#[[ holds up daedra and xander [i lomv them...]]
“Whatever’s ahead, we’ll be there for each other.” (I'm sure Xander finds that very not assuring)
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--- These last few months of battle had been wearing him thin. Winter had shown it's ugly claws early into their usual march, and it was no surprise when rations begun to dwindle from person to person. Certainly with the tension, there had been a few arguments to break out between the units; but it wasn't hard for the Prince to shut them down.
He could deal with the arguments, the lack of food, and the cold.
What was weighing down on him was the low morale, and...
Earlier, he'd gotten some information from one of his retainers. They'd been absent within the ranks, for good reason. Daedra, who had been a new face within the castle, had begun to gain quite a bit of his trust. At first, it was only a little, as Xander very much was loyal to his father's cause.
He was loyal to his family, since the very beginning.
But when the young lady had come to him with some concerns-- something had started to eat away at the very back of his mind.
He never chose to question Iago and his father -- never wanted to question the future of his homeland. It was one boundary he dare not cross....
Yet, here he was
Holding a parchment over a candle light to read it's hidden contents.
Contents he.. wasn't entirely sure what to make of.
It was only a small bit of information. Not enough to see the full picture, to convict anyone fully of any crime.
But it was enough for his lips to thin, his jaw to clench, and his blood to run cold.
This couldn't possibly be the fate his father had wish for.
It couldn't be.
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The tent was far too dark to stand alone in, he'd hardly noticed the time.
He'd been far too attentive to the parchment to even hear Daedra come in. It wasn't until her small hand had made contact to his forearm that he barely moved his head to note her presence.
[“Whatever’s ahead, we’ll be there for each other.” ]
She barely knew the prince; barely made strong enough connections to make such a bold statement. What was to stop her from running off? From heading to the other side of all this?
What made her so sure he wouldn't silence her to continue his father's work?
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He watched as the parchment burned away from his grasp.
The young lady's hand would not be shrugged away from him, nor was she dismissed or shoved away. He just stood there, perhaps allowing himself to process what all had been happening; grappling with the reality he was thrust into.
She would feel his shoulders loosen up, the stress within his armor melting away.
A long exhale finally broke the silence.
"You must be tired. It would be wise to take this time to recover your strength." His voice was quiet, hoarse. It had been a long month. Too long, even.
Prompt: Commercial Starters || ACCEPTING! To: @tactful-kind-daedra
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