#[ 📱 ] JEFF WINGER { intro }
artificialvoyage · 2 years
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✰ it’s time to wake up, JEFF WINGER, you’ve been in cryosleep for too long and the people of COMMUNITY miss you. when you went into slumber you were FORTY years old, your pronouns are HE/HIM, and you WERE VOLUNTEERED for the cambria program. now that you’ve awoken, your position as THE OBSERVATION DECK CAFE MANAGER is waiting for you. remember, cambria one thanks you! ( JOEL MCHALE )
the basics;
NAME: jeffrey tobias winger
ALIAS(ES): jeff, a bad grade in a tight sweater, hotter than the man known for being hot
AGE: 40
PRONOUNS & GENDER: he/him, cis man
BIRTHDAY & ZODIAC: november 20th, scorpio
FACECLAIM: joel mchale
AESTHETICS: spending ungodly hours in the morning on expensive products to look effortless each day, working out to stay healthy but to also stay hot, hiding an emotionally strong and caring heart behind cynicism and sarcasm.
a deeper look;
BACKGROUND: jeff is post-season 6 series finale
WEAPONS: honestly just his mind and good luck taking THAT from him
POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS: persuasive, charming, strategic, manipulative.
GREATEST STRENGTH: bringing everyone together despite differences
GREATEST WEAKNESS/FLAW: his own crippling self-doubt
ONE FEAR: losing everyone again
ONE HOPE: reuniting with everyone (except maybe pierce)
📱 - jeff is in severe denial and believes everyone but those from his world are completely fictional and that those from greendale are the only real people.
the questionnaire;
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER FEEL ABOUT BEING DROPPED INTO THE CAMBRIA PROGRAM? ARE THEY EXCITED? SUSPICIOUS? CONFUSED? jeff... thought the pamphlet was some stupid fake thing, or worse, an elaborate scheme that the dean came up with to get him alone - so he was fairly surprised to find himself awake on the ship. he’s still pretty convinced he’s had another concussion or that he’s the fake jeff living in real abed’s head. either way, he’s confused and he doesn’t like it and when he said he’s ‘never stepped foot out of colorado’ he didn’t mean this.
WHAT DOES YOUR CHARACTER HOPE TO SEE THE MOST DURING THE CAMBRIA ONE’S JOURNEY? the study group whole again, even if its in space and in the future, and most likely all inside abed’s mind.
IF YOUR CHARACTER COULD BRING ONE THING OR PERSON FROM HOME, WHAT WOULD IT BE? he’d successfully argue for more than one, and then demand; annie, abed, troy, shirley, and even the dean. not pierce, he’d beg for them to keep pierce.
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artificialvoyage · 2 years
new tag dump;;
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