#[ if you want me to elaborate further just lmk! I thought it'd be funny for them to get jumped by some 3rd party during a confrontation ]
miasma-of-fear · 2 years
@thecursedhellblazer | I lost the meme lmao
“  shite, okay, fuck, tha' actually really fuckin' 'urts.  ”
Jonathan makes a sarcastic, condescendingly considering face at the other, frowning with pursed lips and raised eyebrows. The small drops of blood on his right cheek reminisce of stage makeup, adding to the biting fakeness of the expression.
Icey eyes dripping into a venomous glare, he oh so helpfully informs, "that is usually the intention behind shooting someone."
Spidery fingers fixing a skeletal palm against the bullet in his own branch like bicep, the brilliant red oozing into the bark colored fabric is only one factor of the rogue's awful mood. The accented oaf before him is an obvious second. Another is the quietly whimpering body- one of Gotham's many opportunistic but equal parts predators and prey- on the ground between them in the narrow alley, recipient of a generous dosing of toxin. Otherwise disregarded not unlike a stinging pest, dealt with by a simple smack.
The remainder-... Is not as clear. A seething hatred prickling in the back of his skull, trickling down the nape of his neck and causing the hair there to bristle. He'll chalk it up to paranoia, outrage of being watched and followed. Never mind the spur-of-the-momentness on seemingly all fronts of this entire scenario. The intentions of the other lucid individual is a higher priority to discern.
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