#[ thread : david&saffy 001 ]
drxnknhxgh · 3 years
There were few pleasures Saffron Harlow admitted to. Some factions of the media assumed their dark sense of humor and flippant attitude about life was a facade to balance the dynamic of the group. As if behind closed door a brighter personality was suddenly unearthed. Little did they know Saffy thrived in the furious fumes of their existence, contrary to popular believe they quite enjoyed the brazen bitter entity they’d grown to become through circumstance. Even on their best days there was always something to complain about and they had a knack for identifying the source. Call it a gift. They’d come to learn through unforseen tribulations that chances were every good thing in life was bound to be ruined, it was only a matter of when. But their bass, now that was one of the two things that never failed them. Whenever they were feeling particular down trodden they need only pluck a few baritone rifts and entangle themselves in the reverie. The sweet refrain of the fender spoke a musical language to their soul. The strumming had a hypnotically soothing quality they craved. To lose themselves to the melody was the closest thing to contentment they dared reach for. 
The other thing, or rather living breathing being, that surprisingly never ceased to display their loyalty happened to be their best friend David. The lead singer of their band and a monster pain in Saffy’s ass. Saffy never intentionally sought out friendship but it had become a sort of a running joke that as much as they warded people off with their demeanor they still managed to acquire a decent collection of people who tolerated them enough to stick around. The list was minimal but David was at the top. Saffy couldn’t honestly explain what about them David continued to find appealing, the majority of their interactions were punctuated by sarcastic quips on their part and a selection of pointedly irritated expression tailored just for him. But when they played together, something magical happened. Even Saffy had to admit. That’s what first sprouted the friendship and it blossomed from there. Even if Saffy would rather eat glass then reveal their sentiments, he knew. Beneath their vicious verbiage there was more tenderness than they were capable of feeling for anyone else. In short, David was their person...or whatever.  
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When Saffy woke to the ‘911′ text from her bandmate they did the exact opposite of make haste. Emergencies from David didn’t really mean an emergencies, they’d come to learn. Instead, just to spite him, they took their sweet time getting dressed and driving over, even stopping for a few breakfast burritos to assuage their hunger. They alway seemed to wake up in a ravenous mood they attributed to the possibly inhuman amount of marijuana they smoked on the regular. “So what’s the big emergen-” Saffy froze in the doorway of David’s master suite after letting themselves in with all the comfortability earned after nearly eight years of friendship. The sight that met them might have made them pause but after taking a few seconds to process the scene it didn’t surprise them. Shortly after a bubble of harsh laughter sounded, Saffy’s reaching out for the frame to balance themselves as the chortles overcame them. “I hope it was good at least” they snorted, nothing showing an ounce of concern for chained friend. “Guess I gotta eat these burritos by myself, you look busy” 
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