stellevatum · 1 month
@the27percent Meme Prompt: [ 22 ] a planet where life only exists underground, where it is impossible to survive on the surface
The feeling in the pit of her stomach was the last vestiges of a need to avoid this place. And yet...there the were. Manda'yaim. Home. The planet broken by infighting and the constant lashes of the aruetii. She wanted to save it, once. But that was multiple lifetimes ago. A different Kar.
"Well, this it." She said, her voice amplified through her signature T-visor helmet. Birght violet against the sharp, green glass that was formally the planet's surface. "My hometown, Keldabe
Keldabe way not have had the grandeur of Sundari, but it was the second largest population center, with just as much of a rich and possibly older history. The city's protective dome was long since shattered, its few kilometer tall skyscrapers and buildings stood broken and skeletal, rusting ruins in a sea of bombardment glass.
"Home of Clan Alor'ade for almost four thousand years..."
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obscurushydrae · 1 month
Starter for @mxthbladed
Kar flipped through the dossier. Agata Espina, one of those true American success stories. Immigrant family, stepped away from a hard life and worked hard to become a historian. Kar could find a little kinship on that. Excellent marks in the proficiency test to boot.
The Bureau was hurting for agents; so many of her colleagues died or retired after everything-- but she couldn't blame them. Agent Espina would be some much needed new blood for a new Bureau.
Ashley's Head poke through the door of the study, letting Kar know the new agent had arrived.
"Come on in!" her voice was warm and welcoming.
Kar decided to greet her in the study. just like her Father had when he was alive. The study itself had been her father's, and now it was hers. The lamps have a warm glow, even with the fireplace wasn't lit. The walls were floor to ceiling full of books and curios-- with a whole other second level above. Aged photos from many decades, with different people, some familiar, some not. A large aquarium took one of the other walls--currently empty. A record player sat nearby some upholstered chairs.
"I'm Director Aster," she greeted, offering her hand to shake." Agata, right?"
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hcrctic · 6 months
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— @sheshootsxruns gets a stressed ranting Wanda.
"Can you explain me again, why, our parents, that have money to throw at the wind, decided to put us in a public school? Not that I care, but I just wonder.. wonder what I'm going to wear for winter formal. Do you have a date? Shall we swap brothers?" She huffed. "Annie, I hate being a teen. Can we grow up now?"
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wildcxrds · 7 months
Well, here he was.
Somewhere in the back of his brain, he could clearly here Dorothy saying, “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” Or something like that. Because the last thing he knew in the whirlwind of things happening was being at home with his mother, holed up because some sort of armed agents were coming for him. And the next, he was cuffed and dragged away, and handled roughly. Somewhere in between, he’d had a shutdown, overwhelmed by the noises and sounds.
Then he heard words like “variant” and “guilty”. Of what?
Then pain. Silence. Then he was awake on a dusty field, with faint crashing noises. No more cuff or collar, but he definitely didn’t know how to get home from here. His magic felt… shut in, and there was a storm off in the distance, rapidly approaching.
He saw a small group of figures off in the distance, and his voice, which had been trapped painfully in his chest like a bubble, escaped out his throat as he shouted, “HEY! HEY, I-I-I NEED HELP!”
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eleanorseigert · 7 months
closed for @harlowhanlon where: shared apartment
"Oh, you're alive!" Eleanor practically exclaimed as she shut the apartment door behind her using her foot, as her hands were currently busy holding a new plant. "Good. Can you believe they had this marked for only 3 bucks? When I saw her I just knew she had to come home with me, I mean, how could I say no to a deal like that?" She rarely said no to many things, especially when it came to plants, deal or not. The blonde paused as she was maneuvering her way through the jungle that was their apartment, her eyes glued to the TV, "Are you using my netflix? Is that why Temptation Island pops up for me now?"
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stvmpedes · 1 year
Vash arrives in the human realm, believing Flapjack firmly tucked into the hood of their jacket. They're determined to put both of their minds at ease, simply peeking in a window to confirm that nothing is amiss and then returning to the biodome. So quick is the visit that they don't even think to tell Wolfwood, or Meryl. Nothing bad ever happens in the human realm, after all.
Yet the second they arrive, the fabric of their hood begins to rustle. It takes only a second, and then a red mass of feathers shoots out, far faster than any bird has any right to be.
What started as nothing more than a faint sensation in the back of their mind turns to full blown panic, now. Flapjack, normally the beacon of calm, is now so thoroughly ruffled that they know something simply has to be amiss.
It's about that time, Darius had said. The words form a hollow in the pit of their stomach, one that almost roots them to the ground and keeps them from moving.
But move they do, chasing after Flapjack's little body. Vash almost can’t keep up. Especially as they draw close to a road and the public eye. They aren't sure if Lark's friends are around. If anyone will be alarmed at them suddenly approaching.
But as the distance grows between plant and bird, they decide... to hell with it. They can deal with the consequences later. Caution, though, is ultimately unnecessary. As they step into the streets and begin to follow in earnest, they find that they're not the only one dressed in what might call a costume.
None of this seems to distract Flapjack. He pounds his wings harder and harder still. And Vash chases ever after.
They cross streets. They duck through a park. Vash narrowly dances through a crowd at a fair. And then they’re in the woods once more.
Mist presses in, damp in ways the arid environment of No Man’s Land never is. Above them both, trees loom large and ominous. Bare branches stretch out like desperate fingers. Where they brush, dread lingers, seeping into Vash’s skin as they continue to run.
Further they go, until the trees give way to grass. Then the grass gives way to gravestones.
To the water of a pond.
And then to horror.
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suiheisen · 1 year
i watch baseball for the side quests (ps: this baseball player also makes fruit cocktails midgame)
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laiostoudenn · 26 days
Out of pure curiosity and fun!
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nicetomeetmew · 1 year
This collab was not on my 2023 bingo card
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theblob1958 · 8 months
people are saying do it scared, but you also gotta do it alone. you'll miss out on so much you want to do if you wait til someone will do it with you. do it scared and do it alone.
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caligmaera · 2 months
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cant stop thinking about this scene
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bumblebeebats · 8 months
"Don't just throw ripped jeans away, you can repair them using these 10 cute Visible Mending techniques!!" unfortunately my friend the first point of failure for every single pair of jeans i have owned in my life has been the Crotch and Ass. Knees: fine, cuffs: fine; but 3 years in, and all that stands between the world and my astronaut-patterned taint is 0.5µm of denim worn so thin that every squat threatens to tear it to shreds like wet toilet paper. If the Tiktok craft community could figure out a way to resurrect jeans afflicted in such a way that doesn't involve adding a whole ass buttpatch like some sort of inverse assless chaps situation then that'd be great
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whilomm · 8 months
happy almost extremely loud sound wednesday monday everyone!!!
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i cant believe its already almost extremely loud sound TO BE CONDUCTED AT AROUND 2:20 PM EST wednesday monday
edit: reblogs turned off bc YALL READ THE FUCKIN DATE
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wildcxrds · 8 months
Okay. Not what she expected, but she's been in worse situations.
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It felt a lot like some sort of sick joke. One minute, she and her son had just received the terrible news that five/six years prior, Jacob's birth father had passed. The next, she was being taken in the night leaving the very cabin she and Loki once spent afternoons in as a way to grieve him. Before she could call for any help, before she could even use her magic, she was abruptly taken, called a 'Variant', and was slated for court.
She'd seen and heard of all sorts of different places because of Kori's dimensional transporting, but she had definitely never - in her life - seen something like this.
But now, her panic was overridden with bewilderment, because while sitting in her cell, an announcement called loudly to cease the pruning of all Variants. (She thanked whatever spirits might be looking over her to have saved her from whatever pruning was - which she gathered was exactly what it sounded like.)
Then there was rumbling, and the power flickering, and the cell she was temporarily held in briefly lost power long enough for her to slip out and take the chance to try and escape. If there was anything she'd learned from Kai, it was hiding and keeping out of sight. So she did, until reaching the first elevator she possibly could, unsure of whatever floor it was taking her to, hit the lowest button. Because, in her panic logic, bottom floor = lobby!
The doors slid open, her wrists still in restraints and the anti-power collar chafing against her sweating neck, she stepped out into a quiet and seemingly empty curved hallway, making her way down with her heart thumping rapidly in her throat. Her eyes scanned the stacked and messy cabinets lining one side of the wall, following the curve until she came upon the opening, giving a little gasp and trying to stumble back out of sight, hoping that if there was someone there.. they didn't see her. (But honestly, running as long as she had been... she was losing stamina fairly quickly, which made her a little more sloppy in her attempt to hide this time.)
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trainwreckgenerator · 5 months
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my evening
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