borealiszero · 6 months
if you think shen jiu is “a rancid, horrible, radioactive level toxic of a man” fine, whatever, but please use an “anti” or “negativity” tag and not his primary tag. thank you!
As per suggestion I have removed it solely bc it might make people uncomfortable.
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borealiszero · 2 months
i see u on my blog b 👁️ reblog my Poasts boy…..
right away boss 🫡
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borealiszero · 1 month
From this ask game:
Hiii hi snailssss
Q: ✏️ Do you prefer traditional art or digital to relax?   
A: I prefer traditional art to relax. I use digital if I ever have the feeling to make fully rendered art. Just sketching away easily and i have tons of scraps bc of this. But i do use digitals for doodles too if i was in a mood.
Q: 🙃 Which is easier: faces facing left, right, or front view?
A: to me it's all of them? This is what happened if you only draw busts for more than ten years. I prefer facing left tho hehe
Q: 🐻 Your go-to things to draw when you need comfort?
A: my ocssssss my children my blorbos i torture them everyday and i draw them as a treat
Q: 🙊 Share your latest silly doodle with no context
A: huehuehuehue
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The silliesssssss
Also more of the sillies under the cut thank u so much for the askkk muah muah
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All of the doodles are the same person btw thats the only context im giving
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borealiszero · 7 months
sooo out of all the characters in cursed, would you say you have a favourite? i’m intrigued, also feel free to just talk about the lore if u want to!! (love all of the character designs btw, theyre really cool 👍)
Thank you so much for sending this ask!!!!! It's actually hard to say which one is my favourite but like all the time i keep coming back is Sam Chevannes!!!
Long rambling under the cut
In this world, it's a post massive colonial era plus supernatural stuff but the supernatural are banned from being spoken about because the Christian said that's not what Jesus said in the bible (they fuckin lied). One of the supernaturals are crafters, they are normal human that has honed the skill of their ancestors that it became an ability unique to them (its teacheable but we'll get to that later).
So Sam Chevannes is one of the Crafters, his are Nullifier, which means he can null other people's craft. The problem is, he is suffering from RCD (rebounded craft disorder) means that he can nullify everything including himself, which became a terminal illnes for him, forcing him to be lobg time hospital patient for the majority of his childhood. After getting it under control via a special made ward, he worked at Maciat, and organisation that worked for the supernaturals. He's in the intelligence division, due to his craft and the fact that he's very good at gathering intelligence and being invincible (he swear he didn't do this on purpose).
In my storyline, he's the best friend of the protagonist, Pyrrha Halloran. He's very loyal to her, to the point of willing to betray Maciat for her without hesitation. He's also loves kids very much, and has adopted one (it's more of Yana adopting him actually). He also was tasked with neutralising an agent of the antagonist, Mercury, but he didn't kill mercury because he promised mercury's mom to find him. He's very?? idk what to say but he has this filter on himself that he doesn't deserve anything bc he was a burden due to his illness. He was actually surprised when people love him back lmao. He's also has this very casual attitude about his dying situation so he made jokes about it a lot.
One of my favourite aspect of him that he knows he has limited emotional quote and he strives to accomodate everyone that he met according to their need. Like when mercury was illegally placed at his house he tried his best to navigate through this traumatized, freshly out of a cult assassin's needs. He's also very loving!! His love spilled out of his ribcage and he cannot hold back that he is very much love his beloveds and cannot stop showing it. Like that one moment when pyrrha said that he deserved better friends than her he refuted and said that he said that being her friend is one of the best thing ever happened to him and he hoped that he died as her friend. He also has somewhat straight to the point attitude that can either came off the most amazing roast ever heard or the cringiest thing mankind can say. Also i like that he's very on board with beating up nazis and ableist just bc he can and his coworkers have to stop him physically, even if they're the one being insulated.
His fatal flaw is that he is very loyal. He will jump into the abyss to save people he loved, and he had done so. While Pyrrha sacrifice herself for the lesser evil, sam sacrifice himself for the better future of his beloveds. He will face the horror again and again for them. This frustrated Pyrrha bc unlike pyrrha, sam can permanently die. And he's the one getting mad that pyrrha is hurt even though it will heal quickly (the hypocrisy of these two 🙄).
If he has a character arc, it would be about how he has to face that he is loved, a burden that they willingly carry because it's him!! Who wouldn't carry the burden of people they love!!! Just like how he loves them, they also love him back!!!! Get loved idiot
Random fact about sam: whe he was five, he once was convinced that he was a cat and thus began to emulate cats behaviour like meowing, scratching, hissing, pawing stuff, eating and drinking like cats. His uncle doesn't know what to do. It lasted until he found out that cats cant eat chocolate then said to his uncle that he is birn a human again and never spoke of it again. He still does it sometimes, hissing and meowing.
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borealiszero · 7 months
followinf yoy for the aita blorbos post you made. can’t wait to learn more about your guys :D
GSNSVXJSBS omg thank you so muchhhh but im sorry david is a side character (if you're here for him) but nevertheless thabk you im so honoured!!!!! A sketch of them for you!!
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[ID start: a digital drawing of David Ferrín and Sam Chevannes. David is on the left and Sam is on the right. Both are making the love sign together. Sam, who is smiling excitedly said "David do this it's a new trend to do this." David, who is frowing and blushing slightly replied "New trend? For what?". A small sign pointing to him said (does it anyway) // End of ID]
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borealiszero · 7 months
<ominous thunder. i appear as a silhouette in the open doorwat while a storm rages behind me. i’m wearing a wizard hat probably.> YOU. 🫵 <i turn on the lights> beloved mutual of mine! i love seeing you in my notifs it always makes me happy! ❤️ happy aussie destiel day and may your next few hours of non-destiel day be spent in quiet reflection on this batshit ship :P
VZJHSJSVSHSHSGSVSVA the way my eyes bugged out when i read the first to words xvndhsjsbs and HEYYY you're a beloved mutual in motif tooooo happy (advanced) destiel day!! Cheers to the most deranged gay confession in history!!!!!
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borealiszero · 10 months
@lurking-snails made another post so that one didn't get longer:
1. favourite place in your country?
My home. No seriously, I'm not an outdoorsy guy. But I do love Pahang National Park. There's a lots of fascinating floras and faunas to see, and we did met some tapirs too theyre so cute :333 (we didn't approach them ofc. wild animals common courtesy and all)
5. favourite song in your native language?
I LOVE EVERY SONG BY SUDIRMAN HAJI ARSHAD!!! He's a patriotic singer and songwriter, combining his skill and love for his country to create songs to encourage love for it after being colonised for hundreds of years by the West. My favourites from him are Warisan, Tanggal 31, and Balik Kampung. I also like some from P. Ramlee like Nujum Pak Belalang, Doremi and Bujang Lapok. For more modern one, I do love Kalah Dalam Menang, Gemuruh Jiwa, Sahabat and Boboiboy Galaxy Opening. Also old raya songs are bangers like Suasana Hari Raya. I'd include some nasyid from Rabbani and Inteam but this is getting too long hehe
11. favourite native writer/poet?
I do love works by Ramlee Awang Murshid. He mostly dabbled in thriller and fantasy. There are some comics I enjoyed like Ana Muslim and Kesatria Bulan Bintang as well as Aku, Kau dan (title) which are compiled by various artists and authors. As for poets, I don't know much about them ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem?
Again, I don't have a wide knowledge in poetry. And I don't have a good faith in any translation made pre-colonialism so yeah. I just don't really trust them. Maybe some from post-colonialism and ONLY if it's by Malaysian.
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
Not joked about, but mostly with. It's a joke (and also kinda not) that Malaysians and Indonesians will have beef with each other every time anyone laid claim on where did their dish/clothes/tradition came from, as well as whenever the national sports teams collided in a match. Its a war in Twitter comment section.
But we DID unite when in Masterchef, a white chef told a Malaysian chef that her chicken rendang wasn't crispy enough which is exactly what rendang is!! It's a tenderised meat slow cooked for several hours ofc it's not gonna be crispy!!! And Malaysians descended like a pack of wolves on this man and he backpedaled and said that Indonesian would know, and Indonesians were like 'like hell we cook it crispy ' and also shredded this man to pieces. Everyone was so offended that this white man thinks he knows better than us who have been cooking this for hundreds of years, that a national chef made a sarcastic skit of ayam rendang crispy (crispy rendang chicken) and our Prime Minister of the time also tweeted that he did not like the chef's comment. The rare moments of us being a united front in a dish lmaoo
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borealiszero · 1 year
idk who that blonde twink is but i like his silly outfits 👍🏳️‍🌈
He's vash the stampede from Trigun!!! He's my babygirl 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍
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borealiszero · 10 months
Doomed by the narrative sibling relationship? I'd typically never suggest this but supernatural tbh. Like the first 5 seasons (i stopped watching after) thats the plot several times over
Oh thank god the only fuckin normal ask in my recent inbox. And I know. I watched all five seasons like you and never further. LIKE YES!!! THEY LOVE EACH OTHER BUT THEY RESENT EACH OTHER TOO!!! Sam resented Dean for following their father's footsteps, but he still loves him because Dean is the one who raised him, cares for him and genuinely tries his best to support him, and Dean resents Sam for leaving him alone with their father, on an endless road of suffering, but he still loves Sam because Sam was the only reason he's still alive, still holding on. They are each other's pillar and yet the one to cause their suffering. And they would sacrifice themselves for each other!!! These bitches made contracts and all the bullshit to drag the other back cause they don't know how to live without the other!!!!!!! And that's what's so delicious about their dynamic!!! All the trauma and possibilities that could be explored like AAAUDGDVYZSVSJYDBXJDJDNCZGSJAGSHSKSMD
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borealiszero · 1 year
For the Blorbo Bingo
Surprise us :)
Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
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this man has inflicted more damage on my brain more than anything else he's my poor little meow meow he's the bastard he's the coworker that you know but never really like Know what his social life is like thenthe apocalypse roll and you can see why he doesn't talk so much im so mentally ill about him everytime i have orv relapse i think about him
and now my oc Pyrrha Halloran
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SHE!!!!! she's my child my bastard my beloved, i say as i toss her into another pit, she is if the narrative is doomed she is if the file is corrupted she is if the road was lost she is my everything!!!! im too mentally ill about her to say things coherently but aaaaaaghhhhhhhh
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borealiszero · 2 years
if u were a dog would u be. borzoirealis
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Furrsona assigned borzoi
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borealiszero · 1 month
Are you ok?
im sorry but like. From. What aspect? I need you to be specific ...
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borealiszero · 7 months
Juat to let you know if you dl the lotro launcher from their website you don't need steam to run it, I have never used it
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borealiszero · 8 months
Mr. Pigeon ... Im honoured...
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borealiszero · 8 months
God listen to me. i literally work at a place that sells these damn things and i am off the clock and it is 1 am and i am on tumblr dot com selling these damn things. what is WRONG WITH ME. customer service brain says introduce people to mobile phone that suits their needs.
You should sell them!! There will be someone who dreamed about using it don't let it fade!!!
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borealiszero · 8 months
good news... nokia still makes phones that shape... not exactly, they're a little slimmer but they're out there... the nokia 8210... she's so cheap compared to literally all smartphones ever too.... don't let your dreams be dreams...
I know they exist but it's so hard to find them ... BUT THEY'RE THERE I KNOW ... i love Nokia and the snake game ... but i really can't use it cause it has no internet 😭😭😭
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