#; build me up buttercup (Maria x Declan tag)
tealeavesandthorns · 10 months
Maria & Declan | Amnesia
Continued from here X Declan was certainly his name, his eyes glancing up at the woman as she came wandering into his room with a familiarity that had to mean something. For the life of him, though, he had no idea who she was. Or who Eli was for that mattered. He tried to plaster on polite smile, though it far from hit its mark. There was a shakiness there that relayed the concern that he was feeling. The nurses had said someone would be here to take him home. Someone he was supposed to know. He ran a hand down his face before rubbing at the scruff along his jaw line. A telltale give away that he didn't realize she knew. "Yeah, uh, okay." He nodded. If the hospital was releasing him to her, that had mean something. Right? God, he hoped so. He carefully pushed out of the bed, a little wobbly, but stayed on his feet. How was he supposed to ask who the hell she was? It would have made it incredibly awkward.
"Hey, it's okay, I got you." Maria said holding out an arm to take as he wobbled. "You can sit back down if you need to, none of this not taking care of yourself." Maria added.
She watched his expression but couldn't quite work out what was happening, she knew he might be in pain but that wasn't it, his usual smile was missing, the way his eyes lit up whenever Eli was mentioned.
"Hey, are you okay? The doctors said their might be some memory loss, you know who I am right?" Maria asked looking around the room. The doctors said some memory loss but if it was more severe than that surely they needed to keep him in, do more tests, get a psychologist to talk to him.
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tealeavesandthorns · 9 months
👀 from Declan
send 👀 for a dirty thought and/or fantasy my muse has had about yours. - @dxrknessexplored
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"Okay, well, I saw an advert in a magazine at Declan's for this thing that attaches onto the back of a pick up truck, it makes it into a tent and the idea of star gazing in the back of a truck has always sort of appealed to me."
"Camping out beneath the stars, I always wanted a station wagon when I was younger because I loved the idea of just driving into the middle of nowhere, blankets covering the entire back half and watching the stars through the sun roof. I neither had the guts to do it nor anyone to share it with.
I thought the attachment might be a good present for him at some point but then I started thinking about camping in general, and well, then my day dream led me up a rather.... sexy...path. Goodness. The idea though of camping in the back of Declan's pick-up truck with him, of kissing, of wandering hands, of soft romantic love-making beneath the moonlight and the stars. Half naked beneath a sleeping bag with him, that silly grin he gets on his face when he's happy. It just makes my heart skip a beat."
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tealeavesandthorns · 9 months
Declan & Maria
SEND ME A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU… - @dxrknessexplored
Who’s the cuddler?
Are you kidding? Both and Eli! They form a big cuddle puddle on the sofa. They're always moving around each other and giving little touches, Declan's always got his arm round Maria. They're both the cuddler.
Who makes the bed?
Both, joint effort most of the time unless one is up much, much earlier than the other. Then the one left in bed makes it when they get up!
Who wakes up first?
Declan, he's a farming boy after all. Though Maria often tries to drag him back to bed.
Who has the weird taste in music?
They'd both say neither of them have a weird taste.
Who is more protective?
I feel like this is pretty even, although generally in day today they don't have too many reasons to be protective over each other. They both work hard, keep themselves to themselves and don't have a lot of enemies.
Who sings in the shower?
Both, apart from when they shower together ;)
Who cries during movies?
Maria, it's always Maria because she's a soppy so and so but Maria has caught Declan with a tear in his eye when they've watched things with dogs in.
Who spends the most while out shopping?
I think they both do tbh, I think they both end up buying each other presents, mostly food with these two I think and they're both always spoiling Eli because he's a champ and he deserves it.
Who kisses more roughly?
I think in general their quite soft with each other, that being said Declan with his beard is a bit rougher, especially when the passion gets going.
Who is more dominant?
I'm not sure either of them are tbh, they're both far too gentle with each other.
My rating of the ship from 1-10.
1 milllliiiiiioooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, honestly I just think they're so cute. I love the organic way it grew into what it has, I love all the headcanons we both have about them spending time together at the farm and the shop and Eli being like the kid in the middle that's just stolen everyone's hearts. I love the amnesia thread too because I think it's so angsty but adorable.
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tealeavesandthorns · 11 months
👕  :    your  muse  helps  my  muse  get  dressed  after  my  muse  sustains  an  injury  or  illness . -Declan & Maria
❥   𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍     [   𝐀   𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐁𝐎𝐋   𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄   ]  . designed  for  muses  with  a  bit  of  unresolved  tension between  them ,   but  can  be  used  for  any  circumstances you  see  fit !!   - @dxrknessexplored
"You look like you could use some help." Maria said stood in the doorway looking at a slightly disheveled looking Declan, he was trying to get his shirt back on after going to change it and he'd been gone at least fifteen minutes.
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"Seriously, just let me." Maria said, she crossed the threshold into his bedroom with Eli at her heels wagging his tail. "I don't mind." She said picking the shirt he'd thrown on the floor in frustration up and carrying it over to him.
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tealeavesandthorns · 11 months
🕯️ -Declan
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character. - @dxrknessexplored
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Alice has brought him up, or perhaps it was Toby and Alice has just started blushing. Talking about how dishy Declan is.
Maria chews her lip absent mindedly trying to stop the smile spreading across her face. It's a smile that just seems to appear whenever Declan's name is mentioned or he pops up in conversation. She wishes she could stop it. It's a stupid smile. So telling.
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Oh Declan. It's like the man walked out of one of her romance novels and directly into the shop. Ruggedly handsome, a farmer and as if that weren't already enough to attract women in general he's also a beautiful person. Caring, strong, generous and soft in the places where it really counts. Maria shakes her head and touches the counter. She hates him, which is ridiculous because she doesn't at all but it's even more ridiculous the amount he could get away with if he really wanted too. There's this thing he does when he smiles, or he's said something teasing. Smiles and looks around, it's almost but not quite a smolder, like in Tangled. He clearly doesn't know he's doing it which makes it even more powerful and the smile lifts his cheeks and brows just slightly.
Maria shakes her head again as moments flit through her head. Landing on a moment of her watching him with Eli, playing before moving bales of hay, he hadn't known she was there and it was just a scene that warmed her heart.
Stupid smile. Stupid, stupid, beautiful man.
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"Maria." Someone says and she's grateful for the pull from her thoughts before they can spiral.
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