#[genloss red tinted shades au]
colliequacksalot · 5 months
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Drowning in fear.
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colliequacksalot · 22 days
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colliequacksalot · 6 months
What *is* rts!hetch's deal exactly?
He is probably the only au hetch i have rn that truely despises the founder (if we dont count after dark!hetch)
Because he was manipulated and tricked into joining showfall media
By being told he had potential and that he could be a good actor,he got blinded by the idea of being famous,then getting masked once he joined and realized how shitty and fucked up showfall media is
Showfall media is a company made by an eldrict being that survives off of peoples fear,suffering and agony
Hetch ended up becoming only a bait to bring more people into the trap of the founder,tricking people into joining showfall media unknowningly
(example being the genloss mini game with ranboo where he looked after the dumpster after 'someone' told them,they heard something there and they should go and check it out)
Hetch was only kept in showfall media because he brought in more victims to the show and because he was pretty much an energy source for the founder since he is scared shitless of her
Hetch is unable to escape because of the mind control and the affects it left on him
In this au mind control is done with a smoke in tubes on the masks,instead of wires
The smoke is pretty much a drug that ruins the persons mind,making them inhumane,making them anything but themselfs,turning them into violent mindless puppets
For some reason hetch seems to be SLIGHTLY immune to it since no matter how much they mask him and give him double the dose of the drug he still somehow manages to break free and gain a little bit of conciousness (in this au he actually tried to help ranboo,before he lost control against the mind control once again)
The founder ran showfall for years not only for survival by feeding off of peoples fears and sufferings but ran it because she also found it entertaining to see people suffer,she enjoyed playing the god in this unfair game of hers
More facts abt the au
Security has the tubes with smokes around his arms and the smoke tank hidden on his back,incase an actor or employee breaks free escapes,Security is there to either kill them off or sedate them and drag them back to the facility
Ranboo's mask has filters in it that allows some air into the mask so the affects of the smoke will be less so he could snap back to his senses from time to time to break the fourth wall ,the mask was designed that way for the audiences entertainment
Charlie's horns arent actual horns,they are metal horns placed/nailed onto his head with the showfall media technology,it also has the same type of technology like the masks,but the smoke is affecting his brain directly
Sneeg is not under the affects of the smoke most of the time,because showfall media thought it would be a good idea to allow him to see the horrors and be violent,horrified and snappy since it entertained the audience more
Ill give more facts abt the au in another post
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colliequacksalot · 6 months
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more hetch au art
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colliequacksalot · 5 months
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Pretty lady with murderous thoughts <3
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colliequacksalot · 6 months
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colliequacksalot · 5 months
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Rts!hetch and the founder drawings i made today
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colliequacksalot · 3 months
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colliequacksalot · 23 days
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colliequacksalot · 6 months
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Drew rts!,escape,and SB! Hetch at school
(The yellow marker is neon idk why it looks that way here,had to brighten up the picture to make it look less dull)
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colliequacksalot · 6 months
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Some au hetch doodles i forgot to post
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colliequacksalot · 6 months
Where in the rts timeline were the drawings of hetch from?
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Im assuming you mean these drawings
They take place right after he got manipulated,forced into joining showfall media and after he got masked/drugged by the mind control smoke
So far before the events of tse
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colliequacksalot · 6 months
Just a random blog full of genloss au's
[im not dating @0ffbrand-h3tch any asks suggesting or imply it will be deleted.]
Hello! Im Collie i go by he/him and they/them im also Aroace spec
dni: standard criteria, proship/lolicon/etc,dteam fans/supporters, certain htfasj fans.
Notes: most of the au's i make and post abt have triggering stuff in them,which are mostly gore and blood,ect. So please keep that in mind while scrolling through my account to take a look at my au's,i try my Best to tag every tw,but there is a slim chance i might miss one or two in some posts
Im neurodivergent [Autistic + adhd] try to use tone tags with me if its alright
I make mistakes while writing alot pls dont correct them or point them out unless its something that really should be corrected
Dont be scared to interact with me,if you wanna ask abt an au go ahead i love answering questions abt my au's! :D
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Tags of au's i post about:
[Genloss Soul Bound au] [<- getting rewritten]
[Genloss after Dark Au]
Escape au genloss
[Genloss Red Tinted Shades au]
Genloss Creature au
[Genloss Fairytale/Fantasy Au]
[Genloss! our way out au]
[Delusional!founder au]
[Genloss Fnaf au]
[Genloss!shattering like glass au]
[genloss Ols! Au]
[Randy Collective Genloss Au]
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Also This blog is quite hetch centric
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