ardenssolis · 1 year
relationship building; no longer accepting || @ethaer​
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Sometimes Ozy likes to talk to Philomene about art, although he admits that isn't a subject that he knows too well. After all, art in his era was all pretty much 'samey' in appearance with very little to no deviation that can really be discerned. And so when he looks at what people in the eras that past created, he is fascinated by it. Not because he holds theirs at a standard above what he knew, but merely because the differences is what attracts him the most. How incredible humanity is with all their creativity! He finds it all quite beautiful.
Sometimes he finds him quite exhausting, but if the other starts to talk too much and boast more than he cares to listen to, he tries to find ways to silence them be it a scratch behind the ear or placing the topic onto something that distracts and forces the other to talk about something else instead. The times that they do talk about interesting things is nice, however. After all, he has never met anyone quite like them before. How could he not be curious to know how their mind works outside of the superficial?
As someone who didn't have a chance to meet royalty like himself in life outside of an occasional letter or message sent here and there, he does enjoy listening to what the other has to share about their planet and their culture. As a result, Ozy has very little issue with sharing things in return. He's fascinated by what lies out beyond the stars, believing for a long time like many in the past, that there was just them, the gods, and nothing else. Never did he ever dream that there were other planets with other lifeforms with their own deities too. Ozy assumed that all aliens looked like the ones he saw on television---
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