#[ -- especially mayuri has been real nice to write these days ]
despairforme · 2 years
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buriedinbleach · 5 years
What would one wear to a first date (let's say a nice dinner) with the captains if you REALLY wanted to knock their socks off?
Originally, I had thought about describing outfits but then I thought, “when will I ever have a better excuse to make people look at dresses I think are pretty!” So you’re going to get pictures and my blah blah. It goes without saying that the hottest thing you can wear is something *you* feel comfortable and sexy in. And if you’re a dude, grey sweatpants. I don’t make the rules people 😘
*A cute short pink dress with cherry blossoms, what could be better? The second you come into view in this dress Shunsui instantly smirks and takes a long, lingering look at you. He would love the unspoken link between your dress and his kimono. You can expect to catch him staring at you all night and letting his hand gently graze your bare legs. “Petal, your stems are absolutely lovely.”
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*Soi-Fon likes to keep her dates a little more low-key and casual. She isn’t big on going to fancy, high-end restaurants – she’s in the stealth squad and that sort of location is entirely too exposed. She’s also shy. But a quiet table in the back of a delicious, yet tucked away spot is perfect. This dress fits the venue perfectly.
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*Rose, like another on this list, is a man who would genuinely appreciate some good vintage clothing. He may even be able to name the designers too. Overall, he enjoys the beauty in the movement of the fabric, the attention to detail, and most importantly, the way you sparkle in it. Rose is also over the top with his dates. Even if it’s just the two of you, this would not be out of place.
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*The stark contrast of the colors (and the colors themselves) are really eye catching. They wouldn’t fail to capture the attention of even the quietest, most demure, formerly (debatable) murderous Captain.
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*Decades worth of time spent in the World of the Living gave Shinji an affinity for the same vintage period that he loves for its jazz. So showing up to your date with Shinji in something reminiscent of a flapper style, with gorgeous art-deco beading makes him clutch his chest like he’s been shot. Finally, he’ll stand next to you,grinning ear to ear, playing with the beads at your thigh. “Doll, this all fer me?”
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*Beautiful swirling petals. They encompass Byakuya so completely it’s only natural that they would find their way to you too. It’s just lucky for him that your swirling petals are beautiful rather than deadly. I like thinking of this being worn to a blossom viewing party on the Kuchiki estate. While the blooms are beautiful, they can’t compete with you for Byakuya’s attention.
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*Even after Komamura stops hiding his foxy face, he isn’t crazy about going out places with tons of people. He would arrange for a private picnic on the outskirts of the Seireitei where it’s just the two of you and miles of beautiful views.
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*Dates with Lisa are playful and romantic. Always. Being that she really owns her sexuality, she loves seeing the same in other women. Especially when one of those women is you. She loves seeing you in whatever you’re comfortable in, but really enjoys when your faces lights up with excitement to dress up in outfits you know she’ll thinks you look incredible in.
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*Many dates with Kensei involve him cooking for you. Many, but not all. He loves taking you out to his favorite restaurants and getting you to try his recommendations; watching your reactions as the flavors develop on your tongue; listening to hums of pleasure when something is really good. This man also has a weakness for rompers. On the list of his favorite things, they can be found alongside yoga pants, seeing you in his muscle shirts, and seeing you naked.
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*This dress can go from demure to a bit more revealing in an instant. That kind of adjustable neckline comes in handy if you’re not trying to spook him off easily. But he’s actually tougher than that – Rangiku’s rack in his face constantly hasn’t scared him off too much. Toshiro loves the ombré to blue tone and icy blue details scattered all over the dress. His sharp eyes catch every one. Don’t be surprised to find a freshly made icicle figure to be on your doorstep when you leave for work the next morning.
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*Kenny isn’t picky, not with his own clothes and certainly not with yours. However, a simple short dress showing off your legs (and any other attributes you want to highlight) wouldn’t ever fail to turn his head. Particularly when it’s blood red.
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*Real talk: nothing you could buy in a store is likely to knock Mayuri’s socks off. It takes a lot to impress him. But this dress is just unique enough to show him that you have unique tastes too and that you think out of the box. He’ll monitor these symptoms carefully for the time being. With dates.
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*Its a well-known fact that Jushiro is too good and too beautiful for this world. So a fitting choice for a dress would be something as ethereally gorgeous as he is. He would find small, very sweet ways to compliment you throughout the date – all night long. Nothing is too small to escape his notice. The next day he would write you a note to accompany three stems of your favorite flower. The envelope and note paper are dotted with small stars.
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atopearth · 5 years
Steins;Gate 0 Part 4 - Kurisu Ending and Leskinen Ending
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Kurisu Ending Although I’m not sure why there’s a Kurisu ending, I do appreciate seeing all the lab members gathered together, and then changing time lines to the future! I’ve always been curious about more of Suzuha’s life “back then”, so it’s cool to see the devastation of the future, and how everyone was doing. I like how the VA for Luka really seemed to sound a bit more masculine but still retain some feminity, but I guess the saddening thing is we can only hear it in Luka’s dying moments. It was so sad to hear him say that he finally felt like a part of the group only after he used what he learnt from Okabe to protect Mayuri and Faris from the enemies. Luka was always a part of the group! It’s saddening that he never felt that way for the whole 25 years Okabe was asleep (since his mind was broken and Daru and them needed to find his memory data they stored for Amadeus to get Okabe back). It’s also saddening that the battle for Kurisu’s time travel paper and her memories is what caused all this, but I guess it’s also because of it that they met Maho and she could recreate the PhoneWave for Okabe to change things again. Okabe saving Kurisu by releasing [Kurisu] from Amadeus huh? It’s been too long, it’s about time Kurisu’s memories and everything stopped being fiddled with I guess. Kinda sad that we didn’t get to a bit of the 3000 time leaps he had to do to get back to 2011 though, I think it would have been nice to see a bit more detail in the changes of the world and his emotions but oh well😭 We know how he feels through Luka’s death and all the rotting and dystopian feel 2036 had, so I guess it’s fine haha.
I guess with so many time leaps and everything, it was hard for Okabe to bear and think of himself as human anymore especially with the digitised memories, but at least Maho has kinda taken over Kurisu’s role to help him out with his troubles in her own way haha. It was really nice to finally see Okabe understand through his first hand experience how devastating the future is, and how he has finally picked himself up to do what he needs to do. It was cute to see him tell Suzuha to punch him so he could finally force himself to take on everything again, and as expected, it’s pretty nostalgic to see Hououin Kyoma back lol! Lmao when he started calling Maho a loli hahahaha. I love Maho’s deadpan expression towards Okabe’s weird chuunibyou “ceremony” to get himself back together, I also loved how he said El Psy Kongroo in a funny way hahaha. It’s saddening to delete Kurisu’s memory data, but it’s for the best and really unneeded since what Kurisu is will always be within them, and considering Kurisu’s personality, she’d definitely want them to delete it so that her memories wouldn’t cause wars and have so many people die.
It was obvious that Kagari would get caught, but it’s saddening to know and see more of the extent of her brainwashing. As usual, Reyes likes to ramble on about her cliche for the good of the world military antics on making intelligent and specialised AI soldiers, but I think a nice thing to see was Okabe finally vehemently denying that he would want Kurisu’s memories inside Kagari, and finally understanding that even if she has Kurisu’s memories, she can’t become Kurisu. And… I’m not sure how I feel about Reyes downloading “emptiness” (since Daru deleted the files right when she downloaded it into her brain) into her brain when she tried to put Kurisu’s memories into herself instead of Kagari last minute, I found it to be a really silly decision from her perspective.. But I did like the uplifting and more “complete” ending this time around. It was definitely nice to see the past and see a glimpse of how everyone was like (even though they were pretty much the same lol), but I think what I enjoyed most was seeing Okabe’s change in attitude by experiencing all this and then making the decision for himself to save the world and head to the world of Steins;Gate in a different way from the original. So yeah, definitely my favourite ending haha.
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Back to the beginning! Not surprised Okabe wants to stop being a tester, especially when he’s starting to just think of Amadeus as the real Kurisu. But it seems everything is moving quite fast, especially with Kurisu’s mother’s house being burnt down and these dodgy people pretending to be the police collecting info etc. Well…that guy that tried to kill Leskinen, Okabe and Maho was pretty hardcore.. But anyway, Suzuha catching a cold! That is definitely something rare and nice to see, mainly because it was really heartwarming to see Mayushii, Yuki and Daru pamper her and take care of her. She’s always on guard and stressed, I guess her body can finally take a break for now lol. I felt so sad for her when she said she felt bad that she wanted to live the life of a normal girl. Suzuha really is the toughest one that has too many burdens tbh… Props to Daru for being a good dad haha.
Lmao at Maho’s first experience at the maid cafe, Faris’ language is definitely Akiba exclusive with how she makes up stories on the fly hahaha. I really liked how Okabe apologised to Amadeus Kurisu, it was really cute and nice of him to so earnestly do that. Christmas party for everyone!!~ Too bad everything gets ruined again by the changing world lines! It seems that people are catching on to the Reading Steiner thing, and it’s becoming more prominent in others too! Kinda crappy that Fubuki and them are stuck in hospital because of this Reading Steiner “disease” though, but it’s kinda weird to think about everyone having it now lol. I feel so bad for Suzuha though, she carries the heaviest burden, the future is relying on her, Mayuri and them in the future all believed in her and want her to change it all. So, it’s not weird for her to get desperate after Okabe told her that Russia is most likely experimenting with the time machine now, and that’s why the world line changed and reverted back. It’s always nice to see Suzuha and Daru bond, especially when she ended up being able to sleep peacefully for once after talking to him.
Lmao at Maho’s face when she kept losing at the crane machine, reminds me of when I try hahaha. It was so sweet that she wanted the stuffed toy because she knew it was something Kurisu held dearly in America, so she wanted to get it to give to Kurisu’s mum (because it probably got burnt along with the house), Maho is really kind and cute. The fight for Kurisu’s laptop is still up and going I guess lol, I’m surprised that she willingly gave it to Okabe, but I guess it couldn’t be helped.
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Leskinen ending Maho and Leskinen went back to America and half a year just passed like that?! Okay, lmao at Maho keeping the stuffed toy (for now apparently) and snuggling it to sleep hahaha, can’t blame Amadeus Kurisu for teasing her about Okabe all the time tbh loll. I’m surprised that Leskinen really does seem to be a part of this “conspiracy” thing with Reyes… Anyway, Mayuri in her school uniform really resembles the original game art and stuff, it’s so nostalgic seeing her like that. Honestly though, hearing Mayuri talk about the Rainet Kakeru movie makes me kinda miss the story of it from the original, it was pretty detailed, it could have been an anime itself haha, if only they continued the Kakeru story here too…
Well, that was weird. Anyway, Maho discovering Leskinen and Reyes collaborating was expected, her kinda being like “brainwashed” was expected too, but I have to say, out of all the times Okabe chooses to explain everything that happened to Maho, I personally thought the time in this ending was the least…realistic? Like, oh no, she’s crying and going ballistic over it, so I should tell her everything so that she won’t do the same thing as me, it just felt so…forced? Like, if you know they’re so unstable over it, you know they would do crazy stuff over it, I honestly thought it was a bigger reason to not tell her. But okay, for the plot, he tells her, she tells Leskinen and Okabe gets captured blah blah. Honestly, Leskinen’s thoughts and stuff for being a part of Stratfor etc was a chore to listen through, just like Reyes one in Maho’s route lol. On the other hand, Maho’s breakdown was uncomfortable but understandable considering the magnitude and consequences of what she had done. However, I do feel like Maho exploding on Mayuri and telling her everything about Okabe sacrificing Kurisu to save her was “logical”, but at the same time, it felt weird. I don’t know how to put it, but the whole interaction was just weird, maybe because, once again it was all a plot device to the ending so everything the characters did “makes sense” to an extent, but it just really doesn’t feel that much like “them”. Or maybe it’s just me not liking this game loll. 
Anyway, Kagari trying to kill Maho for hurting Mayuri was so refreshing tbh in this stagnant story haha. However, them skipping the whole “last fight” thing where Maho and Kagari go to save Okabe was very…interesting? It’s like they didn’t want to bother about that part even though you really have to question their capabilities etc especially when they need to save someone, but I guess even if we did get to see it, it would have been similar to the Maho ending but swapping Moeka with Kagari. Aaand then after they risk everything to save Okabe, he just thinks, well, after all this, he definitely can’t muster up any energy or fighting spirit within him to go against anything anymore and will just continue as is even though everyone is like gone and never to be seen again, including Mayuri. It’s like, this was a bad ending in both senses. Bad ending for the world, and bad ending for me because the writing, the flow of it and everything killed me because I literally took days to read it. But I guess a lot of this game is like that, it really likes to heap on unnecessary slice of life stuff that is nice, but totally neglects the plot points leading to the ending and just haphazardly slaps everything together in like a “finale”. It’s just so…boring tbh. Like, the things that happen are “understandable”, it’s just how the whole process went to getting there was just sometimes either so illogical or tedious that I just don’t “feel” it happening. Mayuri is like my favourite character and I have to admit, I hardly care about her anymore…
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