#[ marsha and elise // when she loved me ]
mnstcrsiiistcrs · 2 months
Relationship Tag Dump
[ marceline x bubblegum // pink in my cheeks ]
[ marceline and elise // the eclipse doesn't last forever ]
[ marceline and hunson // not just your little girl ]
[ abadeer sisters // all each other got in this messed up world ]
[ marceline and simon // is it just you and me in the wreckage of the world ]
[ marceline and finn // you're my best friend in the world ]
[ marsha and elise // when she loved me ]
[ marsha and hunson // take care caretaker ]
[ marsha and jason // we were meant to be one ]
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civicmuses-arc · 2 years
Relationship tag dump
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monster-sisters-a · 2 years
Tag Dump Pt. 2
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news-ase · 4 years
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monster-sisters-a · 2 years
@bemcre liked for a random verse starter with Chicle (Singe Mother AU)
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Marsha had a few hours to kill all the while Elise II was still in school. While she did love her adopted daughter, it was still good to have a break. It allowed to her to the things she needed to do. In fact, Marsha was coming back from grocery shopping when she caught eye of Chicle.
Last she heard, Chicle was dummifed just before the Gum War. What were they doing here? And so close to the Candy Kingdom? With the two bags of groceries in her arms, she made her way over to Chicle.
“Um...excuse me.”
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