#^ this is what i meant when i said there was karras kinning wars. the author wanted to play him and it was really affecting the chances
mourningmaybells · 3 months
forgot to put my favorite quote from ellen burstyn asking friedkin not to cast jason miller for the exorcist 1973. And the trainwreck that followed. The website it old and unreadable, so I'll just copy the text:
WF: So [Jason Miller] does it and Ellen Burstyn comes to me after the shoot’s down and I go to her dressing room. She says, “You’re not going to hire this guy are you?” I said, “Well, no.” She said, “Well, why are you wasting my time, because he can’t do this part.” She said, “First of all,” she said, “I need a big guy that I can melt in his arms when I tell him my daughter’s possessed.” Bill Blatty [William Peter Blatty, the author] was there, watched this going on.
I introduced them. Blatty wants to play the part himself.
That night, he lived on the Malibu Beach and my Agent at the time lived down the beach from him, and Blatty went over to my Agent’s house at 9, 10 o’clock and knocked on the door and said, “You know I have total faith in Bill Friedkin, but this is wrong. Tell him don’t even think about hiring this guy. He’s just wrong,” so the next morning we look at the rushes and the guy looks incredible, which I didn’t see live, I didn’t see what the camera does to him. I look at his close-up; I look at him with--his voice, which had a very interesting quality. I look at it and I say to myself, “That’s Father Karras. That’s the guy.” So now, I’ve got to go and be my--by myself for a while and think this out, and the movie god says to me, “That’s the guy,” so I go to Blatty and Warner Bros. and everybody else and I said, “I want to get out of the Stacy Keach deal and hire this guy.” [INT: They must have thought you were nuts.] Oh yeah, Ted Ashley called me himself, he said, “You are crazy. What is wrong with you? We’re not going to do it.” And I tell Burstyn. She says, “You’re nuts.” Then I--this went on for days with everybody saying--[INT: Did you have any ally at all?] No, no, except the movie god. [INT: Yeah, but they don’t always have a parking space at Warner Bros.] [LAUGHS] That’s wonderful. I just fought for it because I believed it, and we paid off Stacy Keach, who will not speak to me to this day. It was a terrible thing to do.
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