#[ muninn lore ] and from the earth unbound at birth you came a noble savage
sevencfswcrds · 2 years
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@withoutawar​ asked:  reflect (muninn) || MUNINN ||  Ask my muses about their memories || ACCEPTING FOR FOREVER, ACTUALLY! ||
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There was a reason, that Muninn had been in America, in the forties and the fifties- and then back and forth, from Europe and back in skips, for the decades afterwards. She is from no culture on this world, but she could link more easily to those long-lost to time, that America barely had the shadows of- she had not come to America for a whim. 
Even gods, sometimes have to go to ground. Even gods have to hide. 
It’s a mistake, a myth, to believe that gods cannot die, cannot be killed. They can. Sure, most of the time, in the centuries after, they come back to life- a cycle of life and death, an immortality that cannot easily be rewritten. They retain their personality and memories, most times, though not always. And sometimes, if the killing is done well enough, there will be no return at all. Death of the divine. Not impossible, but fleeting, and risky. 
She’d come close. So, impossibly close. Muninn is no stranger to pain, to violence. To threats against her, some effective, some not. But to this point, the only true fear she had ever experienced had been at the hands of other divine- or at the minimal, other creatures, non-human entities, of variable origin. 
The 1890s were the first time Muninn ever had to fear for her immortal soul at the hands of mortal men. 
She wasn’t usually careless, but she must have been, back then- Somewhere near Austria, someone had asked too many questions- and then gotten clever enough to somehow outmaneuver the visions. Changed their mind just often enough, never cemented decisions in a way that the possibilities were clear enough for her to see. 
The end result of those questions, saw her bound in metal that even her maddening strength could not warp. Saw her in rooms with harsh light that burned her too-sensitive eyes, surrounded by men of science. Men of madness, and cruelty- who sought ways to conquer the world, to warp magic to their will. 
A Seeing goddess was an answer they couldn’t have imagined. 
Torture for information is one thing. She can withstand it- her mind is already broken, and it cannot break more. But torture to learn about the subject is another, and not so easily defended against. They wanted nothing from her but the pain- the blood. 
Godsblood is hard to come by- and good for so, so many things. 
“- Sometimes, I still feel the ghosts of the knives,” She says into the empty air, as one ungloved hand cups her own throat. They’re barely visible- but the scars remain, and by far, the most telling one is that which spans from her throat to her hips- a perfectly straight line, faded and silvery- almost invisible, but for those who are close, or to touch.
Pain had been one of their goals- and there had certainly been nothing they’d had which could have put her under. Muninn can remember every moment, sharp burns in time, scorching through her memory like film on fire. 
Thin silvery lines along the back of her hands, tracing up her arms- they had been thorough in their studies, and she had given so very much knowledge, against her will. 
Twenty years, they’d kept her in some hole below a mountain. She’d torn her way out after twenty years, in a hail of blood, broken mirrors, and the ozone-scent of lightning and wind, air torn from lungs. But it hadn’t been thorough- she hadn’t destroyed their research, though she should have. She didn’t kill them all- only most. And she should have. 
She’d fled, racing the winds themselves in desperation to get away, and then buried herself into a city. She hadn’t fled for the wilds, though the snow-and-ice-and-storms called to her- she had thrown herself into the flux of industrialism and people. A mask like nothing else- and not something she did often. Not something predictable. 
All things bear cruelty. Muninn knows herself to be no saint, that she is a being of grey in morals and methods. But these events are what caused her distaste for... Mortality, in some ways, distaste for humans, in others. It was not an all-encompassing thing- but it is why she will react with arrogance and even violence if pushed too hard, disrespected or slighted by humans. They of such fleeting lives, these candle-flames. 
Muninn has so rarely felt fear, in her life. But she did, then. An animal, primordial one that still dogs her steps, now and again. Why she won’t approach mortal doctors unless forced, and why she lets her body heal on its’ own, the divinity in her blood the only ‘medicine’ she’ll concede to willingly. 
She heaves a long, slow sigh, and then tucks her knees to her chest, and closes her eyes.
Oh the madness of it- a god to fear mortals. But it’s no longer so cut and dry. The purity of the fear had tarnished and dulled long ago. 
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sevencfswcrds · 2 years
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final headcanon dump from the old blog
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muninn can feasibly speak every mortal language, just due to the nature of divinity, but her true ‘mother tongue’ is old norse, and she defaults to it in her mind, when writing, and when talking to herself.
she’s old enough that there is no true accent left to her voice- bits and pieces of different ones only, but when she’s tired, joyous, or angered, that original accent can peek out.
muninn is not the type of being that can just- ignore things. lay still and let things be if they’re revealed themselves to her, whether it be by vision or other magical sign or symbol.
this has led to tension between herself and those she has allowed close, in the past; as she’ll go days without stopping, and is rarely not focused on some sort of issue or mystery, something in the tapestry, even if only in the back of her head. her devotion to a loved one is never in question; but she needs to focus on multiple things at once to quiet the chaos in her brain.
again; tension has resulted in this, in the past... but the moment that someone tries to stop her from attempting to figure something out or chase something, is the moment a relationship ends.
murderess, wanderess, puppetress, muninn has known many labels, some of them kind and some of them cruel; most of them earned.
there’s a certain sort of cruelty in her when provoked, whether that be by disrespect, or by something she has observed in whoever has drawn her interest. this can emerge either in a sort of bloodlust; or in her working to dismantle or ruin anything that the individual cares for.
it can also emerge only in words; in the way she knows to spin them to cause hurt. she’d been known as a silvertongue, once, before she’d been maddened by her own power; but that trait still rests there, beneath the cryptic mysticism and the riddles.
she doesn’t flinch from getting her own hands dirty; whether in the name of personal ire or goals, or in the name of the tapestry regardless- and this is often literal, given the claws that lay where nails usually do.
muninn’s visions work oddly, in that she sees them, visually- sees the threads upon the tapestry and their possibilities, the images they might form and where to change them as needed.
she’s considered the tapestry as the story of the world- the fabric of everything, and the foretelling of where fate could go, though she, more than anyone, will argue that fate is fluid, not set in stone. she would know; she alters it sometimes as easy as breathing.
the tapestry is, in her Sight, brilliant like gemstone and fluid like water, the ‘threads’ shimmering and in colors that mortals have no names for, no understanding of.
but she translates what she sees in her head into poems, often more cryptic than not. when she was younger, her translations of what she Saw was more straightforward. it has been assumed, since then, that the affliction of what her gift has done to her is why everything runs in circles in her words now, but this would be incorrect to put it lightly.
muninn twists her words and meanings in her prophecies, buries leads and leaves things cryptic fully on purpose; as for the most part, she has no interest in giving others the tools to rework the images unless she must. fate is dangerous in even the most skilled of hands, and she doesn’t trust that most wouldn’t... blunder it, when given the chance.
still, the poems and riddles are, by nature, meant to be solved eventually; and she usually knows when that time comes.
when muninn is in a vision-state, her eyes will shift. the grey of her irises will alter, becoming as bright and reflective as a mirror. the longer she remains in such a state, the more ‘cracks’ will appear within them- (what do you see when you look in a broken mirror, she asks, and asks, and asks). When she ‘awakens’, they will return to the usual color and appearance. Her longest record of remaining in a vision state is five years- when she awoke from that, she was incredibly disoriented, but somehow delighted in the same breath.
she is usually still aware of what goes on around her, when Seeing- only truly powerful or violent visions will tear her entirely from her senses.
in most modern verses, muninn’s reputation is known in certain circles. you want a deal for power, you willing to give up something true for it, for your future, and you might be able to find her. WHAT she actually is isn’t ever known; individuals have their theories, of course, but she never confirms or denies a thing, just smiling faintly and cocking her head before getting to business.
she also collects arcane and occult items- and has been doing so for over 1500 years, amassing items of power into bolt holes all over the world. This... collection is somewhat whispered about as well; some with the longing to take, and some the longing to buy.
she has been known to sell or trade pieces, in the past; but often enough, they end up back with her- give or take a decade or seven.
What is a creed to a puppeteer? What is a code to a manipulator, a shadow queen?
More than you’d think.
Muninn’s code is startling in its’ simplicity. She will not betray those that hold a place in her heart unless she absolutely must- betrayal being defined as something that would kill or ruin them, or something or one that they truly care for. She will not harm children directly of her own hands, and avoid their harm at all as possible.
Otherwise; targets are fair game. Countries, governments, fair game. Museums, artifacts; fair game.
She works to amass power and amass respect or fear as necessary to control the tapestry to the best of her ability. For the better, in the end; everything she does, to better the images, and to bolster the strength of her and hers when the world comes spiraling.
Her creed is simple. But she holds to it.
goddess of madness, goddess of prophecy; one came first and led to the other.
muninn was prophecy in the start; the epitome of it, of looking forward, and looking across. she sees the possibilities in the world and that which can be manipulated; and where to do it.
but even divine minds have limits; and she suppressed it, all of it, for centuries due to the pressures of those around her, and the knowledge of what it was she could do.
something broke, in the end; and it catalyzed her evolution into who and what she is now. puppetmaster, shadow-queen, poet and passion.
something broke, and she turned cold, and calculating; paranoid and keen. the warmth and kindness are still there; the passion and the wildness that had been integral since the moment she became aware, but it was all tempered, now, by ice at the core.
she describes her visions as looking into the tapestry of the world; seeing what has been woven, seeing what will, and seeing what and how she can change as she pleases- for worse or for better. translates them into poetry, and then scribes them on her skin in ink- morning by morning, a ritual centuries old.
she’s often seen with writing on her skin where it’s visible- each word a different language, most of them long dead, and no prophecy is ever laid to the same place twice on her skin; and some not laid twice at all.
As far as DOMAINS go, for a god, Muninn is considered a somewhat ‘minor’ deity in her pantheon (regardless of it being the main canon verse or her an au pantheon/time period verse). This is by design, as she prefers to work more unseen and in the shadows, in all things.
She rules over PROPHECY/POETRY, WANDERERS, STORMS (not thunderstorms), MADNESS, and CHAOS.
She is symbolized by threads and weaving, ravens, the colors crimson, silver, and black, and rainbow moonstone, as well as storm clouds.
She is most often held in reverence by spies, wanderers, revolutionaries, and poets, as well as those deemed ‘different’ or ‘unfit’ by their societies. By the ambitious and the sly.
eye contact is a tool- and if you’re sly enough, it’s a weapon, truth to tell. unnerve someone, make them uncomfortable, and it’s a tool that Muninn uses... adeptly.
she has a way of looking at people like she’s seeing into them- or seeing through them- usually because in a sense, she can; see the thread that is their life, their past and their possible future/s.
with individuals she’s not attempting to manipulate, use, or intimidate, she’s more likely to actually blink or let her gaze shift.
if her gaze doesn’t leave the other individual’s at all... well.
you’ve attracted her attention, at least.
muninn hates shoes.
she’ll wear them, and when she must, she prefers- boots. high boots, mostly, though not heeled.
but when she can get away with it, and as often as possible, no matter where she is- she’s barefooted. it allows for a sense of connection to everything.
considering her usual taste in fashion - lace and dark colors, tight fabric, ect- it can be a bit amusing, almost, to realize how utterly put-together she usually is, and then she’s barefoot.
Betrayer, burner, builder. Kingmaker, kingkiller. Shadow on a throne.
She’s been a thousand things if she’s ever been one- the scarlet queen herself, winter still trapped in her bones and a raven’s caw on her laugh.
There comes a certain power in words, and a certain power in fear. There comes a certain power in those who know what you can do, and dread it, how you might spin their fates without their knowing-
And even more with those who think you little more than a mad poppet, looking upon you and not seeing the talons, not seeing the sharpness to that smile.
The power to build- the power to burn.
Betrayal, to one such as she, can come easy, though even she has her code- never lies, but half-truths, or avoidance. Never information given freely, only if asked for. Never is another Shown anything she’s Seen.
And those who are pawns- never those in her heart, never her kin. The only things she would not destroy, for her own sake or another’s.
The tapestry is what Muninn refers to as what she Sees when she has visions; and by it, she means the story. The story of the world- everything that has been, everything that is, and everything that could be. She functions in possibilities, able to track the threads of fate to see how they will be woven-
Or how to interfere, should needs must. And she is the weaver itself, more often than not.
Things can almost always be changed, and she will usually be the first proponent of such things. But sometimes a string needs severing- sometimes too much of it has been used and crafting a different image... Otherwise impossible.
The tapestry itself- a beautiful, shifting thing, the threads almost like a liquid gem, liquid metal- every shade and color imaginable, and so many that mortals could never see. The images are woven- shifting, telling their stories, telling their histories to those brave enough to gaze upon them.
Muninn was built to be a Seer- she can See more and farther than almost any other, and with greater clarity. But in her youth, the centuries spent suppressing that gift caused damage. If she Looks too long, if she loses herself too deeply, it takes a toll-
And even gods can bleed.
the seven of swords in tarot generally means the following: to act strategically, an act of betrayal, getting away with something that was plotted. reversed it means to keep secrets, self-deceit, and sometimes the concept of imposter syndrome
this is a fantastic representation of Muninn herself.
born divine and born to power, but Muninn is a shadow-worker by choice, keeping herself minor, keeping herself quiet. she does her best work when none know she is pulling the strings-
the weight upon a crown that drags a king to his grave, or hauls him into the sun.
manipulation and power-plays are her game and she’s unafraid to use or betray if she feels it will serve her goals. the only individuals that are ever safe from being pawns are family or loved ones- and the second is rarer.
still, for the most part, her machinations are made for the greater good- for salvation and protection.
and to build her own personal power- and that of those she seeks to protect.
chaosseeker, liesmith- she offers nothing for FREE but will often answer questions; will even be honest, sometimes.
the best way to get anything out of her is to ask; and it’s all a game, because so very few ever do, hoping perhaps to be allowed the information on its’ own, that lies within her head.
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sevencfswcrds · 2 years
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1. How do they move and carry themselves? Pace, rhythm, gestures, energy?
Muninn makes a concentrated effort to move very quietly, and very smoothly, and attract as little notice as possible. She still moves just on the edge of too-fast, most times, but that’s sort of the name of the game. Still, there’s never much of a consistent ‘rhythm’ to her- it’s always changing, never the same for very long. She tends not to speak with her hands very much, usually holding her hands in front of her with one hand holding the other wrist, and then very still, from there. It can be very unnerving to others around her, how still she holds herself, but well, that’s always a bonus. As for her energy- it’s erratic at best. She’ll have moments where she’s very calm and quiet, like still water, and others where she’s as passionate and exuberant as can be. There’s not really a pattern to her, as her shifting moods result in multiple different expressions of emotion and energy. She can be calm in one moment, and laughing hysterically in another, and it’s all just par for the course. When she’s alone, or with someone she trusts and out of the public view, she can be much different- less careful, less cautious about the space she takes up, and proves to be somewhat touch-starved, gravitating around whomever it is she’s with like a moon to a planet.
17. Are they more shaped by nature or nurture — who they are, or what has happened to them? How have these shaped who they’ve become as a person?
As a person, as an entity, Muninn has been shaped entirely by circumstance and by her experiences. In her main canon, she’s one of 13 children, but was the one who was most severely ‘dealt’ with by her father- because when one has to sacrifice a piece of themselves for the power they hold and the knowledge they need, and a divine throne, when their child is just born with clairvoyance, to Muninn’s degree- that’s. That’s gonna be a rough time. Between most of the attention there being negative, if there was any at all, it all contributed to how she suppressed her visions until parts of her just- fractured. A broken mirror still shows reflections, though, and all trauma might remain, but after a while, one can’t pick out the individual wounds, she would say. Beyond that, she was shaped by warzones, by fighting to survive, by losing people she loved, again and again, and again. Centuries of all of this have led to the person she’s become, at her age, and she sees no interest in changing much. Her ferocity, her vindictiveness and manipulation, all came from how she created her own safety and her place of power. There was no power or safety in being seen, for a long time for her, but there WAS, in having control. A puppeteer had more control, and more safety than even a king, after all. She helped kingdoms rise, and sometimes helped them fall, all at whims. However these are all tempered, for the most part, by an inherent compassion and desire to protect those who need it, that she sorely wishes wasn’t a part of her nature. She can be a cold, bloodthirsty, monstrous divine- but she can also be soft, an gentle, and kind, to whomever it is that might need it.
24. How do they present themselves socially? What distinguishes their “persona” from their “true self”, and what causes that difference?
Socially Muninn presents an ever-cheerful, almost eerie image, with a ready smile and words that sometimes strike too close to home for whomever the other parties interested in her might be. Her true self is more inclined to express actual emotion, from fury to delight, from sorrow to the pensive. She does this as a defense mechanism, more than anything- no one can hurt you if they don’t actually know you. If she’s in public, it doesn’t much matter who she’s with, she’ll remain the same, often edging just enough so that someone might think they see into her, but actually have no grasp of her as an individual beyond what she allows them to see.
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sevencfswcrds · 2 years
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NAME : Muninn Orrosta Host
HAIR  STYLE   /   COLOUR : deep red, usually waist-length Layered and loosely wavy naturally, sometimes worn in braids or half-up-half down styles. Usually very put together.
HEIGHT : 5′4′’
CLOTHING  STYLE : Changing. Sometimes ripped jeans and leather jackets, sometimes lovely skirts and tight shirts, or dresses, but always in dark colors and luxurious fabrics; reds, blacks, greys. Sometimes hints of ice-blue or white, always silver jewelry; never gold. She usually wears heels to combat her lack of height, and likes to wear clothing that suits her mood and goals; sometimes that means suggestive, sexy, sometimes that means comfortable and forgettable. The only constant is that there will always be something with a raven motif on her somwhere; a ring, a pendant, a hair pin. Something. ( to see examples, here’s her pinterest board! )
BEST  PHYSICAL  FEATURE : easily her eyes. storm-grey, and changing, brightening to silver when in a positive mood, darkening to almost black when she’s angry or plotting. Her smile too; full red lips, in a sardonic, saccharine smile that lends itself to mystery; implies that she ever knows more than she is letting on. It’s an intentional thing.
FEARS : losing control to her madness, being chained, being trapped, being controlled, someone else inside of her mind.
GUILTY  PLEASURE  : Subtle machinations that allow for little things to happen; things that don’t matter to the big picture. Tricking people. Strawberries.
BIGGEST  PET  PEEVE :  willful ignorance, being underestimated, being not taken seriously.
FIRST  THOUGHTS  WAKING  UP :   Where am I to go today?
WHAT  THEY  THINK  ABOUT  MOST :  what needs to be done next to accomplish goals. Memories of the past many, many centuries.
WHAT  THEY  THINK  ABOUT  BEFORE  BED : Past victories, past failures, past battles.
WHAT  THEY  THINK  THEIR  BEST  QUALITY  IS : Her intelligence and steadfastness.
TO  BE  LOVED  OR  RESPECTED :  respected
DOGS  OR  CATS : cats, but she doesn’t mind dogs
𝙇𝘼𝙔𝙀𝙍  005 :   DO THEY …
LIE : all the time but never without purpose
BELIEVE  IN  THEMSELVES : undoubtedly.
BELIEVE  IN  LOVE : yes but doubts that it’s meant for her
WANT  SOMEONE : unfortunately, yes
CHANGED  WHO  THEY  WERE  TO  FIT  IN : constantly, but it is only ever a guise; her true self is just buried beneath the mask
FAVOURITE  COLOUR : dark red/burgundy
FAVOURITE  ANIMAL : ravens, crows, magpies
FAVOURITE  BOOK : Anything with poetry in it; not any one in particular.
FAVOURITE  GAME : blackjack
𝙇𝘼𝙔𝙀𝙍  008 :   AGE .
DAY  THEIR  NEXT  BIRTHDAY  WILL  BE : 11th of december; a friday
HOW  OLD  WILL  THEY  BE :  over 2700. She isn’t sure because she’s lost time to being trapped in visions.
I LOVE : victory.
I  FEEL : worry.
I  HIDE : fear.
I  MISS : my siblings
I  WISH : to heal.
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sevencfswcrds · 2 years
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Muninn tag dump 1 
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