#[ mastery drabble: fortress knight ]
viridescent-lance · 1 year
chivalry (fortress knight mastery drabble, 698 words)
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Sometimes, Forsyth wishes his handwriting was messier. Maybe Father wouldn't put him to task with homework and tutoring as much if he thought Forsyth was a lost cause for scholarly work.
When allowed to pick his own books, Forsyth first selects old tactical codexes, explanations of military strategy that one would not expect a ten-year-old to devour. They're difficult to carry, but Forsyth studies them for hours, committing proper lancer-cavalier formations and weather variables to mind.
Forsyth's father demands he read fiction, which isn't particularly useful, but tales of knighthood and chivalry at least grant some insight into the lives of those Forsyth knows he will follow. Grand romances, battles, and companionship face those noble knights who serve the people. Such a life is far better than being stuck in books all day.
Everyone says it's impossible, that only nobles become knights anyway. And besides, being a scholar is important, and Forsyth is the firstborn child, now firstborn son. The only child, right now. They don't understand, though. Forsyth knows what he's meant to do. He can't save lives sitting here, he can't change the world like this.
Python says he's stupid, but he carved Forsyth a little knight, and even helped him fashion a spear from the perfect stick when Father confiscated the training spear he saved up for! He listens to the stories, and said if anyone's stupid enough to succeed, it's Forsyth. Which is a little confusing, but Python loves to talk weird, and Forsyth's figured out what he's actually saying. Most of the time.
He steals away in the evening to practice his lance techniques with Python. The blue-haired boy mostly watches, sometimes poking and prodding him with a comment or two, but just having an audience fills Forsyth with determination.
He doodles armor designs in the margins of his copywriting assignments. He knows he wants his armor to be green, and his stocky build is shaping up to lend itself to a more heavily armored sort of knight. He doesn't have a horse to practice horseback combat with anyway, so it's perfect! And Python's been learning to hunt with a bow, and bows are the perfect cover for an armored knight. They'll be a perfect team.
Armor is complicated. You need to make it flexible, so the knight can move. It needs to be made of sturdy stuff, so it's weighty, but it can't sink the knight. If it's crafted correctly, it'll have very few weak points, but a knight needs to learn to compensate for the openings. And it takes a lot of upkeep!
Forsyth's already decided his armor will be green. He's got a secret fund all saved up, and while he doesn't know exactly how much it will cost right now, if he works really hard he should be able to scrounge enough for it by the time he comes of age. It does mean thrifting and not spending money when the sweets-sellers come to town, but that's a sacrifice Forsyth needs to be willing to make. Discipline is an important virtue for a knight, after all!
No one in this town understands (except maybe Python), but that's okay. In the stories, the hero is doubted by everyone. And Forsyth knows it'll be a long climb. They'll try to keep him out, they'll tell him that commoners can't be knights. But that's why he has to do this!
Being a knight isn't something that's blood, or even a position in the military. It's about what's in your heart. It's a desire to change the world, to protect the people and serve your country. It's about honor, valor, and loyalty! You tell the truth, you give to the people, and you defend them with your life.
Sometimes, Forsyth hears stories of Zofian knights that don't quite make sense. They steal, they lie, they hurt people. But he doesn't think they're tall tales. No, they're fuel for him to bring true knighthood into the world. That's what a real knight does!
He knows he can make it. No matter what his dad or anyone else says. He'll be the first commoner knight, and his deeds will be worthy of their own story!
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