wiltingbeast · 3 years
     // @regemverum​  |  Shine/Bright
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          “No matter how much power I store, these diamonds simply refuse to shatter...“ The bull traced his gloved hands along the surface of the nearby crystal surface, with only a faint trace of a scar cut into it. Adam had managed to store up some energy into his blade during the last few scuffles, hoping the power would be enough for his Moonslice to cut through this damn diamond. But it seems the most he can do at his current power is simply shave off a few shards at a time. Such a maddening issue to deal with... It seems all he can do is cut down more crystal beasts until they clear up on their own.
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musioru · 4 years
@regemverum​​ // s.c.
||  █ ▌— there’s something to be said for genesis’ flair for the dramatics, and he feels he sees something like that in this man. he’s dressed--well, not well, but interestingly. it’s nothing genesis would take note of normally, necessarily ( midgar is full of so many people, after all, one cannot take note of them all ) but here he is more alert to sound and colour, more curious, so to speak.
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out of his element, he can’t be anything else. and so he stares, long and hard. perhaps the man will notice, perhaps not. that, in itself, is something of a game, but... what else has he to do but play pointless games?
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princeieges · 3 years
 @regemverum  Boy, Neige thought he was never getting out of that museum... so much for clearing his mind.   Tired, bruised and scuffed up, the boy slugged out of the front doors, relieved that the paintings had finally stopped trying to maim him. His relief only went so far, though- he hadn’t been in this place very long, and already it was proving to be just a bit terrifying! Strange pits in the middle of the city, violent art exhibits, the fact that he’d woken up here without a clue how... oh, it was really just a bit too much.   At least he had a house to return to, right? Condo 402, hopefully it’d be nice and peaceful, and he could get some decent rest. Neige sighed as he pushed the door open, hanging his hat at the door and dropping his head. He shuffled sadly towards a bedroom... then he paused. Slowly, he turned and shuffled back, leaning over to look at a strange man in the living room. His face lifted a bit in surprise.    “Ah! I, ah, hadn’t realized I’d have a roommate. Good evening!”
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explosyd · 3 years
 Before all this shit, Sydney often wrote in a diary to keep herself from losing her mind. It didn’t exactly work, but it was a way to vent, kinda, so she kept doing it. Unfortunately, she doesn’t really have her diary anymore, ever since a certain now-headless-jock stole it in what would be the biggest jerkwad move of his life.
 Diary or not, she still needs some kind of outlet, and she doesn’t exactly intend on venting to the clown she bunks with. So, she makes her way to the nearest stationary-carrying-store, and grabs a cheap notebook and pen. It’ll have to do for now.
  Semi-satisfied with this temporary solution, she proceeds to set herself up against a building on a not too busy sidewalk and shrinks into the wall. Her diary may still be on the floor of the gym (or maybe a police evidence locker), but this notebook can still hear all about how she killed a guy and is now out on her own in the world. 
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 ...And then, someone trips over her foot!   She scrambles to pull her legs in and stares at the man with wide eyes. “Uh- shit, are you okay?” He really just kind of... hit the ground, huh?... she gives him a slight poke. Man. Please don’t be dead.
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