen it/its not out yet.)
— 2 Brothers (แผนลวงรักฉบับพี่ชาย)
— 3 Will Be Free
7 Days *
— 30 Years of Adonis
— 46 Billion Years of Love
A Crimson Mark
A Frozen Flower
A Round Trip to Love (双程》高泰宇x黄靖翔拍摄花絮) x
— Active Boys (Những chàng trai năng động)
Addicted (Heroin)
Ai No Kotodama * [Japan]
Ai No Kotodama 2
Alternative Love
Amphetamine x *
Antique Bakery *
Approach To Love
— Approach To Love 2
— As You Like It (偽婚男女)
Awakening Love (鈕扣)
Baby Steps *
Banana Fish @/m
Bangkok Love Story *
— Bangkok Stories: Please
— Be Here For You
Bite Fight (暮夜传说)
Boy Friend (男(朋)友)
CEO & His Man
Club Friday: The Series [2] (general tag: #clubfriday)
Club Friday: The Series [5] — The Secret of the Heart * (general tag: #clubfriday)
Club Friday: The Series [8] — True Love or Just Confused * (general tag: #clubfriday)
Club Friday: The Series [9] — Exchange of Love (ตอน รักต้องแลก) * (general tag: #clubfriday)
— Club Friday: The Series [10] — Exchange of Love (เขาเธอและอีกคน) (general tag: #clubfriday)
Coming Home
— Coming Out (カミングアウト)
Customized Companion
— Dark Blue Kiss
Edo of Candy (お江戸のキャンディー)
Eternal Summer
Fanatic Love (第一初恋)
— Fall in Love with Chu Yan (爱上楚妍)
Feel Good To Say Goodbye
— Flyleaf of Summer
For Love, We Can
Formula 17
Front Cover *
Fujimi Orchestra x
Fujoshi Fantasy (腐女の盛夏誘惑)
Futureless Things (Korea) m
Ghost Boyfriend
Grey Rainbow
— Grounded (擱淺少年)
Heavenly Touch x
He Called Me (เขาเรียกผมว่า) *
Hello My Love (헬로우 마이 러브) *
Silhouette of Your Voice/Hidamari Ga Kikoeru (ひだまりが聴こえる) *
HIStory [1.1] - My Hero (general tag: #s history)
HIStory [1.2] - Stay Away From Me * (general tag: #s history)
HIStory [1.3] - Obsessed * (general tag: #s history)
HIStory [2.1] - Right or Wrong * (general tag: #s history)
HIStory [2.2] - Crossing the Line * (general tag: #s history)
— HIStory [3]
— How To Secretly
I Go To School Not By Bus
I Like You, Do You Know? (我喜欢你#你知道吗#我喜欢你。你知道吗)
In Love We’re All The Same (在愛裡我們都一樣)
John Apple Jack
Junjou Pure Heart
— Just Be Gentle
Just Friends *
Just Love (แค่ได้รัก)
Like Love [1] * (general tag: #likelove)
Like Love [2] * (general tag: #likelove)
Lost In Love (Qing hai mang mang)
Lost Love (特殊爱情)
— Love Lie Hide Fake
Love Love
Love Love You (Sequel of Love’s Coming)
Love Place [1]: Hakanaki Kataomoi~Gaiya no Koi
Love Place [2]: Shiawase no Katachi *
— Mayonaka kimi wa kiba o muku (真夜中きみはキバをむく)
Mother Strawberry Man (Mẹ Chồng Chàng Dâu)
Night Flight
No Different
One Night Only
Pair Of Love
— Blue Moon (파란 달)
People Like Us *
Red Balloon *
Red Wine In The Dark
Same Difference (どっちもどっち)
Schoolboy Crush
Stateless Things
Takumi-Kun [1]: Soshite harukaze ni sasayaite (general tag: #takumi)
Takumi-Kun [2]: Nijiiro no garasu (general tag: #takumi)
Takumi-Kun [3]: Bibou no diteiru (general tag: #takumi)
Takumi-Kun [4]: Pure (general tag: #takumi)
Takumi-Kun [5]: Ano, hareta Aozora * (general tag: #takumi)
— Thats My Umbrella The Series
The Lover
— Theory of Love
The Raccoon
Third Country 第三國度 */x
— Timeline 2
Together With Me * (general tag: #kornknock)
Udagawachou de Mattete Yo (Wait For Me At Udagawachou) *
Uncontrolled Love [1] (general tag: #uncontrolled)
Uncontrolled Love [2] (general tag: #uncontrolled)
— 2 Moons: The Series
— 99 Days
— A Queer Story
— Advance Bravely (盛势)
Ame To Kisu
— An Ordinary Love Story
Artemisia m
— Asymmetry
Bad Romance (general tag: #kornknock)
— Bangkok Online
— Bangkok Rak Stories 2
— Bao Bao/Dear Egg Man Diary (親愛的卵男日記)
— Beautiful (퀴어영화 뷰티풀)
— Because of meeting you, we can be here together (Vì gặp nên mới tương phùng)
— Because We.. Belong Together
— Befriend (China)
— Behind the Scenes: The Series
Between Ring & Pendant (夜)
— Big Bang Love: Juvenile A
Bishonen (Beauty) */x
Boku no Kareshi wo Shokai Shimasu (僕の彼氏を紹介します): Story 4
Bokura No Ai No Kanade *
Boy Meets Boy
— Boy/Friend
— Boyfriend (แฟนผมเป็นผู้ชาย)
Boys Love x
Boys Love 2 * x
Brave Together (勇敢在一起)
— Buddy Park (우정파크)
— Bungee Jumping Of Their Own
— Butter 2
— Butterfly (Korean)
— Call Boy (娼年)
— Change
Change Love…Never Change (รัก..ไม่เปลี่ยน)
— Cherries In Early Summer
— Chocolate, To You, For Me
— Choose
— Close To The Edge
Closer to You
— Club Friday the Series — To be Continued
Counterattack Special/Extra (逆袭之爱上情敌) *
— Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu @
— Dangerous Boys (Wai peng nak leng kha san)
— Dark Blue and the Moonlight (深藍與月光)
— December Town
— Diary (เสน่หา ตอน)
— Diary of Tootsies
— Does the Flower Blossom?
Do you, Andy (你願意了嗎) *
Docchi Mo Docchi
— Don't Give Up Your Destiny
— Don’t Want to Be Alone
— Don’t Worry
Doushitemo Furetakunai (No Touch At All) *
— Double Mints (Japan)
— Dream of Red Mansions (紅樓夢)
— Ducky Boy: The Series
Empty Nest
— End Of Love
— Enter The Phoenix
— Estranghero
— Even If The World Had Turn Against You
— Extra: The Series
Faded (淡淡) *
Farewell My Ghost Boyfriend (Hứa sẽ hạnh phúc nhé)
— Father & Son
— Forever Love (Tình Khiên Nhất Sinh)
— Forever Summer (きみのいた夏)
— Friendzone the Series
— Freshy (เสือ ชะนี เก้ง)
From Love Affair (純愛より) *
From Now to the Past (从现在到以前)
Gay Ok Bangkok *
— Give Me To the Wolf Director (把我交给狼主任)
— Go! Go! G-Boys
— Gohatto/Taboo (御法度)
Going South
— Goodbye Mr. X
— Gold (รูปทอง)
Gray (สีเทา)
— Green Light
— Happy Together [Movie]
— Happy Together [Show]
— Hatsukoi – First Love
— Hard to Come By
— Heart Beat: The Series
— He’s Coming to Me (เขามาเชงเม้งข้างๆหลุมผมครับ)
— He Falls In Love With Him (青春自拍團 - 愛上她的他)
— How To Deal With Husband’s Mistress Case
— How to Win at Checkers (Every Time)
— Hush
— Hyeong Yeong Dang’s Diary
— I Am Not What You Want
I Am Your King: The Series
— I Don't Want You to Be Alone (我不愿让你一个人)
— Ikari (怒り) (Japan)
I’m Here & 12 Years (我们的十二年一个轮回这是传奇) *
— I Love you, buddy (Tao yêu mày)
— I Owe You
— In Between Seasons (환절기)
— Innate Differences (天生不同)
— Innocence (Bangkok Rak Stories 2)
— Innocence: The Series
I’m Yours
— I Miss You When I See You (看見你便想念你)
— Imperfect
— It Gets Better
— It Seems To Rain
— It’s Complicated (เพราะรักมันซับซ้อน)
Itsuka No Kimi e *
— I Want to Marry Him - Only You
— Jack’d
— Jinroh Shokei Game (人狼処刑ゲーム ~たとえ君が狼でも僕は君を守る)
— Jinroh Shokei Game: Prologue
Kimi No Ita Natsu Zenhen
— Kindan No Koi
— Kiss Me Again (จูบให้ได้ถ้านายแน่จริง เร็วๆนี้)
— Kiss: The Series
— Kizumomo
— Lan Yu
— Let Love Heal
— Life Is Beautiful
— Like Grains of Sand
— Legend Of Mr. Fox (男狐传)
— Let Love Heal (Hàn gắn yêu thương)
Let Me Kiss You
Life Of Silence (犧牲之旅) *
— Like Love Special: He’s Always by Your Side
Long Time No See (롱타임노씨)*
— Lost
Lost In Paradise
Lost In Paradise (Hot boy nổi loạn) *
Lost In Paradise (Hot boy nổi loạn) 2
— Lost to Shame
— Love Actually Sucks
Love by Chance: The Series  (บังเอิญรัก เดอะซีรีส์) *
Love In The Water (爱在水中央)
Love Next Door [1] (general tag: #lovenextdoor)
Love Next Door [2] (general tag: #lovenextdoor)
—Love Lie Hide Fake
— Love O-Net (Love Test)
Love Online m
— Love Sick: The Series
— Love Song Love Stories
— Love Strange Tide (รักแปลกแหวกติ่งฮา)
Love Unbound: Encounter at Chengdu
— Love Unbound: Encounter at Chengdu [2]
Love at First Degree
— Love of Siam
Love, 100°C
Love’s Coming
— Make It Right: The Series
Man on High Heels /m/x
— Malila The Farewell Flower (มะลิลา)
— Matching! Boys  Archery
— Mermaid Sauna (美男魚澡堂)
Method (메소드)
— Mind (생각이 나서)
— Mister Merman
— Morning Boy
— Motorcycle The Series
— Mr Yan Dong! Don’t come over (颜冬先生别过来)
— My 17 Gay Friends
— My Best Gay Friends
— The Best Twin
— My Bromance
— My Bromance: The Series (我的鮮肉弟弟)
— My Bromance 2
My Brother
— My Brother’s Husband (弟の夫)
— My Day With In-Laws
— My Dear Loser
— My Dream: The Series
— My Eleventh Brother (형이 돌아왔다)
— My Engineer
— My Fair Son
— My Friend is Still Alive
— My Hero (พี่ชาย)
My Monster In Law (Mẹ Chồng Chàng Dâu) *
My Next life to love you / Love you again the next life MV
— My Pistachio (마이 피스타치오)
— My Sky (The Sky of Khanh)
— My Tee (อาตี๋ของผม)
— A Naked Boy/ Not Finished Yet (아직 끝나지 않았다)
— Natsuyami No You Na Ikkagetsu
— Never Again
— Never Trust a Stranger (Con Ma Nha Ho Vuong)
— Nine Shallow One Depth
No Regret
— Of Ants & Umbrellas
— Oops: Rainbow Coffee Shop
— Obsessed with Heart
One Day For Love *
— One Summer Night
— One Night and Two Days (White night) (백야) (Korea)
— Online: The Series
— Open (오픈)
— Oppressive Love: Queer Queen
Ossan’s Love * (general tag: #ossans)
Ossan’s Love [Series] (おっさんずラブ) * (general tag: #ossans)
— Oxygen The Series
— Our Last Day
— Our Sky: Pick and Rome
— Paradise In My Heart
— Part Time: The Series
— Permanent Residence (永久居留)
— Please: The Series
— Pornographer (ポルノグラファー)
— Predatory Tiger (เสือชะนีเก้ง)
Present Perfect (当下完美)
— Prison Playbook (Korea)
— Private Teacher
— Project S: The Series (Side by Side)
— Puppy Honey
— Puppy Honey 2
— Queer Movie Beautiful (퀴어영화 뷰티풀)
— Quite Ordinary
— ROSE: Last Love
— Rainbow
— Rainbow Boys: Right By Me (เรนโบว์บอยส์ เดอะมูฟวี่)
— Rainbow Eyes
— Raichi Hikari Kurabu (Lychee Light Club)
— Real Couple
— Remark (ไม่ได้เป็นอะไรกัน)
— Remember Alone Forever
Ren Ai Shindan: Tsubasa No Kakera
— Ren Ai Shindan: Unmei No Kodou
— River Knows Fish Heart (魚心河忍)
— Road Movie
— Roundabout
— Social Death Vote
SOTUS: The Series (general tag: #s sotus)
SOTUS S: The Series * (general tag: #s sotus)
Saigon, I love you (SÀI GÒN, ANH YÊU EM) /m
— Same Love
Same Same Is Not Same
— Sea of Lavender
Secret Love (密爱)
— Seek McCartney
— Shao Nian Chan Shi Guan (少年铲屎官)
— Silom Soi 2
Sisters (姐妹)
— Slam Dance: The Series
— Sodom’s Cat
— Soundless Wind Chime
— Speechless
Suddenly, Last Summer
— Summerdaze
— Summer Memory (盛夏记忆)
Summer to Winter
— Super Academy Star (超星星学园)
— Super Star & Ordinary People (综艺小白和三栖巨腕)
— Sweet Boy
Swinging Blossom *
— Table Manners (테이블 매너)
Taiikukan Baby (Gymnasium Baby) *
— Tale of the Lost Boy
Tanabata (七夕特輯)
Teacher & Student
— Thanatos, Drunk
That Room (囚) * x
— TharnType The Series
— The Ambiguous Focus
— The Blue Hour
The Buddy/Brothers (哥们儿) *
The Coldest Day (한파) *
— The Course Of Life (Lifetime)
— The Depth (深度) (Japan/Korea)
— The Effect
— The Football Guys (Nhung chang trai san co)
— The Forbearance Lost (Chiếc Nhẫn Đi Lạc)
— The Gardener Club – Park Bench No. 8
— The Judges
— The King & The Clown
— The Sky You Don't Know (你不知道的天空)
The Male Dormitory
— The Male Queen
The Massage (마사지)
— The Meaning of the Promise (意许遗诺)
The Moment (ตัวอย่าง รักของเรา)
— The Monster (困兽)
— The Perfect Plan
The Perfect Man’s Man
The Person Who Always Goes Behind (Nguoi luon di phia sau)
The Postcard *
The Right Man (เพราะ…ฉันรัก)
— The Soldier Diary
The Spring in My Life (시절인연)
— The Tenants Downstairs
— The Two Mugs
— The Underwear
— The Wedding Banquet
— There Is No Space For Me
This Summer (今夏) *
— Tilted Summer (기울어진 여름) (Korea)
— To Each His Own (ちょっと今から仕事やめてくる)
— To You, For You
— Tomorrow I’ll Still Love You
Tree Deep, See Dear/Deep In The Forrest (树深时见鹿)
— Tropical Night (열대야) (Korea)
Twilight Night Legend (暮夜传说之嗜血男宠)
— Two Men's Persistent Basketball Rules (두 남자의 끈적한 농구법)
Two Weddings & a Funeral (두 번의 결혼식과 한 번의 장례식)
— Uncle & Son
— Uncoloured Rainbow (无色彩虹)
— Uniform
— U-Prince: The Series
— Utopians
— Waiting For the Wind
— Wake Up Chanee
— War Of High School
— Water Boyy
— Waterboyy: The Series
— We Are Gamily
— We Must Be Together
— What the Duck: The Series
— When I Got a Boyfriend (좋은 사람 생기면)
— White Night
Winter Cicada */@
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? *
— Yarichin Bitch Club @
— Yan Zhi Shan Hai Jing (颜值山海经)
— You and Me XXX
You Used To Smile That Way
— 把我交给狼主任
This is really just a list of the ones I enjoyed for my future reference (but perhaps some of y’all might be interested in knowing the kinda stuff I’m into watching. xD) (Legend: 3 = e, 1 (sometimes) = i)
KR1084 (Genki & Ayumu)
[M3n’s Ru$h] - G3t F1lm] 2015 Summer
[M3n’s Ru$h] - G3t F1lm] GT-1240
[M3n’s Ru$h] - MR-KR837
[M3n’s Ru$h] - MR-KR666
[Pandora] My Sw33t D3v1l
[Pandora] Prem1um D1sc Vol.030 – YUK1ME — The bottom is so damn cute!
1 note · View note
sayori-is-dead-blog · 6 years
A couple travel blogs
My parents got married in Red Lodge Montana 35 years ago. My mom always told me that she has felt like the area has called to her. Travel has always been a theraputic thing to me. Take in new paths of nature. Breath new air. Have new adventures. Learn new lessons. That is what this trip has been. Being a witch and a buddhist I believe that this place VIBRATES with Magikal energy. The mountains speak when you stand on them. The trees sing in the wind. The people are the kindest people I have ever met.
We are here because my cousin has passed away and we came to support his mother, brothers and girlfriend. Every last part of this trip I have felt him with me.
-An open letter to my cousin-
I know that we were never close and I apologize for that. It was my fault. As kids I never stuck up for myself so you guys could never really see who I was. I genuinly cared and cheered you on from a distance. Now you know that. Your girlfriend is such a perfect human being and I hope that she and I become good friends. Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to meet Kristi. Thank you for forgiving me and allowing me a new life with our family. I truly love you and I will miss you and your father till the end of time. I promise that I will get better.
Im sitting here writing this portion of the blog in a small coffee shop here in Red Lodge. It feels so good to be inspired again by a place. I am loving this small downtown. Walking into these tiny old shops filled to the brim with history and family and a town built on love. Everyone here has a story. This older lady who owned a small botique lived in Texas all her life and when she got divorced and all her kids grew up she closed her eyes and pointed at a map and the next day packed up and moved here and has been here for 10 years. These are the kind of people who live her. The kindest people I have ever met, everyone has a story and I hope to hear more.
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Route to St. Augestine, FL
So me and my boyfriend are on our way to St. Augestine to a little bed and breakfast. Its one off the top 10 haunted and most romantic places. Literally the two things the both of us are in to. I absolutly love my life right now. I have become the manager at the salon. Im doing better mentally. We are starting to travel more and just not for work this time but for vacation time. I can afford rent, vacations, bills ect. Now were are looking to BUY A HOUSE! Yes I said buy. Like I dont know if any of my old followers remember the old blogs where I was so depressed about some fuck boy or my ex. Its so crazy how things change because I fucking love my life. I have my own buisness. I have a great job. I have my own family (Zach and the animals) I have both of our families. I travel to cons for work. I have the best fucking group of friends I have ever had in my entire life. I live in the best apartment complex in the best apartment. I have my dream car, my dream man and my dream life. I dont know how I got so lucky. Now I can take a sigh of relief after an extreamly busy work week, throw my shop on vacation mode and spend the next 3 days relaxing in St. Augestine in the heart of downtown, hunting ghosts, laying on the beach, shopping at cute little antique stores and just loving on my best friend. Im literally living my best life and I couldnt be happier.
Sitting on my porch at 6am
So I think im finally going to publish this blog page. Hi guys Its been awhile. I was just peacefully sleeping next to the love of my life in our bed, in our home, with our animals and everytime I wake up to the warmth of him beside me I feel like my heart is going to explode. Its almost 2 years and Ive never loved someone the way I love you. I love the way you look at me and how you are my best friend. Our friends make fun of us because we are never apart and we say the same things at the exact same time. How could I have gotten so lucky. Aside from bragging about my boyfriend what a great way to start off my morning. Its 60 degrees and I have a hot cup of cinnomon coffee next to me and all of my plant babies surrounding me. I have my twinkling lights and the sound of my koi fish pond. Mornings like this are the best. I come out here and I push my cute chairs together and make a little day bed with them. Then Mudah (my cat) usually jumps up and lays by my feet. I grab my tablet and my coffee, plan my day and then I hop onto some mobil apps for a bit and just relax before the stress of the day hits me. Im so lucky to have moments like this. Its this small thing that brings me to Buddhism and Wicca these small moments fill me with power and positive energy. I have my Mabon altar out here and my plants both large ones with fairy houses. I cant help but to feel Magikal. Not to mention my patio is nothing but backed up onto a Nature perserve so all I can hear is crickets, owls and other critters. I love this spot its so alive when I sit out here. Ok enough of this im going to go back to relaxing! Have a nice morning everyone!
0 notes
jaimehaneyartist · 7 years
This past Friday I took some paintings to Groff Memorial Library & Museum in Grayville Illinois for a summer painting exhibit.
I wasn’t sure what to expect, as I knew it was a small town. But as I arrived and walked in I was totally impressed with the small library. They are having a themed summer reading program called “Reading by Design” and are featuring artwork by some area artists. The director, Kathleen Rister, was extremely friendly and nice. It was a pleasure to work with her.
If you happen to be in the area and would like to see my paintings up close and more privately than at an art show, this would be a nice opportunity. The paintings I’m exhibiting are shown below. As of now, all of these paintings are still available for purchase.
Spirit Voices
Mystical Mother Nature
Rose Mystique
Still Waters Run Deep
My paintings will be up from today (July 14th) until July 29th, 2017 during normal library hours.
Groff Memorial Public Library 118 S. Middle St. Grayville, IL  62844 (618) 375-7121 For website click here
I snapped this shot of my painting exhibit after I set everything up.
While I was there, I noticed another exhibit there for the same duration as mine and realized it was the work of a friend of mine, Ben Labudde. See his work below and here for better photos of it from the last Christmas Show.
Things have been pretty slow this summer art wise. But I’m back on the clock for upcoming shows and new paintings will be coming out of my studio soon (there better be at least!).
Just out of curiosity, have you ever gone to see an art exhibit in a library? If so, has it ever led you to add a piece to your art collection from the exhibit? I have another offer and I’m wondering how productive they are or if they’re more just filler for the libraries. Of course, I am flattered to be asked for for my paintings to be part of the exhibit.
If you’re new to my blog and website have a look at my ‘About’ page in the menu at the top. I’m an artist – a painter mostly and an avid gardener. I paint a variety of subjects including birds, koi fish, my gardens, ponds and flowers as well as anything having to do with nature especially trees and tropical scenes. I also enjoy painting abstracts in the form of expressionism. If you’re interested in my art, I have a newsletter mailed about once a month that gives you special status for invitations, birthday greeting and more. Sign up here for it.
Summer Painting Exhibit This past Friday I took some paintings to Groff Memorial Library & Museum in Grayville Illinois for a summer painting exhibit.
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