#[carnis mallacht]
camotherogue · 1 month
19 24 and 29 for carnis?
OOO!!! Carnis time carnis time
19. What is their greatest desire?
When Carnis was a child, he wanted to be a knight. To serve another with his strength, devoted mind, body, and soul. He also wishes his parents would love him, and even now still wonders if they ever could.
Now, though, he wants to defend his pack and help them prosper. They're his family now, and even if the whole world turns against him they will be his priority.
24. What first impression does your Tav give to strangers?
Idiot. Or asshole. Carnis is cocky and arrogant (though not entirely unfairly), and as such people tend to not like him as first. His smarmy and brash attitude does not help him make friends, that's for sure.
29. What advice would you give your Tav?
That's tough. Of all my Tavs, he's the least...not the least traumatized. Not by a long shot (shout-out to Kyorli'mar here for being my least traumatized Tav), but he dwells on his trauma very little of all of them. I think something he does need to hear is to not cut himself off quite so much from other humans. He considers himself a gnoll first and foremost, but often disregards non-gnolls as lesser or as unimportant because of it. I think it's one of his failings, and I think he'd do well to branch out and try to admire humans and the like. Make friends with non-gnolls you moron!! It's good to have variety!!
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