#[daiya] makes no goddamn sense. the lack of sense that it makes compels me.
daisyachain · 2 months
The mind of the mangaka behind DnA is a curious cauldron. His home team are the bad guys in every battle. Yakushi—one star pitcher uses his skills to try and help his economically struggling teammate/coach. Ugumori—a bunch of childhood friends reconnect after a tragic accident and reforge their bonds by playing together. That school where Yeung was playing—plucky international student fights for recognition in a notoriously xenophobic country. Sankou—they have nothing going for them but Amahisa is just fun (:. Even Inashiro—as tyrannical as they are, they are a bunch of players who formed a team based on mutual respect for each other’s abilities, a marvel of teenage diplomacy. Seidou? Canonically a bunch of assholes. They just suck. They want to win because they hate losing. They don’t even like the plucky underdog on their team, Eijun. The most sympathetic thing about Seidou is Rei’s attempt to make it a team of odds and ends but that is Her big story and motivation. Miyuki joins the team purely out of contrarianism. Chris is there because his dad’s a big shot. They Look Bad. They Are Bad. They’re The Bad Guys. What Even Are We Doing Here.
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