#[ niamh bears witness to the unrivaled power of Fogado Leaving Places. lets go drink tea girl!!!!!!! ]
losojos-decupido · 1 month
[ pilot ] your muse taking mine by the arm, hand, shoulder, etc. to lead them.
She had survived many kinds of battlefields. Endured the icy cold winds in the snowy wastelands, the dangerous heights of the treacherous mountains, and the eerie sounds that loom in the inky darkness of the woods. But this...
The marketplace at it's peak...
She had come with the intention of purchasing something, but now she wanted to escape the droves of people who were venturing from venue to venue, searching for that perfect accessory to complete their look for the ball. However much she looked, she couldn't figure a way out - the way she entered was completely out of sight, and finding an opening in the crowd was proving difficult. The consistent movement of the crowd made taking a moment to stop and look around hard, too.
Though her face showed no expression outwardly, on the inside, she had begun to grow anxious as to whether or not she'd escape here at all.
ahh, the markets at peak population! the clamor of salesmen, the outcries of excitement at customers finding their dream deal---they're such happy sounds to fogado that it's like a party of its own just to stand around in the crowd! he's found some nice clothes here, along with a nigh-overwhelming spread of delicious foods and glittery little trinkets, but he wonders what else he should be doing while he's here...
as his eyes scan over the crowd, they stick to a familiarly unique mask, and fogado gasps: it's niamh! hey, that's his teatime bestie from the eagle and lion! how long had she been here for?
he sets to approach but pauses. it seems that niamh is searching, too, but fogado picks out that it's not for the same reasons he had been. her gaze doesn't move with intrigue across the stalls but instead with some kind of urgency. her face tells nothing, but fogado's a master at body language. there's a stiffness in her that can only mean one thing: she wants out!
never fear, the foge is here! with his supersonic ability to slither around people with minimal collision (as parties often require), he links up with niamh with a wave and a friendly wink. "hey there, niamh! been a bit since i've seen ya!" he chirrups warmly.
with a hand, he gently grips her wrist: strong enough to guide, but gentle enough that she could take it back at any time. "i was just about to go have some tea in the courtyards---all this shopping's got me beat! c'mon, let's go together! we can try a new blend and share some of these tea biscuits i bought!"
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