#[then WHY DID I TAKE TWO YEARS TO ANSWER I AM HORRIBLE IM SORRY WULF SOBS....................................
convxction · 2 years
"So this might sound like a strange question to you..." Alm starts with a curious expression on his face, peering up at Chrom as if he had all the answers in the world. "What was Naga like? I only found out so recently— it turns out Naga and Duma had a grudge that went way back, so I was just... wondering what kind of God she is, y'know? I mean... I could just talk to her here in Askr..." And with that, his gaze flicks to the side. "But, uh, I wanted to hear how her people felt first..?"
july 22, 2020 ask my brain refused to answer for the past two years and i dont know why. forgive me wulf. | @jasperlion
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Checking on Falchion, Chrom lowered his sword when he was addressed by Alm. “Hm? Not at all. What’s on your mind, Alm?” knowing Alm, and how curious individual he is, the question must be something interesting to ponder about and hearing it, he was correct.
“Naga?” echoed back as he tilted his head. Index rubbing his chin for a moment, a quick answer was easy--she is the divine dragon that people of his time worship, but certainly this is not good of an answer to Alm.
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“I was surprised to see her here as well,” nodding thoughtfully. He can’t believe he is meeting individuals he did not think he would, not even in dreams. The Hero-King as an example, and not to mention Alm--the Saint-King himself. 
“In my time, Naga is revered to be the divine dragon and well, the entity we worship. Her plan to get rid of the Fell Dragon with the aid of the first Exalt is well known story every child knows. Because of that feat, Naga was praised and sought as an idol worth of praying to. Little did the people know that she is not the creator themselves.” there was a pause because he too, thought she was above all. “I realized that when I was put to the test. Naga herself told me that she is simply what she is and not the creator. A long standing tradition of hailing her was shaken in that moment.” another brief pause to close his eyes and recall the awakening rite. He almost died that day simply trying to borrow ‘God’s’ powers. “But in the end, it didn’t matter. Naga was on our side and that what mattered--whether she was the creator or not, she lent us her power to put an end to Grima for once and all.”
Taking a moment to let that sink in before he crossed his arms against his chest to add, “Naga is a just God. She is like how she is in here--caring and just. It was for her intervention that we are alive now and others. Naga may not be able to change too much of one’s fate but she did help us save and change some future children’s fate in other worlds. She called on my help to go to other timelines to save the children ... I can’t name a God who would do that and feel remorse for people’s loss.” Not every timeline he could get to save the people he meant to save all the time and Naga despite that, thanked him for trying to help. 
“Believe it or not, Duma is seldom mentioned in our Old Religion books. I believe, and this is just my opinion, old priests wished not for people to revive said Duma’s cult and bring disaster upon the world. Yet, they didn’t count for the Grimleal who took part of Duma’s teachings and twisted it to serve summoning a plague on the world ...” people like these are out of Chrom’s comprehension--why would you purposely hurt others? Something beyond his understanding. 
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“Alm,” he rest a hand on his shoulder. “I suggest you go talk to Naga herself. Trust me, she won’t push you away. It is better to ask the source for more information, yes? I can only give you what I know but in the end, she is the one who only knows what happened in the past, present and the future.” another pat, a bit rough this time to encourage him. “You carry Falchion with pride, my friend. Don’t forget that.”
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