#;that boston blueblood hellion / about
courantvvitch · 5 years
Tagged by: @anderwhohn​ (*blows kisses!)
Tagging: @timerogued​, @moltementi​, @manamusesac​, @lombredufait​, whoever else wants it!
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bonfires, competitiveness,  hand  veins, loud  laughs,  messy  hair,  sneaking  out  at  2  am,  abandoned  beaches, stray dogs, candle  lights,  body  language, creaking  floorboards, ouija  boards,  having  no  regrets, karaoke  nights  out.
house  plants,  oversized  sweaters,  soft  hands, fuzzy  socks,  visiting big  cities,  snoozing  your  alarm  clock,  the  color  yellow, vanilla-scented  candles,  aloe  vera, fruit  smoothies,  baking cookies, the  mom  friend,  loves  the  ukulele.
femme  fatale  movies,  in  love  with  female  villains,  sharp  eyeliner,   quick-witted, does  things  out  of  spite, DO NO HARM BUT TAKE NO SHIT, in  love  with  dogs,  probably  cries  during  sad  movies  but  won’t  admit  it, easily  excited,  ripped  jeans.
mermaids,  easily  infatuated  by  love,  smelling  flowers,  picnics  in  open  fields,  gets  sad  when  thinking  about  the  past, impressed  easily, daydreaming  in  class, plucking  fresh  fruit,  loves  fashion,  would  die  for  their  friends.
confident  in  what  they  do, kill  them  with  kindness, high  ponytails,  probably  wants  to  visit  paris  once, not  afraid  to  tell  the  truth, in  love  with  cute  animals, the  one  to  lift  others  up, good  at  teamwork, the  warm  feeling  of  summer,  dragons.
pastel  markers,  the  smell  of  lavender,  has  a  welcoming  vibe  around them,  actually  organized,  scrunchies, neat  notes, loves  going  to museums,  probably  into  photography, neutral  colors, handwritten letters, stardust.
soft  blankets,  cuddling  the  ones  you  love, always  standing  up  for  your  friends,  hopeless  spurned  romantic,  can  be  very  distant,  can  be  a  little  dramatic, pretty  hair,  dresses  nicely,  tries  to  be  popular  on  social  media,  optimistic, humorous.
cottages  in  the  woods, in  love  with  greek  mythology,  vintage  t-shirts,  really  emotional  but  doesn’t  want  anyone  to  know, determined,  moonlight,  pretty  handwriting, into  the  retro  aesthetic,  rainy  days, doesn’t  judge  people, cats.
always  ready  for  an  adventure,  street  smart,  wants  to  travel  the world  someday, doesn’t  easily  trust  people, alcohol, paintbrushes, can’t  sit  still,  untied  shoelaces,  tangled  up  earphones,  blasting  music  at  midnight,  eye-gazing.
cold  aura, coffee  is  what  keeps  them  going,  probably  hasn’t  slept  in  two  days,  actually  a  big  softie,  high-waisted  jeans,  cute  pet  videos, small  apartments,  has  too many  notebooks,  often  goes  to  the  library, writing essays.
loves  to  paint  and  do  any  kind  of  art,  wants  to  live  at  the  seaside, knows  a  lot  of  random  facts, shares  food,  messy  notes,  bullshits  an  entire  essay,  graffiti,  has  their  own  distinct  style,  wants to  live  their  life  like  they  want  to.
old  teddy  bears,  unsent  love  letters,  mom-jeans,  loves  to  sing,  feels  at  home  by  the  ocean,  writes  poetry, hard-workers, always  up  for  deep  conversations, PROBABLY DID THE STUPID THING,  open  curtains, a  soft  breeze.
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courantvvitch · 5 years
character study: natal chart
bold: applies always
Italic: sometimes applies
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Sun:: Aries, 26° 50' 45" [second house] The sun determines your ego, identity, and "role" in life. It's the core of who you are, and is the sign you're most likely to already know. Your Sun is in Aries, meaning you are fundamentally  assertive, and persistent, and courageous. Naturally competitive and fiercely independent, you push things forward with energy and enthusiasm and persevere through anything. You need to learn to understand other people as complex wholes. It's in your second house, meaning you feel the need to distinguish yourself from others through money, material possessions, and security.
Ascendant:: Aquarius, 27° 2' 56" [first house] Your ascendant is the "mask" you present to people. It can be seen in your personal style and how you come off to people when you first meet. Some say it becomes less relevant as you get older. It changes every two hours, so if it doesn't make sense, text your mom to confirm your birth time. Your Ascendant is in Aquarius, meaning you come across as broadminded, intellectual, and prone to abstraction, though somewhat detached or abrupt in your dealings with the real world. Your unconventional interests may seem eccentric or pretentious to others.
Moon:: Scorpio, 21° 55' 41" [ninth house] The moon rules your emotions, moods, and feelings. This is likely the sign you most think of yourself as, since it reflects your personality when you're alone or deeply comfortable. Your Moon is in Scorpio, meaning your emotional self is intense, passionate, and a bit dramatic. You have trouble opening up and letting other people in, and try to keep your intense darker emotions private. You find it difficult to trust others, which means your powers of perception may manifest in suspicion and controlling tendencies. It's in your ninth house, meaning you find security and safety through philosophy, faith, education, politics, and travel.
Mercury:: Aries, 29° 59' 38" [second house] Mercury determines how you communicate, talk, think, and process information. It also indicates how you learn. It is the mind's planet. Your Mercury is in Aries, meaning your intellect is quick, independent, impatient, energetic, and direct. You think fast and start conversations with enthusiasm. You're likely to yell. It's in your second house, meaning you are curious about and inclined to analyze what is valuable to you, the resources (talents, money, self-worth) you have, and the resources you want.
Venus:: Pisces, 24° 9' 26" [first house] Venus determines how and what you love. It indicates how you express affection and the qualities you're attracted to. Your Venus is in Pisces, meaning your romantic side is sentimental, dreamy, and gentle. You have an endlessly deep well of compassion and love, but have trouble protecting yourself in relationships. It's in your first house, meaning that for you, love is often expressed in your self and self-image—and, because it's your first house, your Venus in Pisces is hyper-present in your personality.
Mars:: Leo, 16° 12' 17" [sixth house] Mars is the planet of aggression. It determines how you assert yourself, take action, and the energy that surrounds you—particularly in your sex life, your ambitiousness, and when you're angry. Your Mars is in Leo, meaning you assert yourself in a way that is authoritative and persuasive, and you push things forward with confidence and gusto. It's in your sixth house, meaning you put a lot of energy into work, routines, and bodily health.
Jupiter:: Sagittarius, 14° 59' 21" [tenth house] One of the two social planets, Jupiter rules idealism, optimism, and expansion. It's also very philosophical. Your Jupiter is in Sagittarius, meaning you grow and find understanding through exploration, travel, questioning, curiosity, independence, and debate. It's in your tenth house, meaning you find success through career, goals, and responsibility.
Saturn:: Pisces, 19° 58' 25" [first house] The other social planet, Saturn rules responsibility, restrictions, limits, boundaries, fears, and self-discipline. Your Saturn is in Pisces, meaning you struggle with your tendency to be pushover, daydreaming, and your emotions. It's in your first house, meaning you have had difficulties with your self and self-image—and, because it's your first house, your Saturn in Pisces is hyper-present in your personality.
Uranus:: Aquarius, 0° 20' 11" [eleventh house] Uranus stays in each sign for seven years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person. It rules innovation, rebellion, and progress. Your Uranus is in Aquarius, meaning other generations are shocked by your generation's unconventionality, intellectuality, and detachedness. It's in your eleventh house, meaning that for you, this manifests in rebelling against dated expectations about social status, including platonic and casual friends, along with your hopes, wishes, and dreams.
Neptune:: Capricorn, 25° 31' 0" [eleventh house] Neptune stays in each sign for around fourteen years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person. It rules dreams, imagination, and the unconscious. Your Neptune is in Capricorn, meaning your entire generation finds inspiration through hard work, responsibility, seriousness, and ambition. It's in your eleventh house, meaning that for you, this manifests in your ideal—verging on unrealistic and impractical—about social status, including platonic and casual friends, along with your hopes, wishes, and dreams.
Pluto:: Sagittarius, 0° 4' 35" [ninth house] Pluto stays in each sign for up to thirty years, meaning it rules a generation more than a person. It rules power, intensity, obsession, and control. Your Pluto is in Sagittarius, meaning your generation's psyche is comparatively positive, free-spirited, curious, optimistic, forward-looking, independent, and confident. It's in your ninth house, meaning you personally are transforming outdated forms of meaning through philosophy, faith, education, politics, and travel.
tagged by: @irishtemplar​ [ thank you lovely!!! ]
tagging: @moltementi​ (Perci!), @chaosandghouls​ (Creedence!), @vortexparadox​ (whoever is suitable xD), @lombredufait​, and YOU!
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courantvvitch · 5 years
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Character flaws;
Absent-minded  |  abusive  |  addict  |  adrenaline junkie  |  aggressive  |  aimless  |  alcoholic  |  anxious |  arrogant  |  audacious  |  bad liar  |  bigmouth  |  bigot  |  blindly loyal  |  blunt  |  cautious  |   callous  |   childish  | chronic heroism  |  cheater  |  clingy   |  clumsy  |  cocky  |  co-dependent  |  competitive  |  corrupt  |  cowardly  |  cruel  |  cynical  |  delinquent  | delusional  |  dependent  |  depressed  |  deranged  |  disloyal  | ditzy  |  egotistical  |  envious  |  erratic   |  evasive  |  fickle  |  finicky  |  fixated  |  flaky  |  frail  |  fraudulent  |  foul mouthed  |  guilt complex  |  gloomy  |  gluttonous |  gossiper  |  gruff  | grudge holding |  gullible  |  hedonistic  |  humorless  |  hypochondriac  |  hypocritical  |  idealist |  idiotic  |  ignorant  |   immature   |  impatient  |  incompetent  | indecisive  |  insecure  |  insensitive  |  lazy  |  lewd  |  liar |  lustful  |  manipulative  |  masochistic  |  meddlesome  |  melodramatic  |  money-loving  |  moody |  naive  |  nervous  |  nosy  |  ornery  |  overprotective  | overly sensitive  |  paranoid  |  passive  |  passive-aggressive  |  perfectionist |  pessimist  |   petty  |  power-hungry  |  proud  |  possessive  |  pushover  |  reactive  |   reckless  |  reclusive  |  remorseless  |  rigorous  |  sadistic  | sarcastic |  senile  |  selfish  |  self destructive |  self-martyr  |  shallow  |  skeptical  |   sociopathic  |  sore loser  |  spineless  |  spiteful  |  spoiled  | stubborn  |  suspicious |  suicidal  |  tactless  |  temperamental  |  timid  |  thief  | tone-deaf |  traitorous  |  un-athletic  |  ungracious  |  unlucky  | unsophisticated  |  untrustworthy  |  vain  |  withdrawn |  workaholic.
Tagged: by @irishtemplar! Link says thanks gramps
Tagging: steal itttttt \o/
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courantvvitch · 5 years
//hc: Link's darker aspect in magic-heavy verses -
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tl;dr version: Link is an Obscurus, but has managed to learn how to control the shadow-creature to a degree. Being an obscurial is why Link is extremely adept at spellcasting, and even has a ‘sixth sense’ for Dark magic.
long version under a cut
When she was six, Link became deathly-ill with severe pneumonia. There was even a point where her family and doctor were certain she was dead.
And she was.
However, as Link’s magical talents hadn’t yet manifested, that power immediately reacted towards self-preservation. Link’s own magic resurrected her, but at a cost: part of her natural power was forever tainted, and in situations where her temper ran hot or she felt cornered that power would overcome her and immediately lash out at the source of her stress.
Obviously, this caused problems from the ages of six to ten.
Link’s mother, Yvonne, was terrified of Link and regularly worked to shut Link away - after all, isolating her from others would undoubtedly prevent the monster from coming out. Link’s father, Thomas, however, knew isolating Link wouldn’t stabilize the Obscurus and if anything worsen Link’s condition. The happiest times of Link’s childhood became the hours she would spend in Thomas’s study, teaching herself basic magic concepts while Thomas investigated his books and research to find ways to tame the Dark creature within his daughter. Thomas’s breakthrough was remarkably simple: let Link learn to use her magic and keep her connected to what she enjoys doing. Although Yvonne remained skeptical and distant from her daughter, Thomas’s “treatment” worked almost immediately.
Link received her acceptance to Ilvermorny on her eleventh birthday, and although Thomas was keen for her to go he did his best to ensure Ilvermorny’s staff were aware Link’s “remissive state” could immediately end if not handled with care. Although no uncontrolled incidents occurred at Ilvermorny, Link was beginning to realize she was different from her peers. With the supervision of her Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Link began experimenting more actively with her obscurial state. Ahead of her graduation (or departure to Hogwarts, depending on verse), Link has successfully:
shapeshifted into and out of her obscurial form at will
directed and limited the destructive capability of her Obscurus
effected a sort of communication as an Obscurus (a la the aliens in Arrival)
As an adult, Link keeps the fact she is the only known Obscurus to survive to adulthood (*pending the resolution of the Fantastic Beasts storyline) to herself and her brother Jack. Link attempts to avoid stressing situations where she might accidentally “burst” - transforming into an uncontrolled destructive force - but being an Auror these have been read as an unwillingness to do her job and leaves Link suffering at desk duty. Jack tries to put in a good word for his sister within MACUSA but this doesn’t always work.
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courantvvitch · 5 years
hc: / general basics of Link’s backstory no matter the verse -
Born/raised in Boston, MA
Family is extremely wealthy; in terms of material wants, there’s nearly nothing Link can’t get her hands on
Bad relationship with her mother: Yvonne kept pushing Link towards being a lady, which of course made Link less inclined to be so. Doesn’t help Yvonne is either off for a social gathering or work (depends on verse) most of the time
Would be close to her father if he wasn’t such an introvert and often busy with his own projects/research
near-death experience from severe pneumonia at age 6. This event is the cause of her unique magical talents in full-magic verses and paranormal sensitivities in magic-light verses.
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courantvvitch · 5 years
Your Seduction Style - The Natural
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You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen. Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people. You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find! People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast. 
stolen from @sucubitch
tagging YOU
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courantvvitch · 5 years
//Per this post, if you send a thing on it I reserve the right to use Link’s modifiers on the roll.
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