#[ ☯ interactions sign「 new incident 」☯ ]
rcimu · 29 days
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"And I'm not risking being the first to challenge you to one!
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Knowing you, you'd use something completely nonsensical and luck-based or something! There's no way you'd follow the Danmaku rules!"
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borderxflife · 1 year
[ x ]
“The second one. Definitively the second one.” 
Many often mistook Reimu’s bluntness with cruelness. It was something she got used to by now, and didn’t hurt her like it did years before, when she started the whole Youkai hunting thing. But, maybe, next time? Someone should tell her that they saw a certain amanojaku floating around, rather than giving her vague hints that something wrong might be hiding in the woods, eh?
Then maybe she wouldn’t have to be rude right away! That’d be nice.
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“People started a rumor that something was making a ruckus around here, and I investigated. That’s my job.” she explained with a loud sigh, resting her gohei on her shoulder and moving her free hand on her hips “I thought someone already found and mauled you. A lot of people seemed interested into having your head as a trophy, some time ago.”
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rcimu · 26 days
[ x ]
Usually, aftermaths are made of people snoring, packing up, chatting tiredly about the party they just had. This is just eerie, no? Too quiet! It's as if the wind itself decided to take a break, for once.
...of course, what does she know? Considering how her latest parties ended thanks to the Oni sake, she may be starting to get a little bit paranoid.
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...augh. She's overthinking it, no doubt.
"Well. Might as well drink and forget about it!"
That's the spirit!
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rcimu · 28 days
[ cont ]
"Fungis aren't the issue... and if they smell bad, at least I'd manage to avoid them way more easily."
She knew enough about them to make sure she wouldn't pick anything that would lead her to an early grave. It's the bare minimum, when you have to deal with Marisa and her accidentally poisonous soups!
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"Whoever is eating them, however? That's what I'm worried about."
Not scared. Just... worried.
"You're sure you saw someone stealing them?" a beat, and then, under her breath "...is it even possible to steal poisonous mushrooms from a forest...?"
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rcimu · 29 days
"Miss Reimu, hmm? I've heard quite a bit about you."
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"Is that so?"
That's someone new, and yet Reimu isn't really surprised. After all, more often than not she's one of the first people to run into newcomers whenever they end up in Gensokyo... but hopefully this one won't bring any trouble.
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...and hopefully what he heard isn't anything bad. Her job doesn't really make her popular between youkais, and even the humans occasionally have some issues with her...
"...and you are?"
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rcimu · 6 days
[ x ]
Maybe Meiling knew it was important, maybe she let her through because she knew better than trying to stop the Hakurei Shrine Maiden by now, but Reimu is still glad that nobody is trying to make her waste time. She heard rumors, mostly. A big fight, lots of chaos.
"...you're renovating?"
And, sure. Renovation. Reimu sighed loudly, putting her hands on her hips.
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"The fairies of the Lake said they heard, uhm... a commotion, some time ago. I figured I should've come and check."
A beat.
"Is everything okay?"
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rcimu · 10 months
smashes through the ceiling. doesn't even belong here but presumably was smacked so hard and so far that this happened.
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She just... stands there. Broom in one hand, halfway her cleaning session. She was almost done, and suddenly a big guy with an even bigger sword smashed through her roof.
Leaving her... baffled.
Reimu just... stands there a few seconds, staring without saying a word, until...
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rcimu · 25 days
"Good day, Reimu." Sakuya appears suddenly in front of Reimu with a delicious smelling basket.
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"I am here on behalf of the Mistress, who chose not to come here today on account of the hot weather." Sakuya hands Reimu the basket and a letter from Remilia. "We do hope you appreciate this gift as a symbol of our continued friendship." Inside the letter reads, 'Hi, bestie! God, I don't know how you can stand being in the heat all day. I prefer the nice cool air of night, but you're always asleep! You should try staying awake at night since youkai are always out during that time. Anyway, I had Sakuya prepare you some food because that's just how much of a good friend I am. -Hugs and kisses! Remilia Scarlet' Inside the basket is a freshly baked shepherd's pie, some rolls, watermelon slices, and a bottle of sake.
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"Sakuya! Good day!"
As cheerful as ever, Reimu greets the maid of the Scarlet Devil Manor while still attending to her duties ( read: clean the entrance of the Shrine, once again as messy as it could be after Aunn had an unfortunate encounter with Chen ), just to stop when she notices the basket in her arms.
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"For me?" she asks, surprised, and carefully taking first the gift, then the letter in her hands. There's a few seconds of silence as she reads it, followed by a soft chuckle. Bestie? My, Remilia is getting way more friendly, with the years!
But, well... she could focus on the far from classy writing, or on the delicious smell of the baked goods she just got with it!
"Oh!! These look delicious!! And if you made them, I'm sure they are!
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Thank you! ...both of you, actually! We could share some of it together tonight, if your mistress wants to join us. I also have some wine in the back, if you prefers it!"
It's just polite to offer something back! ...and she still needs to get rid of all the wine she made some months before, so it's a win-win!
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rcimu · 10 months
"On behalf of the Mistress who was unable to come today, I have brought a donation," says Sakuya, hold a paper envelope containing a sizable amount of cash. This being pocket change for the vampire.
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"Of course, the Mistress does indeed have plans to visit as soon as she is able. This is not a request, mind you." She smiles, handing Reimu the donation.
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"...you know." Reimu answers after a few seconds, squinting a bit.
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"I would guess that I had some saying in who can come for a proper visit or not."
Assuming that the maid meant visiting her home, and not the Shrine.
"This said."
Still... she snatch the envelope from Sakuya's hand, showing a much brighter smile as she notices that it's actually very heavy.
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"If you can give me at least a bit of time to prepare, I guess I can bring out some good tea."
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rcimu · 1 year
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[ ☯ tag sign「 DUMP 」☯ ]
[ ☯ interactions sign「 NEW INCIDENT 」☯ ]
[ ☯ in character sign「 GIRLS ARE PREPARING 」☯ ]
[ ☯ commentary sign「 EYES ON GENSOKYO 」☯ ]
[ ☯ ask sign「 SECRET LORE 」☯ ]
[ ☯ crack sign「 REIMU KILLS YOU FOREVER SIGN 」☯ ]
[ ☯ ooc sign「 OUT OF BOMBS 」☯ ]
[ ☯ about&headcanons「 ETERNAL DREAM 」☯ ]
[ ☯ musing&aesthetic「 THE WORLD GOD LOVED 」☯ ]
[ ☯ ask memes「 LOOKING FOR SECRETS 」☯ ]
[ ☯ art sign「 PAINTED WORLD 」☯ ]
[ ☯ reblog sign「 OTHER’S TREASURES 」☯ ]
[ ☯ save sign「 PLAYER’S SCORE 」☯ ]
[ ☯ promo sign「 FRIENDS ON THE WAY 」☯ ]
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borderxflife · 1 year
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“Maybe next time don’t mess with Gensokyo’s balance. I’m just doing my job.
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She is dropping the subject right the hell now. She is... clearly very uncomfortable.
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borderxflife · 1 year
@magnificentmuses​ ► Aunn:
“So does this mean you don’t want the dead rat I left in the box, Reimu?”
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She smiles at that question. Well. Tries to.  It’s more of a grimace than a proper smile.
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“...let’s say that if you have to bring dead things to the shrine? Maybe you should put those somewhere else.”
She couldn’t be mad to Aunn for too long... but maybe now she can udnerstand why people give her even less donations, lately. Praying near a smelly carcass would make anyone at least a bit annoyed.
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borderxflife · 1 year
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[ ☯ tag sign「 DUMP 」☯ ]
[ ☯ interactions sign「 NEW INCIDENT 」☯ ]
[ ☯ in character sign「 GIRLS ARE PREPARING 」☯ ]
[ ☯ commentary sign「 EYES ON GENSOKYO 」☯ ]
[ ☯ ask sign「 SECRET LORE 」☯ ]
[ ☯ crack sign「 REIMU KILLS YOU FOREVER SIGN 」☯ ]
[ ☯ ooc sign「 OUT OF BOMBS 」☯ ]
[ ☯ about&headcanons「 ETERNAL DREAM 」☯ ]
[ ☯ musing&aesthetic「 THE WORLD GOD LOVED 」☯ ]
[ ☯ ask memes「 LOOKING FOR SECRETS 」☯ ]
[ ☯ art sign「 PAINTED WORLD 」☯ ]
[ ☯ reblog sign「 OTHER’S TREASURES 」☯ ]
[ ☯ save sign「 PLAYER’S SCORE 」☯ ]
[ ☯ promo sign「 FRIENDS ON THE WAY 」☯ ]
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